Trump: RECORD NUMBER OF FAILS For First 60 Days Of Presidency

The republican healthcare replacement will kick 26 million people off of their healthcare and it will end up costing more.

How dumb.

You are the one who is dumb for believing any of those numbers.

The CBO hasn't been right once.
Didn't he have a plan to defeat ISIS within 30 days that he wasn't going to disclose until after the election?
He knew more than "the generals".

Are ISIS defeated yet?
I just can't help wondering exactly what Trump's Chumps think they voted for. Seriously.

He was "very pro-choice". He wanted President Bush impeached. He said Bush lied and people died. He said there were no WMDs in Iraq. He was a close personal friend of Bill and Hillary, and defended Bill during the 'bimbo eruptions'. He said Bill Clinton was a great President. He donated to Democrats. He wanted an Assault Weapons Ban. He wrote in his book he wants Universal Health Care. He was a registered Democrat until a few years ago. He regularly appeared on CNN, which he now calls "fake news", and always took the liberal position on any subject he was asked about.

On and on and on and on. A single one of those would have been a poison pill for anyone else claiming to be a Republican.

But not Trump the great New York Huckster.


I'll tell you why.

It's because the very first thing he did as a candidate was slander Mexicans and Muslims.

That's it. That is ALL of it. No more, no less.

And right away, the bigoted pseudocons fell in love with him. And boy, if ever there was proof that "love is blind", the Chumps' unfailing obedience to Herr Trump is it.

Thank you.
The ACA repeal is on Congress, until they pass a repeal bill and put it on his desk, I don't see how you can blame Trump.

You did not read the links I provided. Right there on Trump's campaign website, he promised to ask Congress literally on Day One to repeal ObamaCare. And he promised to provide a series of reforms ready for implementation.

THE REALITY: He lied. He has no reforms to offer, and he did not ask for an immediate repeal.

Nice try. FAIL.

I do blame the Republican Congress though.

A replacement bill hasn't been past yet, so its a bit premature to claim "fail" about what changes will be made.

The GOP has been whining for SEVEN YEARS since ObamaCare became law.

Seven. Years.

They have passed full and partial repeals 60 TIMES in all that time.

Now that they actually have the power to repeal ObamaCare, they haven't. Which tell you what?

It tells you I have been right all this time. All 60 times were theater for the rubes. The GOP has done NOTHING, and offered NOTHING to reform healthcare for the SEVERAL DECADES in which healthcare has been rising faster than inflation and our GDP.

They have had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement, and were caught with their dicks in their hands, pissing on the gleeful rubes' faces.

Trump going along with the "One China" policy is hardly a "fail".

It most certainly is. He completely reversed himself. A total flip-flop the second he was pressured by Xi. He completely caved.

There is no agreement to tear up with Iran.

Wrong. You clearly have no clue at all. I always knew you willfully ignorant rubes never actually read the agreement and just parroted the lies fed to you by your favorite piss outlets.

So read it:

And tell that "there is no agreement to tear up" bullshit to Pence and Trump: Pence goes farther than Trump on Iran deal, says US will "rip up" - CBS News

Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence promised that a Trump administration would “rip up the Iran deal” at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina on Wednesday evening.

Nice try. FAIL.

Deportations have been going full throttle since Trump was sworn in.
Nope. There have been some high profile cases by the liberal media, but deportations are not up. And it's a fact Trump has been floating the idea of amnesty for the vast majority of illegals, and has already given amnesty to more than he has deported.

Nice try. FAIL.
I think Trumps done a damned good job in his first 60 days. He's doing his best to fulfill his campaign promises which is something no politician ever does.
My God, you are so gullible.

Trump made promises he KNEW he was not going to keep.

He had no legislation ready for implementation. He flat out lied to you rubes. Flat out lied. And you sit there and just keep taking it.
I think Trumps done a damned good job in his first 60 days. He's doing his best to fulfill his campaign promises which is something no politician ever does.
My God, you are so gullible.

Trump made promises he KNEW he was not going to keep.

He had no legislation ready for implementation. He flat out lied to you rubes. Flat out lied. And you sit there and just keep taking it.

Truthfully, who cares.

All I care about is the SCOTUS.

Trump will be gone in four years.

Who he nominates will be around for a long long time.
I think Trumps done a damned good job in his first 60 days. He's doing his best to fulfill his campaign promises which is something no politician ever does.
My God, you are so gullible.

Trump made promises he KNEW he was not going to keep.

He had no legislation ready for implementation. He flat out lied to you rubes. Flat out lied. And you sit there and just keep taking it.

Truthfully, who cares
What an unbelievably stupid and dangerous thing to think.

This is EXACTLY the retardation which hucksters like Trump exploit.
I think Trumps done a damned good job in his first 60 days. He's doing his best to fulfill his campaign promises which is something no politician ever does.
My God, you are so gullible.

Trump made promises he KNEW he was not going to keep.

He had no legislation ready for implementation. He flat out lied to you rubes. Flat out lied. And you sit there and just keep taking it.
Congratulations, you are my first 'follow'! (Yeah I know, WGAF? Lol!)

Keep up the great truth-telling!
1. Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare on "day one" of his Administration.

We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

THE REALITY: Trump had NOTHING. Zero. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Not one fucking thing. He has not coughed up a single reform himself.

Just like the GOP for the past SEVEN years.


2. Trump promised everyone would be covered with health insurance under TrumpCare.

This past January: Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

A year ago: Donald Trump on Obamacare – ‘Repeal it and Replace it with Government Funded Universal Healthcare’ - Eagle Rising

Donald Trump: “Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, ‘No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private.’ But…”

Scott Pelley: “Universal Healthcare?”

Donald Trump: “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Scott Pelley: “But who’s going to pay for it?”

Donald Trump: “The government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side!”

THE REALITY: CBO report: 24 million fewer insured by 2026 under GOP health care bill -

Twenty-four million more Americans would be uninsured by 2026 under the House Republican health care bill than under Obamacare, including 14 million by next year, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.


3. Trump said he wasn't going to get pushed around by China and was going to review the status of Taiwan, upsetting longstanding US policy.

THE REALITY: Trump backed down when Xi Jinping snubbed him.

President Trump told President Xi Jinping of China on Thursday evening that the United States would honor the “One China” policy, reversing his earlier expressions of doubt about the longtime diplomatic understanding and removing a major source of tension between the United States and China since shortly after he was elected.

In a statement, the White House said Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi “discussed numerous topics, and President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our One China policy.”

Trump hates it when commies are mad at him, and he caves in to make them like him.


4. Trump said he was going to going to tear up the Iran agreement on Day One.

THE REALITY: Trump has not torn up the agreement, and Iran has totally boned him, hard: Iran test-fires missiles, harasses U.S., British ships in Strait of Hormuz


5. Trump said he was going to bring the hammer down on North Korea, and that their ability to hit the US with ICBM would "never happen.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: North Korea’s Recent Ballistic Missile Launch: Another Foreign Policy Test for Donald Trump


6. Donald Trump has had a schoolgirl crush on Vladimir Putin for years, even making up stories that he and Vlad were BFFs. He has a pathological desire for Vlad to like him.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: U.S. Confirms Russian Missile Deployment Violates Nuclear Treaty. Now What?


7. Remember all that tough guy talk about illegal Mexicans? Remember how the pseudocons were sporting giant hardons over a Deportation Force? Remember how Operation Wetback was going to Make Merka Great Again?
Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

THE REALITY: Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants Have Received Amnesty Under President Trump

Trump may add immigration section to speech -

President Donald Trump wants to pass an immigration reform bill that could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants living in the US.

It isn't like I didn't try to warn you Chumps:

I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:

After all that theater and faux outrage by the GOP over Obama's EO, and the jettisoning of Eric Cantor by the bigots in his district over immigration reform, I bet your faces will be priceless.

Gonna build the wall.
I cant wait to see the symbol of leftwing impotance built
I can't wait to see your faces when it has ZERO impact on our economy, except as another expense added to the debt. Even better will be the looks on your faces when Trump grants amnesty to the majority of illegals.

The wall is actually a symbol of mass mental retardation.


8. Remember when Trump said Mexico was going to pay for The Wall™?

THE REALITY: McConnell on Mexico paying for the border wall: 'Uh, no'

You're looking at everything in a vacuum, and no one expected him to fix everything this soon into his presidency
I think Trumps done a damned good job in his first 60 days. He's doing his best to fulfill his campaign promises which is something no politician ever does.
My God, you are so gullible.

Trump made promises he KNEW he was not going to keep.

He had no legislation ready for implementation. He flat out lied to you rubes. Flat out lied. And you sit there and just keep taking it.

Truthfully, who cares.

All I care about is the SCOTUS.

Trump will be gone in four years.

Who he nominates will be around for a long long time.
I cant believe you are that retarded.....but then again I think I remember you being brain damaged.
1. Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare on "day one" of his Administration.

We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

THE REALITY: Trump had NOTHING. Zero. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Not one fucking thing. He has not coughed up a single reform himself.

Just like the GOP for the past SEVEN years.


2. Trump promised everyone would be covered with health insurance under TrumpCare.

This past January: Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

A year ago: Donald Trump on Obamacare – ‘Repeal it and Replace it with Government Funded Universal Healthcare’ - Eagle Rising

Donald Trump: “Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, ‘No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private.’ But…”

Scott Pelley: “Universal Healthcare?”

Donald Trump: “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Scott Pelley: “But who’s going to pay for it?”

Donald Trump: “The government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side!”

THE REALITY: CBO report: 24 million fewer insured by 2026 under GOP health care bill -

Twenty-four million more Americans would be uninsured by 2026 under the House Republican health care bill than under Obamacare, including 14 million by next year, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.


3. Trump said he wasn't going to get pushed around by China and was going to review the status of Taiwan, upsetting longstanding US policy.

THE REALITY: Trump backed down when Xi Jinping snubbed him.

President Trump told President Xi Jinping of China on Thursday evening that the United States would honor the “One China” policy, reversing his earlier expressions of doubt about the longtime diplomatic understanding and removing a major source of tension between the United States and China since shortly after he was elected.

In a statement, the White House said Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi “discussed numerous topics, and President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our One China policy.”

Trump hates it when commies are mad at him, and he caves in to make them like him.


4. Trump said he was going to going to tear up the Iran agreement on Day One.

THE REALITY: Trump has not torn up the agreement, and Iran has totally boned him, hard: Iran test-fires missiles, harasses U.S., British ships in Strait of Hormuz


5. Trump said he was going to bring the hammer down on North Korea, and that their ability to hit the US with ICBM would "never happen.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: North Korea’s Recent Ballistic Missile Launch: Another Foreign Policy Test for Donald Trump


6. Donald Trump has had a schoolgirl crush on Vladimir Putin for years, even making up stories that he and Vlad were BFFs. He has a pathological desire for Vlad to like him.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: U.S. Confirms Russian Missile Deployment Violates Nuclear Treaty. Now What?


7. Remember all that tough guy talk about illegal Mexicans? Remember how the pseudocons were sporting giant hardons over a Deportation Force? Remember how Operation Wetback was going to Make Merka Great Again?
Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

THE REALITY: Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants Have Received Amnesty Under President Trump

Trump may add immigration section to speech -

President Donald Trump wants to pass an immigration reform bill that could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants living in the US.

It isn't like I didn't try to warn you Chumps:

I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:

After all that theater and faux outrage by the GOP over Obama's EO, and the jettisoning of Eric Cantor by the bigots in his district over immigration reform, I bet your faces will be priceless.

Gonna build the wall.
I cant wait to see the symbol of leftwing impotance built
I can't wait to see your faces when it has ZERO impact on our economy, except as another expense added to the debt. Even better will be the looks on your faces when Trump grants amnesty to the majority of illegals.

The wall is actually a symbol of mass mental retardation.


8. Remember when Trump said Mexico was going to pay for The Wall™?

THE REALITY: McConnell on Mexico paying for the border wall: 'Uh, no'

You're looking at everything in a vacuum, and no one expected him to fix everything this soon into his presidency
So why did he lie to you rubes then? He just lied for the fun of it and you guys knew?
1. Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare on "day one" of his Administration.

We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

THE REALITY: Trump had NOTHING. Zero. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Not one fucking thing. He has not coughed up a single reform himself.

Just like the GOP for the past SEVEN years.


2. Trump promised everyone would be covered with health insurance under TrumpCare.

This past January: Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

A year ago: Donald Trump on Obamacare – ‘Repeal it and Replace it with Government Funded Universal Healthcare’ - Eagle Rising

Donald Trump: “Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, ‘No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private.’ But…”

Scott Pelley: “Universal Healthcare?”

Donald Trump: “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Scott Pelley: “But who’s going to pay for it?”

Donald Trump: “The government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side!”

THE REALITY: CBO report: 24 million fewer insured by 2026 under GOP health care bill -

Twenty-four million more Americans would be uninsured by 2026 under the House Republican health care bill than under Obamacare, including 14 million by next year, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.


3. Trump said he wasn't going to get pushed around by China and was going to review the status of Taiwan, upsetting longstanding US policy.

THE REALITY: Trump backed down when Xi Jinping snubbed him.

President Trump told President Xi Jinping of China on Thursday evening that the United States would honor the “One China” policy, reversing his earlier expressions of doubt about the longtime diplomatic understanding and removing a major source of tension between the United States and China since shortly after he was elected.

In a statement, the White House said Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi “discussed numerous topics, and President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our One China policy.”

Trump hates it when commies are mad at him, and he caves in to make them like him.


4. Trump said he was going to going to tear up the Iran agreement on Day One.

THE REALITY: Trump has not torn up the agreement, and Iran has totally boned him, hard: Iran test-fires missiles, harasses U.S., British ships in Strait of Hormuz


5. Trump said he was going to bring the hammer down on North Korea, and that their ability to hit the US with ICBM would "never happen.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: North Korea’s Recent Ballistic Missile Launch: Another Foreign Policy Test for Donald Trump


6. Donald Trump has had a schoolgirl crush on Vladimir Putin for years, even making up stories that he and Vlad were BFFs. He has a pathological desire for Vlad to like him.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: U.S. Confirms Russian Missile Deployment Violates Nuclear Treaty. Now What?


7. Remember all that tough guy talk about illegal Mexicans? Remember how the pseudocons were sporting giant hardons over a Deportation Force? Remember how Operation Wetback was going to Make Merka Great Again?
Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

THE REALITY: Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants Have Received Amnesty Under President Trump

Trump may add immigration section to speech -

President Donald Trump wants to pass an immigration reform bill that could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants living in the US.

It isn't like I didn't try to warn you Chumps:

I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:

After all that theater and faux outrage by the GOP over Obama's EO, and the jettisoning of Eric Cantor by the bigots in his district over immigration reform, I bet your faces will be priceless.

Gonna build the wall.
I cant wait to see the symbol of leftwing impotance built
I can't wait to see your faces when it has ZERO impact on our economy, except as another expense added to the debt. Even better will be the looks on your faces when Trump grants amnesty to the majority of illegals.

The wall is actually a symbol of mass mental retardation.


8. Remember when Trump said Mexico was going to pay for The Wall™?

THE REALITY: McConnell on Mexico paying for the border wall: 'Uh, no'

You're looking at everything in a vacuum, and no one expected him to fix everything this soon into his presidency
So why did he lie to you rubes then? He just lied for the fun of it and you guys knew?

He said a lot of outlandish things that most of his supporters didn't take seriously, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done a good job thus far. He has
1. Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare on "day one" of his Administration.

We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

THE REALITY: Trump had NOTHING. Zero. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Not one fucking thing. He has not coughed up a single reform himself.

Just like the GOP for the past SEVEN years.


2. Trump promised everyone would be covered with health insurance under TrumpCare.

This past January: Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

A year ago: Donald Trump on Obamacare – ‘Repeal it and Replace it with Government Funded Universal Healthcare’ - Eagle Rising

Donald Trump: “Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, ‘No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private.’ But…”

Scott Pelley: “Universal Healthcare?”

Donald Trump: “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Scott Pelley: “But who’s going to pay for it?”

Donald Trump: “The government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side!”

THE REALITY: CBO report: 24 million fewer insured by 2026 under GOP health care bill -

Twenty-four million more Americans would be uninsured by 2026 under the House Republican health care bill than under Obamacare, including 14 million by next year, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.


3. Trump said he wasn't going to get pushed around by China and was going to review the status of Taiwan, upsetting longstanding US policy.

THE REALITY: Trump backed down when Xi Jinping snubbed him.

President Trump told President Xi Jinping of China on Thursday evening that the United States would honor the “One China” policy, reversing his earlier expressions of doubt about the longtime diplomatic understanding and removing a major source of tension between the United States and China since shortly after he was elected.

In a statement, the White House said Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi “discussed numerous topics, and President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our One China policy.”

Trump hates it when commies are mad at him, and he caves in to make them like him.


4. Trump said he was going to going to tear up the Iran agreement on Day One.

THE REALITY: Trump has not torn up the agreement, and Iran has totally boned him, hard: Iran test-fires missiles, harasses U.S., British ships in Strait of Hormuz


5. Trump said he was going to bring the hammer down on North Korea, and that their ability to hit the US with ICBM would "never happen.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: North Korea’s Recent Ballistic Missile Launch: Another Foreign Policy Test for Donald Trump


6. Donald Trump has had a schoolgirl crush on Vladimir Putin for years, even making up stories that he and Vlad were BFFs. He has a pathological desire for Vlad to like him.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: U.S. Confirms Russian Missile Deployment Violates Nuclear Treaty. Now What?


7. Remember all that tough guy talk about illegal Mexicans? Remember how the pseudocons were sporting giant hardons over a Deportation Force? Remember how Operation Wetback was going to Make Merka Great Again?
Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

THE REALITY: Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants Have Received Amnesty Under President Trump

Trump may add immigration section to speech -

President Donald Trump wants to pass an immigration reform bill that could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants living in the US.

It isn't like I didn't try to warn you Chumps:

I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:

After all that theater and faux outrage by the GOP over Obama's EO, and the jettisoning of Eric Cantor by the bigots in his district over immigration reform, I bet your faces will be priceless.

Gonna build the wall.
I cant wait to see the symbol of leftwing impotance built
I can't wait to see your faces when it has ZERO impact on our economy, except as another expense added to the debt. Even better will be the looks on your faces when Trump grants amnesty to the majority of illegals.

The wall is actually a symbol of mass mental retardation.


8. Remember when Trump said Mexico was going to pay for The Wall™?

THE REALITY: McConnell on Mexico paying for the border wall: 'Uh, no'

You're looking at everything in a vacuum, and no one expected him to fix everything this soon into his presidency
So why did he lie to you rubes then? He just lied for the fun of it and you guys knew?

He said a lot of outlandish things that most of his supporters didn't take seriously, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done a good job thus far. He has
What a rube.

So why are his ratings down so badly if he is doing such a good job?
1. Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare on "day one" of his Administration.

We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

THE REALITY: Trump had NOTHING. Zero. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Not one fucking thing. He has not coughed up a single reform himself.

Just like the GOP for the past SEVEN years.


2. Trump promised everyone would be covered with health insurance under TrumpCare.

This past January: Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

A year ago: Donald Trump on Obamacare – ‘Repeal it and Replace it with Government Funded Universal Healthcare’ - Eagle Rising

Donald Trump: “Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, ‘No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private.’ But…”

Scott Pelley: “Universal Healthcare?”

Donald Trump: “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Scott Pelley: “But who’s going to pay for it?”

Donald Trump: “The government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side!”

THE REALITY: CBO report: 24 million fewer insured by 2026 under GOP health care bill -

Twenty-four million more Americans would be uninsured by 2026 under the House Republican health care bill than under Obamacare, including 14 million by next year, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday.


3. Trump said he wasn't going to get pushed around by China and was going to review the status of Taiwan, upsetting longstanding US policy.

THE REALITY: Trump backed down when Xi Jinping snubbed him.

President Trump told President Xi Jinping of China on Thursday evening that the United States would honor the “One China” policy, reversing his earlier expressions of doubt about the longtime diplomatic understanding and removing a major source of tension between the United States and China since shortly after he was elected.

In a statement, the White House said Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi “discussed numerous topics, and President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our One China policy.”

Trump hates it when commies are mad at him, and he caves in to make them like him.


4. Trump said he was going to going to tear up the Iran agreement on Day One.

THE REALITY: Trump has not torn up the agreement, and Iran has totally boned him, hard: Iran test-fires missiles, harasses U.S., British ships in Strait of Hormuz


5. Trump said he was going to bring the hammer down on North Korea, and that their ability to hit the US with ICBM would "never happen.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: North Korea’s Recent Ballistic Missile Launch: Another Foreign Policy Test for Donald Trump


6. Donald Trump has had a schoolgirl crush on Vladimir Putin for years, even making up stories that he and Vlad were BFFs. He has a pathological desire for Vlad to like him.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: U.S. Confirms Russian Missile Deployment Violates Nuclear Treaty. Now What?


7. Remember all that tough guy talk about illegal Mexicans? Remember how the pseudocons were sporting giant hardons over a Deportation Force? Remember how Operation Wetback was going to Make Merka Great Again?
Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

THE REALITY: Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants Have Received Amnesty Under President Trump

Trump may add immigration section to speech -

President Donald Trump wants to pass an immigration reform bill that could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants living in the US.

It isn't like I didn't try to warn you Chumps:

I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:

After all that theater and faux outrage by the GOP over Obama's EO, and the jettisoning of Eric Cantor by the bigots in his district over immigration reform, I bet your faces will be priceless.

I can't wait to see your faces when it has ZERO impact on our economy, except as another expense added to the debt. Even better will be the looks on your faces when Trump grants amnesty to the majority of illegals.

The wall is actually a symbol of mass mental retardation.


8. Remember when Trump said Mexico was going to pay for The Wall™?

THE REALITY: McConnell on Mexico paying for the border wall: 'Uh, no'

You're looking at everything in a vacuum, and no one expected him to fix everything this soon into his presidency
So why did he lie to you rubes then? He just lied for the fun of it and you guys knew?

He said a lot of outlandish things that most of his supporters didn't take seriously, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done a good job thus far. He has
What a rube.

So why are his ratings down so badly if he is doing such a good job?

If you want to give credence to the raiitinggs I would say it's all because of all the anti trump propaganda
1. Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare on "day one" of his Administration.

THE REALITY: Trump had NOTHING. Zero. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Not one fucking thing. He has not coughed up a single reform himself.

Just like the GOP for the past SEVEN years.


2. Trump promised everyone would be covered with health insurance under TrumpCare.

This past January: Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

A year ago: Donald Trump on Obamacare – ‘Repeal it and Replace it with Government Funded Universal Healthcare’ - Eagle Rising

Donald Trump: “Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, ‘No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private.’ But…”

Scott Pelley: “Universal Healthcare?”

Donald Trump: “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Scott Pelley: “But who’s going to pay for it?”

Donald Trump: “The government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side!”

THE REALITY: CBO report: 24 million fewer insured by 2026 under GOP health care bill -


3. Trump said he wasn't going to get pushed around by China and was going to review the status of Taiwan, upsetting longstanding US policy.

THE REALITY: Trump backed down when Xi Jinping snubbed him.

Trump hates it when commies are mad at him, and he caves in to make them like him.


4. Trump said he was going to going to tear up the Iran agreement on Day One.

THE REALITY: Trump has not torn up the agreement, and Iran has totally boned him, hard: Iran test-fires missiles, harasses U.S., British ships in Strait of Hormuz


5. Trump said he was going to bring the hammer down on North Korea, and that their ability to hit the US with ICBM would "never happen.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: North Korea’s Recent Ballistic Missile Launch: Another Foreign Policy Test for Donald Trump


6. Donald Trump has had a schoolgirl crush on Vladimir Putin for years, even making up stories that he and Vlad were BFFs. He has a pathological desire for Vlad to like him.

THE REALITY: Trump gets boned again!: U.S. Confirms Russian Missile Deployment Violates Nuclear Treaty. Now What?


7. Remember all that tough guy talk about illegal Mexicans? Remember how the pseudocons were sporting giant hardons over a Deportation Force? Remember how Operation Wetback was going to Make Merka Great Again?
Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

THE REALITY: Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants Have Received Amnesty Under President Trump

Trump may add immigration section to speech -

It isn't like I didn't try to warn you Chumps:


8. Remember when Trump said Mexico was going to pay for The Wall™?

THE REALITY: McConnell on Mexico paying for the border wall: 'Uh, no'

You're looking at everything in a vacuum, and no one expected him to fix everything this soon into his presidency
So why did he lie to you rubes then? He just lied for the fun of it and you guys knew?

He said a lot of outlandish things that most of his supporters didn't take seriously, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done a good job thus far. He has
What a rube.

So why are his ratings down so badly if he is doing such a good job?

If you want to give credence to the raiitinggs I would say it's all because of all the anti trump propaganda
You mean propaganda like his wall to nowhere?...
You're looking at everything in a vacuum, and no one expected him to fix everything this soon into his presidency
So why did he lie to you rubes then? He just lied for the fun of it and you guys knew?

He said a lot of outlandish things that most of his supporters didn't take seriously, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done a good job thus far. He has
What a rube.

So why are his ratings down so badly if he is doing such a good job?

If you want to give credence to the raiitinggs I would say it's all because of all the anti trump propaganda
You mean propaganda like his wall to nowhere?...

Why would you call it that? Btw illegal immigration is down 40% since Trump became president
So why did he lie to you rubes then? He just lied for the fun of it and you guys knew?

He said a lot of outlandish things that most of his supporters didn't take seriously, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done a good job thus far. He has
What a rube.

So why are his ratings down so badly if he is doing such a good job?

If you want to give credence to the raiitinggs I would say it's all because of all the anti trump propaganda
You mean propaganda like his wall to nowhere?...

Why would you call it that? Btw illegal immigration is down 40% since Trump became president
How do know that? Thats like saying you know how many illegal guns are on the street.

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