Trump revokes Washington Post press credentials

Don't choke. I know it is hard to explain away your leftist attitude, but if you try harder, we may understand-)
No, no he wont. I am sure of it.

In all seriousness, there will come a day when you realize you were completely conned. You believed a New York billionaire with gold toilet seats had your welfare in mind. Because you're stupid.
But I should believe blow-dried professional LIARS instead?

Lol yeah, sure, whatever.
So let the civil war begin.
You will lose. You don't have the numbers.
You are a total moron.

The losers in Dimocrat cities wont stand a chance against hard core veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan.

California has the most vets, dumbass. You think they're ALL conservative?
Except for San Fagcisco and Lost Angeles, California is Reagan Red.
What do you know about California? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He knows absolutely nothing. He's on record here claiming Nebraska is better.

Cuz, you know, smog and hippies or something.


All you need to know:
The chickens coming home to roost

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

You're on board because it's your "team", and also because you're a stupid bitch.

But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.
The Washington Post has been banned from writing their paper?
No, just banned from participating in the Presidential news conferences. However, to an investigative journalist that is an excellent challenge. I suspect that there will be a bunch of journalists looking hard at the connections in the orange clowns businesses, and his personal antics in other nations. Especially those that might be recorded.
They have no investigative journalists, so your argument is moot.
The Washington Post has no investigative journalists? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Dufus thinks the WA Post does investigative journalism.
Don't choke. I know it is hard to explain away your leftist attitude, but if you try harder, we may understand-)
No, no he wont. I am sure of it.

In all seriousness, there will come a day when you realize you were completely conned. You believed a New York billionaire with gold toilet seats had your welfare in mind. Because you're stupid.

Gary, you are not thinking. I am not going to agree, or disagree with your statement. But what I WILL ask, is give me a profile that you would see as someone who WOULD look after our interests! Unless you are a mobster or something like that, we have had Presidents from many walks of life, including just politicians. Many were successful, some were not. It didn't make a difference which walk of life they came from, because success in one arena, doesn't mean failure in another, nor vice-versa.

Trump may fail, Trump might be highly successful. I would ask-----------> Taking away all party labels, no campaign, just choose---------> who would we choose? A community organizer? Or a very successful businessman to fix our economy! would say but, but, but, but, because of Obama.........and ya know what..........that is fine. So you see, Trump being a New York Billionaire means NOTHING to this equation, because by all rights, even YOU given the choice and knowing no other factoids, would choose Trump! And so, logic tells us that...............past experience, is no measurement to Presidential prophecy!
Don't choke. I know it is hard to explain away your leftist attitude, but if you try harder, we may understand-)
No, no he wont. I am sure of it.

In all seriousness, there will come a day when you realize you were completely conned. You believed a New York billionaire with gold toilet seats had your welfare in mind. Because you're stupid.
Clintons are only worth $130 million, so they are one of the little people and worthy of your vote.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

good let that serve as a lesson

So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.

You do realize that incitement to rebellion is a felony right?
After all the years of the rightwingnuts on this board calling for a civil war, they now dare critisize someone else for saying that? LOL
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

good let that serve as a lesson

So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.

You do realize that incitement to rebellion is a felony right?

Dem terrorists don't think laws apply to them. They are going to be unpleasantly surprised.
Now what the hell are you talking about, silly bitch? Is there any law in this nation against having a different political opinion than the current President?
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

good let that serve as a lesson

So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.

You do realize that incitement to rebellion is a felony right?
After all the years of the rightwingnuts on this board calling for a civil war, they now dare critisize someone else for saying that? LOL
The chickens coming home to roost

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

You're on board because it's your "team", and also because you're a stupid bitch.

But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.
Somebody silenced WaPo?

I drove by there a short time ago and they are still doing business.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

good let that serve as a lesson

So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.

You do realize that incitement to rebellion is a felony right?

Dem terrorists don't think laws apply to them. They are going to be unpleasantly surprised.
Now what the hell are you talking about, silly bitch? Is there any law in this nation against having a different political opinion than the current President?
Is there any law in this nation against having a different political opinion than the current President?
Ask the IRS.
California has the most vets...
Correct, although misleading since California is the most populous state at 39M followed by Texas as 27M, Florida 20M and NY 19.8M. A more accurate representation is by ratio or per capita. In that case, Calfornia drops toward the bottom of the 50 states.

Verbatim fact check: What state has the most veterans? - Ballotpedia

Veteran Population - National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics

What each state’s veteran population looks like, in 10 maps
California, Texas and Florida were home to the most veterans, with each counting more than 1.5 million among their total populations. That shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, though: The three are among the nation’s most populous states.

When you look at the number of veterans living in a state as a share of the total population — as we did in the map below — three less-populated states rise to the top. Roughly 1 in 10 people in Alaska, Maine and Montana are veterans, according to an analysis of VA and Census Bureau data. California, New Jersey and New York have the fewest veterans per capita, with roughly 1 in every 20 people there having served in the military.

Yeah, and the vets hate being held hostage by a bunch of criminal dem terrorists.
LOL Which FEMA camp, silly bitch. LOL
good let that serve as a lesson

So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.

You do realize that incitement to rebellion is a felony right?

Dem terrorists don't think laws apply to them. They are going to be unpleasantly surprised.

When is Stump going to start throwing political opponents in jail? Its the Putin playbook.

Calling for civil war is not legitimate political opposition it is incitement to rebellion and against the law:

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
OK, asshole, let us review the posts on this board for the last 10 years and imprison all who called for a civil war. I gaurantee that the number 'Conservatives' will outnumber the liberals 20 to 1.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?
Aww, did one of your leftist corrupt propaganda outlets get shut down?

I am looking forward to the same happening to CNN and MSNBC.
Why does per capita matter when we're talking about a war of rote numbers?....
It matters to those who want to have a fuller understanding of the "big picture" and not just push a political agenda by the quickest means possible.

...Simply put, the trump supporters in this country are VASTLY outnumbered. If we use the latest election as a parameter, it's 74 million to 62 million. That's not taking into account disproportionate voter apathy among the youth (who are more able to fight.)
An interesting statistic made more interesting that you rounded Trump's votes down from 62.979M to make your point.

Obviously you are including those, like myself, who voted Third Party and not for either Hillary nor Trump. Now, will you include a similar number showing that "hillary supporters in this country are VASTLY outnumbered"? Should I give you some help?

How about to Hillary's 65.845M votes out of the total 137.05M cast making it 71.2M Americans against Hillary's 65.845M Americans?

United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

BTW, it's with great amusement that you mention apathetic youth in the same sentence as "more able to fight". You don't really think those same head-down smartphone texting youth will put down their toys and pick up a gun, do you? I don't since they couldn't do it long enough to cast an absentee ballot much less drag their fat, youthful asses down to a voting booth.
Don't choke. I know it is hard to explain away your leftist attitude, but if you try harder, we may understand-)
No, no he wont. I am sure of it.

In all seriousness, there will come a day when you realize you were completely conned. You believed a New York billionaire with gold toilet seats had your welfare in mind. Because you're stupid.

Gary, you are not thinking. I am not going to agree, or disagree with your statement. But what I WILL ask, is give me a profile that you would see as someone who WOULD look after our interests! Unless you are a mobster or something like that, we have had Presidents from many walks of life, including just politicians. Many were successful, some were not. It didn't make a difference which walk of life they came from, because success in one arena, doesn't mean failure in another, nor vice-versa.

Trump may fail, Trump might be highly successful. I would ask-----------> Taking away all party labels, no campaign, just choose---------> who would we choose? A community organizer? Or a very successful businessman to fix our economy! would say but, but, but, but, because of Obama.........and ya know what..........that is fine. So you see, Trump being a New York Billionaire means NOTHING to this equation, because by all rights, even YOU given the choice and knowing no other factoids, would choose Trump! And so, logic tells us that...............past experience, is no measurement to Presidential prophecy!
We have had, for the last eight years, a President that was looking after the interests of the nation and the people of that nation. He took office during the worst business disaster since the First Great Republican Depression. And his policies resulted in a Dow that went from 6500 to nearly 20,000, unemployment from over 9% to below 5%.

The orange clown will enter office riding on the economic success of President Obama. Let us see where we are at the end of 2019.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?
Aww, did one of your leftist corrupt propaganda outlets get shut down?

I am looking forward to the same happening to CNN and MSNBC.
And then you can get your swastika armband out of the closet, correct?
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?
Aww, did one of your leftist corrupt propaganda outlets get shut down?

I am looking forward to the same happening to CNN and MSNBC.
And then you can get your swastika armband out of the closet, correct?
Whatsdammata? He's just taking the Democratic Party / communist party badges off the arms of these disgusting, corrupt, biased, fake news propaganda organizations.
Don't choke. I know it is hard to explain away your leftist attitude, but if you try harder, we may understand-)
No, no he wont. I am sure of it.

In all seriousness, there will come a day when you realize you were completely conned. You believed a New York billionaire with gold toilet seats had your welfare in mind. Because you're stupid.

Gary, you are not thinking. I am not going to agree, or disagree with your statement. But what I WILL ask, is give me a profile that you would see as someone who WOULD look after our interests! Unless you are a mobster or something like that, we have had Presidents from many walks of life, including just politicians. Many were successful, some were not. It didn't make a difference which walk of life they came from, because success in one arena, doesn't mean failure in another, nor vice-versa.

Trump may fail, Trump might be highly successful. I would ask-----------> Taking away all party labels, no campaign, just choose---------> who would we choose? A community organizer? Or a very successful businessman to fix our economy! would say but, but, but, but, because of Obama.........and ya know what..........that is fine. So you see, Trump being a New York Billionaire means NOTHING to this equation, because by all rights, even YOU given the choice and knowing no other factoids, would choose Trump! And so, logic tells us that...............past experience, is no measurement to Presidential prophecy!
We have had, for the last eight years, a President that was looking after the interests of the nation and the people of that nation. He took office during the worst business disaster since the First Great Republican Depression. And his policies resulted in a Dow that went from 6500 to nearly 20,000, unemployment from over 9% to below 5%.

The orange clown will enter office riding on the economic success of President Obama. Let us see where we are at the end of 2019.

You know you are full of shit, I know you are full of shit, and everyone looking at your suck up post to Obysmal knows that not only are you full of shit, you have the runs to boot.

I am old too, and YOU are an embarrassment. We BOTH know this economy sucks, we also know a decent President (pick decent Democrats or Republicans) would have had this country humming at a better clip, because the historical, government evidence, proves it!

This is NOT so much about left or right, but rather what is the norm of possibility; and how much we have exceeded, or lagged behind where history says we should be, recovering from the place we were at.

You want to phony baloney it; fine, go ahead. I refuse, just like I refuse to bitch about the Bill Clinton economy........but then, I tell the truth! I am more interested in our great nation having a robust economy, then ideological nonsense, such as----------> Booooooossssh was awful----------->well he kinda was not so hot. Obama was he wasn't, he actually stunk it out. Clinton was he wasn't, his economy was exceptional. Etc, etc.

To many of you people want to lie, but I hold the seniors MOST responsible, they KNOW better. THIS ECONOMY is not awful, but it is NOT good. You LIE, and if you had a lick of character, you would admit it!

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