Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

should Trump Divest himself from his business before he is sworn in as POTUS.

  • Yep, even the appearance of impropriety should be avoided.

  • Nope, his kids can run it and nobody should think anything of it.

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There are literally a thousand federal agencies, not to mention half a dozen left wing propaganda networks who will monitor Trump's relationship between the presidency and his private enterprises. Meanwhile Obama will get rich just like the crooked Klintons with foreign donations to various "Foundations" and nobody on the left seems to be worried about it.
the Clintons did not get rich from the foundation....NONE, ZIP, ZERO money donated to the foundation charity, made it in to the Clinton's hands...NOTHING EVER donated to the foundation went to the Clintons....

the Clintons, primarily President Clinton, made their money from speeches given by them...
There are literally a thousand federal agencies, not to mention half a dozen left wing propaganda networks who will monitor Trump's relationship between the presidency and his private enterprises. Meanwhile Obama will get rich just like the crooked Klintons with foreign donations to various "Foundations" and nobody on the left seems to be worried about it.

Obama will get rich using his official office for profit after he is no longer president....HOW?
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?
All I remember is her saying they would quit taking foreign and corporate donations.
Former President Bill Clinton announced Monday that he would step down from the foundation bearing his name if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

In an open letter, the former president laid out the changes the Clinton Foundation and related initiatives would undergo should his wife, the Democratic nominee, become president to eliminate “legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest.”

Among the changes that will be made should Hillary Clinton take the White House, the foundation will only accept donations from U.S. citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based independent foundations. Foreign governments and corporations would no longer be able to donate.The changes come as Clinton continues to face political attacks on the foundation, and on whether such a large outside organization can co-exist while being run by the family of a major public official. The changes were announced on the same day that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called for the foundation to be entirely disbanded
Bill Clinton details Clinton Foundation overhaul if Hillary wins
Donald insisted the foundation should be TOTALLY DISBANDED... due to conflicts...

he's a two face bastard...but Trumpbots don't care care one itty bitty bit...their god can do no wrong... :(
Whats the difference between the Clintons saying they will step down and Trump doing the same thing?
It said nothing about Chelsea. And Trump said it because it was going on while she was in government. AKA she has already shown she cant be trusted. Trump had nothing to do with government...
And you voted for Clinton. You honestly have NO room to talk.
There are literally a thousand federal agencies, not to mention half a dozen left wing propaganda networks who will monitor Trump's relationship between the presidency and his private enterprises. Meanwhile Obama will get rich just like the crooked Klintons with foreign donations to various "Foundations" and nobody on the left seems to be worried about it.
the Clintons did not get rich from the foundation....NONE, ZIP, ZERO money donated to the foundation charity, made it in to the Clinton's hands...NOTHING EVER donated to the foundation went to the Clintons....

the Clintons, primarily President Clinton, made their money from speeches given by them...
They used the Foundation to pay for their lifestyles. FACT
Normally the president must only divest or have a blind trust with their business while in office..

Which is what Trump is doing ,a blind trust.
And normally thoses Presidents were recieving a full goverment salary.
Trump doesn't even want the one dollar except for another stupid law.
there is no BLIND TRUST between a father and children.....a BLIND trust is the Trump family having nothing at all to do with the business and not even aware of what is going on with the business....

handing over the business to his children would be like Hillary handing over the foundation to Bill or Chelsea....

a legal BLIND trust CAN NOT include family....otherwise it is NOT BLIND.
A pretty devastating piece, and scary as hell just how deep his conflicts of interest are....

How Donald Trump's business ties are already jeopardizing U.S. interests


"Trump’s conflicts of interest in the Philippines cannot be resolved so long as anyone in his family has an interest in the building there. Even if his business partner, Antonio, is removed as Duterte’s special envoy, Trump won’t simply forget that the Makati building exists, that the authoritarian Philippine president has the power to damage the Trump family’s financial interests there and that the protection of what is now a high-profile target for attacks is in Duterte’s hands. (In the past three years, there have been nine strikes in the Philippines. The most recent, in September, was a bombing that killed 15 people and injured 70; in response, Duterte declared that the country was in a “state of lawlessness” and ordered police and the military to search all cars and citizens at checkpoints.)

The result of all this is that Duterte has extraordinary leverage against Trump, and no one will know what impact that might have on the future president’s decision-making. For example..."

...Once again, follow the dominoes as they tip over. Erdogan is frustrated in his efforts to grab Gülen; Trump praises a Turkish executive who works with his business partner there, Dogan. A few weeks later, a senior Dogan executive is detained on threadbare allegations. If Erdogan’s government puts more pressure on the company that’s paying millions of dollars to Trump and his children, revenue flowing from the tower complex in Istanbul could be cut off. That means Erdogan has leverage with Trump, who will soon have the power to get Gülen extradited."

How Donald Trump's business ties are already jeopardizing U.S. interests
A bit more...

"Another source of potential corruption that could set off a constitutional crisis is in Argentina. That country’s president, Mauricio Macri, has known Trump for decades because he is the son of one of the president-elect’s former business associates. (Macri, who is a conservative, supported Hillary Clinton in the U.S. election because he didn’t like Trump’s anti-immigration stance.) For years, Trump has been trying to get an office project going in Buenos Aires but has not been able to gain all the necessary government permits. Instead, his Argentine partners financed a Trump building in Uruguay.

Trump and Macri spoke by telephone on November 14, just after the U.S. election. Days later, Jorge Latnata, one of Argentina’s most respected journalists, reported on the television program Periodismo Para Todos (“Journalism for All”) that Trump asked Macri during the call to deal with the permitting problems that were holding up the Buenos Aires project. Officials for Trump and Macri both denied Trump said it; Reuters subsequently reported that Ivanka Trump was on that call, even though she has no official or proposed government role.

Just three days after the phone call, a major Argentine newspaper, La Nacion, reported that after years of delay, the project in Buenos Aires was ready to go. Trump’s partners with YY Development Group announced that all but a few administrative problems had been cleared and that they expected to break ground in July. If Argentine officials issued any permits for this project after the U.S. election—or do so at any time in the next four years

—Trump could once again be in violation of the Emoluments Clause. That the funding for the project ultimately came from the Argentine businessmen (Trump’s partners) would not change the fact that the government was responsible for raining down riches on the Trump family.

Given the extraordinary power Donald Trump now wields, it’s obvious that foreign governments and corporations can easily curry favor, bribe or even blackmail him, which is why the Founding Fathers so feared outside influences on the Executive Branch."
There are literally a thousand federal agencies, not to mention half a dozen left wing propaganda networks who will monitor Trump's relationship between the presidency and his private enterprises. Meanwhile Obama will get rich just like the crooked Klintons with foreign donations to various "Foundations" and nobody on the left seems to be worried about it.
the Clintons did not get rich from the foundation....NONE, ZIP, ZERO money donated to the foundation charity, made it in to the Clinton's hands...NOTHING EVER donated to the foundation went to the Clintons....

the Clintons, primarily President Clinton, made their money from speeches given by them...
They used the Foundation to pay for their lifestyles. FACT
Really? You say that's a FACT? then by all means, show us these facts that you say are true....

why would they need the foundation when they were getting paid $250k a pop on Bill's speeches?

Did the foundation pay for airfare to a country he was going to beg to give the foundation money? OF COURSE, but that is a part of EVERY SINGLE CHARITY....worker's expenses and fund raising expenses ARE COVERED by the Charity...

Now PUT UP, or admit you are wrong.
There are literally a thousand federal agencies, not to mention half a dozen left wing propaganda networks who will monitor Trump's relationship between the presidency and his private enterprises. Meanwhile Obama will get rich just like the crooked Klintons with foreign donations to various "Foundations" and nobody on the left seems to be worried about it.
the Clintons did not get rich from the foundation....NONE, ZIP, ZERO money donated to the foundation charity, made it in to the Clinton's hands...NOTHING EVER donated to the foundation went to the Clintons....

the Clintons, primarily President Clinton, made their money from speeches given by them...
They used the Foundation to pay for their lifestyles. FACT
Really? You say that's a FACT? then by all means, show us these facts that you say are true....

why would they need the foundation when they were getting paid $250k a pop on Bill's speeches?

Did the foundation pay for airfare to a country he was going to beg to give the foundation money? OF COURSE, but that is a part of EVERY SINGLE CHARITY....worker's expenses and fund raising expenses ARE COVERED by the Charity...

Now PUT UP, or admit you are wrong.
Look at their tax returns, don'tcare. They have them online and even in detail to show what went where.
Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

I have to call it like I see it, and this is a bad thing. He should divest himself from his business entirely. He is opening himself up to justified criticism. Hellary did this shit with her foundation by taking donations from foreign entities while SOS. She was a filthy dirty snatch for doing it, and The Orange Clown is doing the same shit. A horrible way to step into the Oval Office.
He can't sell. He's leveraged to the max, and the only thing that keeps the value above the amt of debt is his brand.
Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

I have to call it like I see it, and this is a bad thing. He should divest himself from his business entirely. He is opening himself up to justified criticism. Hellary did this shit with her foundation by taking donations from foreign entities while SOS. She was a filthy dirty snatch for doing it, and The Orange Clown is doing the same shit. A horrible way to step into the Oval Office.
He can't sell. He's leveraged to the max, and the only thing that keeps the value above the amt of debt is his brand.

That is pure speculation. How would you possibly know that since his is a private company, and therefore he does not make income statements or balance sheets available to the public. BTW- that info is not available on a tax return.
A guide to Donald Trump's huge debts—and the conflicts they present

Someone else started a thread with this in it. Some of it, such as the debt on Doral, I'd read eleswhere

Like I said, it's speculation. Your link shows less than $1 billion in debt, and he is likely worth at least 5 times that. 20% debt to equity is not highly leveraged.

A guide to Donald Trump's huge debts—and the conflicts they present

Someone else started a thread with this in it. Some of it, such as the debt on Doral, I'd read eleswhere

Like I said, it's speculation. Your link shows less than $1 billion in debt, and he is likely worth at least 5 times that. 20% debt to equity is not highly leveraged.

Well, he should sell and put it all in blind trust like all other potuses with fortunes have done. Can't imgagine what's stopping him. LOL
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?
The people who voted for him knew what he planned to do and they voted for him, so it isn't for us to say. Trump could care less about "optics" of impropriety, and we are wasting our time and energy bitching about it. Save it for important battles, like climate change or tearing up the Iran deal.
Normally the president must only divest or have a blind trust with their business while in office..
I don't believe the President "must." It is a voluntary tradition so as not to raise ethics issues, but legally he doesn't have to. Trump doesn't care about how things look; he's going to keep on just as he told us he would during the campaign. Except for the tax return thing. We'll never see those.
A guide to Donald Trump's huge debts—and the conflicts they present

Someone else started a thread with this in it. Some of it, such as the debt on Doral, I'd read eleswhere

Like I said, it's speculation. Your link shows less than $1 billion in debt, and he is likely worth at least 5 times that. 20% debt to equity is not highly leveraged.

Well, he should sell and put it all in blind trust like all other potuses with fortunes have done. Can't imgagine what's stopping him. LOL

Totally agree, he is creating a can of worms which will cause him to be questioned on his policies.
There are literally a thousand federal agencies, not to mention half a dozen left wing propaganda networks who will monitor Trump's relationship between the presidency and his private enterprises. Meanwhile Obama will get rich just like the crooked Klintons with foreign donations to various "Foundations" and nobody on the left seems to be worried about it.
the Clintons did not get rich from the foundation....NONE, ZIP, ZERO money donated to the foundation charity, made it in to the Clinton's hands...NOTHING EVER donated to the foundation went to the Clintons....

the Clintons, primarily President Clinton, made their money from speeches given by them...
They used the Foundation to pay for their lifestyles. FACT
Really? You say that's a FACT? then by all means, show us these facts that you say are true....

why would they need the foundation when they were getting paid $250k a pop on Bill's speeches?

Did the foundation pay for airfare to a country he was going to beg to give the foundation money? OF COURSE, but that is a part of EVERY SINGLE CHARITY....worker's expenses and fund raising expenses ARE COVERED by the Charity...

Now PUT UP, or admit you are wrong.
Look at their tax returns, don'tcare. They have them online and even in detail to show what went where.
I've looked at them TN, upside down and inside out, they don't get a dime, not a single dime, from the foundation and I have no idea who has told you this, that you chose to believe, but they are simply wrong.

YOU need to read their tax returns, and see for yourself.
There are literally a thousand federal agencies, not to mention half a dozen left wing propaganda networks who will monitor Trump's relationship between the presidency and his private enterprises. Meanwhile Obama will get rich just like the crooked Klintons with foreign donations to various "Foundations" and nobody on the left seems to be worried about it.
the Clintons did not get rich from the foundation....NONE, ZIP, ZERO money donated to the foundation charity, made it in to the Clinton's hands...NOTHING EVER donated to the foundation went to the Clintons....

the Clintons, primarily President Clinton, made their money from speeches given by them...
They used the Foundation to pay for their lifestyles. FACT
Really? You say that's a FACT? then by all means, show us these facts that you say are true....

why would they need the foundation when they were getting paid $250k a pop on Bill's speeches?

Did the foundation pay for airfare to a country he was going to beg to give the foundation money? OF COURSE, but that is a part of EVERY SINGLE CHARITY....worker's expenses and fund raising expenses ARE COVERED by the Charity...

Now PUT UP, or admit you are wrong.
Look at their tax returns, don'tcare. They have them online and even in detail to show what went where.
I've looked at them TN, upside down and inside out, they don't get a dime, not a single dime, from the foundation and I have no idea who has told you this, that you chose to believe, but they are simply wrong.

YOU need to read their tax returns, and see for yourself.
I have. That's how I know they haven't gotten a dime from the charity. They just use it to pay for their lifestyles. Its a slush fund.
There are literally a thousand federal agencies, not to mention half a dozen left wing propaganda networks who will monitor Trump's relationship between the presidency and his private enterprises. Meanwhile Obama will get rich just like the crooked Klintons with foreign donations to various "Foundations" and nobody on the left seems to be worried about it.
the Clintons did not get rich from the foundation....NONE, ZIP, ZERO money donated to the foundation charity, made it in to the Clinton's hands...NOTHING EVER donated to the foundation went to the Clintons....

the Clintons, primarily President Clinton, made their money from speeches given by them...
They used the Foundation to pay for their lifestyles. FACT
Really? You say that's a FACT? then by all means, show us these facts that you say are true....

why would they need the foundation when they were getting paid $250k a pop on Bill's speeches?

Did the foundation pay for airfare to a country he was going to beg to give the foundation money? OF COURSE, but that is a part of EVERY SINGLE CHARITY....worker's expenses and fund raising expenses ARE COVERED by the Charity...

Now PUT UP, or admit you are wrong.
Look at their tax returns, don'tcare. They have them online and even in detail to show what went where.
I've looked at them TN, upside down and inside out, they don't get a dime, not a single dime, from the foundation and I have no idea who has told you this, that you chose to believe, but they are simply wrong.

YOU need to read their tax returns, and see for yourself.

Let's not be too naive here. Although they are not on the payroll for their phony foundation, it is the conduit for their wealth. They get millions for giving speeches to donors in exchange for political favors. It's their own personal money laundromat. I bet they haven't paid for an airline ticket personally since they started the foundation, nor a hotel room. They use it as an expense account.

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