Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

Does poisoning the minds include communicated that reduced record inflation is down, while not sharing that the compounded results are insignificant? How educated are his constituents that are ignorant enough to believe that the elevated costs of basic needs aren't going down? Those inflation rates are down .. yeah .. but the damage is not?
I already know how you feel. Fascist rhetoric is no big deal to you.

Yeah, yeah, I voted for Hitler, you said that, but that wasn't my question.

WHY do you care how I feel? Are you a chick or a fag, MAGA man?

I don't care AT ALL how you feel. It's puzzling to me why you would care so much how I feel that you knew, you had to post it, now you're saying yeah, you knew, and I just keep thinking WTF, why on earth would you care?
Yeah, yeah, I voted for Hitler, you said that, but that wasn't my question.

WHY do you care how I feel? Are you a chick or a fag, MAGA man?

I don't care AT ALL how you feel. It's puzzling to me why you would care so much how I feel that you knew, you had to post it, now you're saying yeah, you knew, and I just keep thinking WTF, why on earth would you care?
...and then Dorothy clicked her heels three times and said....."there's nobody as gullible as Tazbro, there's nobody as gullible as Tazbro, there's nobody as gullible as Tazbro".....
Reading comic book stories again, huh??

You are clearly Fake Toro, you post just like him. He's not the only conservative account you're faking either, the one with the g something that isn't a word. You keep pretending you are conservatives who aren't asses, then you take them over and you're a leftist ass in their accounts just like you are with this one
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Um ... thanks? So what are you going to study in high school? Do they have classes on hate or are you just keep picking it up as you go along?

I do have a question. Why do you care so much how I feel? Chickdom or fagdom?
Cause I'm a caring person. How come that's not obvious to you?
Only idiot Joe Biden voters want diseased, criminals and terrorists from other countries into the once great United States. Maybe one day, while you are shopping at a Walmart, one of those terrorists decides to blow you to smithereens and i wont shed a tear, except for the Trump voters who might get caught in the collateral damage, the rest of you can rot in hell.
Excellent example of the vileness of the Trumpyscum that has infected the once Grand Old Party. Your God of Retribution hates you too, and has prepared a special level in Hell for you and your kind. Repent Trumpyscum, repent, before it's too late!
So yeah, it isnt that we have enough problems with our own citizens, you want more Illegals to come into the country and bring their problems with them. Fucking retarded, that is how you think.

View attachment 874883<====Retarded thinking....
The majority of immigrants are here to work and not criminal activity. We are the problem. Trump, and Trump's ass wipes. Biden did screw up but who let 11 million in illegallly before him?
The majority of immigrants are here to work and not criminal activity. We are the problem. Trump, and Trump's ass wipes. Biden did screw up but who let 11 million in illegallly before him?
We have laws for a reason, and a big reason is to closely control who enters and stays in our country. We are not the problem, you evil Dimtards bypass, break, ignore and avoid every law written to get whatever it is you want.
That stops next November.

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