Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.

:laugh: holy crap

I haven't followed that story, but based on your description, it sure sounds like it.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Both ends of the spectrum are chock full o' liars and hypocrites, as I point out all the time.

Seriously, you need to calm down.

Oh, wait, so you don't melt down again, let me answer simply and clearly: YES

And there ya go! Trump is still a buffoon, and you're still conned by a buffoon!
Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.
So tell us, how do you tattoo someone, cut their hair or do their nails from six or more feet away? Long scissors?

ever hear of wearing a mask? if both are wearing masks, the 6 foot separation is not necessary. Or if both parties wish to take the chance, that is up to them, NOT YOU or the Federal Government. Personally I will wear a mask when I go to the barber shop once ours open back up. I am pretty sure I don't have it, but may have in the past.

Remember the mask is to protect others, not the wearer.

No, you don't get to "take a chance" when you are endangering others. When you get sick because you just had to get your hair cut, you are endangering every health worker that has to treat you.

Kemp thought he was providing cover and supporting Trump. Trump threw him under the bus, backed up and hit him again.

Its called freedom, witchey. If you have underlying conditions or just don't feel safe going out, stay home. the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory. Each person is allowed to make his or her own decision regarding how to live their lives.

Just for comparison in 2020 to date
covid deaths-------12,000+
abortion deaths------232,000+

So tell me why is it ok to go to an abortion clinic but not a dentist or barber? I think the abortion doctor and his staff have to get pretty close to the woman to abort the child.
Why do you morons feel the need to compare this to unrelated things? Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that does not infect people who come in contact.

I hope it turns out okay for Georgia to open too soon but they are taking a huge risk since none of the appropriate safeguards are in place. (Widespread testing and contact tracing)

abortion kills innocent human beings, so does corona virus

How much testing would be enough? lets think about it. we have roughly 330 million people in the country.. If I test negative today and catch the virus in the grocery store tonight, what did the test accomplish? please answer that question.

so do you want us to test all 330 million americans every morning at 8am?

How much testing do you want? answer that one too. or STFU and go away.

Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that has nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect other people with. Any attempt at comparing them is lame, pathetic and a complete red herring. (You ARE so aptly named. Well done there)

Yes, you need to serologic test anyone returning to work and test them regularly. Testing is the only way people are going to safely return to work and the US is woefully behind on the testing front and playing catch up.

People who think that women should have medical access to killing their own children in this time, but not heart stents and infected teeth, are actual moral pariahs and cannot be argued with.

I mean that, by the way. You cannot argue with actual evil. It is not rational. It simply it what it is.
So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Wait, the hospitals are ALREADY overrun. I know they are, because you Stalinists have said for weeks they would be, right up until people started video recording empty hospitals.... :eusa_whistle:

Oh, Seabiscuit just informed us that hospitals ARE overrun, despite every Democrat governor of a hard-hit state saying they aren't and haven't been. But she "knows" it, because she wants it to be true. And when you're a leftist, wishing creates reality.

Hospitals have been overrun across the country for a few weeks now. The draconian measures we put in place to slow the spread are working. Now is not the time to undo it all by returning to "normal" too soon and sending our hospitals into a much worse situation than that we just went through. But hey, Cecilie needs her roots touched up so fuck the medical professionals.

Hospitals have been overrun across the country for a few weeks now.
That's an outright LIE. Houston has had some cases, but has never even gotten close to exceeding it's capacity. None of the hospitals in the Houston metro area have been overrun. Even nationally, we are exporting ventilators now. Enough with the propaganda already.


So Houston is the whole country?

No, but I think they fall in to the "hospitals across the country" category. See that's the problem with you commies and your broad brushes, it's easy to prove you liars. Hell even LA never exceeded their capacity and they were hit relatively hard especially NO.


Hospitals from New York to Athens Georgia exceeded their capacity. The only reason that they now have breathing room in many of these place is the stay at home orders. Lift them too soon and more will be overcome. We need to not be stupid about this.

Bull fucking shit.

Youtube is censoring again.


Figures. Starnes NAILED the lying media by filming dozens of empty hospitals.
Where the trump sheep ?
I am dying to see what excuse they will find for this.
Obama's fault?
Or the DNC?
Fuck you...........fuck the order..............OPEN THE COUNTRY UP.

Unless you live in New York...........this song is for you..........the HERD TOWN......
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

He said he wondered if something LIKE that could be found. then sarcastically said maybe inject it or something.

Should we take everything Biden says literally? Should we take everything Whoopi says literally? how about AOC? She says lots of dumb things, do you take all of them literally?

See....Fishy is all caught up on Trump's lies and can parrot them like a doll with a pulled string.

Here is the problem you run into when you pick up Trump's little lie breadcrumbs and eat them....we all watched the video and know he wasn't being sarcastic.

None of the people you tried to deflect to, aptly named one, are "president" and giving an official briefing on a pandemic.

I saw that exchange in real time. did you? The context was clear. Your masters are lying to you as they do every day, and you are too dumb to understand that they are using you as their slave. do you like being a slave to the likes of Pelosi and Soros? Is pencil neck Schiff one of your heroes, how about toad boy Nadler?
Yes, red herring, we all saw the video. He wasn't joking, he wasn't being sarcastic, he was seriously talking about "shining lights and disinfectants" .

The emperor has no clothes but you keep trying to describe what HE says he's wearing.
Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.


Has anyone asked her? I know, lets have hearings on it...but Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.

sure, lets bring all the sexual assault accusers out in public hearings. ALL of them, including the ones who have accused Schumer, bubba clinton, Menendez, Hillary, bush, all of them. Lets get it all out in public. Let all of the Trump accusers have their day in the sun to make their cases, and if they are found to be perjuring themselves, lock them up. Same for all the others.

You do know that there are women who have accused Hillary or sexual harrassment don't you? I want to hear from them too.

as to Hirono, she has disappeared and no one in the lying media has found her to ask the obvious question about Biden and "believe the women"
Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

Because all we expect is an honest truthful media and that no longer exists in the USA. the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the dem party, and that would be wrong if they were supporting the GOP. Our media should be reporting the facts, not spinning for politics. That is why more than half the country is pissed off. and its also one of the main reasons that Trump was elected and will be reelected in november.

It is you who are being played and you are too dumb to realize it.
Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
AWE..........a couple of libs giving themselves hugs..............waiting on daddy gov't to tell them when it is safe to go outside.

Now be good little Nazi's and tell on your neighbor if they break the will get a financial reward for it in some places.


Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.

:laugh: holy crap

I haven't followed that story, but based on your description, it sure sounds like it.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Both ends of the spectrum are chock full o' liars and hypocrites, as I point out all the time.

Seriously, you need to calm down.

Oh, wait, so you don't melt down again, let me answer simply and clearly: YES

And there ya go! Trump is still a buffoon, and you're still conned by a buffoon!

WAIT... You followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it.

But with Tara Reid, just like the New York Times, you didn't follow the story, despite the fact that she filed a police report for sexual assault AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED, obtained a lawyer, told her mother.

But you of the left wouldn't want to besmirch the good name of a wonderful man like Quid Pro Joe on such evidence.

Because reasons


Yeah Mac, you're really a moderate.. :eusa_doh:
Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.

:laugh: holy crap

I haven't followed that story, but based on your description, it sure sounds like it.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Both ends of the spectrum are chock full o' liars and hypocrites, as I point out all the time.

Seriously, you need to calm down.

Oh, wait, so you don't melt down again, let me answer simply and clearly: YES

And there ya go! Trump is still a buffoon, and you're still conned by a buffoon!

WAIT... You followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it.

But with Tara Reid, just like the New York Times, you didn't follow the story, despite the fact that she filed a police report for sexual assault AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED, obtained a lawyer, told her mother.

But you of the left wouldn't want to besmirch the good name of a wonderful man like Quid Pro Joe on such evidence.

Because reasons


Yeah Mac, you're really a moderate.. :eusa_doh:
Of course it's now a

Just like Clinton didn't do those things...........didn't hang out with the dead pervert who owned a Island............but some BIMBO from 35 years ago..........

LOOK WHAT KAV DID.........they did the same to Bork.........Thomas...........They are was FORD..............she couldn't even lie good...........her own friends ditched her from back then. LOL
Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.


Has anyone asked her? I know, lets have hearings on it...but Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.

sure, lets bring all the sexual assault accusers out in public hearings. ALL of them, including the ones who have accused Schumer, bubba clinton, Menendez, Hillary, bush, all of them. Lets get it all out in public. Let all of the Trump accusers have their day in the sun to make their cases, and if they are found to be perjuring themselves, lock them up. Same for all the others.

Sure, fine with me...but Trump first. Top "dog" should have front of the line.

You do know that there are women who have accused Hillary or sexual harrassment don't you? I want to hear from them too.

Ah, more of Fishy's lesbian fantasies. This should be good. :lol: Got a link?

as to Hirono, she has disappeared and no one in the lying media has found her to ask the obvious question about Biden and "believe the women"

Yeah, I'm sure a US Senator is tough to track down. :rolleyes:
Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
AWE..........a couple of libs giving themselves hugs..............waiting on daddy gov't to tell them when it is safe to go outside.

Now be good little Nazi's and tell on your neighbor if they break the will get a financial reward for it in some places.


Thats right, you will. So, unless you can afford a $1,000 fine, stay home in stay at home states until the "all clear".

You fear tyranny? Trump is the closest to it than any other american president. He surrounds himself with people that dont oppose him. He doesnt listen to anybody but himself. He criticizes anyone and anything that thinks differently, he is a me I've lived myself under a mild tyrant if I can call him that and trump has many characteristics of one. Also he shares a trend with the likes Gaddhafi, Saddam, Casteo and kim they are crazy and unpredictable.

Besides, the bastard can't be bought.

A man who can't be bought, can't be controlled. Obama was for sale to ANYONE with a buck. Ayatollah's in Iran looking to build nuclear weapons? Obama is their man - for a price. A bioweapons lab in China making weaponized versions of SARS CoV2? A bribe to Obama and US Taxpayers will PAY for the weapon that will kill 50,000 of them...

Obama knew how to play along. Trump is a danger to the whole racket.
Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.

:laugh: holy crap

I haven't followed that story, but based on your description, it sure sounds like it.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Both ends of the spectrum are chock full o' liars and hypocrites, as I point out all the time.

Seriously, you need to calm down.

Oh, wait, so you don't melt down again, let me answer simply and clearly: YES

And there ya go! Trump is still a buffoon, and you're still conned by a buffoon!

WAIT... You followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it.

But with Tara Reid, just like the New York Times, you didn't follow the story, despite the fact that she filed a police report for sexual assault AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED, obtained a lawyer, told her mother.

But you of the left wouldn't want to besmirch the good name of a wonderful man like Quid Pro Joe on such evidence.

Because reasons


Yeah Mac, you're really a moderate.. :eusa_doh:
Cool. Two (more) easy Trumpsters lies to shove down your throat:

First: I "followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it"? No, I sure didn't. Please actually QUOTE me doing that. Go ahead.

Second: I've never claimed to be a moderate, and here the second line of my sig, with a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Leftist: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

Like Trump and talk radio, you people just lie as you go. At some point, you lost track of the fact that lying isn't good. This isn't funny any more. It's sad and dangerous.

This is pathetic.
Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
AWE..........a couple of libs giving themselves hugs..............waiting on daddy gov't to tell them when it is safe to go outside.

Now be good little Nazi's and tell on your neighbor if they break the will get a financial reward for it in some places.


Thats right, you will. So, unless you can afford a $1,000 fine, stay home in stay at home states until the "all clear".

I will piss on your fine............and stomp your little rat ass into the ground............oops.......I don't live in your stinking BS State........

Only pussies like you live there......sorry...............

Look out .......the virus is right behind you............spray it with LYSOL quick.....

Damn that was close.

YOU PEOPLE have lost your damned minds..........if you ever had any to start with.
Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

i dunno, they feel vested? I mean I guess I understand it. I get that way about my 49ers, but even I'll admit they suck sometimes.
AWE..........a couple of libs giving themselves hugs..............waiting on daddy gov't to tell them when it is safe to go outside.

Now be good little Nazi's and tell on your neighbor if they break the will get a financial reward for it in some places.


Thats right, you will. So, unless you can afford a $1,000 fine, stay home in stay at home states until the "all clear".

I will piss on your fine............and stomp your little rat ass into the ground............oops.......I don't live in your stinking BS State........

Only pussies like you live there......sorry...............

Look out .......the virus is right behind you............spray it with LYSOL quick.....

Damn that was close.

YOU PEOPLE have lost your damned minds..........if you ever had any to start with.

You know you come off completely insane, right?
Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.

:laugh: holy crap

I haven't followed that story, but based on your description, it sure sounds like it.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Both ends of the spectrum are chock full o' liars and hypocrites, as I point out all the time.

Seriously, you need to calm down.

Oh, wait, so you don't melt down again, let me answer simply and clearly: YES

And there ya go! Trump is still a buffoon, and you're still conned by a buffoon!

WAIT... You followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it.

But with Tara Reid, just like the New York Times, you didn't follow the story, despite the fact that she filed a police report for sexual assault AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED, obtained a lawyer, told her mother.

But you of the left wouldn't want to besmirch the good name of a wonderful man like Quid Pro Joe on such evidence.

Because reasons


Yeah Mac, you're really a moderate.. :eusa_doh:
Cool. Two (more) easy Trumpsters lies to shove down your throat:

First: I "followed every lie from Christine Blaisey Ford regarding Brett Kavanaugh when there was never a shred of evidence and she waited 32 years until his confirmation hearing to mention it"? No, I sure didn't. Please actually QUOTE me doing that. Go ahead.

Second: I've never claimed to be a moderate, and here the second line of my sig, with a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Leftist: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

Like Trump and talk radio, you people just lie as you go. At some point, you lost track of the fact that lying isn't good. This isn't funny any more. It's sad and dangerous.

This is pathetic.
Ford was a BS STORY FROM HELL..............even RAY CHARLES could see that.

Same thing your stinking side does every time..............OH NO gonna lose a SCOTUS seat........out comes the lies and something that never happened to stop it.

Your side needs to hire BETTER ACTORS......FORD SUCKED.
Serious question:

Why are these people so emotional and angry and sensitive, when it's the Age of Trump?

My guess is that, on some level, they realize they're being played. Any guesses?

Could be that democrats are evil traitors seeking to end the United States Constitution in favor of a Marxist dictatorship in the mold of China, which has 100% control of the democrat party and their lying fuck media.

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