Trump posted this video on his official Instagram

And as always, we have to ask: What has happened to us that he would receive even 5% of the vote?

This is humiliating.
Well that would have to do with the idiots who have been running this country into the ground for the last 50+ years. The idiots you worship. Warmongers, liars, corrupt sell-outs,….. globalists. Americans are sick of it, sick the useless establishment Uniparty.

Is there another candidate that doesn‘t want war with Russia?
Is there another candidate that is serious about securing the border?
Is there another candidate that doesn’t bow to the woke crowd?

Feel free to point that candidate out if he or she exists. Until then, you know why we vote for President Trump.
And as always, we have to ask: What has happened to us that he would receive even 5% of the vote?

This is humiliating.
One example....A man wears dresses and puts on makeup and has a shaved head with a luggage fetish at airports. Videos showing constant smiling and giggling, and he was in an upper hierarchy position in a federal nuclear energy/weapon related department. We have to many people in these positions that are questionable. And Trump is not what you call a conservative. Those mean conservatives. If Trump fired that man, he would take abuse from the 95% Prog controlled 5th column media/entertainers.
Libtards have no sense of humor.




'cause it's REAL.
Well that would have to do with the idiots who have been running this country into the ground for the last 50+ years. The idiots you worship. Warmongers, liars, corrupt sell-outs,….. globalists. Americans are sick of it, sick the useless establishment Uniparty.

Is there another candidate that doesn‘t want war with Russia?
Is there another candidate that is serious about securing the border?
Is there another candidate that doesn’t bow to the woke crowd?

Feel free to point that candidate out if he or she exists. Until then, you know why we vote for President Trump.
We already know. You're entitled. You're pissed off about your lots in life, and your vote is for a big fuck you to the country. :rolleyes: Trust me, we've known for a while now.
This is a former president of the United States and de facto "Leader of the Free World" and wants to sit in the Oval Office a second time. This is a child in an old man's body and he repeatedly embarrasses our nation, yet his party has fully embraced this. We have become a South Park society.

That one was just for fun. He made nearly 100 posts in the past 24 hours.




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It is a little silly and unpresidential

But also pretty funny and consistent with the childishness displayed on both sides
Geez Louize ... How Shirley Temple a responce.
I mean,even though she was married to semi-horror
actor John Agar.Known as Mr.Temple.
His horror flick - Hand of Death - {1962 } was played to
death on TCM last year.It was on like every month every other day.
It was really creepy.A lab scientist creates a monstrous serum after
mistakenly spilling a bit around while trying it out.It involved
nerve gas { highly dangerous } that when activated the agent nerve
gas could eliminate nuclear war due to it's volatility.
He only spilled a bit on his hand.He was relegated almost
instantly to a man with an arm that looked like a burnt campfire
Whats' all this gotta do with a Biden SOTU.
I dunno ... Biden is without question the most dangeroulsy
reckless human as Potus.
Just being in the same room with a Big Red Button and
Phone is too tempting.Biden might some late night sneak into
that room and feel like making a personal phone call to his
guardian angel.
Like ... Oopsie-daisy
I've been saying this exact thing since escalator day
Is that what Trump had in Trump Tower.
I wonder what his mainroom { office,bathroom and bedroom }
looked like.I remember when Rushbo Limbaugh had his apartment on the selling block.Man was it classy.
For a guy who claimed never ever owned a pair of blue jeans.
Is that what Trump had in Trump Tower.
I wonder what his mainroom { office,bathroom and bedroom }
looked like.I remember when Rushbo Limbaugh had his apartment on the selling block.Man was it classy.
For a guy who claimed never ever owned a pair of blue jeans.
There you go. I believe guys wear jeans, so guys like that don't impress me.

From photos, orange's taste is gaudy to me. I love natural wood, but ensconcing it in gold accents ruins it. Looks like the inside of an older personal jet/Rolls Royce. Too much opulence in design can end up looking just tacky. That's how I see his tacky tower.
Libtards have no sense of humor.
One of the early onset symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Next is a severe case of the redass, then the sudden regurgitation via the mouth and fingers of a torrent of leftwing excrement.

The final outcome is always the same... brain death...followed by endless anti-Trump rants on the interwebs.

The OP, unfortunately, has progressed to the ranting stage.

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