Trump paid $1.4 million to confirm the election was not rigged

You can't use evidence to convince people who don't use evidence.
The Big Liars are the living embodiment of Mark Twain's old adage:
"Its easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled."

I really don't think there is any convincing to be done. This will just require time, as some (definitely not all) of them slowly come to terms with what was done to them. The amount that remains just needs to be small enough to fit back on the fringe, where it came from, and where it belongs.

But how much more damage will be done between now and then?

I really don't think there is any convincing to be done. This will just require time, as some (definitely not all) of them slowly come to terms with what was done to them. The amount that remains just needs to be small enough to fit back on the fringe, where it came from, and where it belongs.

But how much more damage will be done between now and then?
You underestimate the entitlement and overestimate the integrity of the Big Liars. They've emotionally committed to their fantasy. They *need* someone to blame. They feel undeniably entitled to power. And if they don't get must have been stolen.

They'll cling to this until they die. Just like the Birthers, the Truthers and the Flat Earthers.

You can't fix stupid.
I know this won't matter to the True Believers, because nothing does. But it does matter to Jack Smith.

Smith is obviously looking at INTENT for his investigation into the Insurrection, and it's now known that Trump paid a total of about $1.4 million to Simpatico and The Berkeley Research Group to chase down all the conspiracy theories we read about, right here on good ol' USMB.

Trump's people hand-picked those two companies, and then gave them all the alleged crimes and "evidence" (ha) to work with.

What did they find? They found that there was no widespread fraud, no conspiracy, no rigging, no obstruction. This is all a lie. Now Jack Smith is adding to his prosecutorial arsenal the fact that TRUMP KNEW THIS, TRUMP KNOWS THIS. He is LYING.

Mac, you may not get this because your head is up your ass TDS-style;

But putting your own money on the line to try and keep American elections honest is not a bad thing, you TDS-addled retard.
Mac, you may not get this because your head is up your ass TDS-style;

But putting your own money on the line to try and keep American elections honest is not a bad thing, you TDS-addled retard.

Note you don't actually dispute anything he's posted. You refuse to address to findings of Trump's own investigations.
You underestimate the entitlement and overestimate the integrity of the Big Liars. They've emotionally committed to their fantasy. They *need* someone to blame. They feel undeniably entitled to power. And if they don't get must have been stolen.

They'll cling to this until they die. Just like the Birthers, the Truthers and the Flat Earthers.

You can't fix stupid.
This just wasn't possible. Not here. Not in America. No way.
Mac, you may not get this because your head is up your ass TDS-style;

But putting your own money on the line to try and keep American elections honest is not a bad thing, you TDS-addled retard.

TDS, indeed.
Calson's last video was about truth prevailing. It is just a matter of time. That is why the destruction of this country is going on at an accelerated pace.



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