Trump pledges to protect Americans and end birthright citizenship by executive order on day one.

NEGATIVE….illegal trespassers are subject to the nation of which they have citizenship.
Sorry Humberto….here’s more free enlightenment for you.
That's why when we discover Mexican illegals here we call up Mexico for them to send people over to deal with it. Logic! 😄
Anyone in the US is subject to its jurisdiction, unless via treaty as an ambassador, and even then are subject to the jurisdiction, but can have no action against them.

Else you couldn't arrest aliens who commit crimes here.
If people are here illegally, their children should not automatically be citizens simply because they are born here. That is crazy.
Hillary lost to Sanders in Michigan and Wisconsin. She lost to Trump in Michigan, and Wisconsin. She had to win Philadelphia by a large margin. She ignored Pennsylvania for California.

That's why she lost.

Michigan is a open primary state. I think a lot of Democrat turned out and voted for Trump. The turnout was low in each of these states and Clinton did not have a good ground game.
Agree. You should also respect the intent of those words. Your problem is the same problem most leftists have. You twist the word's intent to fit your beliefs.

I take the words at their face value.

You are the one that is stuck on trying to assume intent.

What this does is open up the same Amendments for future reinterpretation based on a new opinion of what the intent was.

You will be the one squealing like a stuck pig when a future SCOTUS reinterprets the 2nd based on their view of the intent.
We are not overpopulated. When baby boomers die, we will be under populated. That will include even higher skill jobs. Generally the first generation of immigrants have low skills however succeeding generations generally have higher skill sets.

Oh yes this planet is overpopulated. To say otherwise means you're a dope. But economically, capitalistically, we will be under populated. That's why I say let the dummies in. We need those workers. And we can always recruit smart foreigners.

Yes, my father didn't finish high school. He was embarrassed because he was a foreigner and 19 years old still. So he didn't go back senior year. He has a net worth of $800K and his son (my brother) is a VP of a fortune 500 who makes $1 million a year give or take depending on the company stocks.
Even obama himself said it was, DERP
The Constitution doesnt give the Executive branch the power to enact Naturalization laws. Those are left to Congress.
What are you talking
about ? Explain yourself… with links
Michigan is a open primary state. I think a lot of Democrat turned out and voted for Trump. The turnout was low in each of these states and Clinton did not have a good ground game.

Yes she was a lousy candidate who took winning for granted.
I take the words at their face value.

You are the one that is stuck on trying to assume intent.

What this does is open up the same Amendments for future reinterpretation based on a new opinion of what the intent was.

You will be the one squealing like a stuck pig when a future SCOTUS reinterprets the 2nd based on their view of the intent.
Funny how you think plain English can be reinterpreted.

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