Trump plans to make Democrats an offer to end shutdown, not declare national emergency...

Ann Coulter is furious and it’s delicious.

Ann Coulter’s tears taste faintly of rage, racism and an inability to love.

Ann Coulter’s tears taste like lonely nights dreaming Santa Monica Goebbels (Stephen Miller)
Why is Trump doing these negotiations via television? Does he think we are going to vote on it?
The public's opinion matters if the leftists see that they are losing support and in essence people's votes for 2020 then they will accept the deal.
BUT public opinion is largely AGAINST what trump wants McConnell will be minority leader in 2020
That isn't true, but even if it was, public opinion was largely against Obamacare, but the Dims passed it anyway.

if public opinion was against it then why did the republicans leave it in place???
Because they are utterly spineless.
or complicit,,,look at how many other democrat policies they have allowed to stand
"Hey Trump... You don't get a 'get out of a shutdown for free' card by offering such tepid fixes to for Dreamers and TPS Recipients." - ACLU
DID the pos mention just once those 100's of 1000's not getting paid ?

They will get ALL their back pay when the shutdown is over, genius. So the miss a few pay checks. They have easy, freaking jobs and get benefits, and pensions for life. It is a JOKE.

GOVT Employees yes. I am not clear on how Contractors are handled? I hear they are many? stat
The public's opinion matters if the leftists see that they are losing support and in essence people's votes for 2020 then they will accept the deal.
BUT public opinion is largely AGAINST what trump wants McConnell will be minority leader in 2020
That isn't true, but even if it was, public opinion was largely against Obamacare, but the Dims passed it anyway.

if public opinion was against it then why did the republicans leave it in place???
Because they are utterly spineless.
or complicit,,,look at how many other democrat policies they have allowed to stand
We d
"Hey Trump... You don't get a 'get out of a shutdown for free' card by offering such tepid fixes to for Dreamers and TPS Recipients." - ACLU
We don't negotiate with blackmailers who shut our gov't down or who hold a gun to our head
Even if Democrats would agree to this deal, which they wont, Trump would back out of this now that Coulter isn't happy with it.
"Fact: The TPS program under Bush & Obama was an amnesty bonanza & public safety/health threat. Nothing has changed" - Michelle Malkin, who has done tremendous reporting on the issue
I did not hear "citizenship"? I heard 3yr DACA extension? Demwitss dont like? Start running Greyhound busses south. Git er dun!
If he's going to offer a deal, he should try being honest.

"Ok, look. I was wrong to say that Mexico would pay for the wall. It was a really dumb promise. And it was really dumb that people believed in that promise. So now I HAVE TO do something about this wall thing. Not because it's a national emergency, but because Ann Coulter said mean things to me. So c'mon, help me out here."
DID the pos mention just once those 100's of 1000's not getting paid ?

They will get ALL their back pay when the shutdown is over, genius. So the miss a few pay checks. They have easy, freaking jobs and get benefits, and pensions for life. It is a JOKE.

none of that buys food, diapers, medicine, gas and etc now.

If I told you that you could have all the food you wanted, you just had to wait 1 month without eating anything, would you go for that?
Senate rejects DACA bill, $25 billion for wall
The Associated Press
February 15, 2018
Senate rejects DACA bill, $25 billion for wall

A divided Senate rejected a bipartisan plan Thursday to help young "Dreamer" immigrants and parcel out money for the wall President Donald Trump wants with Mexico, as Republican leaders joined with the White House and scuttled what seemed the likeliest chance for sweeping immigration legislation this election year.

The vote came after the White House threatened to Veto the measure and underscored that the issue, a hot button for both parties, remained as intractable as it's been for years. Even the focus on Dreamers, who polls show win wide public support, was not enough to overcome opposition by hard-line conservatives and liberal Democratic presidential hopefuls — neither of whom want to alienate their parties' base voters....​
This is why "just give him what he wants" or "meet him halfway" is so stupid. What he wants is conflict. There's no appeasing that, only losing over and over.
If he's going to offer a deal, he should try being honest.

"Ok, look. I was wrong to say that Mexico would pay for the wall. It was a really dumb promise. And it was really dumb that people believed in that promise. So now I HAVE TO do something about this wall thing. Not because it's a national emergency, but because Ann Coulter said mean things to me. So c'mon, help me out here."

Every illegal costs money. if they dont get in to USA, the country saves money. Hence Mexico pays 10X. But you know all of that.
Democrats unreceptive to Trump deal extending DACA in return for wall funding

So be it! Leftists are already saying NOPE! Good I expected as much from the Anti American leftists. Fuck em then. Hopefully once DACA reaches the SC and is ruled in America's favor that these invaders can be deported there goes one more leftist talking point and with it a LOT of leftist voters! Gonna be a lot of pissed off Hispanics as well!
DID the pos mention just once those 100's of 1000's not getting paid ?

Go cry to Pelosi she's the one who shut down the government out of spite and hatred of Trump.
Democrats unreceptive to Trump deal extending DACA in return for wall funding

So be it! Leftists are already saying NOPE! Good I expected as much from the Anti American leftists. Fuck em then. Hopefully once DACA reaches the SC and is ruled in America's favor that these invaders can be deported there goes one more leftist talking point and with it a LOT of leftist voters! Gonna be a lot of pissed off Hispanics as well!
DID the pos mention just once those 100's of 1000's not getting paid ?
Don't know and Don't care. I was outside helping someone get unstuck from my driveway, then I got a shower because I was wet and dirty and cold.

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