Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

I'm the one asking, remember? Why would I need to tell you. You're the one saying he was referring to illegals, thus implying it's different.

I thought you were just jerking chains, but you really are this racist and full of hate to take years of Trump comments and find the one you like to exploit.

Hate is an ugly thing, and you are full of it
I'm the one asking, remember? Why would I need to tell you. You're the one saying he was referring to illegals, thus implying it's different.
I think you are one of the many libs who approve of biden flooding the country with foreigners
That doesn't explain how one poisons our blood and one doesn't. It's all the same blood coming over, legal or otherwise.

A criminal or a law-abiding person is all the same to you?
I think you are one of the many libs who approve of biden flooding the country with foreigners


A criminal or a law-abiding person is all the same to you?
Diseased, drug carrying, gang member....all part of Tazbro's "family"
Nonetheless, what difference does it make? If non-white blood crossing the border illegally poisons our country, how does non-white blood crossing legally not do the same thing? It's all non-white blood.

What a fucking racist. So non-whites who commit crimes are the same as non-whites who don't. According to YOU.

So racist, same to you, how can whites be criminals when there are non-whites who aren't? Sure it's a stupid question, it's your question. That's how stupid and bigoted you are
I thought you were just jerking chains, but you really are this racist and full of hate to take years of Trump comments and find the one you like to exploit.

Hate is an ugly thing, and you are full of it
You're just pissed that Trump fucked up again.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
But only the Blood of Purity!"

Trumpybear 2024.

"I am your God of Retribution. Join me as I smite all my enemies."
Only idiot Joe Biden voters want diseased, criminals and terrorists from other countries into the once great United States. Maybe one day, while you are shopping at a Walmart, one of those terrorists decides to blow you to smithereens and i wont shed a tear, except for the Trump voters who might get caught in the collateral damage, the rest of you can rot in hell.
There would be no fentanyl crossing the border if we were not a nation in demand for drugs by men, women, and children who are addicted to drugs. If your children are dying from overdose, look in the mirror for who is responsible. Americans are crossing the border and bringing back drugs.
So yeah, it isnt that we have enough problems with our own citizens, you want more Illegals to come into the country and bring their problems with them. Fucking retarded, that is how you think.

Bidenet.png<====Retarded thinking....
Only idiot Joe Biden voters want diseased, criminals and terrorists from other countries into the once great United States. Maybe one day, while you are shopping at a Walmart, one of those terrorists decides to blow you to smithereens and i wont shed a tear, except for the Trump voters who might get caught in the collateral damage, the rest of you can rot in hell.

LOL, dumb ass quoted the ... Statue of Liberty .... LOL.

I didn't see send us your drug dealers, rapists and slavers either like you didn't
The Indians are all dead ... just the casino ... you want us to leave all this virgin forestland un-cut ... that's not what whitie does ... see how Trump operates, whitie to the core ...
What the fuck are you talking about?? If you hate what is unfair about the US, Cuba has been opened by the brown turd Obammy, go there and live like a good Socialist lives....
I thought Trump's immigration policies and backing of the Border Control were fairly good. Felt this border wall was mainly hype and I didn't care for some of his rhetoric that struck me as anti-Christian hate.
Trump took a verbal shortcut that libs are trying to exploit

But you cant fool informed people

We know what trump was saying and completely agree
What do you expect libs to do? Like not exploit his fuck up?
I thought you were just jerking chains, but you really are this racist and full of hate to take years of Trump comments and find the one you like to exploit.

Hate is an ugly thing, and you are full of it
Nah, he is just a stupid kid who is still waiting for his pubic hairs to grow out....
I might be if I were a Trump supporter, but I only care about your hypocrisy and I already knew about that, MAGA man.

And seriously, a Bidenista crowing Trump isn't perfect? Wow
You sounded pissed that Trump's fascist rhetoric is under scrutiny

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