Trump refuses to disavow KKK

Trump was afraid to lose the southern racist vote on Tuesday so he lied to roll back his position on Duke
Today he is lying to cover up his political blunder

That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that

Show where Trump said he "never heard of" David Duke. That was a lie, big guy, it was a complete and utter fabrication. He didn't say that. He said he didn't know anything about David Duke. He didn't say he'd never heard of him. I have no idea why Duke left the KKK. Does it matter or is that he was in the KKK enough?

Speaking of which, Robert KKK Byrd was in the KKK, do you condemn him? You're a liar and a hypocrite

I don’t know anything about David Duke

Exactly, and you lied that he said he'd never heard of him. Seriously, I don't understand why you felt it was necessary to lie about what Trump said. What benefit to Democrats was there in lying about it? What were you even trying to gain. When you turn that he doesn't know anything about Duke to that he never heard of Duke, it makes you look stupid. Why would you want to detract from what Trump is doing to himself? Wouldn't you want to highlight that rather than helping him out by lying about what he said?

Kind of splitting hairs aren't ya? Tom-a- toe Tom-ah-toe

Doesn't refute the fact that Trump had a clearly stated opportunity to refute David Duke and he clearly took a pass and lied about his knowledge of the man
"I don't know anything about David Duke." That does not mean he doesn't know who he is. Just that he doesn't know anything about him. I'm curious why you and Candy are bothered by what he actually said so much that you can't even accurately say what he said.

I'm sure Trump is aware he was in the KKK, I think everyone knows that. Is that enough to condemn him big guy? That he was in the KKK? Do you condemn Robert Byrd? He was in the KKK


Thursday: David Duke endorses Trump
Friday: Trump refutes the endorsement
Sunday morning: Trump claims "I don't know anything about David Duke"
Sunday afternoon: Both Democrats and Republicans condemn him
Sunday night: Trump claims...of course I refute the endorsement

Trump lied

That makes the two of you even. I don't see why you lied then when you had him. Facts just don't mean anything to you, do they? It's all about totalitarian partisanship. Democrats have to be right and Republicans wrong in every situation at all times and you can't be honest even if you're right. It's very odd to me. I think all the parties suck, even the Libertarian party and their endless purity tests

Trump was afraid to lose the southern racist vote on Tuesday so he lied to roll back his position on Duke
Today he is lying to cover up his political blunder

That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that
Can't be spun. As a Trump supporter I find this baffling. He's a fucking idiot for saying in one breath he disavows him and the next he knows nothing about him. WTF is that? Trump is a fucking idiot and deserves everyone piling on him. It was a simple fucking question and he danced around it like a dumbass.

I want him to win and believe he still will but if this comes back to haunt him I say good. You fuck up in life, you pay the consequences. I'll still support him but he's a complete dumbass for lacking the ability to answer a simple question that he already answered a couple days prior (or decades ago if you want to go back that far)

Thursday: David Duke endorses Trump
Friday: Trump refutes the endorsement
Sunday morning: Trump claims "I don't know anything about David Duke"
Sunday afternoon: Both Democrats and Republicans condemn him
Sunday night: Trump claims...of course I refute the endorsement

Trump lied

That makes the two of you even. I don't see why you lied then when you had him. Facts just don't mean anything to you, do they? It's all about totalitarian partisanship. Democrats have to be right and Republicans wrong in every situation at all times and you can't be honest even if you're right. It's very odd to me. I think all the parties suck, even the Libertarian party and their endless purity tests

Trump was afraid to lose the southern racist vote on Tuesday so he lied to roll back his position on Duke
Today he is lying to cover up his political blunder

That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that
Can't be spun. As a Trump supporter I find this baffling. He's a fucking idiot for saying in one breath he disavows him and the next he knows nothing about him. WTF is that? Trump is a fucking idiot and deserves everyone piling on him. It was a simple fucking question and he danced around it like a dumbass.

I want him to win and believe he still will but if this comes back to haunt him I say good. You fuck up in life, you pay the consequences. I'll still support him but he's a complete dumbass for lacking the ability to answer a simple question that he already answered a couple days prior (or decades ago if you want to go back that far)

I honestly believe he was trying to tone down his criticism of Duke till after Super Tuesday
That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that

Show where Trump said he "never heard of" David Duke. That was a lie, big guy, it was a complete and utter fabrication. He didn't say that. He said he didn't know anything about David Duke. He didn't say he'd never heard of him. I have no idea why Duke left the KKK. Does it matter or is that he was in the KKK enough?

Speaking of which, Robert KKK Byrd was in the KKK, do you condemn him? You're a liar and a hypocrite

I don’t know anything about David Duke

Exactly, and you lied that he said he'd never heard of him. Seriously, I don't understand why you felt it was necessary to lie about what Trump said. What benefit to Democrats was there in lying about it? What were you even trying to gain. When you turn that he doesn't know anything about Duke to that he never heard of Duke, it makes you look stupid. Why would you want to detract from what Trump is doing to himself? Wouldn't you want to highlight that rather than helping him out by lying about what he said?

Kind of splitting hairs aren't ya? Tom-a- toe Tom-ah-toe

Doesn't refute the fact that Trump had a clearly stated opportunity to refute David Duke and he clearly took a pass and lied about his knowledge of the man

Splitting hairs? No, knowing nothing about him and never having heard of him are entirely different things.

Know nothing about him: Completely possible.

Never heard of him: Anyone who follows politics would know this was a lie. If he said that, I'd flat out say he's lying, it's not possible he never heard of Duke given his active participation in politics.

There's a clear reason you told that lie. No one would believe Trump never heard of him, so you said that. Pretty much anyone would believe Trump doesn't know anything about him. What he actually said. I barely know anything about David Duke, and you know how much I follow politics. I don't give a shit about him, so I never looked into him.

Nope, no splitting hairs, big guy. You lied. And for a clear reason. So did CandyCane. So if you had the goods on Trump and his not knowing anything about David Duke, why didn't you nail him for his actual lie instead of telling a whopper of a lie yourself? Doesn't that actually help Trump since you took the focus off what he said by saying he said something he didn't?

Thursday: David Duke endorses Trump
Friday: Trump refutes the endorsement
Sunday morning: Trump claims "I don't know anything about David Duke"
Sunday afternoon: Both Democrats and Republicans condemn him
Sunday night: Trump claims...of course I refute the endorsement

Trump lied

That makes the two of you even. I don't see why you lied then when you had him. Facts just don't mean anything to you, do they? It's all about totalitarian partisanship. Democrats have to be right and Republicans wrong in every situation at all times and you can't be honest even if you're right. It's very odd to me. I think all the parties suck, even the Libertarian party and their endless purity tests

Trump was afraid to lose the southern racist vote on Tuesday so he lied to roll back his position on Duke
Today he is lying to cover up his political blunder

That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that
Can't be spun. As a Trump supporter I find this baffling. He's a fucking idiot for saying in one breath he disavows him and the next he knows nothing about him. WTF is that? Trump is a fucking idiot and deserves everyone piling on him. It was a simple fucking question and he danced around it like a dumbass.

I want him to win and believe he still will but if this comes back to haunt him I say good. You fuck up in life, you pay the consequences. I'll still support him but he's a complete dumbass for lacking the ability to answer a simple question that he already answered a couple days prior (or decades ago if you want to go back that far)

I agree. Though unlike you I'm not a Trump supporter and to me this is what I expect from him. I just find it equally baffling that when he did that, the leftists like RW and CandyCane lied about what he said when they could have just nailed him for what he actually said. It's the trait of compulsive liars to lie even when they don't need to lie
That makes the two of you even. I don't see why you lied then when you had him. Facts just don't mean anything to you, do they? It's all about totalitarian partisanship. Democrats have to be right and Republicans wrong in every situation at all times and you can't be honest even if you're right. It's very odd to me. I think all the parties suck, even the Libertarian party and their endless purity tests

Trump was afraid to lose the southern racist vote on Tuesday so he lied to roll back his position on Duke
Today he is lying to cover up his political blunder

That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that
Can't be spun. As a Trump supporter I find this baffling. He's a fucking idiot for saying in one breath he disavows him and the next he knows nothing about him. WTF is that? Trump is a fucking idiot and deserves everyone piling on him. It was a simple fucking question and he danced around it like a dumbass.

I want him to win and believe he still will but if this comes back to haunt him I say good. You fuck up in life, you pay the consequences. I'll still support him but he's a complete dumbass for lacking the ability to answer a simple question that he already answered a couple days prior (or decades ago if you want to go back that far)

I honestly believe he was trying to tone down his criticism of Duke till after Super Tuesday
He's an idiot. It was a simple question. He should have answered it. I'm glad he's getting bashed all over the place. I hope he loses a lot of the black support he has. That'll teach him a lesson to not fuck around when it comes to things such as this. Hillary and the Dems are going to have a field day with this if he gets the nomination and I'll be cheering them on. I can't handle stupidity and I'm_this close_to throwing in the towel on the entire election.
Trump was afraid to lose the southern racist vote on Tuesday so he lied to roll back his position on Duke
Today he is lying to cover up his political blunder

That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that
Can't be spun. As a Trump supporter I find this baffling. He's a fucking idiot for saying in one breath he disavows him and the next he knows nothing about him. WTF is that? Trump is a fucking idiot and deserves everyone piling on him. It was a simple fucking question and he danced around it like a dumbass.

I want him to win and believe he still will but if this comes back to haunt him I say good. You fuck up in life, you pay the consequences. I'll still support him but he's a complete dumbass for lacking the ability to answer a simple question that he already answered a couple days prior (or decades ago if you want to go back that far)

I honestly believe he was trying to tone down his criticism of Duke till after Super Tuesday
He's an idiot. It was a simple question. He should have answered it. I'm glad he's getting bashed all over the place. I hope he loses a lot of the black support he has. That'll teach him a lesson to not fuck around when it comes to things such as this. Hillary and the Dems are going to have a field day with this if he gets the nomination and I'll be cheering them on. I can't handle stupidity and I'm_this close_to throwing in the towel on the entire election.

Agreed and well said. I have no sympathy for Trump in this. I just find it humorous that the left couldn't take the gift horse, they have to lie about what he said. Why do you support him though? I thought you were conservative
I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that

Show where Trump said he "never heard of" David Duke. That was a lie, big guy, it was a complete and utter fabrication. He didn't say that. He said he didn't know anything about David Duke. He didn't say he'd never heard of him. I have no idea why Duke left the KKK. Does it matter or is that he was in the KKK enough?

Speaking of which, Robert KKK Byrd was in the KKK, do you condemn him? You're a liar and a hypocrite

I don’t know anything about David Duke

Exactly, and you lied that he said he'd never heard of him. Seriously, I don't understand why you felt it was necessary to lie about what Trump said. What benefit to Democrats was there in lying about it? What were you even trying to gain. When you turn that he doesn't know anything about Duke to that he never heard of Duke, it makes you look stupid. Why would you want to detract from what Trump is doing to himself? Wouldn't you want to highlight that rather than helping him out by lying about what he said?

Kind of splitting hairs aren't ya? Tom-a- toe Tom-ah-toe

Doesn't refute the fact that Trump had a clearly stated opportunity to refute David Duke and he clearly took a pass and lied about his knowledge of the man

Splitting hairs? No, knowing nothing about him and never having heard of him are entirely different things.

Know nothing about him: Completely possible.

Never heard of him: Anyone who follows politics would know this was a lie. If he said that, I'd flat out say he's lying, it's not possible he never heard of Duke given his active participation in politics.

There's a clear reason you told that lie. No one would believe Trump never heard of him, so you said that. Pretty much anyone would believe Trump doesn't know anything about him. What he actually said. I barely know anything about David Duke, and you know how much I follow politics. I don't give a shit about him, so I never looked into him.

Nope, no splitting hairs, big guy. You lied. And for a clear reason. So did CandyCane. So if you had the goods on Trump and his not knowing anything about David Duke, why didn't you nail him for his actual lie instead of telling a whopper of a lie yourself? Doesn't that actually help Trump since you took the focus off what he said by saying he said something he didn't?

Same thing.....six of one, half dozen of the other

In either case Trump is lying
Show where Trump said he "never heard of" David Duke. That was a lie, big guy, it was a complete and utter fabrication. He didn't say that. He said he didn't know anything about David Duke. He didn't say he'd never heard of him. I have no idea why Duke left the KKK. Does it matter or is that he was in the KKK enough?

Speaking of which, Robert KKK Byrd was in the KKK, do you condemn him? You're a liar and a hypocrite

I don’t know anything about David Duke

Exactly, and you lied that he said he'd never heard of him. Seriously, I don't understand why you felt it was necessary to lie about what Trump said. What benefit to Democrats was there in lying about it? What were you even trying to gain. When you turn that he doesn't know anything about Duke to that he never heard of Duke, it makes you look stupid. Why would you want to detract from what Trump is doing to himself? Wouldn't you want to highlight that rather than helping him out by lying about what he said?

Kind of splitting hairs aren't ya? Tom-a- toe Tom-ah-toe

Doesn't refute the fact that Trump had a clearly stated opportunity to refute David Duke and he clearly took a pass and lied about his knowledge of the man

Splitting hairs? No, knowing nothing about him and never having heard of him are entirely different things.

Know nothing about him: Completely possible.

Never heard of him: Anyone who follows politics would know this was a lie. If he said that, I'd flat out say he's lying, it's not possible he never heard of Duke given his active participation in politics.

There's a clear reason you told that lie. No one would believe Trump never heard of him, so you said that. Pretty much anyone would believe Trump doesn't know anything about him. What he actually said. I barely know anything about David Duke, and you know how much I follow politics. I don't give a shit about him, so I never looked into him.

Nope, no splitting hairs, big guy. You lied. And for a clear reason. So did CandyCane. So if you had the goods on Trump and his not knowing anything about David Duke, why didn't you nail him for his actual lie instead of telling a whopper of a lie yourself? Doesn't that actually help Trump since you took the focus off what he said by saying he said something he didn't?

Same thing.....six of one, half dozen of the other

In either case Trump is lying

You really can't process and retain information, can you comrade?
That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that
Can't be spun. As a Trump supporter I find this baffling. He's a fucking idiot for saying in one breath he disavows him and the next he knows nothing about him. WTF is that? Trump is a fucking idiot and deserves everyone piling on him. It was a simple fucking question and he danced around it like a dumbass.

I want him to win and believe he still will but if this comes back to haunt him I say good. You fuck up in life, you pay the consequences. I'll still support him but he's a complete dumbass for lacking the ability to answer a simple question that he already answered a couple days prior (or decades ago if you want to go back that far)

I honestly believe he was trying to tone down his criticism of Duke till after Super Tuesday
He's an idiot. It was a simple question. He should have answered it. I'm glad he's getting bashed all over the place. I hope he loses a lot of the black support he has. That'll teach him a lesson to not fuck around when it comes to things such as this. Hillary and the Dems are going to have a field day with this if he gets the nomination and I'll be cheering them on. I can't handle stupidity and I'm_this close_to throwing in the towel on the entire election.

Agreed and well said. I have no sympathy for Trump in this. I just find it humorous that the left couldn't take the gift horse, they have to lie about what he said. Why do you support him though? I thought you were conservative
I support him for a long list of reasons all of which you have probably already heard. I don't identify as a conservative. I'm pretty much all over the map. I've VERY socially liberal.
I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that
Can't be spun. As a Trump supporter I find this baffling. He's a fucking idiot for saying in one breath he disavows him and the next he knows nothing about him. WTF is that? Trump is a fucking idiot and deserves everyone piling on him. It was a simple fucking question and he danced around it like a dumbass.

I want him to win and believe he still will but if this comes back to haunt him I say good. You fuck up in life, you pay the consequences. I'll still support him but he's a complete dumbass for lacking the ability to answer a simple question that he already answered a couple days prior (or decades ago if you want to go back that far)

I honestly believe he was trying to tone down his criticism of Duke till after Super Tuesday
He's an idiot. It was a simple question. He should have answered it. I'm glad he's getting bashed all over the place. I hope he loses a lot of the black support he has. That'll teach him a lesson to not fuck around when it comes to things such as this. Hillary and the Dems are going to have a field day with this if he gets the nomination and I'll be cheering them on. I can't handle stupidity and I'm_this close_to throwing in the towel on the entire election.

Agreed and well said. I have no sympathy for Trump in this. I just find it humorous that the left couldn't take the gift horse, they have to lie about what he said. Why do you support him though? I thought you were conservative
I support him for a long list of reasons all of which you have probably already heard. I don't identify as a conservative. I'm pretty much all over the map. I've VERY socially liberal.

Fair enough. As a libertarian, I'm extremely fiscally conservative, so I consider myself "conservative" in fiscal discussions, but I'm obviously extremely socially liberal too being a libertarian. And I'm for a strong defense, but not one that's endlessly putting our military in other countries
Can't be spun. As a Trump supporter I find this baffling. He's a fucking idiot for saying in one breath he disavows him and the next he knows nothing about him. WTF is that? Trump is a fucking idiot and deserves everyone piling on him. It was a simple fucking question and he danced around it like a dumbass.

I want him to win and believe he still will but if this comes back to haunt him I say good. You fuck up in life, you pay the consequences. I'll still support him but he's a complete dumbass for lacking the ability to answer a simple question that he already answered a couple days prior (or decades ago if you want to go back that far)

I honestly believe he was trying to tone down his criticism of Duke till after Super Tuesday
He's an idiot. It was a simple question. He should have answered it. I'm glad he's getting bashed all over the place. I hope he loses a lot of the black support he has. That'll teach him a lesson to not fuck around when it comes to things such as this. Hillary and the Dems are going to have a field day with this if he gets the nomination and I'll be cheering them on. I can't handle stupidity and I'm_this close_to throwing in the towel on the entire election.

Agreed and well said. I have no sympathy for Trump in this. I just find it humorous that the left couldn't take the gift horse, they have to lie about what he said. Why do you support him though? I thought you were conservative
I support him for a long list of reasons all of which you have probably already heard. I don't identify as a conservative. I'm pretty much all over the map. I've VERY socially liberal.

Fair enough. As a libertarian, I'm extremely fiscally conservative, so I consider myself "conservative" in fiscal discussions, but I'm obviously extremely socially liberal too being a libertarian. And I'm for a strong defense, but not one that's endlessly putting our military in other countries
Sounds like we are pretty much on the same page less one of us supporting Trump
That could be true. Hillary's sure reeling in the Democrat racists.

Doesn't explain why you had to lie about what he said. Why did you lie when you are sure you had him on the truth, big guy? That makes no sense to me

I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that

Show where Trump said he "never heard of" David Duke. That was a lie, big guy, it was a complete and utter fabrication. He didn't say that. He said he didn't know anything about David Duke. He didn't say he'd never heard of him. I have no idea why Duke left the KKK. Does it matter or is that he was in the KKK enough?

Speaking of which, Robert KKK Byrd was in the KKK, do you condemn him? You're a liar and a hypocrite

I don’t know anything about David Duke

Exactly, and you lied that he said he'd never heard of him. Seriously, I don't understand why you felt it was necessary to lie about what Trump said. What benefit to Democrats was there in lying about it? What were you even trying to gain. When you turn that he doesn't know anything about Duke to that he never heard of Duke, it makes you look stupid. Why would you want to detract from what Trump is doing to himself? Wouldn't you want to highlight that rather than helping him out by lying about what he said?

Kind of splitting hairs aren't ya? Tom-a- toe Tom-ah-toe

Doesn't refute the fact that Trump had a clearly stated opportunity to refute David Duke and he clearly took a pass and lied about his knowledge of the man

Well, Trump disavowed Duke in a publicly broadcast press conference well before Tappers' confusing gothcha' questions. Facts have never been a strong suit with you, and besides, Duke himself said that he does not endorse Trump. It is already leaving the 24 hour news cycle, despite lame attempts like yours to continue it.
Anyways, race cards are mainly played these days at the SuperBowl halftime show and the Oscars!.........dolt!
Trump can hardly be held accountable for not knowing about the KKK, or David Duke.
She needed a leftist to run against so she could go even further left than the Bern.... Who compliments their opponent when at a debate, and then complains about poverty that HIS OWN PARTY has created over the last 7+years?

Yeah, like she handpicked Bernie to run against her? :lol: Your imagination is sure running wild to day but you didn't stop there.
compliments at a debate:
Trump and Cruz were nearly fawning over each other in the beginning of their campaigns because Cruz was reticent about his citizenship and didn't want to get Trump talking about that. Trump responded in kind by being "nice."so don't even go there... the whole world will know you are simply exhibiting duplicitous behavior.

A spurious claim:

There you go again spouting more of your typical duplicity. Poverty in the USA has been an ongoing phenomenon for a couple of centuries. In fact I think European settlers brought the phenomenon with them. I don't think the Indians even had a concept of being impoverished.
I don't think Bernie or the modern day Democrats had anything to do with the creation of poverty in this country. But to be more succinct, we were told that Bush's tax cuts for the rich would crate jobs. That never happened. Is that what you mean? Of course, Bernie wasn't a republican I don't understand your logic there.... heh heh heh!
Trump can hardly be held accountable for not knowing about the KKK, or David Duke.
He can be held accountable for LYING about not knowing about the KKK or David Duke.
Don't tell me a man who spends his time analyzing every political nuance and keeps his finger on the social pulse of society doesn't know the history of the KKK and David Duke.
I was completely truthful about Trumps comments

Print the whole exchange and show where I was wrong

Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with CNN. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

Spin that

Show where Trump said he "never heard of" David Duke. That was a lie, big guy, it was a complete and utter fabrication. He didn't say that. He said he didn't know anything about David Duke. He didn't say he'd never heard of him. I have no idea why Duke left the KKK. Does it matter or is that he was in the KKK enough?

Speaking of which, Robert KKK Byrd was in the KKK, do you condemn him? You're a liar and a hypocrite

I don’t know anything about David Duke

Exactly, and you lied that he said he'd never heard of him. Seriously, I don't understand why you felt it was necessary to lie about what Trump said. What benefit to Democrats was there in lying about it? What were you even trying to gain. When you turn that he doesn't know anything about Duke to that he never heard of Duke, it makes you look stupid. Why would you want to detract from what Trump is doing to himself? Wouldn't you want to highlight that rather than helping him out by lying about what he said?

Kind of splitting hairs aren't ya? Tom-a- toe Tom-ah-toe

Doesn't refute the fact that Trump had a clearly stated opportunity to refute David Duke and he clearly took a pass and lied about his knowledge of the man

Well, Trump disavowed Duke in a publicly broadcast press conference well before Tappers' confusing gothcha' questions. Facts have never been a strong suit with you, and besides, Duke himself said that he does not endorse Trump. It is already leaving the 24 hour news cycle, despite lame attempts like yours to continue it.
Anyways, race cards are mainly played these days at the SuperBowl halftime show and the Oscars!.........dolt!
There was not much that was confusing in the words David Duke and White Supremacists which Tapper asked twice to be sure

They were not "gotcha" questions in relation to Dukes endorsement three days earlier

What was Trump thinking?
Show where Trump said he "never heard of" David Duke. That was a lie, big guy, it was a complete and utter fabrication. He didn't say that. He said he didn't know anything about David Duke. He didn't say he'd never heard of him. I have no idea why Duke left the KKK. Does it matter or is that he was in the KKK enough?

Speaking of which, Robert KKK Byrd was in the KKK, do you condemn him? You're a liar and a hypocrite

I don’t know anything about David Duke

Exactly, and you lied that he said he'd never heard of him. Seriously, I don't understand why you felt it was necessary to lie about what Trump said. What benefit to Democrats was there in lying about it? What were you even trying to gain. When you turn that he doesn't know anything about Duke to that he never heard of Duke, it makes you look stupid. Why would you want to detract from what Trump is doing to himself? Wouldn't you want to highlight that rather than helping him out by lying about what he said?

Kind of splitting hairs aren't ya? Tom-a- toe Tom-ah-toe

Doesn't refute the fact that Trump had a clearly stated opportunity to refute David Duke and he clearly took a pass and lied about his knowledge of the man

Well, Trump disavowed Duke in a publicly broadcast press conference well before Tappers' confusing gothcha' questions. Facts have never been a strong suit with you, and besides, Duke himself said that he does not endorse Trump. It is already leaving the 24 hour news cycle, despite lame attempts like yours to continue it.
Anyways, race cards are mainly played these days at the SuperBowl halftime show and the Oscars!.........dolt!
There was not much that was confusing in the words David Duke and White Supremacists which Tapper asked twice to be sure

They were not "gotcha" questions in relation to Dukes endorsement three days earlier

What was Trump thinking?

Trump disavowed Duke two days ago,.........dolt!

I don’t know anything about David Duke

Exactly, and you lied that he said he'd never heard of him. Seriously, I don't understand why you felt it was necessary to lie about what Trump said. What benefit to Democrats was there in lying about it? What were you even trying to gain. When you turn that he doesn't know anything about Duke to that he never heard of Duke, it makes you look stupid. Why would you want to detract from what Trump is doing to himself? Wouldn't you want to highlight that rather than helping him out by lying about what he said?

Kind of splitting hairs aren't ya? Tom-a- toe Tom-ah-toe

Doesn't refute the fact that Trump had a clearly stated opportunity to refute David Duke and he clearly took a pass and lied about his knowledge of the man

Well, Trump disavowed Duke in a publicly broadcast press conference well before Tappers' confusing gothcha' questions. Facts have never been a strong suit with you, and besides, Duke himself said that he does not endorse Trump. It is already leaving the 24 hour news cycle, despite lame attempts like yours to continue it.
Anyways, race cards are mainly played these days at the SuperBowl halftime show and the Oscars!.........dolt!
There was not much that was confusing in the words David Duke and White Supremacists which Tapper asked twice to be sure

They were not "gotcha" questions in relation to Dukes endorsement three days earlier

What was Trump thinking?

Trump disavowed Duke two days ago,.........dolt!

That's what so strange

Why did Trump try to backtrack on Sunday? It was obvious he was struggling with how to phrase it
This bullshit of Trump loving the KKK is so over the edge, so beyond the pale it has me bazooka barfing. And that inside the beltway R's are driving this shit is insane.

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