Trump picks Kasich as his running mate if he gets the nomination.

Good move!

Probably not good enough, but it is a clear signal to the crazy far right they will not have much say if Trump is elected.
Trump isn't that far right if you think about it..
single payer, protectionism..
Of course he is not!

I have been saying for some time he is one of the bigger Progressive statists in the Republican field. The far right does not want to believe it because they like what he says: the defiance, etc., of what they don't like. Tipsycatlover and S.J. just realized the Trumpster will not give them what they want.

Trump will work with the Iran agreement, he will move from ACA to single payer, he will work the tax code to benefit the middle class, and so forth and so on, but I believe the power may go to his head. The far right were always saying that about Obama. With Trump, it is a real possibility.
single payer , I have heard Trump say that health insurance needs to be able to be purchased over state lines and if so that gets rid of the obamacare Mandate and the requirement to buy insurance or for me to give others MY money so they can buy insurance Harley .
Good move!

Probably not good enough, but it is a clear signal to the crazy far right they will not have much say if Trump is elected.
Trump isn't that far right if you think about it..
single payer, protectionism..
Of course he is not!

I have been saying for some time he is one of the bigger Progressive statists in the Republican field. The far right does not want to believe it because they like what he says: the defiance, etc., of what they don't like.

Trump will work with the Iran agreement, he will move from ACA to single payer, he will work the tax code to benefit the middle class, and so forth and so on, but I believe the power may go to his head. The far right were always saying that about Obama. With Trump, it is a real possibility.
That is a good way to describe him, Jake.
IDK if t would with Trump.. He is already so damn powerful. I would hate for him to call the leader of China a douche in a leadership meeting though. That would be more embarrassing than Obama chewing gum like he did LOL
And he says he will make women perform their own abortions and have to pay for it and the little surgical kits they have to buy. Ah, to the far right: this is sarcasm.
Donald Trump on HIS health care plan --- Donald Trump on Health Care ---

the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program-that can act as a guide for all healthcare reform. It operates through a centralized agency that offers considerable range of choice. While this is a government program, it is also very much market-based. It allows 620 private insurance companies to compete for this market. Once a year participants can choose from plans which vary in benefits and costs.

The Dems may allow the merging of this with ACA as long as the companies have to bid.
and V.P. John Nance Garner on the importance of being V.P. !! So if Garner is correct there is nothing to fear from 'kasich' if Trump is the powerful boss . Mention of 'kasich' might be bait to attract blokes like Jake and 'TNHarley' to vote for Trump because they think that a squishy 'kasich' will moderate Trump . --- John Nance Garner - Wikiquote ---
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I doubt if Kasich would be dumb enough to accept
but the main thing that I will vote on is stopping immigration of ALL sorts with wittle tiny anchor babies included plus Syrian invaders , sovereignty , deportations , secure borders and the strongest and even stronger military that Trump advocates . Also with Trump their is the possibility that Trump will call the Chinese leader a 'douche' and that'd just be some 'icing on the cake !!
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I would vote for Trump. Trump seems a little eccentric, but all the great ones are. Aside from what you want to see or hear from him, he is a leader material nonetheless.
A move that should enhance the chances of their independent candidacy. Just as a pairing of Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky and Nutty Old Uncle Bernie as independents will enhance their chances.

Biden/Fauxahonttas for The Democrat Party and Bush/Romney for the RINOs would be dead in the water.

Will it be a runoff? Or will the courts get to play kingmaker?

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