Trump pledges to protect Americans and end birthright citizenship by executive order on day one.

So what? You still don't understand US citizen at birth. Don't you realize just how ignorant Trump is?
You know you lie about who you are so much, but since this illegal alien stuff gets into your skin so easily.......I am going to have take illegal alien for $500 Alex!
Take note people….look at all the globalists in here, listen to what they’re really saying.
This is why you should want ALL leftists in concentration camps TOMORROW!
“How dare Trump try to protect Americans…how dare he deprive the worlds filth of the opportunity to fuck over REAL Americans.”
So is the 14th...yet here we are having this discussion.
That's because the left and their activist judges have abused it. It should have been written like a warning label on products so the left couldn't twist it to include illegal aliens, queers and extraterrestrials.
Take note people….look at all the globalists in here, listen to what they’re really saying.
This is why you should want ALL leftists in concentration camps TOMORROW!
“How dare Trump try to protect Americans…how dare he deprive the worlds filth of the opportunity to fuck over REAL Americans.”
No..... try and follow along you dumb Bingo. One is protected by a Constitutional Amendment and requires another Amendment to override.
Aren’t gun rights protected by a Constitutional Amendment (shall not be infringed) and don’t you love it when the 2A rights are infringed?
How are they infringed upon if they’re protected?
The 14th amendment explicitly deals with ex slaves.
Because they and native Americans were the only ones excluded from receiving citizenship at birth like every one else. The 14th Amendment simply makes it explicit that we're going to stop denying black people the thing we've given to everyone else.
This can be dangerous. Intent is up to the interpretation of the one reading it.

How would you feel if a future court decided the intent of the 2nd was all about nothing but militias that are well organized?

That would be an obvious misreading of intent, of couse

You know you lie about who you are so much, but since this illegal alien stuff gets into your skin so easily.......I am going to have take illegal alien for $500 Alex!

She is a terrorist who wants to destroy the US.
They claim to speak what the authors believed but it’s just their own opinions they are masking with a thin guise.
Then they arent originalists.
The authors of the 14th amendment had no concept of an illegal alien.
They 14th was made for a specific group of people. You know this.
And that is not a "fact." Good luck proving that.
The concept of naturalization has always been a conversation. Like children being birthed during foreign occupation.
Take note people….look at all the globalists in here, listen to what they’re really saying.
This is why you should want ALL leftists in concentration camps TOMORROW!
“How dare Trump try to protect Americans…how dare he deprive the worlds filth of the opportunity to fuck over REAL Americans.”
People born in this country are Americans. Trump definitely isn’t trying to protect them. He’s trying to strip them of their constitutional rights.
Aren’t gun rights protected by a Constitutional Amendment (shall not be infringed) and don’t you love it when the 2A rights are infringed?
How are they infringed upon if they’re protected?
I also seem to recall the words (well regulated) in that Amendment.

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