Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Who passed Sarbanes-Oxley and when? What does that have to do with the economic troubles in 2008?

What further action would you have had GW Bush take about illegal immigration?

WTF is a business visa? Did you mean H-1B visas? You apparently know less about that topic than you do Sarbanes-Oxley!
Again totally off-topic, but yeah, he could have not stopped building the fence that Clinton was building on the southern border. Which he did.
Oh yeah, everything was appropriated and everything, but nothing ever really happened. Just vehicle barriers and spotty fencing and a lot of non-building.

The southern border should have been secure by the time W.'s daddy left office.

That did not not happen and that thing's been funded 3x and Congress stole the money 3x and it still ain't done since Reagan made a deal to grant 3 million illegals amnesty to make it happen. That was supposed to happen within the next year. What year was that? 1989? I do believe it was.
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Again totally off-topic, but yeah, he could have not stopped building the fence that Clinton was building on the southern border. Which he did.
President Clinton’s wall was limited to the cities of El Paso and San Diego, where poor farmers displaced by NAFTA had begun crossing in increasing numbers in the mid-1990s. The wall did not stop desperately poor migrants, it re-routed them into harsh terrain in the Southwest, where many thousands died as a result of the Clinton administration’s “prevention-by-deterrence” border policy.

Got anything else stupid you want to say?
President Clinton’s wall was limited to the cities of El Paso and San Diego, where poor farmers displaced by NAFTA had begun crossing in increasing numbers in the mid-1990s. The wall did not stop desperately poor migrants, it re-routed them into harsh terrain in the Southwest, where many thousands died as a result of the Clinton administration’s “prevention-by-deterrence” border policy.

Got anything else stupid you want to say?
You need to stop with the off-topic bullshit and start your own thread on this if you're so concerned? Oh, chances are I'll be there. If you wanna talk about the history of the US government failing to secure the southern border since the Reagan days, I am certainly your Huckleberry. That's a topic I am well versed in and remember a lot about.
Still waiting for you to quote a post of mine in this thread doing that, Simp.

meaner gene
Did I bring a comment by any of those folks? Nope.
Kayleigh Mcenany?
:laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laughing0301:
Heard Kayleigh Mcenany comment on it, and she nailed the idiot Cuomo Bigly.

Said something along the lines of "It isn't often a governor announces to the world

what an abject failure he is"
Kayleigh Mcenany?
:laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laughing0301:
You need to stop with the off-topic bullshit and start your own thread on this if you're so concerned? Oh, chances are I'll be there. If you wanna talk about the history of the US government failing to secure the southern border since the Reagan days, I am certainly your Huckleberry. That's a topic I am well versed in and remember a lot about.
Hey shit for brains! YOU went off topic, not me.

Reread your post #539.
He didn't promise me anything. I think if you research my posts, you will find that I have consistently stood by his, and anyone else's rights to maintain the privacy of their taxes. The IRS has full authority to audit anyone. It is between the taxpayer and the IRS. Trump has been audited numerous times. Can you live up to that scrutiny? Oh, I forgot, you're a democrat. Laws are for me and not for thee.
Gaslighting... :auiqs.jpg:
Feel Free. Now where are Trump's tax returns, the ones he would not show before becoming President?

He has no legal duty to release anything of the sort. And under the circumstance, he’d be stupid to do so. So, your question is irrelevant.
Look how lying liars keep on lying.....
I've been posting search warrant case law. Where they ruled that law enforcement by specifying the place to be searched, as in the address of the building. Encompasses searching within items in the building, without needed a separate warrant.

One was where the police broke into a gun safe, while looking for a gun. Other instances involved breaking into a wall, and breaking into a cement slab looking for drugs.

Basically put. If they're looking for something specified in the warrant. They can look anywhere within the places they're allowed to search.

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