Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

The jury obviously did, why do you think there were two acquittals and two hung juries? There were more FBI confederates involved in that case than there were defendants.

Have you looked at the evidence that they have against these guys?
Your link isn't working.
Neither is his brain.

He laughed at my citation from the State Department spokesman saying that Hillary's emails weren't marked classified at the time she received them.

Not knowing it was the state department spokesman.

And when I asked him about other spokesmen making statements, he claimed he never quoted any of them.

And then I posted him quoting the white house spokesperson.
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He has no legal duty to release anything of the sort. And under the circumstance, he’d be stupid to do so. So, your question is irrelevant.
Point taken. The equivalent of pleading the 5th, against self incrimination should he release his taxes.
Neither is his brain.

He laughed as my citation from the State Department spokesman saying that Hillary's emails were marked classified at the time she received them.

Not knowing it was the state department spokesman.

And when I asked him about other spokesmen making statements, he claimed he never quoted any of them.

And then I posted him quoting the white house spokesperson.
Your hack stated 22 email chains, Simp.

FBI found 58 email chains with classified docs that were classified when Hitlery sent and received them.


State Dept. Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Finds No Deliberate Mishandling of Classified Information

The inquiry, started more than three years ago, found that 38 current or former State Department officials were “culpable” of violating security procedures in a review of about 33,000 individual emails sent to or from the server that Mrs. Clinton turned over to investigators.

The emails were on subjects that were not considered classified at the time, but that have been or were retroactively marked as classified.
FBI found 58 email chains with classified docs that were classified when Hitlery sent and received them.
The emails were on subjects that were not considered classified at the time, but that have been or were retroactively marked as classified.

Actually Trump initially said there would be so much GDP growth, that he wouldn't just balance the budget, would run surpluses that would pay off the national debt.
If it wasn't for Covid, that was the path we were on.

How are we doing now? It's obvious that virus was an excuse to tank the economy and get Trump out of office and now the world is headed towards a Greater Depression. But no more mean tweets! Oh yeah.

You may not can get meat, but no more mean tweets. Was it worth it?

After November, fuel prices will soar and there may be shortages, but no more mean tweets!

Nothing like a fuel shortage going into winter. Most people in the US aren't blessed to live in a miserably hot region like I do.
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If it wasn't for Covid, that was the path we were on.

Trump deficit went up every year.

How is that on a path to pay off the national debt. It wasn't even the path to balancing the budget.
Have you looked at the evidence that they have against these guys?

And how much of it is real, and how much was fabricated by informants at the FBI's direction. If the evidence was so solid, how do you explain the verdicts?


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