Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

Really? Do you think my view is “completely ridiculous”?

Most Trump supporters and MAGA Republicans think so, despite everything.

But as I laid out, the events indicate Trump is, as many of us knew all along, a demagogue and congenital liar, and fabricated everything about his winning in 2020. Unfortunately this doesn’t mean Trump can’t win in 2024 — such is the pathetic state of our country today, where tens of millions may re-elect a crazy lying conman who has apparently read few if any historical books besides “Mein Kampf.”

Those who already had their minds poisoned by the totally unsubstantiated lies of Donald Trump, lies that were expected, calculated and even exposed beforehand, are now prepped to defend their leader no matter what he says … and probably no matter what he does. “I can shoot somebody on 5th Ave and not lose a single vote” he boasted from the beginning — showing he knew his base and enjoyed the megalomaniacal game he was playing.

Let’s review Steve Bannon’s secretly recorded discussion three days before the election, the one he had with apparatchiks working for a criminal Chinese billionaire, who happened to be Bannon’s patron at the time. Here Bannon reveals what everybody should have known all along. Trump’s plan was to lie, lie and keep lying about the 2020 election, which he tried to steal himself.

Bannon’s billionaire patron, by the way, once worked closely with Chinese intelligence officials and was also then known as the “Donald Trump of China” — before his boss was arrested and he himself fled to the U.S. with billions of dollars he stole. He probably was actually working as a “double spy” for China all the time, or trying to. Yeah, even when Trump’s team of grifters and conmen tell the truth about their lies, his brain-dead followers still believe each and every “Big Lie” is true, and most want to be brainwashed so long as their prejudices get reinforced. They, after all, have “good genes.”

Really? Do you think my view is “completely ridiculous”?

Most Trump supporters and MAGA Republicans think so, despite everything.

But as I laid out, the events indicate Trump is, as many of us knew all along, a demagogue and congenital liar, and fabricated everything about his winning in 2020. Unfortunately this doesn’t mean Trump can’t win in 2024 — such is the pathetic state of our country today, where tens of millions may re-elect a crazy lying conman who has apparently read few if any historical books besides “Mein Kampf.”

Those who already had their minds poisoned by the totally unsubstantiated lies of Donald Trump, lies that were expected, calculated and even exposed beforehand, are now prepped to defend their leader no matter what he says … and probably no matter what he does. “I can shoot somebody on 5th Ave and not lose a single vote” he boasted from the beginning — showing he knew his base and enjoyed the megalomaniacal game he was playing.

Let’s review Steve Bannon’s secretly recorded discussion three days before the election, the one he had with apparatchiks working for a criminal Chinese billionaire, who happened to be Bannon’s patron at the time. Here Bannon reveals what everybody should have known all along. Trump’s plan was to lie, lie and keep lying about the 2020 election, which he tried to steal himself.

Bannon’s billionaire patron, by the way, once worked closely with Chinese intelligence officials and was also then known as the “Donald Trump of China” — before his boss was arrested and he himself fled to the U.S. with billions of dollars he stole. He probably was actually working as a “double spy” for China all the time, or trying to. Yeah, even when Trump’s team of grifters and conmen tell the truth about their lies, his brain-dead followers still believe each and every “Big Lie” is true, and most want to be brainwashed so long as their prejudices get reinforced. They, after all, have “good genes.”

My comment was directed to the post to which it replied.

I generally don’t bother too often with your musings. You’re not a balanced reporter.
One can validly criticize Trump’s rather churlish and sophomoric manner of communicating.

But be real. Isn’t it obvious that he’s referring to those who illegally enter and then remain in our nation?
Most didn’t. They are visa overstays hang around under the cooperation of their employers like Trump.
Numbnuts Trump wasn't saying anything about citizens. Hitler was attacking German Jews. Big fucking difference. Stop making stupid accusations.
Now you want to make a comparison Jo Biden attacked American citizens
With his MAGA republican hitlerish speech.

You can't reach that ancient, ignorant fuck.

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