Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
AWE..........a couple of libs giving themselves hugs..............waiting on daddy gov't to tell them when it is safe to go outside.

Now be good little Nazi's and tell on your neighbor if they break the will get a financial reward for it in some places.


Thats right, you will. So, unless you can afford a $1,000 fine, stay home in stay at home states until the "all clear".

I will piss on your fine............and stomp your little rat ass into the ground............oops.......I don't live in your stinking BS State........

Only pussies like you live there......sorry...............

Look out .......the virus is right behind you............spray it with LYSOL quick.....

Damn that was close.

YOU PEOPLE have lost your damned minds..........if you ever had any to start with.

You know you come off completely insane, right?
In your eyes maybe......not down where I come from..........when we see BS we call BS.........

You go cry to your daddy gov't.........we will tell daddy gov't to go fuck themselves........They need to open this country want to HIDE.........GO HIDE THEN..........

You are sitting here BRAGGING ON HOW YOU WOULD RAT OUT YOUR NEIGHBOR............Face are this.

Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
AWE..........a couple of libs giving themselves hugs..............waiting on daddy gov't to tell them when it is safe to go outside.

Now be good little Nazi's and tell on your neighbor if they break the will get a financial reward for it in some places.


Thats right, you will. So, unless you can afford a $1,000 fine, stay home in stay at home states until the "all clear".

I will piss on your fine............and stomp your little rat ass into the ground............oops.......I don't live in your stinking BS State........

Only pussies like you live there......sorry...............

Look out .......the virus is right behind you............spray it with LYSOL quick.....

Damn that was close.

YOU PEOPLE have lost your damned minds..........if you ever had any to start with.

You know you come off completely insane, right?
In all seriousness, this is what years and decades of talk radio does to people.

They are not being hyperbolic. They really do believe this stuff.

And that's the problem. It's not just for show.
Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
AWE..........a couple of libs giving themselves hugs..............waiting on daddy gov't to tell them when it is safe to go outside.

Now be good little Nazi's and tell on your neighbor if they break the will get a financial reward for it in some places.


Thats right, you will. So, unless you can afford a $1,000 fine, stay home in stay at home states until the "all clear".

I will piss on your fine............and stomp your little rat ass into the ground............oops.......I don't live in your stinking BS State........

Only pussies like you live there......sorry...............

Look out .......the virus is right behind you............spray it with LYSOL quick.....

Damn that was close.

YOU PEOPLE have lost your damned minds..........if you ever had any to start with.

You know you come off completely insane, right?
In all seriousness, this is what years and decades of talk radio does to people.

They are not being hyperbolic. They really do believe this stuff.

And that's the problem. It's not just for show.
Yawn...........another group hug from a couple of useless libs............LOL

In here bragging about how Ford was really real........and RAT OUT NEIGHBORS.........

You know you come off completely insane, right?

It's not him that does, Comrade traitor.

You live in the most free and prosperous nation in the history of the planet, but you want to burn it down on behalf of a hostile, totalitarian dictatorship half a world away.

THAT is insane.
I think they are from California and using too much of their product.

I've found these guys Utopia...........except Weird Al has to ditch the bible.....they are a bunch of Athiests.

Trumpism, 2020
You gonna melt Snowflake when you lose again in November even as your sorry party is trying to do mail in votes nation wide to..............well ACORN THE ENTIRE ELECTION.

Go Rat out your neighbor ............I think he was too long in the yard getting the could get a reward...........UH LA LA.

You have a Wanker in here being PROUD OF TURNING PEOPLE about the same type wanker.......
Trumpism, 2020
You gonna melt Snowflake when you lose again in November even as your sorry party is trying to do mail in votes nation wide to..............well ACORN THE ENTIRE ELECTION.

Go Rat out your neighbor ............I think he was too long in the yard getting the could get a reward...........UH LA LA.

You have a Wanker in here being PROUD OF TURNING PEOPLE about the same type wanker.......
It wouldn't occur to me to "turn someone in".

You guys really need to back away from the radio and calm down a bit.
Trumpism, 2020
You gonna melt Snowflake when you lose again in November even as your sorry party is trying to do mail in votes nation wide to..............well ACORN THE ENTIRE ELECTION.

Go Rat out your neighbor ............I think he was too long in the yard getting the could get a reward...........UH LA LA.

You have a Wanker in here being PROUD OF TURNING PEOPLE about the same type wanker.......
It wouldn't occur to me to "turn someone in".

You guys really need to back away from the radio and calm down a bit.
I haven't listened to the dang radio in a month..........imagine that......except for going to the store........and then it's been music.

Imagine that............

So you would or would not turn in your neighbor if you saw them having a little get together like the other Asshole on this thread..............Well........would you or NOT.

You never commit to anything...........always trying to be the middle ground LOL.
Would you turn them in?
Trumpism, 2020
You gonna melt Snowflake when you lose again in November even as your sorry party is trying to do mail in votes nation wide to..............well ACORN THE ENTIRE ELECTION.

Go Rat out your neighbor ............I think he was too long in the yard getting the could get a reward...........UH LA LA.

You have a Wanker in here being PROUD OF TURNING PEOPLE about the same type wanker.......
It wouldn't occur to me to "turn someone in".

You guys really need to back away from the radio and calm down a bit.
I haven't listened to the dang radio in a month..........imagine that......except for going to the store........and then it's been music.

Imagine that............

So you would or would not turn in your neighbor if you saw them having a little get together like the other Asshole on this thread..............Well........would you or NOT.

You never commit to anything...........always trying to be the middle ground LOL.
Would you turn them in?
Of course you haven't.

I thought I answered your question, but I'll try to make it even more simple and clear, for you: No, I would not turn someone else in.

Is there anything I can do or say to make that more simple for you? I'm doing my best here.
Has anyone asked her? I know, lets have hearings on it...but Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.

The lying fuck democrat controlled media is never going to ask Hirono any question that would embarrass her or the party. The job of the media is to distort facts to serve the party.

And didn't you Communists already try to attack Trump with these? You failed because the women you hire to make the accusations are not credible.

But Reid worked for Biden, she is 100% credible.

I think you traitor vermin are going to use Reid as the basis to get rid of Quid Pro Joe at the convention. Suddenly you'll be reprogrammed to believe her and this is VERY SERIOUS. so you HAVE to replace Biden with Andrew Cuomo. You Stalinists won't be overriding the votes of Americans, you'll have no choice you see....
I thought I answered your question, but I'll try to make it even more simple and clear, for you: No, I would not turn someone else in.
Now how hard was see you did the dance answer before...........

It's actually simpler than that...........YES OR NO.

One do you stand with that other poster who was bragging about turning people in....................

YES OR NO........
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
AWE..........a couple of libs giving themselves hugs..............waiting on daddy gov't to tell them when it is safe to go outside.

Now be good little Nazi's and tell on your neighbor if they break the will get a financial reward for it in some places.


Thats right, you will. So, unless you can afford a $1,000 fine, stay home in stay at home states until the "all clear".

I will piss on your fine............and stomp your little rat ass into the ground............oops.......I don't live in your stinking BS State........

Only pussies like you live there......sorry...............

Look out .......the virus is right behind you............spray it with LYSOL quick.....

Damn that was close.

YOU PEOPLE have lost your damned minds..........if you ever had any to start with.

You know you come off completely insane, right?
In all seriousness, this is what years and decades of talk radio does to people.

They are not being hyperbolic. They really do believe this stuff.

And that's the problem. It's not just for show.
Yawn...........another group hug from a couple of useless libs............LOL

In here bragging about how Ford was really real........and RAT OUT NEIGHBORS.........

give it a break.
Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.

:laugh: holy crap

I haven't followed that story, but based on your description, it sure sounds like it.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Both ends of the spectrum are chock full o' liars and hypocrites, as I point out all the time.

Seriously, you need to calm down.

Oh, wait, so you don't melt down again, let me answer simply and clearly: YES

And there ya go! Trump is still a buffoon, and you're still conned by a buffoon!

WAIT... You followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it.

But with Tara Reid, just like the New York Times, you didn't follow the story, despite the fact that she filed a police report for sexual assault AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED, obtained a lawyer, told her mother.

But you of the left wouldn't want to besmirch the good name of a wonderful man like Quid Pro Joe on such evidence.

Because reasons


Yeah Mac, you're really a moderate.. :eusa_doh:
Cool. Two (more) easy Trumpsters lies to shove down your throat:

First: I "followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it"? No, I sure didn't. Please actually QUOTE me doing that. Go ahead.

Second: I've never claimed to be a moderate, and here the second line of my sig, with a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Leftist: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

Like Trump and talk radio, you people just lie as you go. At some point, you lost track of the fact that lying isn't good. This isn't funny any more. It's sad and dangerous.

This is pathetic.

Mac1958 , you claim that if I waste my time searching for posts from you on the Kavanaugh hearings I'll find nothing that has you pontificating on how serious the charges are and how he should withdraw his bid?

I thought I answered your question, but I'll try to make it even more simple and clear, for you: No, I would not turn someone else in.
Now how hard was see you did the dance answer before...........

It's actually simpler than that...........YES OR NO.

One do you stand with that other poster who was bragging about turning people in....................

YES OR NO........

I don't know the whole story, but I don't want to confuse or anger you, so I'll just go with NO.

Please forgive me, it has been a long time since my thought processes defaulted to such rudimentary, binary patterns.
Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.

:laugh: holy crap

I haven't followed that story, but based on your description, it sure sounds like it.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Both ends of the spectrum are chock full o' liars and hypocrites, as I point out all the time.

Seriously, you need to calm down.

Oh, wait, so you don't melt down again, let me answer simply and clearly: YES

And there ya go! Trump is still a buffoon, and you're still conned by a buffoon!

WAIT... You followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it.

But with Tara Reid, just like the New York Times, you didn't follow the story, despite the fact that she filed a police report for sexual assault AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED, obtained a lawyer, told her mother.

But you of the left wouldn't want to besmirch the good name of a wonderful man like Quid Pro Joe on such evidence.

Because reasons


Yeah Mac, you're really a moderate.. :eusa_doh:
Cool. Two (more) easy Trumpsters lies to shove down your throat:

First: I "followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it"? No, I sure didn't. Please actually QUOTE me doing that. Go ahead.

Second: I've never claimed to be a moderate, and here the second line of my sig, with a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Leftist: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

Like Trump and talk radio, you people just lie as you go. At some point, you lost track of the fact that lying isn't good. This isn't funny any more. It's sad and dangerous.

This is pathetic.

Mac1958 , you claim that if I waste my time searching for posts from you on the Kavanaugh hearings I'll find nothing that has you pontificating on how serious the charges are and how he should withdraw his bid?

What I am saying is that I didn't, as you claimed, "follow every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford".
I think you traitor vermin are going to use Reid as the basis to get rid of Quid Pro Joe at the convention. Suddenly you'll be reprogrammed to believe her and this is VERY SERIOUS. so you HAVE to replace Biden with Andrew Cuomo. You Stalinists won't be overriding the votes of Americans, you'll have no choice you see....
Cuomo.........the guy in charge...........LOL

And under his command those tested positive for Covid were sent back to the Nursing homes......where at least 2700 deaths from Covid happened............The most vulnerable people in his state....................


I thought I answered your question, but I'll try to make it even more simple and clear, for you: No, I would not turn someone else in.
Now how hard was see you did the dance answer before...........

It's actually simpler than that...........YES OR NO.

One do you stand with that other poster who was bragging about turning people in....................

YES OR NO........

I don't know the whole story, but I don't want to confuse or anger you, so I'll just go with NO.

Please forgive me, it has been a long time since my thought processes defaulted to such rudimentary, binary patterns.

You seem to be getting upset, Mac.

Could it be the knowledge that you have posts like;

hanging out there?

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