Trump paid $1.4 million to confirm the election was not rigged

That was on top of his own advisors informing he lost fairly... his own Attorney General informing he lost fairly... his own Director of cyber security informing he lost fairly... his own family informing he lost fairly... every court ruling on merit informing he lost fairly... every state informing he lost fairly...

He still lies about it.

His Qult still believes him.

Within the context of the legal issues he's facing, if he did the various things he did, he can be liable because we now know for sure that he knew they were based on lies. So the sedition that led to the Insurrection, the phony non-profit that soaked the rubes for $250 million, and the election tampering in Georgia can all be traced to INTENT, and that's often the toughest thing to prove.


You'll note... not one of those show 100% of the precincts reporting.

Also endless reports of not allowing GOP members in polling places and many being kicked out early. All in key states
Words have meanings. The word "rigged" is often used carelessly. You can "rig" a carnival game without breaking any laws. You can "rig" an election by having 51 former intelligence experts sign a misleading letter declaring that Hunters laptop appeared to be Russian election tampering. That one letter alone is a classic example of purposefully "rigging" the election. Of course having our federal government spending millions of our tax dollars to censor conservative voices on social media (such as Twitter) is also a clear example of "rigging" the election. There are many examples of how the pandemic allowed the election to be conducted in seriously flawed ways. Biden won the election, but no thinking American can still claim that he won "fairly". The election was "rigged" and will likely be "rigged" again in 2024. All the Democrats that are OK with that, may find themselves on the wrong side of our future "unfair" elections.
Words have meanings. The word "rigged" is often used carelessly. You can "rig" a carnival game without breaking any laws. You can "rig" an election by having 51 former intelligence experts sign a misleading letter declaring that Hunters laptop appeared to be Russian election tampering. That one letter alone is a classic example of purposefully "rigging" the election. Of course having our federal government spending millions of our tax dollars to censor conservative voices on social media (such as Twitter) is also a clear example of "rigging" the election. There are many examples of how the pandemic allowed the election to be conducted in seriously flawed ways. Biden won the election, but no thinking American can still claim that he won "fairly". The election was "rigged" and will likely be "rigged" again in 2024. All the Democrats that are OK with that, may find themselves on the wrong side of our future "unfair" elections.

At this point…it’s obvious the left won the war.
All we can do is watch the country melt into oblivion and laugh about it .

I admit I get “excited” watching white leftist become crime victims of the new Soviet America
Well documented
. Stop being a useful idiot

Nope, documented nowhere. What was documented was in a location in Michigan, they had to limit how many observers could be allowed in. They still admitted Republicans. In Pennsylvania, the claim wasn't that Republicans were barred, it was they (and Democrats) were being kept back at a distance too far to observe. That was taken to court where a judge ordered they could be as close as six feet away.
At this point…it’s obvious the left won the war.
All we can do is watch the country melt into oblivion and laugh about it .

I admit I get “excited” watching white leftist become crime victims of the new Soviet America

If you truly believed that, you would flee the country.
Nowhere to go

Go to Iran, you will love it there. They espouse many conservative platforms... homosexuality is illegal. Gay marriage is illegal. Trans-gender is illegal. Abortion is illegal.
Go to Iran, you will love it there. They espouse many conservative platforms... homosexuality is illegal. Gay marriage is illegal. Trans-gender is illegal. Abortion is illegal.
You have me all wrong
. I am very open minded and respectful to all types of life styles
I only care about law and order, border , corruption and justice
I know this won't matter to the True Believers, because nothing does. But it does matter to Jack Smith.

Smith is obviously looking at INTENT for his investigation into the Insurrection, and it's now known that Trump paid a total of about $1.4 million to Simpatico and The Berkeley Research Group to chase down all the conspiracy theories we read about, right here on good ol' USMB.

Trump's people hand-picked those two companies, and then gave them all the alleged crimes and "evidence" (ha) to work with.

What did they find? They found that there was no widespread fraud, no conspiracy, no rigging, no obstruction. This is all a lie. Now Jack Smith is adding to his prosecutorial arsenal the fact that TRUMP KNEW THIS, TRUMP KNOWS THIS. He is LYING.

How much money was spent to cover up the obvious fraud is a good question. 1.4 million is chump change.
Also endless reports of not allowing GOP members in polling places and many being kicked out early. All in key states

Nobody is allowed to just come in polling stations. Those who were supposed to be there, both R and D were allowed in and were in.

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