Trump outs Whistleblower!

Trump once again violated the law. Because Trumpers think Trump is above the law or that the law does not apply to Trump they laugh. It is a sorry state of affairs. Pelosi's strategy is right. Hang tight to the Impeachment articles because more are sure to follow. Trump can't help but to trample on the law.

It's not illegal to retweet an article. Are you really that stupid?

How do you know the man whose name was mentioned in the tweeted article was the WB?

Even Adam Schiff said he didn't know who it was?
The why did Trump retweet the article?

Apparently thought the article would be of interest to the teeming masses who follow him on Twitter.

Also, thought it would be a good way to troll the libs.

Certainly doesn't mean that he knew the individual was the WB, just that he was someone who was speculated to be the WB.
So, Trump put an innocent man's life in jeopardy to troll Democrats? Is that what you are saying?

No one's life is in jeopardy at all, don't be so melodramatic. The man is likely to be hailed as a liberal hero if anything.
If he is not the whistleblower why would he be a hero?

There was no whistleblower, it's all a fraud.

Hopefully if any harm comes to a WB the harm coming to the pos trump should be 5x worse
Trump once again violated the law. Because Trumpers think Trump is above the law or that the law does not apply to Trump they laugh. It is a sorry state of affairs. Pelosi's strategy is right. Hang tight to the Impeachment articles because more are sure to follow. Trump can't help but to trample on the law.
Give me a break. Democrats have been using the Constitution as a doormat and making up rules as they go along. They have morphed Impeachment into a weapon to unseat the rival party President. Are you proud of them John"Law"?
Trump did it. You know it. The House did it's job according to the Constitution.
Trump once again violated the law. Because Trumpers think Trump is above the law or that the law does not apply to Trump they laugh. It is a sorry state of affairs. Pelosi's strategy is right. Hang tight to the Impeachment articles because more are sure to follow. Trump can't help but to trample on the law.

It's not illegal to retweet an article. Are you really that stupid?

Say someone tweets US secrets as to our military installations & I forward it to the Russians.....
Trump once again violated the law. Because Trumpers think Trump is above the law or that the law does not apply to Trump they laugh. It is a sorry state of affairs. Pelosi's strategy is right. Hang tight to the Impeachment articles because more are sure to follow. Trump can't help but to trample on the law.

It's not illegal to retweet an article. Are you really that stupid?

Say someone tweets US secrets as to our military installations & I forward it to the Russians.....
Or lets the Russians and ChiComs hack their illegal server resulting in the death of all of our Chinese CIA assets
Trump once again violated the law. Because Trumpers think Trump is above the law or that the law does not apply to Trump they laugh. It is a sorry state of affairs. Pelosi's strategy is right. Hang tight to the Impeachment articles because more are sure to follow. Trump can't help but to trample on the law.

It's not illegal to retweet an article. Are you really that stupid?

Say someone tweets US secrets as to our military installations & I forward it to the Russians.....
Or lets the Russians and ChiComs hack their illegal server resulting in the death of all of our Chinese CIA assets
What illegal server?
For those that need reminding here is the Presidential oath of office:

The Oath of Office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

POTUS is to execute the laws of the land. Trump is failing in his duties as he has an obligation to protect the whistleblower.

Trumpers do not care because they consider execution of the laws a farce. Just like the rule of law is a farce to most Trumpers.

Trump knows that each time he tweets the name of the whistleblower he is putting his life in jeopardy. Spare me the idiocy that Trump “retweeted” the name. If it comes for the Orange menace’s twitter account it is from him.
For those that need reminding here is the Presidential oath of office:

The Oath of Office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

POTUS is to execute the laws of the land. Trump is failing in his duties as he has an obligation to protect the whistleblower.

Trumpers do not care because they consider execution of the laws a farce. Just like the rule of law is a farce to most Trumpers.

Trump knows that each time he tweets the name of the whistleblower he is putting his life in jeopardy. Spare me the idiocy that Trump “retweeted” the name. If it comes for the Orange menace’s twitter account it is from him.
The clown is a RUMOR SPREADER. He has no firsthand knowledge.
Trump once again violated the law. Because Trumpers think Trump is above the law or that the law does not apply to Trump they laugh. It is a sorry state of affairs. Pelosi's strategy is right. Hang tight to the Impeachment articles because more are sure to follow. Trump can't help but to trample on the law.

It's not illegal to retweet an article. Are you really that stupid?

Say someone tweets US secrets as to our military installations & I forward it to the Russians.....
Or lets the Russians and ChiComs hack their illegal server resulting in the death of all of our Chinese CIA assets
What illegal server?
Queen Hillary's Illegal server

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