Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

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No, it won't be 9-0. The evidence shows that it should be 9-0 to keep Trump off the ballot IF thhe justices are going by the constitution.
It's just not a good look. You want him off the ballot because you're afraid voters will prefer an unhinged, populist, "insurrectionist" to your shitty candidate. Weak. Weak and worthless.
It's about the rule of law. Biden has already beat trump once.
To be clear:

The Colorado Supreme Court decision itself explicitly included a stay.

The appeal from a top court of any state is automatically given to the SCOTUS. Now that the idiot Secy of State of Maine has unilaterally moved to strike Trump from the Maine ballot based on the retarded Decision out of Colorado, it is vastly more likely that SCOTUS will take the appeal from that Colorado decision.

All in all, oddly enough, the Maine Secretary of State action is good news to that extent. SCOTUS should rip Colorado a new one.
he didnt crap on me or the country ... we had a secure border and peace along with the destruction of the Isis Caliphate [remember the Caliphate that Obama and Briben were unable to put an end too ] the economy was booming. inflation was nearly non existent, and low fuel prices .. all this happened until the lefts chicom allies unleashed a lab grown virus onto the world and the left still wont criticize the country that unleashed said virus that killed over one million of their fellow countrymen and women ..
Maybe I was wrong. Get some help with your Qnut problem, too.
Lord knows you are under no obligation

Yeah, I don't stop in often and when I do I quickly remember that this is the cesspool of all political boards.
The very dumbest of the dumb. Its rather frightening to think these morons can vote even if they do drool on themselves.
Not surprised to see demafacist ran states do this. If you can’t beat him, keep the people from voting.

Leftist regimes throughout history of done this

Trump has never won an election. Just an FYI.
Maybe I was wrong. Get some help with your Qnut problem, too.
so you dont believe covid came from a lab eh ? you dont believe that early in the outbreak China banned domestic travel to and from Wuhan but allowed international travel eh ? sorry lady ... facts say otherwise .
Colorado reversed their stupidity, Trump back on. Maine will follow suit.
I TOLD YOU ALL in the CO thread Democrats would not stop attempting to remove Trump from the ballot. A former POTUS and the top candidate in the polls, and Dems try to RIG the election by removing him from the ballot. It's incredible. Talk about an historic attack on democracy holy shit!

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