Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

It was an agreement not a treaty. My God. Quit such a flaming asshole.

NO, snowflake - it was NOT. The United States was the only one to enter the Accord through Executive Order. Please read the thread that addresses this to educate yourself.

The Paris Accords, like the Iran Treaty, was just that - a TREATY. If it was an agreement, as you falsely claim, it was an agreement between OBAMA and the Intl. Community. Obama is gone. No such agreement exists now because Obama is gone.

The US entered the agreement as that, an agreement. Not a treaty. No where did Obama claim it was a treaty.

So your orange buddy can pull us out & make us look stupid. Something Trump is actually good at.
Accept responsibility...

There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
Read the article I posted in your related new thread. It is not a treaty, specifically because of that. It is an agreement. It was kosher and it is lawful.
not sure how it can be lawful if it never went through congress.

also - isn't this an executive order more or less? why was 1 man allowed to dictate this for an entire country?
For the same reason Trump is allowed to dictate a travel ban that the entire country does not want.
Yes but is that adjusted for population???
It's one planet, one atmosphere. Explain why the populations matter as to the amount of greenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere.

The data is skewed against the USA due to its size and number of people! Of course we appear a bigger polluter than we are, if we didn't have such good technology, we would pollute much more. And India while contributing 7% is a much bigger polluter considering the small size of the country and population.

View attachment 130663

China produces nearly a THIRD of the world CO2 emission yet is GROWING and not affected by the ACCORD.
India, despite its small size producers almost as much as all the countries of the EU combined.
Yes, we produce 14%, considering our population and size, pretty damned good compared to the tiny EU (look at a map).
Tiny Japan producers almost as much as all of Russia!
If you want to say 14% is still 14%, fine, but to cut our CO2 by 20% would be DEVASTATING to our economy, MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE. Now is not the time with our economy already weak and when the benefits of doing so are HIGHLY debatable. Even the PA predicts only a minuscule improvement over a century!
Not a good deal to CRIPPLE ourselves while China and India run away Scott free producing nearly 40% of the total global amount and INCREASING.

Let's take a look at air quality in BEIJING CHINA:

View attachment 130664

Now let us take a look at New Delhi India:

View attachment 130665

Now, let us take a look at an American City like Chicago, one of our largest:

View attachment 130667

Any questions? Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.
Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.
I realize that, and you took pure numbers and twisted them into a whine that China and India pollute more than we do. (Which India does not, btw) So why should there be an agreement that encourages them to pollute less, you ask? Shit, I CAN NOT understand where your logic comes from.

No way! Practically perfect in every way just said "shit". That should not excite me as much as it does.
You don't read me much, do you? LOL

I try to follow you as much as I am here. You are usually calm and measured, just don't expect to see you cursing. Can you write the F- bomb for me? It would make my day imagining MP holding her umbrella as she slowly descends into the town square telling people to get the eff out of the way.
Accept responsibility...

There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
Read the article I posted in your related new thread. It is not a treaty, specifically because of that. It is an agreement. It was kosher and it is lawful.
not sure how it can be lawful if it never went through congress.

also - isn't this an executive order more or less? why was 1 man allowed to dictate this for an entire country?
For the same reason Trump is allowed to dictate a travel ban that the entire country does not want.
great - now to make this comparison work - then obama would have to go through the courts as well, correct, on this vs. just saying "hey, we're in".

i'm fine with our court system determine what we can and can't do here. why was obama *not*?

no congress.
no courts.
no oversight.

just another EO that far exceeds the purpose of EO's to begin with.
It was an agreement not a treaty. My God. Quit such a flaming asshole.

NO, snowflake - it was NOT. The United States was the only one to enter the Accord through Executive Order. Please read the thread that addresses this to educate yourself.

The Paris Accords, like the Iran Treaty, was just that - a TREATY. If it was an agreement, as you falsely claim, it was an agreement between OBAMA and the Intl. Community. Obama is gone. No such agreement exists now because Obama is gone.

The US entered the agreement as that, an agreement. Not a treaty. No where did Obama claim it was a treaty.

So your orange buddy can pull us out & make us look stupid. Something Trump is actually good at.

I will never get why you so racist..
You are going to sit there and tell me dry, hot climates cause Islamic terrorism in the middle east when they have been living in that EXACT climate for thousands of years?
Give me a fucking break old lady. I know its Monday but damn..
You sit there and talk trash about "rich republicans" when rich dems pushing this shit when they fly around in private jets. Leo decaprio flew halfway around the world to accept an environment award and he let out more co2 from that SOLE trip than my family will do in six months.
Again, give me a fucking break.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive. You people need to grow the fuck up.
And I guess you have a point with the asthma. The dem city of Chicago STILL hasn't met basic air quality standards :badgrin:
They don't really care. And until you care enough to look for reality, you are just as bad as the duopoly.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive.
Take a look in the mirror, TN. The conservative argument here (if you can really call an argument based on bullshit an "argument"), wants to roll back the clock and make things the way they used to be. Despite that the world is changing and the world is moving on. We need to find out how to roll with the change, not allow our power plants and factories pollute more, just like the good old days. Thank God Presidents only get a four year term. If he lasts that long.
I ask for proof and use logic and REALITY and you call me a partisan? I am sitting here calling for regulations on shit that we can ACTUALLY CHANGE like waterway and ocean pollution and you call ME a partisan?
Lol get real old lady. You are full of shit. Seriously.
FIVE PERCENT. Our co2 imprint is miniscule and until I can see FACT, all this will ever be is partisan bullshit. ESPECIALLY when you call people science deniers for not being in your collective while you cant offer a SHRED of ACTUAL evidence.
Al Gore will tell you all this shit and you suck it up. Then, the son of a bitch boards his private jumbo jet, lands and gets in an SUV that get 12 miles a gallon and goes to an environmental rally and tells us we need to cut back on emissions and the air conditioner. Then, all the people that attended the event leaves 2 tons of fucking trash behind :rofl:
All of you are a fucking JOKE when it comes to this.
Call me a partisan :lol:
When you bring in stuff about Obama and about some liberal with a private jet, yes, you are being partisan. You are also denying the science. All so rich guys can get richer. That's all it's about TN, and you're getting played along with millions of other conservatives in this country. It's a shame.
I brought him up because YOU brought up partisan bullshit. Geez louise. Pay attention, perhaps?
All so rich guys can get richer
Hey genius, how rich has al gore gotten because of this? Who do you think will control all this? THE RICH You know, the ones that fly around in their private jumbo jets telling peons to stop using air conditioners and driving cars? RICH people push the other side too. AGAIN, stop with your partisan bullshit.
NEITHER SIDE gives a fuck about you, me or the environment. If they did, (much like everything fucked up in this country and the world) they would battle things THAT MATTER.
Get off the internet. You are causing coal to burn.
I'm not getting off until you do. You are causing half the country to deny facts.
Call me partisan if you want. I've been called worse. It's about as accurate as the other bullshit you're spewing in this thread.
I know there are lots of rich guys in both camps and that none of them give a shit about me or you. That's truth. However, the decisions they make can have an overall positive or negative effect, irregardless. I remember shit you don't, kings of industry screaming bloody murder about dumping chemical waste products into the water and the air and insisting, INSISTING mind you, that they were harmless. Those same types are now insisting INSISTING mind you that climate change is completely natural and cannot be controlled and continuing to regulate C02 is too expensive and will have dire effects on our pocketbooks. Same shit, different day, TN.
LMAO what facts? I have asked you MULTIPLE times to give me FACTS and you have yet to do it. 207 pages in this thread and there haven't been any facts to support your argument. Maybe NOW you can post some? But good luck, considering their aren't any to support you. THATS 100% why I am against c02 regulations like this.
People use this as religion. Religion, in any sense, goes against progression. It closes minds. Even causes people to ignore REALITY.
Paris accord was a rip off to the United States, no benefit whatsoever. We could not afford it anyways…
What do you think it will cost to mitigate the effects of Global Warming over the next 50 years?

Billions just for the military. Who's Still Fighting Climate Change? The U.S. Military

Billions for our coastal cities.

Just for sea level rises.

Billions in changes to agriculture.

Billions in damage relief due to extreme weather.

And you God Damn stupid fucks want to ignore this because you're too God Damn Stupid political Party tells you to. My God people, wake rhe fuck up & quit being sofa king stupid.
Accept responsibility...

There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
Read the article I posted in your related new thread. It is not a treaty, specifically because of that. It is an agreement. It was kosher and it is lawful.
not sure how it can be lawful if it never went through congress.

also - isn't this an executive order more or less? why was 1 man allowed to dictate this for an entire country?
For the same reason Trump is allowed to dictate a travel ban that the entire country does not want.

It's protecting Americans... You don't like that now ?

Did it go around Congress?
Paris accord was a rip off to the United States, no benefit whatsoever. We could not afford it anyways…
What do you think it will cost to mitigate the effects of Global Warming over the next 50 years?

Billions just for the military. Who's Still Fighting Climate Change? The U.S. Military

Billions for our coastal cities.

Just for sea level rises.

Billions in changes to agriculture.

Billions in damage relief due to extreme weather.

And you God Damn stupid fucks want to ignore this because you're too God Damn Stupid political Party tells you to. My God people, wake rhe fuck up & quit being sofa king stupid.
Evidence you ecstatic dumbfuck. Please post some.
Paris accord was a rip off to the United States, no benefit whatsoever. We could not afford it anyways…
What do you think it will cost to mitigate the effects of Global Warming over the next 50 years?

Billions just for the military. Who's Still Fighting Climate Change? The U.S. Military

Billions for our coastal cities.

Just for sea level rises.

Billions in changes to agriculture.

Billions in damage relief due to extreme weather.

And you God Damn stupid fucks want to ignore this because you're too God Damn Stupid political Party tells you to. My God people, wake rhe fuck up & quit being sofa king stupid.

We have been hearing that since 2005..

Shouldn't we be building something to protect us against an asteroid?

The republicans are fucking idiots.
They're rich SOB's who want every last nickel milked from what is making them rich. You can't blame them; this is how our country works. But when the brakes get put on for the public good--whoa Nelly! Let's even come up with dumb stuff like "A dem president has gone as far as to blame it for his daughters asthma and Islamic extremism." Well, air pollution does exacerbate asthma. Ask any doctor of whatever political persuasion, or better yet, anyone with asthma. And every national security expert I've heard has agreed that climate change IS a one of the top security issues facing our country. Due to disruption of natural resources and massive migration causing socio-economic disruption.
The dem president who said those things wasn't wrong. But the current Republican president who is saying a world wide climate agreement isn't good for the U.S. is.
You are going to sit there and tell me dry, hot climates cause Islamic terrorism in the middle east when they have been living in that EXACT climate for thousands of years?
Give me a fucking break old lady. I know its Monday but damn..
You sit there and talk trash about "rich republicans" when rich dems pushing this shit when they fly around in private jets. Leo decaprio flew halfway around the world to accept an environment award and he let out more co2 from that SOLE trip than my family will do in six months.
Again, give me a fucking break.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive. You people need to grow the fuck up.
And I guess you have a point with the asthma. The dem city of Chicago STILL hasn't met basic air quality standards :badgrin:
They don't really care. And until you care enough to look for reality, you are just as bad as the duopoly.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive.
Take a look in the mirror, TN. The conservative argument here (if you can really call an argument based on bullshit an "argument"), wants to roll back the clock and make things the way they used to be. Despite that the world is changing and the world is moving on. We need to find out how to roll with the change, not allow our power plants and factories pollute more, just like the good old days. Thank God Presidents only get a four year term. If he lasts that long.
I ask for proof and use logic and REALITY and you call me a partisan? I am sitting here calling for regulations on shit that we can ACTUALLY CHANGE like waterway and ocean pollution and you call ME a partisan?
Lol get real old lady. You are full of shit. Seriously.
FIVE PERCENT. Our co2 imprint is miniscule and until I can see FACT, all this will ever be is partisan bullshit. ESPECIALLY when you call people science deniers for not being in your collective while you cant offer a SHRED of ACTUAL evidence.
Al Gore will tell you all this shit and you suck it up. Then, the son of a bitch boards his private jumbo jet, lands and gets in an SUV that get 12 miles a gallon and goes to an environmental rally and tells us we need to cut back on emissions and the air conditioner. Then, all the people that attended the event leaves 2 tons of fucking trash behind :rofl:
All of you are a fucking JOKE when it comes to this.
Call me a partisan :lol:

The Earth balances its CO2 emitting & absorbing. All we had to do was increase the CO2 ppm enough to exceed the absorbtion rate.

We can stack a certain amount of weight on a 40 ton capacity bridge without it failing. Everyday we add a thousand pounds. One day that 1,000 pounds will cause that bridge to collapse. That 1,000 pounds is maybe 2% of that total weight yet it was that addition weight thaty did in that bridge.

You whiny fucks need to get some logic instead of searching for excuses for your stupidity.

Once again you moron we had 5 times more C02 in the air during Dino's you idiot

And sea levels were over 500 feet higher than they are today.

Yes, CO2 levels were higher before. Why don't you find out what the climate was like then & see how well it fits with today's Earth.

You people are sofa king stupid.
It's one planet, one atmosphere. Explain why the populations matter as to the amount of greenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere.

The data is skewed against the USA due to its size and number of people! Of course we appear a bigger polluter than we are, if we didn't have such good technology, we would pollute much more. And India while contributing 7% is a much bigger polluter considering the small size of the country and population.

View attachment 130663

China produces nearly a THIRD of the world CO2 emission yet is GROWING and not affected by the ACCORD.
India, despite its small size producers almost as much as all the countries of the EU combined.
Yes, we produce 14%, considering our population and size, pretty damned good compared to the tiny EU (look at a map).
Tiny Japan producers almost as much as all of Russia!
If you want to say 14% is still 14%, fine, but to cut our CO2 by 20% would be DEVASTATING to our economy, MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE. Now is not the time with our economy already weak and when the benefits of doing so are HIGHLY debatable. Even the PA predicts only a minuscule improvement over a century!
Not a good deal to CRIPPLE ourselves while China and India run away Scott free producing nearly 40% of the total global amount and INCREASING.

Let's take a look at air quality in BEIJING CHINA:

View attachment 130664

Now let us take a look at New Delhi India:

View attachment 130665

Now, let us take a look at an American City like Chicago, one of our largest:

View attachment 130667

Any questions? Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.
Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.
I realize that, and you took pure numbers and twisted them into a whine that China and India pollute more than we do. (Which India does not, btw) So why should there be an agreement that encourages them to pollute less, you ask? Shit, I CAN NOT understand where your logic comes from.

No way! Practically perfect in every way just said "shit". That should not excite me as much as it does.
You don't read me much, do you? LOL

I try to follow you as much as I am here. You are usually calm and measured, just don't expect to see you cursing. Can you write the F- bomb for me? It would make my day imagining MP holding her umbrella as she slowly descends into the town square telling people to get the eff out of the way.

Accept responsibility...

There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
Read the article I posted in your related new thread. It is not a treaty, specifically because of that. It is an agreement. It was kosher and it is lawful.
not sure how it can be lawful if it never went through congress.

also - isn't this an executive order more or less? why was 1 man allowed to dictate this for an entire country?
For the same reason Trump is allowed to dictate a travel ban that the entire country does not want.
great - now to make this comparison work - then obama would have to go through the courts as well, correct, on this vs. just saying "hey, we're in".

i'm fine with our court system determine what we can and can't do here. why was obama *not*?

no congress.
no courts.
no oversight.

just another EO that far exceeds the purpose of EO's to begin with.
I'm not following. I'm sure if it had been illegal it would have been challenged in the courts. But it wasn't/isn't being, so what makes you say Obama wouldn't have been fine with the oversight? He pulled back on the instances he overstepped his bounds. The rest is just opinion.
Trump, btw, is not at all "fine" with the courts determining the outcome of his E.O. So please spare me the high and mighty stuff here.
Paris accord was a rip off to the United States, no benefit whatsoever. We could not afford it anyways…
What do you think it will cost to mitigate the effects of Global Warming over the next 50 years?

Billions just for the military. Who's Still Fighting Climate Change? The U.S. Military

Billions for our coastal cities.

Just for sea level rises.

Billions in changes to agriculture.

Billions in damage relief due to extreme weather.

And you God Damn stupid fucks want to ignore this because you're too God Damn Stupid political Party tells you to. My God people, wake rhe fuck up & quit being sofa king stupid.

We have been hearing that since 2005..

Shouldn't we be building something to protect us against an asteroid?

Maybe you should pay attention. If you think there are no current effects from global warming you are quite naive.

Accept responsibility...

There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
Read the article I posted in your related new thread. It is not a treaty, specifically because of that. It is an agreement. It was kosher and it is lawful.
not sure how it can be lawful if it never went through congress.

also - isn't this an executive order more or less? why was 1 man allowed to dictate this for an entire country?
For the same reason Trump is allowed to dictate a travel ban that the entire country does not want.

It's protecting Americans... You don't like that now ?

Did it go around Congress?
I'm still waiting to hear who manbearpig is.
The data is skewed against the USA due to its size and number of people! Of course we appear a bigger polluter than we are, if we didn't have such good technology, we would pollute much more. And India while contributing 7% is a much bigger polluter considering the small size of the country and population.

View attachment 130663

China produces nearly a THIRD of the world CO2 emission yet is GROWING and not affected by the ACCORD.
India, despite its small size producers almost as much as all the countries of the EU combined.
Yes, we produce 14%, considering our population and size, pretty damned good compared to the tiny EU (look at a map).
Tiny Japan producers almost as much as all of Russia!
If you want to say 14% is still 14%, fine, but to cut our CO2 by 20% would be DEVASTATING to our economy, MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE. Now is not the time with our economy already weak and when the benefits of doing so are HIGHLY debatable. Even the PA predicts only a minuscule improvement over a century!
Not a good deal to CRIPPLE ourselves while China and India run away Scott free producing nearly 40% of the total global amount and INCREASING.

Let's take a look at air quality in BEIJING CHINA:

View attachment 130664

Now let us take a look at New Delhi India:

View attachment 130665

Now, let us take a look at an American City like Chicago, one of our largest:

View attachment 130667

Any questions? Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.
Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.
I realize that, and you took pure numbers and twisted them into a whine that China and India pollute more than we do. (Which India does not, btw) So why should there be an agreement that encourages them to pollute less, you ask? Shit, I CAN NOT understand where your logic comes from.

No way! Practically perfect in every way just said "shit". That should not excite me as much as it does.
You don't read me much, do you? LOL

I try to follow you as much as I am here. You are usually calm and measured, just don't expect to see you cursing. Can you write the F- bomb for me? It would make my day imagining MP holding her umbrella as she slowly descends into the town square telling people to get the eff out of the way.

There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
Read the article I posted in your related new thread. It is not a treaty, specifically because of that. It is an agreement. It was kosher and it is lawful.
not sure how it can be lawful if it never went through congress.

also - isn't this an executive order more or less? why was 1 man allowed to dictate this for an entire country?
For the same reason Trump is allowed to dictate a travel ban that the entire country does not want.
great - now to make this comparison work - then obama would have to go through the courts as well, correct, on this vs. just saying "hey, we're in".

i'm fine with our court system determine what we can and can't do here. why was obama *not*?

no congress.
no courts.
no oversight.

just another EO that far exceeds the purpose of EO's to begin with.
I'm not following. I'm sure if it had been illegal it would have been challenged in the courts. But it wasn't/isn't being, so what makes you say Obama wouldn't have been fine with the oversight? He pulled back on the instances he overstepped his bounds. The rest is just opinion.
Trump, btw, is not at all "fine" with the courts determining the outcome of his E.O. So please spare me the high and mighty stuff here.

please re-read:
i'm fine with our court system determine what we can and can't do here

don't care what trump wants or not - this needs to go through the courts. any treaty or agreement that commits us to billions of dollars w/no oversight needs to go through congress. so i'm *not* being "high and mighty" here.

please let me know where obama backed up and said "oops, i don't have the authority to do that" as i have certainly missed it.
You are going to sit there and tell me dry, hot climates cause Islamic terrorism in the middle east when they have been living in that EXACT climate for thousands of years?
Give me a fucking break old lady. I know its Monday but damn..
You sit there and talk trash about "rich republicans" when rich dems pushing this shit when they fly around in private jets. Leo decaprio flew halfway around the world to accept an environment award and he let out more co2 from that SOLE trip than my family will do in six months.
Again, give me a fucking break.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive. You people need to grow the fuck up.
And I guess you have a point with the asthma. The dem city of Chicago STILL hasn't met basic air quality standards :badgrin:
They don't really care. And until you care enough to look for reality, you are just as bad as the duopoly.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive.
Take a look in the mirror, TN. The conservative argument here (if you can really call an argument based on bullshit an "argument"), wants to roll back the clock and make things the way they used to be. Despite that the world is changing and the world is moving on. We need to find out how to roll with the change, not allow our power plants and factories pollute more, just like the good old days. Thank God Presidents only get a four year term. If he lasts that long.
I ask for proof and use logic and REALITY and you call me a partisan? I am sitting here calling for regulations on shit that we can ACTUALLY CHANGE like waterway and ocean pollution and you call ME a partisan?
Lol get real old lady. You are full of shit. Seriously.
FIVE PERCENT. Our co2 imprint is miniscule and until I can see FACT, all this will ever be is partisan bullshit. ESPECIALLY when you call people science deniers for not being in your collective while you cant offer a SHRED of ACTUAL evidence.
Al Gore will tell you all this shit and you suck it up. Then, the son of a bitch boards his private jumbo jet, lands and gets in an SUV that get 12 miles a gallon and goes to an environmental rally and tells us we need to cut back on emissions and the air conditioner. Then, all the people that attended the event leaves 2 tons of fucking trash behind :rofl:
All of you are a fucking JOKE when it comes to this.
Call me a partisan :lol:

The Earth balances its CO2 emitting & absorbing. All we had to do was increase the CO2 ppm enough to exceed the absorbtion rate.

We can stack a certain amount of weight on a 40 ton capacity bridge without it failing. Everyday we add a thousand pounds. One day that 1,000 pounds will cause that bridge to collapse. That 1,000 pounds is maybe 2% of that total weight yet it was that addition weight thaty did in that bridge.

You whiny fucks need to get some logic instead of searching for excuses for your stupidity.

Once again you moron we had 5 times more C02 in the air during Dino's you idiot

And sea levels were over 500 feet higher than they are today.

Yes, CO2 levels were higher before. Why don't you find out what the climate was like then & see how well it fits with today's Earth.

You people are sofa king stupid.

Once again cupcake dinosaurs were huge plants were..huge..

More C02 doesn't kill the planet... Idiot..

This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive.
Take a look in the mirror, TN. The conservative argument here (if you can really call an argument based on bullshit an "argument"), wants to roll back the clock and make things the way they used to be. Despite that the world is changing and the world is moving on. We need to find out how to roll with the change, not allow our power plants and factories pollute more, just like the good old days. Thank God Presidents only get a four year term. If he lasts that long.
I ask for proof and use logic and REALITY and you call me a partisan? I am sitting here calling for regulations on shit that we can ACTUALLY CHANGE like waterway and ocean pollution and you call ME a partisan?
Lol get real old lady. You are full of shit. Seriously.
FIVE PERCENT. Our co2 imprint is miniscule and until I can see FACT, all this will ever be is partisan bullshit. ESPECIALLY when you call people science deniers for not being in your collective while you cant offer a SHRED of ACTUAL evidence.
Al Gore will tell you all this shit and you suck it up. Then, the son of a bitch boards his private jumbo jet, lands and gets in an SUV that get 12 miles a gallon and goes to an environmental rally and tells us we need to cut back on emissions and the air conditioner. Then, all the people that attended the event leaves 2 tons of fucking trash behind :rofl:
All of you are a fucking JOKE when it comes to this.
Call me a partisan :lol:

The Earth balances its CO2 emitting & absorbing. All we had to do was increase the CO2 ppm enough to exceed the absorbtion rate.

We can stack a certain amount of weight on a 40 ton capacity bridge without it failing. Everyday we add a thousand pounds. One day that 1,000 pounds will cause that bridge to collapse. That 1,000 pounds is maybe 2% of that total weight yet it was that addition weight thaty did in that bridge.

You whiny fucks need to get some logic instead of searching for excuses for your stupidity.
According to models, you are correct.
Also, nature always in balance is an assumption. Which, OBVIOUSLY, isn't correct. Seeing as we have hits thousands of c02 ppm before. Which, BTW, we had glaciers at that time :thup:

There are many factors to the climate The time period you are talking about happened millions of years ago before dinosaurs. Other factors affected the climate.

Do high levels of CO2 in the past contradict the warming effect of CO2?

Jim Hansen's skeptical science blog?


Once again we need C02..

We need water too. But drinking too much is dangerous.
There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
Read the article I posted in your related new thread. It is not a treaty, specifically because of that. It is an agreement. It was kosher and it is lawful.
not sure how it can be lawful if it never went through congress.

also - isn't this an executive order more or less? why was 1 man allowed to dictate this for an entire country?
For the same reason Trump is allowed to dictate a travel ban that the entire country does not want.

It's protecting Americans... You don't like that now ?

Did it go around Congress?
I'm still waiting to hear who manbearpig is.

It's South park Google it a parody of al Gore
The data is skewed against the USA due to its size and number of people! Of course we appear a bigger polluter than we are, if we didn't have such good technology, we would pollute much more. And India while contributing 7% is a much bigger polluter considering the small size of the country and population.

View attachment 130663

China produces nearly a THIRD of the world CO2 emission yet is GROWING and not affected by the ACCORD.
India, despite its small size producers almost as much as all the countries of the EU combined.
Yes, we produce 14%, considering our population and size, pretty damned good compared to the tiny EU (look at a map).
Tiny Japan producers almost as much as all of Russia!
If you want to say 14% is still 14%, fine, but to cut our CO2 by 20% would be DEVASTATING to our economy, MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE. Now is not the time with our economy already weak and when the benefits of doing so are HIGHLY debatable. Even the PA predicts only a minuscule improvement over a century!
Not a good deal to CRIPPLE ourselves while China and India run away Scott free producing nearly 40% of the total global amount and INCREASING.

Let's take a look at air quality in BEIJING CHINA:

View attachment 130664

Now let us take a look at New Delhi India:

View attachment 130665

Now, let us take a look at an American City like Chicago, one of our largest:

View attachment 130667

Any questions? Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.
Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.
I realize that, and you took pure numbers and twisted them into a whine that China and India pollute more than we do. (Which India does not, btw) So why should there be an agreement that encourages them to pollute less, you ask? Shit, I CAN NOT understand where your logic comes from.

No way! Practically perfect in every way just said "shit". That should not excite me as much as it does.
You don't read me much, do you? LOL

I try to follow you as much as I am here. You are usually calm and measured, just don't expect to see you cursing. Can you write the F- bomb for me? It would make my day imagining MP holding her umbrella as she slowly descends into the town square telling people to get the eff out of the way.

There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
Read the article I posted in your related new thread. It is not a treaty, specifically because of that. It is an agreement. It was kosher and it is lawful.
not sure how it can be lawful if it never went through congress.

also - isn't this an executive order more or less? why was 1 man allowed to dictate this for an entire country?
For the same reason Trump is allowed to dictate a travel ban that the entire country does not want.
great - now to make this comparison work - then obama would have to go through the courts as well, correct, on this vs. just saying "hey, we're in".

i'm fine with our court system determine what we can and can't do here. why was obama *not*?

no congress.
no courts.
no oversight.

just another EO that far exceeds the purpose of EO's to begin with.
I'm not following. I'm sure if it had been illegal it would have been challenged in the courts. But it wasn't/isn't being, so what makes you say Obama wouldn't have been fine with the oversight? He pulled back on the instances he overstepped his bounds. The rest is just opinion.
Trump, btw, is not at all "fine" with the courts determining the outcome of his E.O. So please spare me the high and mighty stuff here.
I have told you at least once like 30 states sued and the supreme court put it on hold.

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