Trump refuses to disavow KKK

Who did he intimidate, dummy? The guy was an idiot, but he intimidated no one. This is just manufactured bullshit from the Republican bubble, regurgitated by dumb assholes.

Yeah....because standing in front of a polling location with a billy club isnt intimidation.
View attachment 65166

You're a complete hack.

They were in a black neighborhood, dumbass. If they wanted to scare "whitey" they would have gone to a white neighborhood, you big pussy.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

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Prove they were in a white neighborhood, idiot. Then show me the name of a person who claims they were intimidated.

All reports on this story say it was a predominately black neighborhood.

Leave it to an idiot con-servo-clown to regurgitate this manufactured bullshit, even after 6 years.

Drama queen.

Pissed off that you're wrong huh?

Says who? I've provided links, and you've provided photo-shopped photos. You're out of your league.
Yeah....because standing in front of a polling location with a billy club isnt intimidation.
View attachment 65166

You're a complete hack.

They were in a black neighborhood, dumbass. If they wanted to scare "whitey" they would have gone to a white neighborhood, you big pussy.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

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View attachment 65169

Prove they were in a white neighborhood, idiot. Then show me the name of a person who claims they were intimidated.

All reports on this story say it was a predominately black neighborhood.

Leave it to an idiot con-servo-clown to regurgitate this manufactured bullshit, even after 6 years.

Drama queen.

Pissed off that you're wrong huh?

Says who? I've provided links, and you've provided photo-shopped photos. You're out of your league.

Photo shopped..:lmao:
You're sounding truly desperate.
They were in a black neighborhood, dumbass. If they wanted to scare "whitey" they would have gone to a white neighborhood, you big pussy.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

View attachment 65168

View attachment 65169

Prove they were in a white neighborhood, idiot. Then show me the name of a person who claims they were intimidated.

All reports on this story say it was a predominately black neighborhood.

Leave it to an idiot con-servo-clown to regurgitate this manufactured bullshit, even after 6 years.

Drama queen.

Pissed off that you're wrong huh?

Says who? I've provided links, and you've provided photo-shopped photos. You're out of your league.

Photo shopped..:lmao:
You're sounding truly desperate.

And you're sounding truly idiotic. Now go dig up some more old manufactured bullshit, and leave me alone. You're starting to annoy me.
why should Trump have to disavow the KKK?
The left should have no problem with this, they let their negro king get away with siding with the black lives matter hate group
A vote from a White Supremacist registers the same as a vote from an International Red Cross worker.

One (1).

Why piss off anybody?

( within the realm of those who aren't looking to be pissed off, anyway )

The more, the merrier.
Come on brainer

Trump on white supremacist support: -

Asked if he'd broadly distance himself from those groups, Trump demurred, saying he knew nothing about their support for his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

"I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about," Trump said. "You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I'd have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that are totally fine -- it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know."

Trump did disavow support from the KKK. I heard it in one of his speeches yesterday. So whoever is saying this is a lying piece of SHIT.
In all fairness, Trump is not entirely sure whether or not the KKK is the same as the American NAZI party or not, and he needs to research it so that he doesn't use too broad a brush.....
In all fairness, Trump is not entirely sure whether or not the KKK is the same as the American NAZI party or not, and he needs to research it so that he doesn't use too broad a brush.....
He has already disavowed the American Nazi party when he spoke out against Hillary and Sanders
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

View attachment 65168

View attachment 65169

Prove they were in a white neighborhood, idiot. Then show me the name of a person who claims they were intimidated.

All reports on this story say it was a predominately black neighborhood.

Leave it to an idiot con-servo-clown to regurgitate this manufactured bullshit, even after 6 years.

Drama queen.

Pissed off that you're wrong huh?

Says who? I've provided links, and you've provided photo-shopped photos. You're out of your league.

Photo shopped..:lmao:
You're sounding truly desperate.

And you're sounding truly idiotic. Now go dig up some more old manufactured bullshit, and leave me alone. You're starting to annoy me.

So you get annoyed when you get called on your bullshit....
I figure you should be used to it by now.
Trump was asked a simple question

What was so hard in answering it? I have to think about it?
He gave a very lucid and rational answer. He's not gonna just answer yes to any generic question without looking into it first.


It shows a lack of trust in the media.

I wonder why you want some dumbass who blurts out answers without making sure it's correct.

Oh, I know. You're just making fun of Trump....regardless what he says. If he says yes, he's an idiot and a liar. If he says no, he's a racist. If he says he'd like to know the specific groups they're talking about, you think he's a stupid racist. If he says nothing, he must be hiding something. The question was designed to draw a response. The response itself isn't important because you'll spin it negatively.
This just provides materiel for the rest of us and proves the whole raciest supporting Trump.......

These are the false claims that the establishment is trying to pound into the public's perceptions.

  1. Trump is stupid
  2. Trump is a racist
  3. Trump is nasty
  4. Trump is a rich white guy

They do this with every Republican. If he was running as a Democrat they'd be tonguing his asshole right now.
Come on brainer

Trump on white supremacist support: -

Trump is right to question the groups CNN refers to, because libturds label any group that isn't liberals as "white supremacist."

Civil rights group labels family organizations, Colorado constitution party "hate groups" for stand on traditional marriage

Asked if he'd broadly distance himself from those groups, Trump demurred, saying he knew nothing about their support for his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

"I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about," Trump said. "You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I'd have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that are totally fine -- it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know."

The SPLC has also warned of other conservative groups such as the tea party movement claiming the groups are “shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories and racism.”

SPLC also warned against government officials who have introduced “Tenth Amendment Resolutions” in 37 states saying they are pandering to the anti-government right. The resolutions merely declare states’ intentions to exercise their rights as given by the 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution which states “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

In Spring of 2011 the SPLC produced an intelligence report titled “The Year in Hate & Extremism.” The group identified 824 “patriot” organizations that “define themselves as opposed to the ‘new World Order’, engage in groundless conspiracy theorizing or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines.”

The Colorado Constitution Party is listed among the dangerous groups. Brian Britton, of the Greeley 9-12 project, said the idea of the Constitution party being a dangerous group is ridiculous. “Since when does standing for the Constitution make a person part of a hate group.”

Weld County Sheriff spokesman, Steve Reams, was asked how much importance his department places on the SPLC reports. Reams replied, “not much” saying they get similar reports from a variety of groups all the time. “We get a lot of publications mailed to us attempting to influence our decision making and stir up fear.”

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