Trump refuses to disavow KKK

Such desperation from the LWNJ's.

Think it is bad now? Wait until after Super Trumpday!

You know they will simply keep up the rant that Trump has no chance to overcome DemonCrat? They never stop. You could hit them with a FlameThrower and they would say, "thats' not so hot".
Trumps Sarah Palin moment

Mr Trump, will you disavow the support of the KKK?

Trump: I'll have to think about it

Trump wasn't asked to disavow the support of the KKK, you sleazy lying leftwing douche
Doesn't matter by not doing so just hurts him.

Trump is so far beyond the pale with middle America that it doesn't make any difference anymore what he says or does. I never would have thought that the republicans could possibly do worse than nominate Palin, but, here we are again. I'm just surprised that he has not yet figured out how to insult Vietnamese immigrants yet.
Trumps Sarah Palin moment

Mr Trump, will you disavow the support of the KKK?

Trump: I'll have to think about it

Trump wasn't asked to disavow the support of the KKK, you sleazy lying leftwing douche
Doesn't matter by not doing so just hurts him.

Trump is so far beyond the pale with middle America that it doesn't make any difference anymore what he says or does. I never would have thought that the republicans could possibly do worse than nominate Palin, but, here we are again. I'm just surprised that he has not yet figured out how to insult Vietnamese immigrants yet.
Yeah......fucken Gooks.
Trump was asked a simple question

What was so hard in answering it? I have to think about it?
He gave a very lucid and rational answer. He's not gonna just answer yes to any generic question without looking into it first.


It shows a lack of trust in the media.

I wonder why you want some dumbass who blurts out answers without making sure it's correct.

Oh, I know. You're just making fun of Trump....regardless what he says. If he says yes, he's an idiot and a liar. If he says no, he's a racist. If he says he'd like to know the specific groups they're talking about, you think he's a stupid racist. If he says nothing, he must be hiding something. The question was designed to draw a response. The response itself isn't important because you'll spin it negatively.

If he says "yes," I'll respect that.

What's the matter with you?
  • Trump Disavows David Duke Endorsement
    The Hill ^ | Sunday, February 28, 2016 | Rebecca Savransky
    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump disavowed white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke in a tweet Sunday. "As I stated at the press conference on Friday regarding David Duke- I disavow." Earlier Sunday morning, Trump avoided a question about whether he'd condemn Duke's racism. The GOP front-runner said on CNN's "State of the Union" he didn't know anything about Duke and would need to research his connections before deciding whether he would condemn them. "I have to look at the group. I don't know what group you're talking about," he said. "You wouldn't want me to...
Democrats embraced the KKK for the entire 20th century. FDR appointed a former member of the KKK to the Supreme Court. Democrat senator Robert Byrd only retired recently and he was a unrepentant member of the KKK using the "N" word freely during his term in office.
Let's not rush to judgement on the KKK, says Donald Trump guy who wants to ban 1.6 billion Muslims.
----------------------- 'kkk' probably amounts to a few thousand members that never do much in the way of violence . muslims though , 1.6 billion and they are merrily murdering people all over the world Tyrone !!

1.6 billion people are not murdering people all over the world. Only a small handful of Muslims kill anyone.

Your KKK analogy is quite apt. Judging Muslims based on the actions of a handful of terrorists is like judging all Americans based on the actions of the KKK.
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Come on brainer

Trump on white supremacist support: -

Asked if he'd broadly distance himself from those groups, Trump demurred, saying he knew nothing about their support for his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

"I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about," Trump said. "You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I'd have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that are totally fine -- it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know."

Thls shows how ridiculous people are. I can't stand Trump and I won't vote for him, but you nitwits keep making me defend him. You're nuts.

All he said was he would want to look into the group. Why should he "condemn" them based on the goading of the interviewer for groups he doesn't know about. He never said he wouldn't condemn them. What is wrong with you people?
Mr. Trump is nearly 70 years old. Surely he knows as much about the KKK as anyone here does. If he is being disingenuous about that, how can we expect him to be forthcoming when we need him to about more critical issues. Lying might appeal to you, but the rest of us see it as a sign of being untrustworthy.
Come on brainer

Trump on white supremacist support: -

Asked if he'd broadly distance himself from those groups, Trump demurred, saying he knew nothing about their support for his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

"I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about," Trump said. "You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I'd have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that are totally fine -- it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know."

Thls shows how ridiculous people are. I can't stand Trump and I won't vote for him, but you nitwits keep making me defend him. You're nuts.

All he said was he would want to look into the group. Why should he "condemn" them based on the goading of the interviewer for groups he doesn't know about. He never said he wouldn't condemn them. What is wrong with you people?
Mr. Trump is nearly 70 years old. Surely he knows as much about the KKK as anyone here does. If he is being disingenuous about that, how can we expect him to be forthcoming when we need him to about more critical issues. Lying might appeal to you, but the rest of us see it as a sign of being untrustworthy.

Your fucking HYPOCRISY is hereby noted!

Come on brainer

Trump on white supremacist support: -

Asked if he'd broadly distance himself from those groups, Trump demurred, saying he knew nothing about their support for his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

"I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about," Trump said. "You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I'd have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that are totally fine -- it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know."

Thls shows how ridiculous people are. I can't stand Trump and I won't vote for him, but you nitwits keep making me defend him. You're nuts.

All he said was he would want to look into the group. Why should he "condemn" them based on the goading of the interviewer for groups he doesn't know about. He never said he wouldn't condemn them. What is wrong with you people?
Mr. Trump is nearly 70 years old. Surely he knows as much about the KKK as anyone here does. If he is being disingenuous about that, how can we expect him to be forthcoming when we need him to about more critical issues. Lying might appeal to you, but the rest of us see it as a sign of being untrustworthy.

Your fucking HYPOCRISY is hereby noted!


WTF???? That isn't a picture of me...that's Hillary Clinton, you dolt I'm backing Bernie...
Come on brainer

Trump on white supremacist support: -

Asked if he'd broadly distance himself from those groups, Trump demurred, saying he knew nothing about their support for his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

"I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about," Trump said. "You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I'd have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that are totally fine -- it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know."

Thls shows how ridiculous people are. I can't stand Trump and I won't vote for him, but you nitwits keep making me defend him. You're nuts.

All he said was he would want to look into the group. Why should he "condemn" them based on the goading of the interviewer for groups he doesn't know about. He never said he wouldn't condemn them. What is wrong with you people?
Mr. Trump is nearly 70 years old. Surely he knows as much about the KKK as anyone here does. If he is being disingenuous about that, how can we expect him to be forthcoming when we need him to about more critical issues. Lying might appeal to you, but the rest of us see it as a sign of being untrustworthy.

Your fucking HYPOCRISY is hereby noted!


WTF???? That isn't a picture of me...that's Hillary Clinton, you dolt I'm backing Bernie...

Same shit, except she wears CHEAP JC Penny pant suits! ...BUT you do realize that he is simply a FOIL for that bitch....
Come on brainer

Trump on white supremacist support: -

Asked if he'd broadly distance himself from those groups, Trump demurred, saying he knew nothing about their support for his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

"I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about," Trump said. "You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I'd have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that are totally fine -- it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know."

Thls shows how ridiculous people are. I can't stand Trump and I won't vote for him, but you nitwits keep making me defend him. You're nuts.

All he said was he would want to look into the group. Why should he "condemn" them based on the goading of the interviewer for groups he doesn't know about. He never said he wouldn't condemn them. What is wrong with you people?
Mr. Trump is nearly 70 years old. Surely he knows as much about the KKK as anyone here does. If he is being disingenuous about that, how can we expect him to be forthcoming when we need him to about more critical issues. Lying might appeal to you, but the rest of us see it as a sign of being untrustworthy.

Your fucking HYPOCRISY is hereby noted!


WTF???? That isn't a picture of me...that's Hillary Clinton, you dolt I'm backing Bernie...

Same shit, except she wears CHEAP JC Penny pant suits! ...BUT you do realize that he is simply a FOIL for that bitch....
Naw, he doesn't have that Benghazi albatross around his neck. And A Jew is rarely a foil for anybody!
Thls shows how ridiculous people are. I can't stand Trump and I won't vote for him, but you nitwits keep making me defend him. You're nuts.

All he said was he would want to look into the group. Why should he "condemn" them based on the goading of the interviewer for groups he doesn't know about. He never said he wouldn't condemn them. What is wrong with you people?
Mr. Trump is nearly 70 years old. Surely he knows as much about the KKK as anyone here does. If he is being disingenuous about that, how can we expect him to be forthcoming when we need him to about more critical issues. Lying might appeal to you, but the rest of us see it as a sign of being untrustworthy.

Your fucking HYPOCRISY is hereby noted!


WTF???? That isn't a picture of me...that's Hillary Clinton, you dolt I'm backing Bernie...

Same shit, except she wears CHEAP JC Penny pant suits! ...BUT you do realize that he is simply a FOIL for that bitch....
Naw, he doesn't have that Benghazi albatross around his neck. And A Jew is rarely a foil for anybody!
She needed a leftist to run against so she could go even further left than the Bern.... Who compliments their opponent when at a debate, and then complains about poverty that HIS OWN PARTY has created over the last 7+years?


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