Trump Questions Whether Clinton And Obama Are Actually Christians

I do not understand how any evangelical Christian could support a man whose fortune is built on gambling. Casinos which prey on human weakness, and strip the poor and middle class of their hard-earned money. Those massively expensive temples of glitz and unadulterated sin are not built by those people winning money.

I do not understand how any evangelical Christian can support a man whose reality TV program encourages the worst human behaviors of greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and betrayal.

I do not understand how any evangelical Christian can support a man who is the epitome of vanity, selfishness, pleasure seeking, and sins of the flesh.

Your soul is very sick indeed if you support a man like that.
I never thought I would see the day...
but we may actually be living in the time of the rise of the antichrist, where God allows delusion....?

2 Thessalonians 2 Berean Study Bible

i'll bet if you pull back tribblehead's combover, you'll find the number 666. :dev2:
no doubt!!!! :eek:
Clinton probably knows more about Trump's Presbyterian religion than he does.
Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday questioned the faith of Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, insinuating that neither may really be a Christian.

He told a group of evangelical leaders that he doesn’t believe there is enough public information about Clinton’s religious beliefs.

“She’s been in the public eye for years and years, and yet there’s no, nothing out there. There’s like nothing out there,” he said. “It’s going to be an extension of Obama, but it’s going to be worse, because with Obama you had to have your guard up. With Hillary you don’t and it’s going to be worse.”

Trump has repeatedly suggested that Obama is a Muslim who was not born in the United States and who may be sympathetic to terrorists.

A simple Google search shows that Trump is wrong about there being “very little” publicly available information about Clinton’s faith. The presumptive Democratic nominee is a Methodist who in 2007 said she carries a Bible in her purse.

More: Donald Trump Questions Whether Hillary Clinton And Obama Are Actually Christians

It is hilariously hypocritical for Trump to question anyone's religion. I wonder how many evangelical leaders are buying his con game.
Wow, talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

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