trump promises 100% evidence of election fraud in 2020 balloting

The story does not support the headline. Fraud is a real word; it has a meaning. Trump did not use the word, "fraud."

The election was stolen. But not by FRAUD. To illustrate: if you go to a nursing home and "help" a 98 year old woman fill out her ballot, sign it, then deliver it to a nearby ballot box, that is not FRAUD. But it is a stolen vote. Get it?

You fucking Leftist idiots. Is this really too difficult to understand?
This Nazi Show Trial isn't going anywhere.

Trump will have the opportunity for 'Discovery' and they are scared to death of what he might find.

Trust me on this one, it ain't going anywhere. Not gonna happen.

I hope you're right. But I thought when Democrats opened the border and started prosecuting crime victims rather than criminals some of them would start pealing off, and that has barely happened. We are in real trouble as a country. You can't have half the country against the country and survive
Technicalities like it's passed the statute of limitations and that no one in the history of the country has been charged without a default and using the tax value, which is way low.

When you are caught with that level of fraud, it is irrelevant what the other 90 charges are for since you blew your credibility out of the water.

Imagine the parties being flipped in your head and admit if only to yourself you'd be losing your fucking mind
I bet you were one of the brilliant lawyer the Judge was talking about "with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint "

If not, I'm sure you'd be on the list for the next team. Make sure you demand a retainer fee because Benedict Donald doesn't pay his lawyers.
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Already plenty of proof available for anyone who can see and read and think for themselves.....oh thats how you missed it jimboliar.
Anyway, thanks for bringing it up again so everyone will remember and vote for Trump. Great campaigning jimboliar!
If the proof is already there for everyone one to see, why is Trump offering this briefing?
I bet you were one of the brilliant lawyer the Judge was talking about "with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint "

If not I'm sure you'd be on the list for the next team. Make sure you demand a retainer fee because Benedict Donald doesn't pay his lawyers.

That no one but Trump has been charged without defaulting is a "strained legal argument."

Thanks for proving the point of your wanting a totalitarian one party system
Catsnmeters said: I have nothing, kaz, I'm just going to parrot back to you what you said even though it makes no sense because I have nothing else
That is a false assessment.

You claimed Trump's cases were thrown out due to technicalities.

I asked which and you deflected.

I admitted that some were tossed due to no standing but most just lacked any evidence.

You reply with a false narrative.

You claimed cases were dismissed due to technicalities. It's in you to prove your statement.

I will wait.
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I think you people have underestimated Trump again. I think he has the evidence. I think he always has. He has given the illegitimate government more than enough time to hang itself. What he has done and does is Trump's decision not the hateful media or illegitimate government.
You should have stopped at "I think" because that is fake news. All your posts prove that you do not think!
The story does not support the headline. Fraud is a real word; it has a meaning. Trump did not use the word, "fraud."

The election was stolen. But not by FRAUD. To illustrate: if you go to a nursing home and "help" a 98 year old woman fill out her ballot, sign it, then deliver it to a nearby ballot box, that is not FRAUD. But it is a stolen vote. Get it?

You fucking Leftist idiots. Is this really too difficult to understand?
Yet you have no evidence that happens in any significant number

Trump lost by 7 million

It seems we have heard this song before. trump is nearly three years from losing in the 2020 election and he is still peddling the same old song. Okay MAGA faithful, be honest. How many of you actually think that trump is going to present verifiable evidence that there was "massive voter fraud" that helped Biden win? How many of you still believe anything this guy says?
Doubt he will, he won't have to, the charges will never get to trial ....the Govt is already showing their how weak their case is by handing out misdemeanors to folks
At this point, the few remaining Trump Kool-Aid drinkers are too far down the rabbit hole to admit to themselves they've been had. They refuse to see their emperor is naked.

What fine clothes he is wearing! Someone shut that little boy up!!!

Misdemeanors to folks who will testify against Trump
Dont see any offers for Crooked Donnie
hahahaha....what prosecutor would give the person the sweet heart deal before they delivered? hahah

nope...they already took the deal, already plead guilty, they ain't go to do shit.
This Nazi Show Trial isn't going anywhere.

Trump will have the opportunity for 'Discovery' and they are scared to death of what he might find.

Trust me on this one, it ain't going anywhere. Not gonna happen.
Derp....trump has had three years to prove his "massive voter fraud." All he can do is whine, shout, and attack his enemies. Discovery will show nothing other than what it showed before....which is there was NO MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD.

trump cannot admit an old man from Delaware cleaned his clock in November 2020. Rather than abide by the sacred American tradition of a smooth transfer of power...trump showed us his treasonous ass by lying about voter fraud.

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