Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

To use that term with regard to humans would be to suggest that one is of mixed race.

Isn't it funny when those that are fond of falsely accusing others of being racist reveal themselves to be worse racists than those that they were trying to accuse.
Isn't one fascist term as good as another, vermin?
“Me and my lot”? I have no “lot,” no party, no militia, no prosecutors, no lawyers, no “Deep State”! I am just one retired working man with a lot of political experience and a deep knowledge of history who is trying to convince my fellow Americans that Trump is a unique danger to our Republic and democracy. I have said before and I say again: Trump must be defeated by voters in November 2024. Should he win, should he lose and be put in jail, should he be assassinated or choke to death on a Big Mac — I personally can do and plan to do no more than I am doing now.

You’re old enough to know better. What a shame.
The majority of immigrants are here to work and not criminal activity. We are the problem. Trump, and Trump's ass wipes. Biden did screw up but who let 11 million in illegallly before him?

So you'd be fine with only one child molester in your kid's classes because that way most of them aren't, so you're good. And you don't want them just checking criminal backgrounds, let them in without knowing.

That's the dumbest argument I ever heard you say, and you've made some really, really dumb arguments, MAGA man
Because you slammed me and you were completely wrong and never figured that out, MAGA man.

So are you a chick with a dick?
You let Trump's fascist rhetoric slide cause he wasn't talking about YOU. That's what Martin Niemöller was all about.
You let Trump's fascist rhetoric slide cause he wasn't talking about YOU. That's what Martin Niemöller was all about.

As usual, I have no idea what you're talking about other than I voted for Hitler, you mentioned that.

But I'm still perplexed how you are so obsessed with how I feel. Why do you suddenly go to how I feel in a discussion about issues? WTF. You care more than I do, MAGA man. Is it chick or fag? Which is you?
As usual, I have no idea what you're talking about other than I voted for Hitler, you mentioned that.

But I'm still perplexed how you are so obsessed with how I feel. Why do you suddenly go to how I feel in a discussion about issues? WTF. You care more than I do, MAGA man. Is it chick or fag? Which is you?
Point out the post # where I said that you voted for Hitler.
You obviously have no idea of how I view legal and illegal immigration or my position on “open borders,” and even less idea about how I view American social class issues and what you call “an entitlement society.” So the rest of your comment has no special relevance to me.

I have spoken elsewhere of my views in OPs on the different topics you mention, which mostly have no relation to this OP. Indeed, I explained as clearly as I could that this OP was precisely about Trumps degenerating rhetoric.

That rhetoric more and more intentionally uses fascist code words, and also registers Trump’s appreciation for dictatorial regimes opposed to the U.S, our Republic and our best democratic traditions.

Odd you can pick out fascist code words in everything Trump says but can’t see fascism right in front of your own eyes from the dems.
You're going after the Jews, Adolf. And trade unions are fine, just they need to use their market power, not government coercion.
I'm not coming after the commies, but I'm sure Trump is. So yeah, you should live in fear, Stalin. January, 2025 is not going to go well for you, MAGA man

Arlette is concerned about those going after child molesters, hostile foreign invaders, violent criminals, degenerate perverts, and such.
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You have to be one of the dumbest MFers to ever lived on the earth to have voted for Joe Potatohead. His life long record of always getting everything wrong and the corruption. The guy is literally dumber than a door knob.

Even Queer Barry warned his fellow Moon Bats that Potatohead was going to screw everything up. Why didn't they listen to him? Must be because of the very low intelligence level you pointed out.

Almost no one actually voted for him.
Unverifiable mail in ballots were his only actual support.
I'm telling you what's what. Young people wanna move on, progress, and you're in the fucking way.

Living off the government teet is not progress. Every nation , country , state that has done so reaped nothing but despair, misery and death.
At no point did he say illegal. He said immigrants. After the rally he scrambled to Truth Social to say ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS for cover after I'm sure someone said something to him about it.

Nonetheless, what difference does it make? If non-white blood crossing the border illegally poisons our country, how does non-white blood crossing legally not do the same thing? It's all non-white blood.

I think President Trump forgets how stupid you fucking leftists are.
There should be a deaf interpreter and a left wing loon interpreter to splain

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