Trump proves he is a weak leader

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Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Shut downs have become pretty regular. But, we wouldn't have had this problem had the Democratic Party not been douche-bags ensuring his election to begin with.

We went 5 years almost without we get 3 in one year.

Because it's become regular drama.
Sitting on your ass with your thump up your rear, refusing to do anything and vowing to oppose anything anyone else does is real WEAKNESS.

And I wish Trump would get his thumb out of his ass and show some leadership.

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. Donald J Trump

"You have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He has to get (the Speaker of the House) and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice and be angry and be wild and cajole and do all sorts of things, but you have to get a deal.

"And, unfortunately, he has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics and it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in a room and you have to get a deal."
Donald J Trump

And my favorite...

View attachment 236153

Not so true after all! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
You can't negotiate with the likes of Pelosi and Schumer..........Had Schumer really meant he'd fund the Wall for DACA he would have approved the deal 20 Billion for border Security and the wall up front for a path for DACA. It would already be done.

But being the slime ball he is he that Trump would get that money over years.....LOL....but would have gotten the DACA citizenship path immediately...........No dice..........

It was a sham during the election and nothing more..........

Since “shutdowns”only affect the Park Service, they are no more than kabuki theatre, yes they are a sign of weakness. Now if they really sent everyone home, that would be operating in strength. Note: I realize, for ptactical reasons this cannot apply to the military services actively operating overseas.

If I were a government employee I would be hoping for a three month shutdown. Three months paid vacation. I never had that before in my life unless you consider unemployment a vacation.

Yeah, lots of people wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

you are a fucking moron.

I'm a moron because I can do something government workers could not do?

You are a moron on for thinking that people should wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

I think Eagle laid it out pretty clearly. Just because you are laid off from the government doesn't mean you can't find work in the meantime. In fact if anything, two incomes (when you finally get backpay from the government) will allow you to save money so THAT YOU DO have backup money next time or for an emergency. It might be a blessing in disguise.

My father was a bricklayer. Up north, you can't lay brick in the winter time. So every winter he had to take off. Yes, he got unemployment, but that didn't pay like it does today, and he was raising a family of five.

Pop worked as much as he could during the summer months. Just like a squirrel gathers nuts before winter, pop saved as much money as he could to hold us over the winter into spring.

As for myself, I always have backup money. In an emergency, I have outstanding credit I could also use. I could live for months without a paycheck if I'm getting reimbursed after my vacation. Just take that huge check and send it to the credit card company or your equity loan.....whatever credit you decided to use.

Who the fuck is going to hire someone just looking for a job until the shutdown is over? Nobody

You do not give a shit because it is not happening to you, and you only care about you. you have no sympathy or empathy for other people. Please tell me you do not consider yourself a Christian.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Shut downs have become pretty regular. But, we wouldn't have had this problem had the Democratic Party not been douche-bags ensuring his election to begin with.

We went 5 years almost without we get 3 in one year.

Because it's become regular drama.

Drama is all that it is. It accomplishes nothing and just cost the Govt even more money.
Sitting on your ass with your thump up your rear, refusing to do anything and vowing to oppose anything anyone else does is real WEAKNESS.

And I wish Trump would get his thumb out of his ass and show some leadership.

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. Donald J Trump

"You have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He has to get (the Speaker of the House) and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice and be angry and be wild and cajole and do all sorts of things, but you have to get a deal.

"And, unfortunately, he has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics and it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in a room and you have to get a deal."
Donald J Trump

And my favorite...

View attachment 236153

Not so true after all! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
You can't negotiate with the likes of Pelosi and Schumer..........Had Schumer really meant he'd fund the Wall for DACA he would have approved the deal 20 Billion for border Security and the wall up front for a path for DACA. It would already be done.

But being the slime ball he is he that Trump would get that money over years.....LOL....but would have gotten the DACA citizenship path immediately...........No dice..........

It was a sham during the election and nothing more..........


One more time...Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. Donald J Trump
Trump knows as long as we don’t have an secure border, which we obviously don’t... not even close.
He will lose all of his support
That is proof he is anything but weak, that he is strong. Standing up for what is right, even if that means doing so alone, is strength.

Besides, Trump is not alone and will not lose the support of the American people who want ensured sovereignty, secure borders, and an end to Democrat Party facilitated illegal immigration.

Just like with Obama Care, Democrats do not give a damn what the American people want. They intend to impose their Will, to shove their minority-supported liberal ideology / agenda down the throats of the majority who oppose it... again.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Just more libtard Butt Hurt..

I'm loving it....

Trump just keeps Spanking libtard ass....

I agree, Trump is a butt hurt lib...


Seems to me Trump is Spanking libtard ass...
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Shut downs have become pretty regular. But, we wouldn't have had this problem had the Democratic Party not been douche-bags ensuring his election to begin with.

We went 5 years almost without we get 3 in one year.

Yes, because you are considering a one day government shutdown an actual shutdown. But lets talk days of government shutdown.

DumBama shutdown the government once, and it lasted 16 days. Prior to this one, Trump had two government shutdowns that lasted a total of four days. So which one was worse?

Here Are All 20 Government Shutdowns in U.S. History Since 1976
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Shut downs have become pretty regular. But, we wouldn't have had this problem had the Democratic Party not been douche-bags ensuring his election to begin with.

We went 5 years almost without we get 3 in one year.

Because it's become regular drama.

Drama is all that it is. It accomplishes nothing and just cost the Govt even more money.

And either side is all about the drama. At some point, you have to drop the pom poms. Trump is not going to last forever. He will eventually leave office. The Democratic Party has nothing right now.
One more time...Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. Donald J Trump
Funny, but for 8 years Barry and snowflakes blamed Bush for everything that went wrong under Obama, for every negative consequence of Barry and Hillary's actions.

And now you want to quote the man you have constantly called a liar and failure because it suits you now?!

If I were a government employee I would be hoping for a three month shutdown. Three months paid vacation. I never had that before in my life unless you consider unemployment a vacation.

Yeah, lots of people wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

you are a fucking moron.

I'm a moron because I can do something government workers could not do?

You are a moron on for thinking that people should wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

I think Eagle laid it out pretty clearly. Just because you are laid off from the government doesn't mean you can't find work in the meantime. In fact if anything, two incomes (when you finally get backpay from the government) will allow you to save money so THAT YOU DO have backup money next time or for an emergency. It might be a blessing in disguise.

My father was a bricklayer. Up north, you can't lay brick in the winter time. So every winter he had to take off. Yes, he got unemployment, but that didn't pay like it does today, and he was raising a family of five.

Pop worked as much as he could during the summer months. Just like a squirrel gathers nuts before winter, pop saved as much money as he could to hold us over the winter into spring.

As for myself, I always have backup money. In an emergency, I have outstanding credit I could also use. I could live for months without a paycheck if I'm getting reimbursed after my vacation. Just take that huge check and send it to the credit card company or your equity loan.....whatever credit you decided to use.

Who the fuck is going to hire someone just looking for a job until the shutdown is over? Nobody

You do not give a shit because it is not happening to you, and you only care about you. you have no sympathy or empathy for other people. Please tell me you do not consider yourself a Christian.
Baloney........we hire temp workers for shutdowns and when we need extra workers for small jobs all the time.......they get paid good money..........It's not like they have to look for the perfect replacement job in the interm.........

Doesn't matter...........there is a serious disagreement in this country........from those who want the border secure and the decades of inaction on this issue from the establishment who have done nothing to fix it..........because they don't want to fix it..............

This is how the constitution works with the power of the purse..............FORCED NEGOTIATION.........those working in the Gov't are a part of that equation...........That is a downside of working there........and they get better compensation packages than most of the country......including some of the best retirement options of any work there is...................

People outside of Gov't deal with this all the time..............there are no tears here............It's simple......they spend mountains of money on BS all the time.............and refuse to do so because they don't want illegal immigration stopped..............

Pucker time...............that's how it works............
Sitting on your ass with your thump up your rear, refusing to do anything and vowing to oppose anything anyone else does is real WEAKNESS.

And I wish Trump would get his thumb out of his ass and show some leadership.

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. Donald J Trump

"You have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He has to get (the Speaker of the House) and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice and be angry and be wild and cajole and do all sorts of things, but you have to get a deal.

"And, unfortunately, he has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics and it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in a room and you have to get a deal."
Donald J Trump

And my favorite...

View attachment 236153

Not so true after all! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
You can't negotiate with the likes of Pelosi and Schumer..........Had Schumer really meant he'd fund the Wall for DACA he would have approved the deal 20 Billion for border Security and the wall up front for a path for DACA. It would already be done.

But being the slime ball he is he that Trump would get that money over years.....LOL....but would have gotten the DACA citizenship path immediately...........No dice..........

It was a sham during the election and nothing more..........


One more time...Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. Donald J Trump

Leadership is knowing when to take a stand...........and in this case I think he knows that the base will kick his ass to the curb if he doesn't fight for this one...................

It was his biggest promise..........we are watching............we don't care what the hell Pelosi, Schumer, and the career politicians have to say or whine about.............Make a stand or you lose our support..........

It is that simple here...........
If I were a government employee I would be hoping for a three month shutdown. Three months paid vacation. I never had that before in my life unless you consider unemployment a vacation.

Yeah, lots of people wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

you are a fucking moron.

I'm a moron because I can do something government workers could not do?

You are a moron on for thinking that people should wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

I think Eagle laid it out pretty clearly. Just because you are laid off from the government doesn't mean you can't find work in the meantime. In fact if anything, two incomes (when you finally get backpay from the government) will allow you to save money so THAT YOU DO have backup money next time or for an emergency. It might be a blessing in disguise.

My father was a bricklayer. Up north, you can't lay brick in the winter time. So every winter he had to take off. Yes, he got unemployment, but that didn't pay like it does today, and he was raising a family of five.

Pop worked as much as he could during the summer months. Just like a squirrel gathers nuts before winter, pop saved as much money as he could to hold us over the winter into spring.

As for myself, I always have backup money. In an emergency, I have outstanding credit I could also use. I could live for months without a paycheck if I'm getting reimbursed after my vacation. Just take that huge check and send it to the credit card company or your equity loan.....whatever credit you decided to use.

Who the fuck is going to hire someone just looking for a job until the shutdown is over? Nobody

You do not give a shit because it is not happening to you, and you only care about you. you have no sympathy or empathy for other people. Please tell me you do not consider yourself a Christian.

If you can't find a job in this economy, you're not trying or don't want to. Desperate employers will hire anybody even if it's temporary just to get work done.

So what you are saying is that we on the right should give up our values, give into the Democrats, surrender to illegals so that some government worker gets a paycheck? Are you nuts or something?
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Shut downs have become pretty regular. But, we wouldn't have had this problem had the Democratic Party not been douche-bags ensuring his election to begin with.

We went 5 years almost without we get 3 in one year.

Because it's become regular drama.

Drama is all that it is. It accomplishes nothing and just cost the Govt even more money.

And either side is all about the drama. At some point, you have to drop the pom poms. Trump is not going to last forever. He will eventually leave office. The Democratic Party has nothing right now.
They could have had DACA path on a silver platter for funding the wall...........they played a game instead of being honest.......imagine that.......

Put that deal back up 20 Billion up front and the deal can be made...........they didn't want that was a show for the elections and nothing more........which is why they play kinda tough on immigration at election time....because it is a major issue with voters.
Shut downs have become pretty regular. But, we wouldn't have had this problem had the Democratic Party not been douche-bags ensuring his election to begin with.

We went 5 years almost without we get 3 in one year.

Because it's become regular drama.

Drama is all that it is. It accomplishes nothing and just cost the Govt even more money.

And either side is all about the drama. At some point, you have to drop the pom poms. Trump is not going to last forever. He will eventually leave office. The Democratic Party has nothing right now.
They could have had DACA path on a silver platter for funding the wall...........they played a game instead of being honest.......imagine that.......

Put that deal back up 20 Billion up front and the deal can be made...........they didn't want that was a show for the elections and nothing more........which is why they play kinda tough on immigration at election time....because it is a major issue with voters.

We deal with this all the time. Everybody get serious about it but in reality business rules. Profit over people every damn time.
Yeah, lots of people wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

you are a fucking moron.

I'm a moron because I can do something government workers could not do?

You are a moron on for thinking that people should wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

I think Eagle laid it out pretty clearly. Just because you are laid off from the government doesn't mean you can't find work in the meantime. In fact if anything, two incomes (when you finally get backpay from the government) will allow you to save money so THAT YOU DO have backup money next time or for an emergency. It might be a blessing in disguise.

My father was a bricklayer. Up north, you can't lay brick in the winter time. So every winter he had to take off. Yes, he got unemployment, but that didn't pay like it does today, and he was raising a family of five.

Pop worked as much as he could during the summer months. Just like a squirrel gathers nuts before winter, pop saved as much money as he could to hold us over the winter into spring.

As for myself, I always have backup money. In an emergency, I have outstanding credit I could also use. I could live for months without a paycheck if I'm getting reimbursed after my vacation. Just take that huge check and send it to the credit card company or your equity loan.....whatever credit you decided to use.

Who the fuck is going to hire someone just looking for a job until the shutdown is over? Nobody

You do not give a shit because it is not happening to you, and you only care about you. you have no sympathy or empathy for other people. Please tell me you do not consider yourself a Christian.
Baloney........we hire temp workers for shutdowns and when we need extra workers for small jobs all the time.......they get paid good money..........It's not like they have to look for the perfect replacement job in the interm.........

Doesn't matter...........there is a serious disagreement in this country........from those who want the border secure and the decades of inaction on this issue from the establishment who have done nothing to fix it..........because they don't want to fix it..............

This is how the constitution works with the power of the purse..............FORCED NEGOTIATION.........those working in the Gov't are a part of that equation...........That is a downside of working there........and they get better compensation packages than most of the country......including some of the best retirement options of any work there is...................

People outside of Gov't deal with this all the time..............there are no tears here............It's simple......they spend mountains of money on BS all the time.............and refuse to do so because they don't want illegal immigration stopped..............

Pucker time...............that's how it works............

If you take a job with the government, you realize this is one of the problems with such employment.

Years ago a friend of mine took a job driving a school bus. He loved the job. It was great paying, had great benefits, and overtime for field trips or football games. He didn't keep the job. Why? Because every time a school levy failed at the ballot box, bus drivers were the first to get laid off.

He finally asked if the company I worked for was looking for any drivers, and he's been with our company for 24 years now.
Trump knows as long as we don’t have an secure border, which we obviously don’t... not even close.
He will lose all of his support
That is proof he is anything but weak, that he is strong. Standing up for what is right, even if that means doing so alone, is strength.

Besides, Trump is not alone and will not lose the support of the American people who want ensured sovereignty, secure borders, and an end to Democrat Party facilitated illegal immigration.

Just like with Obama Care, Democrats do not give a damn what the American people want. They intend to impose their Will, to shove their minority-supported liberal ideology / agenda down the throats of the majority who oppose it... again.
We will see, False promises is career politicians territory... Let’s hope not
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Hahaha...Ole Gator proves once again that he’s definitely NOT leftarded.
He claims his TDS problem isn't leftist.............yet he constantly shows his liberal skirt...........LOL

Quoting Trump is now a leftist thing. Wow, you people are fucking stupid

Playing stupid and pretending you don’t know the magnitude of obstruction and resistance that Trump faces from the filth of this nation is fucking retarded and 100% leftist. Get it now?
I do wish the Dems would stop with the snide "I thought Mexico was going to pay for it" remarks, as if anyone during the campaign actually thought Mexico was going to pay for it.
We had that conversation then. Everyone realized Trump was talking bullshit.

Trumps minions obviously agreed with him
I didn’t see Fox News or the Conservative media challenge his claim

Suckers obviously believed it
I do wish the Dems would stop with the snide "I thought Mexico was going to pay for it" remarks, as if anyone during the campaign actually thought Mexico was going to pay for it.
We had that conversation then. Everyone realized Trump was talking bullshit.

Trumps minions obviously agreed with him
I didn’t see Fox News or the Conservative media challenge his claim

Suckers obviously believed it

They still do, they just make up more elaborate lies now about how Mexico is going to pay for it.
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