Trump Trump, pay to play on steroids


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
At one time when Trump was asked if he was going to liquidate his buildings, he commented buildings are not like stock, they are hard to sell. Fact is most of his buildings just have his name on it and he does not own the buildings. He is above the Government, now he is the Government. You thought Hillary was bad, watch this man In actions, he will leave office , if not impeached, worth 100X's more than what he entered it in.

Trump Transition Navigates Business Holdings, Including Dakota Pipeline Company

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump holds stock in the company building the disputed Dakota Access oil pipeline, and pipeline opponents warn that Trump’s investments could affect any decision he makes on the $3.8 billion project as president


Kelcy Warren, CEO of Dallas-based Energy Transfer, told The Associated Press that he expects Trump to make it easier for his company and others to complete infrastructure projects.

“Do I think it’s going to get easier? Of course,” said Warren, who donated $3,000 to Trump’s campaign, plus $100,000 to a committee supporting Trump’s candidacy and $66,800 to the Republican National Committee.

“If you’re in the infrastructure business,” he said, “you need consistency. That’s where this process has gotten off track.”

The Army Corps of Engineers granted Warren’s company the permits needed for the crossing in July, but the agency decided in September that further analysis was warranted, given the tribe’s concerns. On Nov. 14, the corps called for even more study.

Trump Transition Navigates Business Holdings, Including Dakota Pipeline Company | The Stream
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He might too :lmao:

I do believe most of you would turn another eye if he shot someone on main street. Yet you have a problem with Clintons foundation. I believe most of Trump supporters are as sick as he is.
Kelcy Warren, CEO of Dallas-based Energy Transfer, told The Associated Press that he expects Trump to make it easier for his company and others to complete infrastructure projects.

How is this pay to play? Makes no sense. Yes, he ran on making oil, gas, coal easier for companies so we can all enjoy the fruits of his labor. You only see negatives in that but you, like most libs are losers with nothing but hate and smears to offer. We can't prosper on hate and smears.
Kelcy Warren, CEO of Dallas-based Energy Transfer, told The Associated Press that he expects Trump to make it easier for his company and others to complete infrastructure projects.

How is this pay to play? Makes no sense. Yes, he ran on making oil, gas, coal easier for companies so we can all enjoy the fruits of his labor. You only see negatives in that but you, like most libs are losers with nothing but hate and smears to offer. We can't prosper on hate and smears.
Really, your kidding me.
Good, they are doing more study. As they should.
Its very ignorant to assume just because he is a businessman he is a corporatist. FFS, you VOTED for one!
Good, they are doing more study. As they should.
Its very ignorant to assume just because he is a businessman he is a corporatist. FFS, you VOTED for one!
Trump Owns Stock In Dakota Access Pipeline Backers

Do not doubt it will go through, too much invested in it for him not to make sure it goes through. I do not believe I'm ignorant to assume that Trump is a businessman , before a Pres for all , and money is more important to him that people except for the elites and his family.
Good, they are doing more study. As they should.
Its very ignorant to assume just because he is a businessman he is a corporatist. FFS, you VOTED for one!
Trump Owns Stock In Dakota Access Pipeline Backers

Do not doubt it will go through, too much invested in it for him not to make sure it goes through. I do not believe I'm ignorant to assume that Trump is a businessman , before a Pres for all , and money is more important to him that people except for the elites and his family.
So, basically, you are a partisan hack. OK
Good, they are doing more study. As they should.
Its very ignorant to assume just because he is a businessman he is a corporatist. FFS, you VOTED for one!
Trump Owns Stock In Dakota Access Pipeline Backers

Do not doubt it will go through, too much invested in it for him not to make sure it goes through. I do not believe I'm ignorant to assume that Trump is a businessman , before a Pres for all , and money is more important to him that people except for the elites and his family.
and congress uses inside info......Now how many bills have amendments in them designed to generate profit on their stocks or stocks they will buy........lot more serious problem.....and Trump isnt selling policy to donors
Good, they are doing more study. As they should.
Its very ignorant to assume just because he is a businessman he is a corporatist. FFS, you VOTED for one!
Trump Owns Stock In Dakota Access Pipeline Backers

Do not doubt it will go through, too much invested in it for him not to make sure it goes through. I do not believe I'm ignorant to assume that Trump is a businessman , before a Pres for all , and money is more important to him that people except for the elites and his family.
So, basically, you are a partisan hack. OK

No Trump has stock in it and is in with the billionaires. He loves money, his family and the elites, I do not believe he gives a rip about non elites. He will try to appease us, but a man does not wake up at the age of 70 and do a complete turn about, he has never cared before, why should he now.
Good, they are doing more study. As they should.
Its very ignorant to assume just because he is a businessman he is a corporatist. FFS, you VOTED for one!
Trump Owns Stock In Dakota Access Pipeline Backers

Do not doubt it will go through, too much invested in it for him not to make sure it goes through. I do not believe I'm ignorant to assume that Trump is a businessman , before a Pres for all , and money is more important to him that people except for the elites and his family.

But here's the problem I have with these protestors. This project was announced years ago. The Federal Government (under Obama) and five state governments approved of it.

But only now, 'Gosh, this comes kind of close to our reservations, so we are going to bitch about it!" and we treat this seriously?

If there was a time to object to this, it was five years ago when it was proposed. Not after all this time and effort has been invested.
He might too :lmao:

I do believe most of you would turn another eye if he shot someone on main street. Yet you have a problem with Clintons foundation. I believe most of Trump supporters are as sick as he is.
I think you are one seriously warped individual.

You are a prime example of what a cynical mind can dream up or invent about any situation.
Take any story in the newspaper or on a webpage, read a couple of paragraphs, and then interject any negative aspect you can dream of that may or may not be true.
This is what you do and what the MSM does. This is in legal terms called Slander.
Good, they are doing more study. As they should.
Its very ignorant to assume just because he is a businessman he is a corporatist. FFS, you VOTED for one!
Trump Owns Stock In Dakota Access Pipeline Backers

Do not doubt it will go through, too much invested in it for him not to make sure it goes through. I do not believe I'm ignorant to assume that Trump is a businessman , before a Pres for all , and money is more important to him that people except for the elites and his family.

But here's the problem I have with these protestors. This project was announced years ago. The Federal Government (under Obama) and five state governments approved of it.

But only now, 'Gosh, this comes kind of close to our reservations, so we are going to bitch about it!" and we treat this seriously?

If there was a time to object to this, it was five years ago when it was proposed. Not after all this time and effort has been invested.
What You Need to Know About the Dakota Access Pipeline Protest

Here's the thing. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in "Sacred Sites", and I don't think we should avoid progress because of someone else's superstitions. The land the pipeline is beign built on is not a burial ground and it's not owned by the Tribe. And again, the time to raise any objections was 5 years ago when this was proposed, NOT when the project is 85% complete.

Here's the thing. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in "Sacred Sites", and I don't think we should avoid progress because of someone else's superstitions. The land the pipeline is beign built on is not a burial ground and it's not owned by the Tribe. And again, the time to raise any objections was 5 years ago when this was proposed, NOT when the project is 85% complete.

The Dakota Access pipeline was fast-tracked from the beginning, using the Nationwide Permit 12 process that treats the pipeline as a series of small construction sites and grants exemption from the environmental review required by the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. And since it does not cross an international border, as the Keystone XL project did, it escaped a more probing federal analysis of its economic justification and environmental impact, according to the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, David Archambault II, who wrote in a New York Times op-ed that they have been opposing the pipeline since they first learned of it in 2014.

The major thing is the water, a major contamination can be happening for a long time without being noticed , before long all our water will be contaminated.

It has been fast tracked and done behind closed doors, like everything else in our government.

Here's the thing. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in "Sacred Sites", and I don't think we should avoid progress because of someone else's superstitions. The land the pipeline is beign built on is not a burial ground and it's not owned by the Tribe. And again, the time to raise any objections was 5 years ago when this was proposed, NOT when the project is 85% complete.

The Dakota Access pipeline was fast-tracked from the beginning, using the Nationwide Permit 12 process that treats the pipeline as a series of small construction sites and grants exemption from the environmental review required by the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. And since it does not cross an international border, as the Keystone XL project did, it escaped a more probing federal analysis of its economic justification and environmental impact, according to the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, David Archambault II, who wrote in a New York Times op-ed that they have been opposing the pipeline since they first learned of it in 2014.

The major thing is the water, a major contamination can be happening for a long time without being noticed , before long all our water will be contaminated.

It has been fast tracked and done behind closed doors, like everything else in our government.
Nothing happens quickly in government. Pipelines can be built safely and water can be monitored. If you had facts you wouldn't need op-eds.

Here's the thing. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in "Sacred Sites", and I don't think we should avoid progress because of someone else's superstitions. The land the pipeline is beign built on is not a burial ground and it's not owned by the Tribe. And again, the time to raise any objections was 5 years ago when this was proposed, NOT when the project is 85% complete.

The Dakota Access pipeline was fast-tracked from the beginning, using the Nationwide Permit 12 process that treats the pipeline as a series of small construction sites and grants exemption from the environmental review required by the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. And since it does not cross an international border, as the Keystone XL project did, it escaped a more probing federal analysis of its economic justification and environmental impact, according to the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, David Archambault II, who wrote in a New York Times op-ed that they have been opposing the pipeline since they first learned of it in 2014.

The major thing is the water, a major contamination can be happening for a long time without being noticed , before long all our water will be contaminated.

It has been fast tracked and done behind closed doors, like everything else in our government.
Nothing happens quickly in government. Pipelines can be built safely and water can be monitored. If you had facts you wouldn't need op-eds.

Oh please, unground pipelines destroy environment and cause more damage for more years, and trains derail and blow up and cause immediate damage and not as much damage to the environment.

Read Breibart and be happy.

Here's the thing. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in "Sacred Sites", and I don't think we should avoid progress because of someone else's superstitions. The land the pipeline is beign built on is not a burial ground and it's not owned by the Tribe. And again, the time to raise any objections was 5 years ago when this was proposed, NOT when the project is 85% complete.

The Dakota Access pipeline was fast-tracked from the beginning, using the Nationwide Permit 12 process that treats the pipeline as a series of small construction sites and grants exemption from the environmental review required by the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. And since it does not cross an international border, as the Keystone XL project did, it escaped a more probing federal analysis of its economic justification and environmental impact, according to the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, David Archambault II, who wrote in a New York Times op-ed that they have been opposing the pipeline since they first learned of it in 2014.

The major thing is the water, a major contamination can be happening for a long time without being noticed , before long all our water will be contaminated.

It has been fast tracked and done behind closed doors, like everything else in our government.
Nothing happens quickly in government. Pipelines can be built safely and water can be monitored. If you had facts you wouldn't need op-eds.

Oh please, unground pipelines destroy environment and cause more damage for more years, and trains derail and blow up and cause immediate damage and not as much damage to the environment.

Read Breibart and be happy.
Read liberal hysteria and be stupid.

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