Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?

LOL- why do you think that Birther is a derogatory term? A Birther is any idiot who after 7 years still believes that Barack Obama is not President because of the circumstances of his birth?

We have far, far more concrete information as to where Barack Obama was born than we do for say George Bush- either of them actually.

Why as an American do you think that this specific President is obligated to provide not just evidence that no other President has provided(which he has done twice now) proving his place of birth- but that he is obligated to provide additional information.

President Obama has done more than what is necessary to prove his place of birth to any rational American- and he has proven his place of birth to every American that matters.
Honest people see it for what it was If you don't want that seed planted there is no reason to add the as far as I know.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

That is a nice statement. Too bad she didn't also tell us how she made such an error. Kinda big deal where a person is born especially if born in Kenya. So how does she go from him being born in Hawaii to born in Kenya? That would not be a fact check error, cause I doubt she even checked cause if she did she would have known it was Hawaii. It was an out right misrepresentation of the facts.

A fact check error is when a fact is checked to be true, correct? So, if she were checking to see if this were true then certainly someone told her or she made it up in her head. Either way she was not or is not telling the truth.

Mostly, Obama had to know and it wasn't changed for over 20 years. If not then why was it ever changed?

See- again this is the essential difference between me and a Birther like you.

I go by the facts- you want to indulge in speculation based upon your biases.

But that is what Birthers do- they indulge in lies, speculation and innuendo.

What are the facts- as opposed to speculation, lies or innuendo?

Here is a list of publications I have found mentioning Barack Obama's place of birth

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991- editor when asked about it said it was an error on her part- and that Barack Obama never told her that he was born in Kenya.

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

And those are the facts.

The facts are that publications have consistently noted Barack Obama's birthplace as Hawaii- with one exception- an obscure publication that we have no evidence that Barack Obama ever looked at or noticed.

See you have done what all liberals do, you change the subject as if that is what I said. In other words you are like her, you misreprest the facts.

What did i say in my post? I said that if she had fact checked she would have found out he was born in Hawaii. Not only does that make her a liar it makes you one too..

No- at this point it just means that you are mistaken- or a liar.

A fact check error is when a fact is checked to be true, correct? So, if she were checking to see if this were true then certainly someone told her or she made it up in her head. Either way she was not or is not telling the truth.

The words in red are your speculations. You keep wanting everyone else to speculate like you are doing. I keep presenting the facts- like the fact that you are speculating.

I could speculate too about what might have happened or about how she could have made a mistake- but then I would be just like a Birther- just like you.
Honest people see it for what it was If you don't want that seed planted there is no reason to add the as far as I know.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

That is a nice statement. Too bad she didn't also tell us how she made such an error. Kinda big deal where a person is born especially if born in Kenya. So how does she go from him being born in Hawaii to born in Kenya? That would not be a fact check error, cause I doubt she even checked cause if she did she would have known it was Hawaii. It was an out right misrepresentation of the facts.

A fact check error is when a fact is checked to be true, correct? So, if she were checking to see if this were true then certainly someone told her or she made it up in her head. Either way she was not or is not telling the truth.

Mostly, Obama had to know and it wasn't changed for over 20 years. If not then why was it ever changed?

See- again this is the essential difference between me and a Birther like you.

I go by the facts- you want to indulge in speculation based upon your biases.

But that is what Birthers do- they indulge in lies, speculation and innuendo.

What are the facts- as opposed to speculation, lies or innuendo?

Here is a list of publications I have found mentioning Barack Obama's place of birth

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991- editor when asked about it said it was an error on her part- and that Barack Obama never told her that he was born in Kenya.

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

And those are the facts.

The facts are that publications have consistently noted Barack Obama's birthplace as Hawaii- with one exception- an obscure publication that we have no evidence that Barack Obama ever looked at or noticed.


A Birther like you just makes crap up- that is pretty obvious to everyone.

Here is a list of publications I have found mentioning Barack Obama's place of birth. Birthers like you insist on believing that for one specific publication that Barack Obama wanted to deceive where he was born- while in every national publication- his place of birth is shown as Hawaii.

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991- editor when asked about it said it was an error on her part- and that Barack Obama never told her that he was born in Kenya.

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
I think the better question is why you think he has to provide the original for you? Its not like he has to convince you or something. What made you think you mattered?

You don't under, every American born individual is issued an original at some point after they are born. The form, and information of Birth Certificates has changed in almost every state over the past few decades. So when the clerk says the information is "correct" it may be correct according to the current standards. Some of the information on the so called "long form" may not have even been available or necessary at the time. So the best way to get over this controversy would be to cough up the original.
I dont think anyone cares except you retarded birthers. The POTUS has already provided a copy. If thats not sufficient tough shit. Sorry bud.

well then the question still remains. He could have said "look here is the original and I am providing a notarized and verified copy of the original" and then we go by what the original says. deal?

The original is on file in Hawaii. President Obama cannot have the original to show anyone.

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Where's Obama's original. he has one too. has he said where his original is?

There is only one original- and Hawaii has it.



You don't under, every American born individual is issued an original at some point after they are born. The form, and information of Birth Certificates has changed in almost every state over the past few decades. So when the clerk says the information is "correct" it may be correct according to the current standards. Some of the information on the so called "long form" may not have even been available or necessary at the time. So the best way to get over this controversy would be to cough up the original.
I dont think anyone cares except you retarded birthers. The POTUS has already provided a copy. If thats not sufficient tough shit. Sorry bud.

well then the question still remains. He could have said "look here is the original and I am providing a notarized and verified copy of the original" and then we go by what the original says. deal?

The original is on file in Hawaii. President Obama cannot have the original to show anyone.

View attachment 50791

Where's Obama's original. he has one too. has he said where his original is?

There is only one original- and Hawaii has it.

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looks like you guys got this... :)
What made you think me answering your nonsense is in your best interests? :cuckoo:
You do not have an answer that you can live with. However my question will be burning in your head and when you wake up (if ever) you will be better equipped to answer.
why do you think that Birther is a derogatory term? A Birther is any idiot who after 7 years still believes that Barack Obama is not President because of the circumstances of his birth
You should never ask a question and answer it in the same paragraph.
What made you think me answering your nonsense is in your best interests? :cuckoo:
You do not have an answer that you can live with. However my question will be burning in your head and when you wake up (if ever) you will be better equipped to answer.
I doubt that. Matter of fact I have already forgotten your question. All I remember is that it was some kind of fucked up silly one.
well then the question still remains. He could have said "look here is the original and I am providing a notarized and verified copy of the original" and then we go by what the original says. deal?
He could have said a lot of things. The point is that he decided there was no need to appease you retarded birthers. Its not like you can do anything about it.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.
Make him. I'll wait. :laugh:
Don't need to, he'll be riding off into the sunset where he can instigate more race riots and divisiveness. His disastrous legacy will follow him for decades.
Evidently you need to. You just asked for him to provide his original. Now youre just all sour grapes because you have no power to do anything and dont register on the POTUS list of concerns. You clowns are funny. Like I said make sure you pay those taxes to support Obama in retirement.

With approval ratings lower than George Bush at this time, he's headed to be even worse than Carter.
You don't under, every American born individual is issued an original at some point after they are born. The form, and information of Birth Certificates has changed in almost every state over the past few decades. So when the clerk says the information is "correct" it may be correct according to the current standards. Some of the information on the so called "long form" may not have even been available or necessary at the time. So the best way to get over this controversy would be to cough up the original.
I dont think anyone cares except you retarded birthers. The POTUS has already provided a copy. If thats not sufficient tough shit. Sorry bud.

well then the question still remains. He could have said "look here is the original and I am providing a notarized and verified copy of the original" and then we go by what the original says. deal?
He could have said a lot of things. The point is that he decided there was no need to appease you retarded birthers. Its not like you can do anything about it.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.

And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
I doubt that. Matter of fact I have already forgotten your question
That is because you are an uneducated fool...with no retention skills. Keep trying you may rise above yourself one day.
If regulating your silliness to the classification of simpleminded bullshit is uneducated then I guess you are right. Why would I clutter my mind with your utterly devoid of intelligence sound bites you happen to read on some conspiracy website? Youre a fucking idiot but you set a world record in proving that today. :laugh:
He could have said a lot of things. The point is that he decided there was no need to appease you retarded birthers. Its not like you can do anything about it.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.
Make him. I'll wait. :laugh:
Don't need to, he'll be riding off into the sunset where he can instigate more race riots and divisiveness. His disastrous legacy will follow him for decades.
Evidently you need to. You just asked for him to provide his original. Now youre just all sour grapes because you have no power to do anything and dont register on the POTUS list of concerns. You clowns are funny. Like I said make sure you pay those taxes to support Obama in retirement.

With approval ratings lower than George Bush at this time, he's headed to be even worse than Carter.
Yeah but you will still be paying for his retirement. Sucks dont it?
And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?

LOL- why do you think that Birther is a derogatory term? A Birther is any idiot who after 7 years still believes that Barack Obama is not President because of the circumstances of his birth?

We have far, far more concrete information as to where Barack Obama was born than we do for say George Bush- either of them actually.

Why as an American do you think that this specific President is obligated to provide not just evidence that no other President has provided(which he has done twice now) proving his place of birth- but that he is obligated to provide additional information.

President Obama has done more than what is necessary to prove his place of birth to any rational American- and he has proven his place of birth to every American that matters.

I don't know if he is or isn't born in the U.S., as he claims. He might very well be. Until I either see the original or he says what happened to it. Does that make me a birther?
I dont think anyone cares except you retarded birthers. The POTUS has already provided a copy. If thats not sufficient tough shit. Sorry bud.

well then the question still remains. He could have said "look here is the original and I am providing a notarized and verified copy of the original" and then we go by what the original says. deal?
He could have said a lot of things. The point is that he decided there was no need to appease you retarded birthers. Its not like you can do anything about it.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.

And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.
Make him. I'll wait. :laugh:
Don't need to, he'll be riding off into the sunset where he can instigate more race riots and divisiveness. His disastrous legacy will follow him for decades.
Evidently you need to. You just asked for him to provide his original. Now youre just all sour grapes because you have no power to do anything and dont register on the POTUS list of concerns. You clowns are funny. Like I said make sure you pay those taxes to support Obama in retirement.

With approval ratings lower than George Bush at this time, he's headed to be even worse than Carter.
Yeah but you will still be paying for his retirement. Sucks dont it?

Yup sure does. I'm also bothered that I'm paying for your govt. subsidies as well. But there are many bums like you out there.
well then the question still remains. He could have said "look here is the original and I am providing a notarized and verified copy of the original" and then we go by what the original says. deal?
He could have said a lot of things. The point is that he decided there was no need to appease you retarded birthers. Its not like you can do anything about it.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.

And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Those are my criteria.
Make him. I'll wait. :laugh:
Don't need to, he'll be riding off into the sunset where he can instigate more race riots and divisiveness. His disastrous legacy will follow him for decades.
Evidently you need to. You just asked for him to provide his original. Now youre just all sour grapes because you have no power to do anything and dont register on the POTUS list of concerns. You clowns are funny. Like I said make sure you pay those taxes to support Obama in retirement.

With approval ratings lower than George Bush at this time, he's headed to be even worse than Carter.
Yeah but you will still be paying for his retirement. Sucks dont it?

Yup sure does. I'm also bothered that I'm paying for your govt. subsidies as well. But there are many bums like you out there.
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.
He could have said a lot of things. The point is that he decided there was no need to appease you retarded birthers. Its not like you can do anything about it.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.

And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Those are my criteria.
So what they are your criteria? They arent very important to anyone but you. If I were you I would shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one fills up faster.

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