Trump remembers Colin Powell with “malevolent, spiteful, narcissistic statement”.

I don't know which I like better:

That Trump spoke the plain truth yet again


That he made war-mongering liberal heads explode yet again.

You are correct, it is just Trump being TRUMP

It solidifies his reputation with his base but does nothing to convince the 85 million Americans that voted against him that he is not the same Trump
And yet EVERY single time a right of center person dies you come on here and bad mouth them. Hypocrite

You can not be further from the truth. I always find a way to either find something to praise or say NOTHING

I DARE you to find a post where I condemned a recently passed Republican

You can start with Rush Limbaugh

[IMG alt="rightwinger"][/IMG]


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster​

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JoinedAug 4, 2009Messages230,293Reaction score55,322Points2,190
I c h i g o said:
I have listened to him when he was working for WABC in NYC (in the early 1990's. He was a great and soft-spoken man! He will be greatly missed by many who have been with him through the year.
Whether you hated him or liked him, he will be missed.

Mega Dittos!
I used to listen to him then too. He didn’t take himself that seriously and said many things tongue in cheek. Rush was funny and would push your buttons.

Then, listeners started to take him seriously and he became a conservative demagogue.....he became nasty

I still liked him better than many of the conservative pundits who copied him.

He had a good run

Well thats not like Donald to behave like that. I wonder what happened to his legendary generosity of spirit.
Powell was grossly overrated. He was a swamp creature and woke asshole. He was a damn site better than Austin and Milley but then again who isn't. He was a Rino---he owed his allegiance to $$$ from the swamp.
You can not be further from the truth. I always find a way to either find something to praise or say NOTHING

I DARE you to find a post where I condemned a recently passed Republican

You can start with Rush Limbaugh

[IMG alt="rightwinger"][/IMG]


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster​

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JoinedAug 4, 2009Messages230,293Reaction score55,322Points2,190

I used to listen to him then too. He didn’t take himself that seriously and said many things tongue in cheek. Rush was funny and would push your buttons.

Then, listeners started to take him seriously and he became a conservative demagogue.....he became nasty

I still liked him better than many of the conservative pundits who copied him.

He had a good run
Truth is TRuth------and I find your not saying the same things after they die as more a sign that you simply want to silence anyone you politically oppose --but once they are dead, you no longer feel a need to. Powell was a swamp asshole in life, nothing wrong with stating the facts once he is dead.
Truth is TRuth------and I find your not saying the same things after they die as more a sign that you simply want to silence anyone you politically oppose --but once they are dead, you no longer feel a need to. Powell was a swamp asshole in life, nothing wrong with stating the facts once he is dead.
I speak kindly of the dead out of respect and compassion for the family.
Especially in politics.
While I disagree with most of what Republicans stand for, I understand they are doing what is best for America from their point of view.
At someone’s death, I believe it is time to set aside political differences
So you're fine with the message.
Okay, got it.
As usual, you don't have it at all.

If you really got it, you wouldn't be clutching your pearls over Trump's comments concerning a repulsive dead war criminal.

There was a time not so long ago when liberals professed disgust over war crimes.


They love the crimes, and they love the criminals more.

As usual, you don't have it at all.

If you really got it, you wouldn't be clutching your pearls over Trump's comments concerning a repulsive dead war criminal.

There was a time not so long ago when liberals professed disgust over war crimes.


They love the crimes, and they love the criminals more.
Okay Trumpster!
Yep, and there is no reason to spill ink quoting what that POS thinks about anything.

Instead, quote those with integrity, intellect, and morals.

Say something sweet about Hitler while you're at it.

The liberal love affair with war criminals is quite a spectacle.
Colin Powell forever regretted his UN Speech defending the invasion of Iraq. He is rightfully condemned for it.

But in the context of the time…..
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld masterminded the invasion
Condi Rice gave her “Dont want the smoking gun to be a Mushroom Cloud”
All Republicans supported the invasions
Key Democrats (Hillary, Biden, Kerry) supported it

Most importantly, our media failed in their role to question a poorly justified invasion
Most normal, well-adjusted adults understand that, when a person spends this much time and energy attacking and insulting others in public, particularly the dead, the focus is not on those they are attacking. The focus ends up, appropriately, on them, because of their behavior and temperament.

Coming to that realization is normally just a part of growing up. Let alone for a person with this much power and influence.

It remains astonishing that so many would put so much faith in a person who hasn't even reached that fundamental level of maturity.
This is somewhat a damning indictment of American culture, and a large segment of Americans.
Say something sweet about Hitler while you're at it.

The liberal love affair with war criminals is quite a spectacle.
You're a one trick pony who is also a slavish Trump supporter.

That renders your opinion null and void, as you don't reach the threshold of legitimacy.

Sorry 'bout that.
At least Ronnie had a sense of humor.

Powell had a problem with the far right hate filled Neo-GOP. Starting with Sarah Palin, which is why he didn't support the McCain/Palin ticket.

Palin? She's an uneducated person. Seriously dumb.

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