Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

With approval ratings lower than George Bush at this time, he's headed to be even worse than Carter.
Yeah but you will still be paying for his retirement. Sucks dont it?

Yup sure does. I'm also bothered that I'm paying for your govt. subsidies as well. But there are many bums like you out there.
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.

I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.
And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?
All they care about is their side winning, they're of the same mindset as a suicide bomber.

All Birthers care about is attacking this one particular President- they are of the same mindset as holocaust deniers.

Oh and you guys never attacked Bush with a plethora of bullshit about his military record, his knowing in advance about 9-11, his real intentions for going into Iraq, etc.

Not 'me guys'.

I attacked Bush for his Presidential actions and sure- I blame him for the Iraqi debacle- but I don't blame him for 9/11(those are the truthers- who are basically the Bush Birthers)- but I was not still whining 7 years into his Presidency "But why won't he prove he never took cocaine'- let alone ever demand Bush ever produce any of the documents that Birthers demand Obama produce.

Like I said I think he probably was born in the U.S. But the fact that he doesn't cough up the original nor does he provide any info regarding its status, is extremely suspicious. This is about proving he's a U.S. Citizen by birth not that he's legally a U.S. Citizen, even though he wasn't born in Hawaii, which was possible according to the old laws.
The pdf version of the document can be seen here.

In remarks to the press today, Obama said that his campaign had already released his birth certificate in 2008. And, in fact, staffers handled, examined and photographed the "certification of live birth." That short-form document is what Hawaii releases to citizens who request a copy of their birth certificate, and we confirmed that it meets legal requirements for proving citizenship and obtaining a passport. We concluded: "Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said."

If that wasn’t enough, Hawaii newspapers had run birth announcements in August 1961, shortly after Obama’s birth.

And on top of that, Chiyome Fukino, the then-director of Hawaii’s Department of Health,released a statement in 2008, saying she had seen the original birth certificate on file verifying that Obama was born in Hawaii. Fukino released a second statement in 2009, saying that Obama "is a natural-born American citizen."

The long-form version that the president released today has a few additional details, beyond what the short-form includes. It says he was born at Kapi’olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, just as the president has said. And it lists his mother’s birthplace as Wichita, Kansas, and his father’s as Kenya, East Africa. The certificate is also signed by Obama’s mother and an attending physician.

An attorney for Obama, Judith Corley, wrote to the Hawaii Department of Health on April 22, requesting "a waiver of the Department of Health’s policy, so that my client can obtain two certified copies of his original, ‘long form’ birth certificate. Waiver of the Department’s policy in this instance would allow my client to make a certified copy of his original birth certificate publicly available and would also relieve the burden currently being placed on the Department of Health by the numerous inquiries it receives from the media and others relating to my client’s birth record." Corley also included a letter from Obama, requesting the copies.

On April 25, state Director of Health Loretta J. Fuddy wrote to Obama, saying that she was "making an exception to current departmental policy" and issuing copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth.

Obama said he sought release of the long-form birth certificate so that the nation could focus on more serious matters. "We do not have time for this kind of silliness," he said.

We certainly have debunked a fair share of silliness on this issue.

But Obama also said he’s sure that no matter what evidence he produced, for some segment of society "this issue will not be put to rest." Tell us about it, Mr. President.

Categories:The Wire

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Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?
All they care about is their side winning, they're of the same mindset as a suicide bomber.

All Birthers care about is attacking this one particular President- they are of the same mindset as holocaust deniers.

Oh and you guys never attacked Bush with a plethora of bullshit about his military record, his knowing in advance about 9-11, his real intentions for going into Iraq, etc.

Not 'me guys'.

I attacked Bush for his Presidential actions and sure- I blame him for the Iraqi debacle- but I don't blame him for 9/11(those are the truthers- who are basically the Bush Birthers)- but I was not still whining 7 years into his Presidency "But why won't he prove he never took cocaine'- let alone ever demand Bush ever produce any of the documents that Birthers demand Obama produce.

Like I said I think he probably was born in the U.S. But the fact that he doesn't cough up the original nor does he provide any info regarding its status, is extremely suspicious. This is about proving he's a U.S. Citizen by birth not that he's legally a U.S. Citizen, even though he wasn't born in Hawaii, which was possible according to the old laws.

You keep saying that. But your willful ignorance- and the willful ignorance of every Birther- is not anyone's problem but yours.

I have shown you were the original birth certificate resides. I have shown you the statement from his office regarding his original birth certificate. You have seen far, far more evidence on where Barack Obama was born than you have seen for any other President. So of course you don't believe it.


C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Those are my criteria.
So what they are your criteria? They arent very important to anyone but you. If I were you I would shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one fills up faster.

My criteria gets to the truth and bottom of where he was born, you're just an ignorant racist who will suck Obama's cork no matter what.

Your 'criteria' is merely the ramblings of a Birther who flails around looking for reasons why Barack Obama could not possibly be President.

The State of Hawaii says he was born in Hawaii.
The State of Hawaii states that they have the original Birth Certificate on file.
The State of Hawaii states that they provided 2 certified copies of the original Birth Certificate to Barack Obama.
Barack Obama showed those copies to reporters and posted scan of those copies online so any idiot who still refused to believe his BC could see it.

So of course Birthers don't believe any of that.

You are like an 'uber' Birther- you are demanding that Barack Obama show you his original birth certificate- and then you claim that the State of Hawaii is wrong when they say that they have the original on file- and they don't pass originals around for Birthers to use crayons on.

Like I said, until he shows the actual original birth certificate and not a BS Certified Copy, the question will remain. Do you know why he hasn't said a thing about the status of the original? Does he have it? Is it lost? If he has it then why did he request a copy? If he's lost it, then why hasn't he said so?

You keep saying that- and you keep ignoring what the State of Hawaii says- and what the President has said.

The question will remain for you regardless of what 'additional' documents are provided.

As the former Director of Health of Hawaii quite accurately pointed out years ago

No matter what state officials release on the issue, the "birthers" are going to question it, said Fukino. "They’re going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated," said Fukino. "The whole thing is silly."

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims
Yeah but you will still be paying for his retirement. Sucks dont it?

Yup sure does. I'm also bothered that I'm paying for your govt. subsidies as well. But there are many bums like you out there.
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.

I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?


Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.
You're the kind of libtard who thinks that anyone who mentions birthers is one because you're too ... let's go with slow ... to realize that words have actual meanings and you don't know what they are
That was a pretty dumb post that made zero sense. What are you trying to say? Spit it out.

It was pretty clear, Holmes. A birther believes Obama was born in Kenya and he's not legitimately President. I don't think either of those and I never said either of those, that I don't think either of them being a leading suspect as to why I never said them.

Yet, the genious g5000 called me a birther because he doesn't know what the word, means, he just likes the way it sounds.

What part of that confused you?
The part where you typed some words that didnt make any sense. Like the entire post.

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you.

Did you ever consider remedial reading?
Never. I was reading at college level by 5th grade. I can see remedial writing never helped you convey your thoughts so I dont understand you vouching for your remedial program.

Obviously, you weren't
The pdf version of the document can be seen here.

In remarks to the press today, Obama said that his campaign had already released his birth certificate in 2008. And, in fact, staffers handled, examined and photographed the "certification of live birth." That short-form document is what Hawaii releases to citizens who request a copy of their birth certificate, and we confirmed that it meets legal requirements for proving citizenship and obtaining a passport. We concluded: "Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said."

If that wasn’t enough, Hawaii newspapers had run birth announcements in August 1961, shortly after Obama’s birth.

And on top of that, Chiyome Fukino, the then-director of Hawaii’s Department of Health,released a statement in 2008, saying she had seen the original birth certificate on file verifying that Obama was born in Hawaii. Fukino released a second statement in 2009, saying that Obama "is a natural-born American citizen."

The long-form version that the president released today has a few additional details, beyond what the short-form includes. It says he was born at Kapi’olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, just as the president has said. And it lists his mother’s birthplace as Wichita, Kansas, and his father’s as Kenya, East Africa. The certificate is also signed by Obama’s mother and an attending physician.

An attorney for Obama, Judith Corley, wrote to the Hawaii Department of Health on April 22, requesting "a waiver of the Department of Health’s policy, so that my client can obtain two certified copies of his original, ‘long form’ birth certificate. Waiver of the Department’s policy in this instance would allow my client to make a certified copy of his original birth certificate publicly available and would also relieve the burden currently being placed on the Department of Health by the numerous inquiries it receives from the media and others relating to my client’s birth record." Corley also included a letter from Obama, requesting the copies.

On April 25, state Director of Health Loretta J. Fuddy wrote to Obama, saying that she was "making an exception to current departmental policy" and issuing copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth.

Obama said he sought release of the long-form birth certificate so that the nation could focus on more serious matters. "We do not have time for this kind of silliness," he said.

We certainly have debunked a fair share of silliness on this issue.

But Obama also said he’s sure that no matter what evidence he produced, for some segment of society "this issue will not be put to rest." Tell us about it, Mr. President.

Categories:The Wire

Your explanation addresses whether or not the certified copy is a forgery, and I never stated that it is.
Yup sure does. I'm also bothered that I'm paying for your govt. subsidies as well. But there are many bums like you out there.
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.

I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.

Like I said, he has never shown an original Birth Certificate. But...if your photo of the live birth certificate is indeed a photo of the original, it indeed shows that he is born in Hawaii, and there were no loopholes at the time for foreign born children of American citizens to have their place of birth to be same as where the issuing clerk or parents are located (which there indeed was such a law in Hawaii at some point in time), then yes, he would be born in the US. However, again, why not show the original in your photo, a certification by the notary that this is a copy of the original?
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.

I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.

Like I said, he has never shown an original Birth Certificate. But...if your photo of the live birth certificate is indeed a photo of the original, it indeed shows that he is born in Hawaii, and there were no loopholes at the time for foreign born children of American citizens to have their place of birth to be same as where the issuing clerk or parents are located (which there indeed was such a law in Hawaii at some point in time), then yes, he would be born in the US. However, again, why not show the original in your photo, a certification by the notary that this is a copy of the original?

No President has ever shown anyone an original birth certificate. In the case of President Obama's original it is on file in Hawaii.

As I have shown numerous times with exact quotes from Hawaiian officials.

Everything I have posted was in the link that I provided the first time I replied to you- and which you clearly ignore.

Here is a copy of the exact document that was sent by Hawaii- note the seal by Alvin Onaka, the Hawaiian Registrar of Record- , certifying that these are authentic copies of the original,which of course corresponds exactly to what the State of Hawaii said on 4/27/11.

Yup sure does. I'm also bothered that I'm paying for your govt. subsidies as well. But there are many bums like you out there.
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.

I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.
that's a pretty hokey photo with the door frame shadow, that's some "proof" ?? very professional, very convincing.

if this doesn't solve the mystery, nothing probably will.
I didn't say I believed it. I asked why obama let it stand for 16 years without correcting it.

Was he OK with it when he was a state senator and US senator and then thought better of it when he decided to run for president?

If he let it stand, which he did, then at best he is just a liar. History will decide which.
I'm sure history is not considering your perspective on the issue. :laugh:

probably not, but you ducked the question. why did obama let his publicist's error stand for 16 years?
I didnt duck the question. I consider it a puerile question and beneath being addressed. Its better suited for Birthers to ponder amongst themselves and come up with any answer they choose. It wont change anything. Obama is the current 2 term POTUS.

my question is valid. it goes to the honestly and ethics of the person that you fools put in the whitehouse for 8 years. If he let a lie stand for 16 years because he thought it would help sell books, then he is an unethical liar.

It is well established that hillary clinton is a liar. Do you dems and libs have anyone who is not a liar?
Your question is moronic, not valid. It doesnt deserve an answer. Anyone with your level of stupidity should be flogged in public.

His publicist put out a biography saying he was born in Kenya. He let that stand for 16 years. Would you let a lie about you stand for 16 years, or would you correct it?

My question and my conclusion are both valid.
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.

I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.
that's a pretty hokey photo with the door frame shadow, that's some "proof" ?? very professional, very convincing.

It convinced every rational American. The others we can't expect much from.
I'm sure history is not considering your perspective on the issue. :laugh:

probably not, but you ducked the question. why did obama let his publicist's error stand for 16 years?
I didnt duck the question. I consider it a puerile question and beneath being addressed. Its better suited for Birthers to ponder amongst themselves and come up with any answer they choose. It wont change anything. Obama is the current 2 term POTUS.

my question is valid. it goes to the honestly and ethics of the person that you fools put in the whitehouse for 8 years. If he let a lie stand for 16 years because he thought it would help sell books, then he is an unethical liar.

It is well established that hillary clinton is a liar. Do you dems and libs have anyone who is not a liar?
Your question is moronic, not valid. It doesnt deserve an answer. Anyone with your level of stupidity should be flogged in public.

His publicist put out a biography saying he was born in Kenya. He let that stand for 16 years. Would you let a lie about you stand for 16 years, or would you correct it?

My question and my conclusion are both valid.

Your question and conclusions are both speculation.

You presume that Barack Obama knew and chose to let the error stand for 16 years.

Just the usual Birther speculation, and innuendo.
I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.

Like I said, he has never shown an original Birth Certificate. But...if your photo of the live birth certificate is indeed a photo of the original, it indeed shows that he is born in Hawaii, and there were no loopholes at the time for foreign born children of American citizens to have their place of birth to be same as where the issuing clerk or parents are located (which there indeed was such a law in Hawaii at some point in time), then yes, he would be born in the US. However, again, why not show the original in your photo, a certification by the notary that this is a copy of the original?

No President has ever shown anyone an original birth certificate. In the case of President Obama's original it is on file in Hawaii.

As I have shown numerous times with exact quotes from Hawaiian officials.

Everything I have posted was in the link that I provided the first time I replied to you- and which you clearly ignore.

Here is a copy of the exact document that was sent by Hawaii- note the seal by Alvin Onaka, the Hawaiian Registrar of Record- , certifying that these are authentic copies of the original,which of course corresponds exactly to what the State of Hawaii said on 4/27/11.

View attachment 50876

In 1961 "african" would not have been used for the race of the father. It would have been black or negro.

and for your further edification, african is not a race today and never was a race. Africa is a continent, if you are from africa you are african, but africans can be on any RACE.

and while on that subject, hispanic and muslim are also not races.
probably not, but you ducked the question. why did obama let his publicist's error stand for 16 years?
I didnt duck the question. I consider it a puerile question and beneath being addressed. Its better suited for Birthers to ponder amongst themselves and come up with any answer they choose. It wont change anything. Obama is the current 2 term POTUS.

my question is valid. it goes to the honestly and ethics of the person that you fools put in the whitehouse for 8 years. If he let a lie stand for 16 years because he thought it would help sell books, then he is an unethical liar.

It is well established that hillary clinton is a liar. Do you dems and libs have anyone who is not a liar?
Your question is moronic, not valid. It doesnt deserve an answer. Anyone with your level of stupidity should be flogged in public.

His publicist put out a biography saying he was born in Kenya. He let that stand for 16 years. Would you let a lie about you stand for 16 years, or would you correct it?

My question and my conclusion are both valid.

Your question and conclusions are both speculation.

You presume that Barack Obama knew and chose to let the error stand for 16 years.

Just the usual Birther speculation, and innuendo.

So, you don't think he ever read what his publicist wrote about him?????????????? Really??? are you that far up his ass?
I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.
that's a pretty hokey photo with the door frame shadow, that's some "proof" ?? very professional, very convincing.

It convinced every rational American. The others we can't expect much from.

If the exact same situation happened to a republican candidate, you would not accept it. and you fricken well know it.

But this thread is about the FACT that the hillary campaign started this in 2007, just as the obama administration started the hillary e-mail scandal
Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.

Like I said, he has never shown an original Birth Certificate. But...if your photo of the live birth certificate is indeed a photo of the original, it indeed shows that he is born in Hawaii, and there were no loopholes at the time for foreign born children of American citizens to have their place of birth to be same as where the issuing clerk or parents are located (which there indeed was such a law in Hawaii at some point in time), then yes, he would be born in the US. However, again, why not show the original in your photo, a certification by the notary that this is a copy of the original?

No President has ever shown anyone an original birth certificate. In the case of President Obama's original it is on file in Hawaii.

As I have shown numerous times with exact quotes from Hawaiian officials.

Everything I have posted was in the link that I provided the first time I replied to you- and which you clearly ignore.

Here is a copy of the exact document that was sent by Hawaii- note the seal by Alvin Onaka, the Hawaiian Registrar of Record- , certifying that these are authentic copies of the original,which of course corresponds exactly to what the State of Hawaii said on 4/27/11.

View attachment 50876

In 1961 "african" would not have been used for the race of the father. It would have been black or negro..

And you know that how?

Oh wait- another example of Birther speculation.

Your birther score continues to be perfect.
Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.

Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.

Like I said, he has never shown an original Birth Certificate. But...if your photo of the live birth certificate is indeed a photo of the original, it indeed shows that he is born in Hawaii, and there were no loopholes at the time for foreign born children of American citizens to have their place of birth to be same as where the issuing clerk or parents are located (which there indeed was such a law in Hawaii at some point in time), then yes, he would be born in the US. However, again, why not show the original in your photo, a certification by the notary that this is a copy of the original?

No President has ever shown anyone an original birth certificate. In the case of President Obama's original it is on file in Hawaii.

As I have shown numerous times with exact quotes from Hawaiian officials.

Everything I have posted was in the link that I provided the first time I replied to you- and which you clearly ignore.

Here is a copy of the exact document that was sent by Hawaii- note the seal by Alvin Onaka, the Hawaiian Registrar of Record- , certifying that these are authentic copies of the original,which of course corresponds exactly to what the State of Hawaii said on 4/27/11.

View attachment 50876

and for your further edification, african is not a race today and never was a race. Africa is a continent, if you are from africa you are african, but africans can be on any RACE..

So are you saying that no human being has ever described their own race as "African"?

How do you know that?
I didnt duck the question. I consider it a puerile question and beneath being addressed. Its better suited for Birthers to ponder amongst themselves and come up with any answer they choose. It wont change anything. Obama is the current 2 term POTUS.

my question is valid. it goes to the honestly and ethics of the person that you fools put in the whitehouse for 8 years. If he let a lie stand for 16 years because he thought it would help sell books, then he is an unethical liar.

It is well established that hillary clinton is a liar. Do you dems and libs have anyone who is not a liar?
Your question is moronic, not valid. It doesnt deserve an answer. Anyone with your level of stupidity should be flogged in public.

His publicist put out a biography saying he was born in Kenya. He let that stand for 16 years. Would you let a lie about you stand for 16 years, or would you correct it?

My question and my conclusion are both valid.

Your question and conclusions are both speculation.

You presume that Barack Obama knew and chose to let the error stand for 16 years.

Just the usual Birther speculation, and innuendo.

So, you don't think he ever read what his publicist wrote about him?????????????? Really??? are you that far up his ass?

Your batting average continues to be perfect- 100% speculation.

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