Trump outs Whistleblower!

When this guy is harassed or even attacked and it is not the whistleblower then it will be Trump's fault and I hope he gets sued for e =verything the crooked fucker has.

How will it be Trump's fault? President Trump hasn't called for violence or harassment against the WB.

BTW, when is the WB going to testify? According to the Bill of Rights, there is an inalienable right to face your accusers.
Please. Trumpettes have threatened civil war. Those crazy, stupid fucks are liable to do it.
Deep State liars scum Pedocrats "whistle blowers" scum

will always be outed

there is a new sheriff in town. :thup::thup::thup:
Trashing 2 Purple Heart recipients who testified against Trump isn`t a reach at all for those who support the trashing of our POWS. Who are you calling "scum", traitor? The Russian trolls have done a number on you thugs.
Trump is bigger then any Purple Heart recipient we have no country if trump Isnt president

Love the avatar dude.....just hoping Durham isn't bought like it is appearing Barr is. Its all right there on Comey and Brennan......felonies, cut and dry. So why no arrests?

Remember Barr is a lifetime best buddy of Bob Mueller. His allegiances are somewhat mixed.

EXCLUSIVE - 'OSS' Counter Operation Initiated To Stop Coup


Trump Retweets Article Which Names Alleged Whistleblower

I'm laughing.....does the President know how to explode heads or what?

Top story on DRUDGE right a liberal website btw:gay:
explode heads AND break laws
Trump outed a Democrat Spy
You are probably right about the whistleblower being a Democrat.

Because a Republican would love his party more than his country & keep quiet about Trump bribing a foreign official for campaign dirt if it would help a Republican stay in office. Republicans vote for child molesters, adulterers, frauds & business cheats.

Trump Retweets Article Which Names Alleged Whistleblower

I'm laughing.....does the President know how to explode heads or what?

Top story on DRUDGE right a liberal website btw:gay:
explode heads AND break laws
Trump outed a Democrat Spy
You are probably right about the whistleblower being a Democrat.

Because a Republican would love his party more than his country & keep quiet about Trump bribing a foreign official for campaign dirt if it would help a Republican stay in office. Republicans vote for child molesters, adulterers, frauds & business cheats.
Trump once again violated the law. Because Trumpers think Trump is above the law or that the law does not apply to Trump they laugh. It is a sorry state of affairs. Pelosi's strategy is right. Hang tight to the Impeachment articles because more are sure to follow. Trump can't help but to trample on the law.
Give me a break. Democrats have been using the Constitution as a doormat and making up rules as they go along. They have morphed Impeachment into a weapon to unseat the rival party President. Are you proud of them John"Law"?
If I would be a democrat I would be pissed off at my party. They would have accomplished nothing, have nothing to run on and don't stand a chance in hell of ousting the sitting president because they've done NOTHING worth voting for.

Trump Retweets Article Which Names Alleged Whistleblower

I'm laughing.....does the President know how to explode heads or what?

Top story on DRUDGE right a liberal website btw:gay:
explode heads AND break laws
Trump outed a Democrat Spy
You are probably right about the whistleblower being a Democrat.

Because a Republican would love his party more than his country & keep quiet about Trump bribing a foreign official for campaign dirt if it would help a Republican stay in office. Republicans vote for child molesters, adulterers, frauds & business cheats.
the GOP support for Trump.
If I would be a democrat I would be pissed off at my party. They would have accomplished nothing, have nothing to run on and don't stand a chance in hell of ousting the sitting president because they've done NOTHING worth voting for.
When this guy is harassed or even attacked and it is not the whistleblower then it will be Trump's fault and I hope he gets sued for e =verything the crooked fucker has.

How will it be Trump's fault? President Trump hasn't called for violence or harassment against the WB.

BTW, when is the WB going to testify? According to the Bill of Rights, there is an inalienable right to face your accusers.
Please. Trumpettes have threatened civil war. Those crazy, stupid fucks are liable to do it.
Nope. Cyber war yes. Civil war no.
If I would be a democrat I would be pissed off at my party. They would have accomplished nothing, have nothing to run on and don't stand a chance in hell of ousting the sitting president because they've done NOTHING worth voting for.

Check out Clinton's & Obama's economic record vs Bush & Trump.

Clinton balanced the budget. Bush took that to the worst recession in 80 years, Obama brought us back cutting the deficits,. Trump is skyrocketing the deficits, the Fed is back to bailing us out, GDP this year is lower than last year. Trump's failed trade war with China is a failure. Trump to hthe honor in the Oval Office & turned it into Impeachment.

Democrats give us a better economy, better healthcare, cleaner air, less polluted water, safer work places, safer food supplies, a country that is respected, a world leader.
When this guy is harassed or even attacked and it is not the whistleblower then it will be Trump's fault and I hope he gets sued for e =verything the crooked fucker has.

How will it be Trump's fault? President Trump hasn't called for violence or harassment against the WB.

BTW, when is the WB going to testify? According to the Bill of Rights, there is an inalienable right to face your accusers.
Please. Trumpettes have threatened civil war. Those crazy, stupid fucks are liable to do it.

Hey any time the level of division grows, we on the right get estatic!! We want the snowflakes out there marching and protesting and carrying around those faggy signs.

Keep your YouTube at the ready s0n....over these next several months. You're gonna see some of your comrades crawling down main street with some of those ghey batons sticking clear out of their asses! :2up:
When this guy is harassed or even attacked and it is not the whistleblower then it will be Trump's fault and I hope he gets sued for e =verything the crooked fucker has.

How will it be Trump's fault? President Trump hasn't called for violence or harassment against the WB.

BTW, when is the WB going to testify? According to the Bill of Rights, there is an inalienable right to face your accusers.
Please. Trumpettes have threatened civil war. Those crazy, stupid fucks are liable to do it.

Hey any time the level of division grows, we on the right get estatic!! We want the snowflakes out there marching and protesting and carrying around those faggy signs.

Keep your YouTube at the ready s0n....over these next several months. You're gonna see some of your comrades crawling down main street with some of those ghey batons sticking clear out of their asses! :2up:
Your mistake will be thinking people on the left are not armed.
When this guy is harassed or even attacked and it is not the whistleblower then it will be Trump's fault and I hope he gets sued for e =verything the crooked fucker has.

How will it be Trump's fault? President Trump hasn't called for violence or harassment against the WB.

BTW, when is the WB going to testify? According to the Bill of Rights, there is an inalienable right to face your accusers.
Please. Trumpettes have threatened civil war. Those crazy, stupid fucks are liable to do it.

Hey any time the level of division grows, we on the right get estatic!! We want the snowflakes out there marching and protesting and carrying around those faggy signs.

Keep your YouTube at the ready s0n....over these next several months. You're gonna see some of your comrades crawling down main street with some of those ghey batons sticking clear out of their asses! :2up:
Your mistake will be thinking people on the left are not armed.

They are also mistaken in assuming that only "lefties" oppose their idiocy.
It's a good thing to out a Deep State scum POS whistle blower. :thup:

It's even a better thing to send him/her to jail!
Divulging the name of the name of a whistleblower as retaliation is a violation of the Whistleblower Protection Act as well as the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998.. And anyone who doesn't think for an instance that Trump did not know what he was doing, I have a bridge I want to sell you.
Umm it was a retweeted article...

People aren't responsible for what they re-tweet?
Lol really? A retweeted article?
Come on dude

That's not an answer. Are people responsible for their re-tweets?

'Oh, that's not my lie. That's just a lie I retweeted to 60 million people. Dude! Honestly.
My post was about violating a law.
Show me where he violated a law or kiss my ass

You just posted it was a retweet. That's about violating the law? Go fuck yourself, dummy.

BTW, the Object of Your Affections deleted his "retweet". And if you ever ease your head out of your ass, you can kiss it for yourself.

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