Trump pledges to protect Americans and end birthright citizenship by executive order on day one.

Your view is so shallow.

You couch many of your arguments in terms of “us vs. then.” It’s remarkably insipid of you.

You buy into the Hegel and Marx view of people as being in “classes.” You can’t wrap your tiny mind around the notion that we are — in our essence — a classless society.

There are stratifications in and degrees of wealth; that much we can agree upon. But — your broad stroke (silly) generalizations make no sense.

And your “arguments” all suffer from that.

Sorry but I went from being a have not to a have. I think you're broke.
Trump MUST get back to his roots, get REAL aggressive and really grind on the issue of illegal immigration. “Build That Wall” won him the Oval Office in 2016 and he’ll win again on the same sentiment.
NO legitimate American thinks this nation needs one more illiterate thirdworlder or one more litter of silver tooth anchor babies.
Ending birthright citizenship for children of goddamn Illegals is a great thing.

By itself, disregarding other issues, that is reason enough to vote for Trump.

White European immigration made this country. Black and Brown Third World immigration by welfare queens is destroying this country.
Ending birthright citizenship for children of goddamn Illegals is a great thing.

By itself, disregarding other issues, that is reason enough to vote for Trump.

White European immigration made this country. Black and Brown Third World immigration by welfare queens is destroying this country.
So you used the coloreds to do the dirty work now you want to throw them out? Even as 2nd class citizens you continue to exploit and you want them gone?

Who will you exploit after they're gone?
I do not claim that, the US Constitution does.

Why is it a problem?
The child is a US citizen. This is why illegals come here and immediately give birth. The lawyers and politicians have decided to allow the family to stay. That's the problem we get by abuse of the amendment.
So you used the coloreds to do the dirty work now you want to throw them out? Even as 2nd class citizens you continue to exploit and you want them gone?

Who will you exploit after they're gone?
Italians. Their food is fantastic.
“The proposition before us … relates simply in that respect to the children begotten of Chinese parents in California, and it is proposed to declare that they shall be citizens. … I am in favor of doing so. … We are entirely ready to accept the provision proposed in this constitutional amendment, that the children born here of Mongolian parents shall be declared by the Constitution of the United States to be entitled to civil rights and to equal protection before the law with others.”

Ex-slaves are not even mentioned.

Weird how you missed this which was right before your quoted text
This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”
In response, proponents of the Howard amendment endorsed Cowan’s interpretation. Senator John Conness (R-CA) responded specifically to Cowan’s concerns about extending birthright citizenship to the children of Chinese immigrants:

Those Chinese people were here LEGALLY
The child is a US citizen. This is why illegals come here and immediately give birth. The lawyers and politicians have decided to allow the family to stay. That's the problem we get by abuse of the amendment.

I do not disagree that it is being abused, but that does not give us the right to ignore it.

The problem is not the amendment, it is the lawyers and politicians
It is not well documented. The founding fathers never could have foreseen the development of technology such as machine guns. To assume that they would have approved of such technology is a lie.
yep and freedom of speech doesnt include the internet. Or your vehicle being safe from unlawful searches because they didnt know we would eventually have the internet or vehicles.
Sound logic bro :lol:
I do not disagree that it is being abused, but that does not give us the right to ignore it.

The problem is not the amendment, it is the lawyers and politicians
Agree. The authors of the Amendment were not addressing illegal aliens.
You are the dumb retard. Senators who debated the 14th Amendment explicitly said that anyone who is born in this country is a citizen.
An anchor baby born to illegal alien parents have nationality to their illegal alien parents birth country. They aren't true natural born Citizens according to the 14th Amendment framers such as Senator John Bingham, the father of the 14th Amendment.

John Bingham:

“every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.”

One of the key drafters, Sen. Lyman Trumbull stated during the debates that the language confined citizenship to those “born in the United States who owe allegiance to the United States,”
I'm not that caught up in the original intent. To me, the question is why do we need the birthright citizenship policy? Is it necessary? Or desirable?

Of course this entire issue is just another moronic partisan pissing match. It's an issue because both parties think that brown people will vote Democrat. That's hardly a given, but that's what all the jerking off is about.
Agree, but we really need to address the anchor baby problem. Amend the amendment.
If that would shut you fuckers up, I'd be totally in favor. But of course it won't. Because you're not arguing on principle. You're just a chickenshit racist.
Agree, but we really need to address the anchor baby problem. Amend the amendment.

Yes, we need to. An EO is not going to do anything but give the faithful a woody.

Sadly, the country is far too divided to every amend the Constitution again. Right now I doubt we could get 75% of the country to agree the sky is blue if they were told it was by a politician from one party or the other
Sorry but I went from being a have not to a have. I think you're broke.
You lie. You said you “think.” We all know that’s not true.

And your speculation isn’t worth diddly shit anyway.

You’re a narrow-minded little ignoramus.
If that would shut you fuckers up, I'd be totally in favor. But of course it won't. Because you're not arguing on principle. You're just a chickenshit racist.
There's a whole lot of Black people who are suddenly racist in this country. Why do you support illegal immigrants?

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