Trump: "Our military is a disaster"


Yup, Like Bush when he DID send them to Iraq...

But Obama DID take them out, they should be thankful...
Yep and all those great soldiers that died fighting king Iraq, died in vain. Thanks Obama.
That's not true...the mission was accomplished before Obama got into office...remember?
So Obama didn't end the Iraq war?
Apparently it was Mission Accomplished years before.
Bush's mission accomplished was that squadrons mission accomplished. Quit trying to rewrite history.
Let me ask you something: if we caught an Iranian Navy ship in Biscayne Bay, FL, or the Potomac, or Penobscot Bay, Maine would we arrest them? Would we insist on boarding their ship, and make them keep their hands in sight at all times?

Would we hold them for at least 24 hours? Would we be sure to treat them well, and feed them?

So what's the difference again?
Mexico 'Invades' Texas: 33 Soldiers Cross Border in Humvees
I accept your surrender.
Translation: I nailed your ass to the wall. Mexican army accidently entered the US and there were ZERO arrests or detainments.
Mexico is one of our closest allies, and our next door neighbor, you dumbass. Iran is a proclaimed enemy.

Let me ask you something: if we caught an Iranian Navy ship in Biscayne Bay, FL, or the Potomac, or Penobscot Bay, Maine would we arrest them? Would we insist on boarding their ship, and make them keep their hands in sight at all times?

Would we hold them for at least 24 hours? Would we be sure to treat them well, and feed them?

So what's the difference again?
Mexico 'Invades' Texas: 33 Soldiers Cross Border in Humvees
I accept your surrender.
Translation: I nailed your ass to the wall. Mexican army accidently entered the US and there were ZERO arrests or detainments.
we have much friendlier relations with mexico than we do iran.
To say the least.
So Obama didn't end the Iraq war?
No, Bush ended the Iraq War.

Do you conservatives pay the least bit of attention to history? Or does it just leave your brains after a few years?
So Bush was president when the iraq war ended?
No, Obama was president when the Iraq War ended. Bush rightfully did not sign a flawed SOFA that the Iraqis (Iranians) insisted upon, which did not give U.S. troops legal protection from Iraqi or Sharia Law. Drawdowns take time, so it was not completed until Bush had left office.

But you know all this already. I've just laid it out, though, in irrefutable fact.
it took les than a year to go from 3k vests made a month to over 50k.

we had the time, and you're simply making excuses

It still took a year, and the generals didn't know that amored vests would become an essential piece of equipment. Humvees were never intended to be amored when they were designed.
right, who could possibly foresee the need for body armor that could stop a round from an ak47 in iraq? it's not as if that's a common weapon there.

you're making excuses. why?

You're an idiot with 20/20 hindsight.
again, you're pretending that it was inconceivable that someone woyld think our troops would need a piece of equipment the military had already approved and was distributing that could withstand the most common small arms in the area we chose to invade.

that you find such poor foresight acceptable is sad and shows why you are ao eaily lead by the nosering

I didn't say it was inconceivable. You're implying that it was obvious. The term "need" is also a matter of opinion. The troops didn't wear body armor during the invasion, and there were almost no casualties.

You 20/20 hindsight only proves that you're a jackass.
whoops. factual error. the troops in the invasion had the body armor. thanks for making the point for me
I accept your surrender.
Translation: I nailed your ass to the wall. Mexican army accidently entered the US and there were ZERO arrests or detainments.
we have much friendlier relations with mexico than we do iran.
Not according to the Obamaites. They claim we too would take any foreign military who strayed on US soil prisoner like Iran did.
nope. nobody has claimed that.

we likely would have detained iranian sailors if the shoe was on the other foot.

Actually not. Iran violated international law by detaining our troops.
no, they didnt. good god you'll say anything
So Obama didn't end the Iraq war?
No, Bush ended the Iraq War.

Do you conservatives pay the least bit of attention to history? Or does it just leave your brains after a few years?
So Bush was president when the iraq war ended?
No, Obama was president when the Iraq War ended. Bush rightfully did not sign a flawed SOFA that the Iraqis (Iranians) insisted upon, which did not give U.S. troops legal protection from Iraqi or Sharia Law. Drawdowns take time, so it was not completed until Bush had left office.

But you know all this already. I've just laid it out, though, in irrefutable fact.
No the Iraq war ended on DEC 10,2011. But Obama promised to end the war in his first year. Another lie you swallow.
Yup, Like Bush when he DID send them to Iraq...

But Obama DID take them out, they should be thankful...
Yep and all those great soldiers that died fighting king Iraq, died in vain. Thanks Obama.
That's not true...the mission was accomplished before Obama got into office...remember?
So Obama didn't end the Iraq war?
Apparently it was Mission Accomplished years before.
Bush's mission accomplished was that squadrons mission accomplished. Quit trying to rewrite history.
Squadron? What squadron would that be, pray tell?
So Obama didn't end the Iraq war?
No, Bush ended the Iraq War.

Do you conservatives pay the least bit of attention to history? Or does it just leave your brains after a few years?
So Bush was president when the iraq war ended?
No, Obama was president when the Iraq War ended. Bush rightfully did not sign a flawed SOFA that the Iraqis (Iranians) insisted upon, which did not give U.S. troops legal protection from Iraqi or Sharia Law. Drawdowns take time, so it was not completed until Bush had left office.

But you know all this already. I've just laid it out, though, in irrefutable fact.
No the Iraq war ended on DEC 10,2011. But Obama promised to end the war in his first year. Another lie you swallow.
Would have been easier to end if it had never been started in the first place, no?
So Obama didn't end the Iraq war?
No, Bush ended the Iraq War.

Do you conservatives pay the least bit of attention to history? Or does it just leave your brains after a few years?
So Bush was president when the iraq war ended?
No, Obama was president when the Iraq War ended. Bush rightfully did not sign a flawed SOFA that the Iraqis (Iranians) insisted upon, which did not give U.S. troops legal protection from Iraqi or Sharia Law. Drawdowns take time, so it was not completed until Bush had left office.

But you know all this already. I've just laid it out, though, in irrefutable fact.
No the Iraq war ended on DEC 10,2011. But Obama promised to end the war in his first year. Another lie you swallow.
Would have been easier to end if it had never been started in the first place, no?
Hillary supported and voted for it.
Yep and all those great soldiers that died fighting king Iraq, died in vain. Thanks Obama.
That's not true...the mission was accomplished before Obama got into office...remember?
So Obama didn't end the Iraq war?
Apparently it was Mission Accomplished years before.
Bush's mission accomplished was that squadrons mission accomplished. Quit trying to rewrite history.
Squadron? What squadron would that be, pray tell?
Listen to the speech Bush never said the war was over in it. Instead he stated there was still a long way to go. Think for yourself for once in your life.
Not true? The body armor that we had in 2003 was heavy and not as effective as the newer body armor, Humvees were NEVER designed to have armor and when it was added the performance suffered so badly, we had to rush development of MRAPs to replace them.

Please stop talking out of your ass! Have some self-respect!
so body armor was developed, as were armored vehicles.

make whatever excuses you want, but we sent our military to iraq with sub par equipment, largely due to sub par planning

Do you have any idea how long it takes to design, produce and deploy a complete weapons system? Sometimes decades!

The Stryker Infantry Fighting Vehicle even had to have a birdcage added to it because RPGs were blowing holes in the armor. That addition acted like a catcher's mask to detonate the RPG before it even hit the armor. Think anyone thought of that before the RPG was upgraded?

You fight the war with equipment you had when the war started. If you wait, you cannot win.
and yet we chose when that war started.

so why didn't we also choose to have the right equipment? it was either because the bush admin didn't care or didn't know better. either way they shouldn't be looked on fondly by any serviceman

How long was Bush in office before 9/11? Less than 8 months.
there's your problem. you think our invasion of iraq and 9/11 are connected

Where did I say anything of the sort?

Are you normally this inattentive to detail? Are you a liberal because of that?
well neither of those statements are true

Not true? The body armor that we had in 2003 was heavy and not as effective as the newer body armor, Humvees were NEVER designed to have armor and when it was added the performance suffered so badly, we had to rush development of MRAPs to replace them.

Please stop talking out of your ass! Have some self-respect!
so body armor was developed, as were armored vehicles.

make whatever excuses you want, but we sent our military to iraq with sub par equipment, largely due to sub par planning

Do you have any idea how long it takes to design, produce and deploy a complete weapons system? Sometimes decades!

The Stryker Infantry Fighting Vehicle even had to have a birdcage added to it because RPGs were blowing holes in the armor. That addition acted like a catcher's mask to detonate the RPG before it even hit the armor. Think anyone thought of that before the RPG was upgraded?

You fight the war with equipment you had when the war started. If you wait, you cannot win.

20/20 liberal hindsight can prevent any casualties.
You're so right. who could possibly have foreseen the need for body armor?

They HAD body armor you dim bulb! The troops didn't like it because it was extremely heavy and too hot to wear in a desert environment!

Were you born this thick-headed or did you take a class?
It was just coming into use. Do your complaint is that the Pentagon should have been 20 years ahead of all other militaries instead of only 10.
what i think is that when you start a war you have the luxury of making sure you're properly equipped. the bush admin did not do that and lives were lost and bodies damaged because of it.

and yet somehow some here believe he was "pro-troops" while obama, who has done nothing but good things for the military, is somehow the worst cic ever
You're wrong. You never have such a luxury. You don't have 10 years between the time you determine you need to go to war and the time you actually go to war. Even if you did, you don't really learn what equipment you need until the war is in full swing. Do you imagine Hitler's army was equipped up to the standards his generals desired? Not even close. Did anyone understand that the aircraft carrier would rule the ocean before the war started? Nope. They were all busy building massive battleships that would prove almost useless during the war. Did the USA have a tank that was effective against the tanks the Germans had? Nope. The Sherman was a sad pathetic excuse for a tank. They called it the "Ronson lighter" during the war because it had such a predilection for going up in flames.

Only naive idiots presume to know what equipment an army should have had.

You're an idiot who should shut up before you make a fool of yourself.

Whoops! Too late.
it took les than a year to go from 3k vests made a month to over 50k.

we had the time, and you're simply making excuses

It still took a year, and the generals didn't know that amored vests would become an essential piece of equipment. Humvees were never intended to be amored when they were designed.
right, who could possibly foresee the need for body armor that could stop a round from an ak47 in iraq? it's not as if that's a common weapon there.

you're making excuses. why?

I want to know where your stupidity lies! Did you think we would wait after 9/11 to invade Afghanistan because we didn't spend enough money during the Clinton administration on the military? Is that the point you are trying to make, because if it is not you are sure doing a great job of proving how wrong you are!
You're wrong. You never have such a luxury. You don't have 10 years between the time you determine you need to go to war and the time you actually go to war. Even if you did, you don't really learn what equipment you need until the war is in full swing. Do you imagine Hitler's army was equipped up to the standards his generals desired? Not even close. Did anyone understand that the aircraft carrier would rule the ocean before the war started? Nope. They were all busy building massive battleships that would prove almost useless during the war. Did the USA have a tank that was effective against the tanks the Germans had? Nope. The Sherman was a sad pathetic excuse for a tank. They called it the "Ronson lighter" during the war because it had such a predilection for going up in flames.

Only naive idiots presume to know what equipment an army should have had.

You're an idiot who should shut up before you make a fool of yourself.

Whoops! Too late.
it took les than a year to go from 3k vests made a month to over 50k.

we had the time, and you're simply making excuses

It still took a year, and the generals didn't know that amored vests would become an essential piece of equipment. Humvees were never intended to be amored when they were designed.
right, who could possibly foresee the need for body armor that could stop a round from an ak47 in iraq? it's not as if that's a common weapon there.

you're making excuses. why?

You're an idiot with 20/20 hindsight.
again, you're pretending that it was inconceivable that someone woyld think our troops would need a piece of equipment the military had already approved and was distributing that could withstand the most common small arms in the area we chose to invade.

that you find such poor foresight acceptable is sad and shows why you are ao eaily lead by the nosering

You are so ignorant, it is impossible to discuss anything above kindergarten level. You should be ashamed.
Not true? The body armor that we had in 2003 was heavy and not as effective as the newer body armor, Humvees were NEVER designed to have armor and when it was added the performance suffered so badly, we had to rush development of MRAPs to replace them.

Please stop talking out of your ass! Have some self-respect!
so body armor was developed, as were armored vehicles.

make whatever excuses you want, but we sent our military to iraq with sub par equipment, largely due to sub par planning

Do you have any idea how long it takes to design, produce and deploy a complete weapons system? Sometimes decades!

The Stryker Infantry Fighting Vehicle even had to have a birdcage added to it because RPGs were blowing holes in the armor. That addition acted like a catcher's mask to detonate the RPG before it even hit the armor. Think anyone thought of that before the RPG was upgraded?

You fight the war with equipment you had when the war started. If you wait, you cannot win.
and yet we chose when that war started.

so why didn't we also choose to have the right equipment? it was either because the bush admin didn't care or didn't know better. either way they shouldn't be looked on fondly by any serviceman
You dumb shit, Clinton gutted the army. Bush had to deal with what he had.
and none of that factors into the slow rollout of armor

and clinton's 'gutting' was done by a republican congress

Republicans did not take control of the House until 1995, 2 years after Clinton took office.
Not true? The body armor that we had in 2003 was heavy and not as effective as the newer body armor, Humvees were NEVER designed to have armor and when it was added the performance suffered so badly, we had to rush development of MRAPs to replace them.

Please stop talking out of your ass! Have some self-respect!
so body armor was developed, as were armored vehicles.

make whatever excuses you want, but we sent our military to iraq with sub par equipment, largely due to sub par planning

Do you have any idea how long it takes to design, produce and deploy a complete weapons system? Sometimes decades!

The Stryker Infantry Fighting Vehicle even had to have a birdcage added to it because RPGs were blowing holes in the armor. That addition acted like a catcher's mask to detonate the RPG before it even hit the armor. Think anyone thought of that before the RPG was upgraded?

You fight the war with equipment you had when the war started. If you wait, you cannot win.
and yet we chose when that war started.

so why didn't we also choose to have the right equipment? it was either because the bush admin didn't care or didn't know better. either way they shouldn't be looked on fondly by any serviceman
You dumb shit, Clinton gutted the army. Bush had to deal with what he had.
and none of that factors into the slow rollout of armor

and clinton's 'gutting' was done by a republican congress

Clinton's gutting took place from 1993-1995. You just are stuck on ignorant.

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