Trump outs Whistleblower!

Lol really? A retweeted article?
Come on dude

That's not an answer. Are people responsible for their re-tweets?

'Oh, that's not my lie. That's just a lie I retweeted to 60 million people. Dude! Honestly.

Are You Liable for Tweeting and/or Retweeting an Offensive Tweet?

You are only liable if it's false and if its a crime. Also being your opinion is a defense in every instance. Retweeting is none of that.

/end thread

Personal responsibility and legal liability aren't the same thing.

So are you admitting Trump did nothing wrong? Please see my post, it's been updated. You cannot be sued (or be in the wrong) for a re-tweet. Sorry.

Trump did nothing wrong.

I assume the parenthetical - (or be in the wrong) - was your addition. As far as I know, it wasn't illegal. Is that the only standard you apply to a President?

I said re-read the post. I changed it. I was wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with re-tweeting anything.

As far as impeaching him and removing him from office, yea, that's the standard I use.

What standard do you use? If you hate him or not?
What law are you referring to?
Divulging the name of the name of a whistleblower as retaliation is a violation of the Whistleblower Protection Act as well as the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998.. And anyone who doesn't think for an instance that Trump did not know what he was doing, I have a bridge I want to sell you.
Umm it was a retweeted article...

People aren't responsible for what they re-tweet?
Lol really? A retweeted article?
Come on dude

That's not an answer. Are people responsible for their re-tweets?

'Oh, that's not my lie. That's just a lie I retweeted to 60 million people. Dude! Honestly.
My post was about violating a law.
Show me where he violated a law or kiss my ass
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Ya, phone records have never been used as evidence in court how dare they! LOL your a dumb fuck!
You mean phone records gathered via a court order, which is legal?
Or phone records gathered surreptitiously without legal authority, which is the case with Adam Schiff?

Why don't you go think about that, you fucking moron. See if your high IQ can detect a difference there.
When this guy is harassed or even attacked and it is not the whistleblower then it will be Trump's fault and I hope he gets sued for e =verything the crooked fucker has.
Oh, that's right. The impeachment gang cannot reveal the name of this whistleblower or else he will be attacked and murdered in the streets.
At least that's what you stupid fuckers claim.

There is no whistleblower. This magical unknown whistleblower is merely a device to get out illegally obtained information to the press and public. Wake up, fool.
Trump once again violated the law. Because Trumpers think Trump is above the law or that the law does not apply to Trump they laugh. It is a sorry state of affairs. Pelosi's strategy is right. Hang tight to the Impeachment articles because more are sure to follow. Trump can't help but to trample on the law.
How did he violate the law?
Well, see, the name was already publicized before Trump retweeted the article.

But Trump publicized the name.

Something like that. You'll have to ask the libtards; it's their logic.
These Demwit responses are a microcosm of the whole TDS/impeachment farce. They just know there's a crime in there somewhere, they just can't figure out what it was.
Deep State liars scum Pedocrats "whistle blowers" scum

will always be outed

there is a new sheriff in town. :thup::thup::thup:
Trashing 2 Purple Heart recipients who testified against Trump isn`t a reach at all for those who support the trashing of our POWS. Who are you calling "scum", traitor? The Russian trolls have done a number on you thugs.
Why do Trumpers justify everything by whether it makes someone angry or not??

Trumper: "Tee-hee...Trump pissed in my wife's face, lol, she was so triggered....MAGA!!"
In this case the reverse compass rule applies. You and yours are so consistently vile, dishonest and unethical that your anger is like a navigators needle with one end pointing to something good (the thing that pisses you off ) and the other round always pointing to something bad, that would be you.

Self projection is fun to watch...

Can you do some more??

I like when you Trumpers talk about someone being vulgar and dishonest and stuff.....its adorable

It's also YOU.
Trashing 2 Purple Heart recipients who testified against Trump isn`t a reach at all for those who support the trashing of our POWS. Who are you calling "scum", traitor? The Russian trolls have done a number on you thugs.
No one has been criticized based on their military service to the country. It's always for other anti American actions.
Stop being so disingenuous and desperate. It's absurd.
Why do Trumpers justify everything by whether it makes someone angry or not??

Trumper: "Tee-hee...Trump pissed in my wife's face, lol, she was so triggered....MAGA!!"
In this case the reverse compass rule applies. You and yours are so consistently vile, dishonest and unethical that your anger is like a navigators needle with one end pointing to something good (the thing that pisses you off ) and the other round always pointing to something bad, that would be you.

Self projection is fun to watch...

Can you do some more??

I like when you Trumpers talk about someone being vulgar and dishonest and stuff.....its adorable

It's also YOU.
Please let me know what I have been dishonest about??

Since I have a habit of backing up everything I say with facts...

And if you are one of those pearl clutchers over "vulgar language" --- please spare the faux outrage......
Trashing 2 Purple Heart recipients who testified against Trump isn`t a reach at all for those who support the trashing of our POWS. Who are you calling "scum", traitor? The Russian trolls have done a number on you thugs.
No one has been criticized based on their military service to the country. It's always for other anti American actions.
Stop being so disingenuous and desperate. It's absurd.
Why did republicans nominate a guy for president if that person, according to you same republicans is a fake POW, a traitor and war criminal....

Did those evil Dems force republicans to nominate him??

And why did you republicans nominate a guy who went on to lie us into a war??

Did those evil Dems force republicans to nominate him too?
Deep State liars scum Pedocrats "whistle blowers" scum

will always be outed

there is a new sheriff in town. :thup::thup::thup:
Trashing 2 Purple Heart recipients who testified against Trump isn`t a reach at all for those who support the trashing of our POWS. Who are you calling "scum", traitor? The Russian trolls have done a number on you thugs.
Trump is bigger then any Purple Heart recipient we have no country if trump Isnt president
When this guy is harassed or even attacked and it is not the whistleblower then it will be Trump's fault and I hope he gets sued for e =verything the crooked fucker has.
Oh, that's right. The impeachment gang cannot reveal the name of this whistleblower or else he will be attacked and murdered in the streets.
At least that's what you stupid fuckers claim.

There is no whistleblower. This magical unknown whistleblower is merely a device to get out illegally obtained information to the press and public. Wake up, fool.


Deep State liars scum Pedocrats "whistle blowers" scum

will always be outed

there is a new sheriff in town. :thup::thup::thup:
Trashing 2 Purple Heart recipients who testified against Trump isn`t a reach at all for those who support the trashing of our POWS. Who are you calling "scum", traitor? The Russian trolls have done a number on you thugs.
Trump is bigger then any Purple Heart recipient we have no country if trump Isnt president

Love the avatar dude.....just hoping Durham isn't bought like it is appearing Barr is. Its all right there on Comey and Brennan......felonies, cut and dry. So why no arrests?
Deep State liars scum Pedocrats "whistle blowers" scum

will always be outed

there is a new sheriff in town. :thup::thup::thup:
Trashing 2 Purple Heart recipients who testified against Trump isn`t a reach at all for those who support the trashing of our POWS. Who are you calling "scum", traitor? The Russian trolls have done a number on you thugs.
Trump is bigger then any Purple Heart recipient we have no country if trump Isnt president

Love the avatar dude.....just hoping Durham isn't bought like it is appearing Barr is. Its all right there on Comey and Brennan......felonies, cut and dry. So why no arrests?

You realize that one administration doesn't normally arrest people from previous administrations, no matter how bad they were.
Of course usually the "bad" doesnt rise to treason as it has this time.
It just not how we do things.
The evidence will need to be laid out in a manner that even brain dead Democratics can understand and not run away from.
That will take time.
Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire testified under oath:

Maguire also agreed with Texas Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro's assertion that the whistleblower's complaint is "remarkably consistent" with the transcript released by the Trump administration.

"I would say that the whistleblower's complaint is in alignment with what was released by the president yesterday," Maguire said.

Maguire also told GOP Congressman Will Hurd of Texas that he has a lot of work to reassure the intelligence community that he's "absolutely committed" to the whistleblower program.

4 Things We Learned From Maguire's Testimony

Of course, he's only the DNI. He can't possibly be as credible as your wingnut opinionator from Townhall. Goofball.

Good. Still hearsay without direct knowledge and there is no such thing as a hearsay whistle blower.

You're just saying stupid shit.

I know you are. No such thing as a hearsay whistleblower. No matter how many personal insults you sling. Doesn't change the ugly facts.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's fiction about whistleblower complaint

THE FACTS: They’re wrong on multiple fronts. There was nothing improper in the submission of the whistleblower complaint. No whistleblower law was changed and nothing under that law requires the complaints to have first-hand information. The IG’s office also said Monday that it had determined that the whistleblower did have some first-hand, “direct knowledge of certain alleged conduct.”

It’s not true that the whistleblower could “provide nothing more than second-hand or unsubstantiated assertions,” the IG said.

Intelligence community workers have long been able to blow the whistle based on second-hand or hearsay information. The law only requires federal workers to have a “reasonable belief” of misconduct in order to file a complaint, according to Debra D’Agostino, a federal employment lawyer.

In this case, the whistleblower flagged in part Trump’s July call to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a typed, nine-page document addressed to the House Intelligence Committee. The IG said that while the whistleblower was not a direct witness to the call, the IG separately obtained other information during its preliminary review that supported the allegations to deem them credible.

So who is the whistle blower? Without being able to cross examine them, there is no way to determine their level of credibility or if they even exist.

Throw it out in the senate.

/end impeachment.
Not relevant. The case has been made without them.

Impeachment is a fact. You can't change that Trump has been impeached.

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