Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

It's true, Hillary was the first birther.

Prove it.

You can't. You're not basing your beliefs on evidence. But on your beliefs. Note the perfect circle you're using.

And of course Trump was never able to back his birther bullshit. And I'm still waiting for the 'bombshell' that he promised about Obama. I won't hold my breath.
If Trump is elected, he'll have a lot of tools at his disposal. I would advise you to keep quiet and not piss him off.

Laughing.....that's the best you've got for why Trump was never able to back up his birther bullshit? That we'd 'better keep quiet'?

Well Trump and his supporters share one common trait: they don't handle criticism of the Donald well at all.
Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

Laughing......Like Trump did last time he promised us a 'bombshell'? Its only been 3 years of nothing.

But hey, why let Trump's perfect record of failure on the issue guide your view. You've never let reality interfere with your imagination before.
It's true, Hillary was the first birther.

Prove it.

You can't. You're not basing your beliefs on evidence. But on your beliefs. Note the perfect circle you're using.

And of course Trump was never able to back his birther bullshit. And I'm still waiting for the 'bombshell' that he promised about Obama. I won't hold my breath.
If Trump is elected, he'll have a lot of tools at his disposal. I would advise you to keep quiet and not piss him off.

Laughing.....that's the best you've got for why Trump was never able to back up his birther bullshit? That we'd 'better keep quiet'?

Well Trump and his supporters share one common trait: they don't handle criticism of the Donald well at all.
Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

Laughing......Like Trump did last time he promised us a 'bombshell'? Its only been 3 years of nothing.

But hey, why let Trump's perfect record of failure on the issue guide your view. You've never let reality interfere with your imagination before.
You won't be laughing if he becomes president.
Prove it.

You can't. You're not basing your beliefs on evidence. But on your beliefs. Note the perfect circle you're using.

And of course Trump was never able to back his birther bullshit. And I'm still waiting for the 'bombshell' that he promised about Obama. I won't hold my breath.
If Trump is elected, he'll have a lot of tools at his disposal. I would advise you to keep quiet and not piss him off.

Laughing.....that's the best you've got for why Trump was never able to back up his birther bullshit? That we'd 'better keep quiet'?

Well Trump and his supporters share one common trait: they don't handle criticism of the Donald well at all.
Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

Laughing......Like Trump did last time he promised us a 'bombshell'? Its only been 3 years of nothing.

But hey, why let Trump's perfect record of failure on the issue guide your view. You've never let reality interfere with your imagination before.
You won't be laughing if he becomes president.

I'll be laughing when I hear you give us excuses for why he didn't become president. And more excuses for why Trump couldn't back up any of his hapless birther batshit.

So much for that 'bombshell'. Trumps promises don't amount to much.
If Trump is elected, he'll have a lot of tools at his disposal. I would advise you to keep quiet and not piss him off.

Laughing.....that's the best you've got for why Trump was never able to back up his birther bullshit? That we'd 'better keep quiet'?

Well Trump and his supporters share one common trait: they don't handle criticism of the Donald well at all.
Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

Laughing......Like Trump did last time he promised us a 'bombshell'? Its only been 3 years of nothing.

But hey, why let Trump's perfect record of failure on the issue guide your view. You've never let reality interfere with your imagination before.
You won't be laughing if he becomes president.

I'll be laughing when I hear you give us excuses for why he didn't become president. And more excuses for why Trump couldn't back up any of his hapless birther batshit.

So much for that 'bombshell'. Trumps promises don't amount to much.
He may not become president but one of the Republicans will, and you libs will be crying yourselves to sleep because it won't be an establishment rino.
Laughing.....that's the best you've got for why Trump was never able to back up his birther bullshit? That we'd 'better keep quiet'?

Well Trump and his supporters share one common trait: they don't handle criticism of the Donald well at all.
Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

Laughing......Like Trump did last time he promised us a 'bombshell'? Its only been 3 years of nothing.

But hey, why let Trump's perfect record of failure on the issue guide your view. You've never let reality interfere with your imagination before.
You won't be laughing if he becomes president.

I'll be laughing when I hear you give us excuses for why he didn't become president. And more excuses for why Trump couldn't back up any of his hapless birther batshit.

So much for that 'bombshell'. Trumps promises don't amount to much.
He may not become president but one of the Republicans will, and you libs will be crying yourselves to sleep because it won't be an establishment rino.

Laughing.....why do I envision you rocking back and forth while you tell yourself this bullshit?
Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

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Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.

Like I said, he has never shown an original Birth Certificate. But...if your photo of the live birth certificate is indeed a photo of the original, it indeed shows that he is born in Hawaii, and there were no loopholes at the time for foreign born children of American citizens to have their place of birth to be same as where the issuing clerk or parents are located (which there indeed was such a law in Hawaii at some point in time), then yes, he would be born in the US. However, again, why not show the original in your photo, a certification by the notary that this is a copy of the original?

No President has ever shown anyone an original birth certificate. In the case of President Obama's original it is on file in Hawaii.

As I have shown numerous times with exact quotes from Hawaiian officials.

Everything I have posted was in the link that I provided the first time I replied to you- and which you clearly ignore.

Here is a copy of the exact document that was sent by Hawaii- note the seal by Alvin Onaka, the Hawaiian Registrar of Record- , certifying that these are authentic copies of the original,which of course corresponds exactly to what the State of Hawaii said on 4/27/11.

View attachment 50876

In 1961 "african" would not have been used for the race of the father. It would have been black or negro..

And you know that how?

Oh wait- another example of Birther speculation.

Your birther score continues to be perfect.

I was an adult in 1961. I know how race was defined in those days. African was not a race then, and its not a race now. The BC is most likely a fake, but who cares? obama is out of office in a year, he has done his damage to the country. He has fundamentally transformed it into a PC copy of failed european socialism, divided us by race, sex, age, income, location, and religion. He has doubled our national debt, weakened our military, sold out our allies, and strengthened our enemies.

Worst president in history is too kind.
Like I said one of my businesses has to do with people providing proof of US citizenship. That would be either a Birth Certificate, or a Citizenship Certificate, if you are naturalized. I know exactly what a certified copy looks like. Most of them nowadays are the 8.5 by 11 long form, and when you request this copy, the clerk issues it based on data in the computer while you wait. It is not the same as the original, even though legally it is.

So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.

Like I said, he has never shown an original Birth Certificate. But...if your photo of the live birth certificate is indeed a photo of the original, it indeed shows that he is born in Hawaii, and there were no loopholes at the time for foreign born children of American citizens to have their place of birth to be same as where the issuing clerk or parents are located (which there indeed was such a law in Hawaii at some point in time), then yes, he would be born in the US. However, again, why not show the original in your photo, a certification by the notary that this is a copy of the original?

No President has ever shown anyone an original birth certificate. In the case of President Obama's original it is on file in Hawaii.

As I have shown numerous times with exact quotes from Hawaiian officials.

Everything I have posted was in the link that I provided the first time I replied to you- and which you clearly ignore.

Here is a copy of the exact document that was sent by Hawaii- note the seal by Alvin Onaka, the Hawaiian Registrar of Record- , certifying that these are authentic copies of the original,which of course corresponds exactly to what the State of Hawaii said on 4/27/11.

View attachment 50876

and for your further edification, african is not a race today and never was a race. Africa is a continent, if you are from africa you are african, but africans can be on any RACE..

So are you saying that no human being has ever described their own race as "African"?

How do you know that?

African is not a race. Negro is a race. Africans can be negroes, caucasians, or asians. African describes the continent you came from, not your race.
my question is valid. it goes to the honestly and ethics of the person that you fools put in the whitehouse for 8 years. If he let a lie stand for 16 years because he thought it would help sell books, then he is an unethical liar.

It is well established that hillary clinton is a liar. Do you dems and libs have anyone who is not a liar?
Your question is moronic, not valid. It doesnt deserve an answer. Anyone with your level of stupidity should be flogged in public.

His publicist put out a biography saying he was born in Kenya. He let that stand for 16 years. Would you let a lie about you stand for 16 years, or would you correct it?

My question and my conclusion are both valid.

Your question and conclusions are both speculation.

You presume that Barack Obama knew and chose to let the error stand for 16 years.

Just the usual Birther speculation, and innuendo.

So, you don't think he ever read what his publicist wrote about him?????????????? Really??? are you that far up his ass?

Your batting average continues to be perfect- 100% speculation.

and your obama worship continues to be 100% suck ass.
If that is a copy of his original birth certificate that is at the clerk's office, then he is born in the US. But where is Obama's original? .

For the what 8th time?
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But still, why didn't he just cough up a copy of the original he has and say, look, this is my original birth certificate, and if you want I'll have the clerk certify it. It would have put an end to it. Nevertheless, I am still suspicious as to why he didn't handle it that way.

Why would he handle it in your imaginary way- rather than the way any other American would?

When he started to run for President he apparently did not have a legal copy of his Hawaiian Birth certificate- so he requested a new one from Hawaii- like millions of Americans request from their states every year.

In 2008 he showed voters a copy of his completely legal birth certificate- which is more than you have seen from any other President. Birthers immediately acted just like you and said that was not a real birth certificate.

Even when the State of Hawaii confirmed it was.
And confirmed that is what they issue now.

Then in 2011, Trump, the blow hard that he is, declared that he didn't believe that there was a birth certificate- that appears to have prompted President Obama to request a certified copy of his original birth ceritifcate from Hawaii.

This required a special request- and a special exemption from Hawaii- because Hawaii does not normally issue certified copies of the original.

So Hawaii did make 2 certified copies of the original birth certificate- the one with the signature of the doctor on the certificate- certified by the Registrar of Records and sent them off to President Obama.

Who showed them to reporters, and posted images of them online.

And of course you don't understand any of that.

When I ask ordinary Americans for proof of citizenship they show me their original birth certificate. That's how it's done. Why didn't Obama show us his at the very beginning of this controversy? What is he hiding? Show us your original just to prove that it matches what the state has in its possession.

What a Birther.

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Hmmm,, there is no apostrophe in Hawaii. Official documents from that state do not say Hawai'i.

Where did you get that fake?
Veteran Journalist: I Saw Barack Obama's Occidental
College Records; Obama Listed As Foreign Exchange Student

Read more at Veteran Journalist: I Saw Obama's Occidental Records; Was Foreign Exchange Student From Indonesia - Birther Report

i don't know if this is the answer.. but i do believe something like this, if not this' will spill over.

there is still a lot of potential energy and tension surrounding this birther thing.

benghazi hasn't helped the situation for the obama administration, including hillary clinton.
i also believe people have been threatened and intimidated, including the mainstream media.
to this day i don't think they have found a simliar bc stating african, or a draft registration with the same 80 in the center like that.... no word yet from baskins robbins or dna.
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If that is a copy of his original birth certificate that is at the clerk's office, then he is born in the US. But where is Obama's original? .

For the what 8th time?
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But still, why didn't he just cough up a copy of the original he has and say, look, this is my original birth certificate, and if you want I'll have the clerk certify it. It would have put an end to it. Nevertheless, I am still suspicious as to why he didn't handle it that way.

Why would he handle it in your imaginary way- rather than the way any other American would?

When he started to run for President he apparently did not have a legal copy of his Hawaiian Birth certificate- so he requested a new one from Hawaii- like millions of Americans request from their states every year.

In 2008 he showed voters a copy of his completely legal birth certificate- which is more than you have seen from any other President. Birthers immediately acted just like you and said that was not a real birth certificate.

Even when the State of Hawaii confirmed it was.
And confirmed that is what they issue now.

Then in 2011, Trump, the blow hard that he is, declared that he didn't believe that there was a birth certificate- that appears to have prompted President Obama to request a certified copy of his original birth ceritifcate from Hawaii.

This required a special request- and a special exemption from Hawaii- because Hawaii does not normally issue certified copies of the original.

So Hawaii did make 2 certified copies of the original birth certificate- the one with the signature of the doctor on the certificate- certified by the Registrar of Records and sent them off to President Obama.

Who showed them to reporters, and posted images of them online.

And of course you don't understand any of that.

When I ask ordinary Americans for proof of citizenship they show me their original birth certificate. That's how it's done. Why didn't Obama show us his at the very beginning of this controversy? What is he hiding? Show us your original just to prove that it matches what the state has in its possession.

What a Birther.

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In a day an age where Obama and Hillary get in front of the TV and lie to the entire nation about Ben Ghazi, or a partisan IRS director who uses the agency to audit and harass members of the opposing party to assist Obama in getting elected, and many other similar outrageous examples of abuse of power, I absolutely don't trust this president and his cronies. So when you have a situation like this where he doesn't show his own original birth certificate nor does he say what happened to it, it is of course very suspicious. We have an out of control radical leftist president with no respect for the constitution or rule of law.
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Obama himself actually started the birther movement:

If that is a copy of his original birth certificate that is at the clerk's office, then he is born in the US. But where is Obama's original? .

For the what 8th time?
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That isn't Obama's original. That is the state's. You understand that you are issued an original as a U.S. Born citizen.

Hmmm who should I believe?

You, who can't even bother to look at the State of Hawaii's own documents- or the State of Hawaii which says that they have the original birth certificate on file in the Department of Health in Hawaii.

I think I will go with the actual office that is responsible for keeping track of birth certificates for the State of Hawaii rather than the rantings of a Birther.

Asking why Obama doesn't show his own original birth certificate as opposed to prying it out of the state makes me birther?

Following the Birther talking points makes you a Birther.

Being impervious to the facts- actually refusing to even look at the facts- shows that you act like a Birther.


Following the Birther who is following the birther talking points makes you a Birther.

So there...

Asking why Obama doesn't go into his safe and pull out his original birth certificate at the outset of this controversy isn't a talking point. Sounds like he was trying to hide something.
It's true, Hillary was the first birther.

Prove it.

You can't. You're not basing your beliefs on evidence. But on your beliefs. Note the perfect circle you're using.

And of course Trump was never able to back his birther bullshit. And I'm still waiting for the 'bombshell' that he promised about Obama. I won't hold my breath.
If Trump is elected, he'll have a lot of tools at his disposal. I would advise you to keep quiet and not piss him off.

Well that certainly is the Conservative way isn't it?

Hope to take power so that you can use that power to keep people quiet and scared?
It's true, Hillary was the first birther.

Prove it.

You can't. You're not basing your beliefs on evidence. But on your beliefs. Note the perfect circle you're using.

And of course Trump was never able to back his birther bullshit. And I'm still waiting for the 'bombshell' that he promised about Obama. I won't hold my breath.
If Trump is elected, he'll have a lot of tools at his disposal. I would advise you to keep quiet and not piss him off.

Laughing.....that's the best you've got for why Trump was never able to back up his birther bullshit? That we'd 'better keep quiet'?

Well Trump and his supporters share one common trait: they don't handle criticism of the Donald well at all.
Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

I have no messiah- but Trump is a billionaire- and he has had 5 years now to back up his bizarre Birther claims against Obama- and has gone on to produce several more seasons of the Apprentice- rather than back up any of his claims.

Trump producing any dirt on Obama now is about as likely as him having natural hair.
Prove it.

You can't. You're not basing your beliefs on evidence. But on your beliefs. Note the perfect circle you're using.

And of course Trump was never able to back his birther bullshit. And I'm still waiting for the 'bombshell' that he promised about Obama. I won't hold my breath.
If Trump is elected, he'll have a lot of tools at his disposal. I would advise you to keep quiet and not piss him off.

Laughing.....that's the best you've got for why Trump was never able to back up his birther bullshit? That we'd 'better keep quiet'?

Well Trump and his supporters share one common trait: they don't handle criticism of the Donald well at all.
Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

Laughing......Like Trump did last time he promised us a 'bombshell'? Its only been 3 years of nothing.

But hey, why let Trump's perfect record of failure on the issue guide your view. You've never let reality interfere with your imagination before.
You won't be laughing if he becomes president.

In my opinion Trump's candidacy is a huge gift to the Democratic Party. His attacks on other Republican candidates just splinters the Republican Party more and more, while his comments about immigration and race just solidify minorities belief that the RNC is against them.

However, in the very, very unlikely event that Donald Trump were elected President- do you want to know what my very first reaction would be?

I would wish him well.

I have never understood idiots like Birthers who start out a new President's term by hoping to destroy his Presidency. I hope EVERY President elected will be a fantastic President- and I would for President Trump also.

I would have misgivings- but America is robust and could survive an inept Trump presidency also- but if he were a fantastic President- I would be thrilled- a rising sea lifts all boats.
So you think this was 'computer generated' based upon data in the computer? How did they manage the doctors signature?

View attachment 50852

Now this is the certified copy that Barack Obama originally provided- a perfectly legal Hawaiian birth certificate that people like yourself said was not a 'real' birth certificate- this is what was shown to the Factcheck folks and confirmed as legal by Hawaii.


Born in the U.S.A.

Not that any of this will mean anything to you.

Birthers are impervious to facts.

Like I said, he has never shown an original Birth Certificate. But...if your photo of the live birth certificate is indeed a photo of the original, it indeed shows that he is born in Hawaii, and there were no loopholes at the time for foreign born children of American citizens to have their place of birth to be same as where the issuing clerk or parents are located (which there indeed was such a law in Hawaii at some point in time), then yes, he would be born in the US. However, again, why not show the original in your photo, a certification by the notary that this is a copy of the original?

No President has ever shown anyone an original birth certificate. In the case of President Obama's original it is on file in Hawaii.

As I have shown numerous times with exact quotes from Hawaiian officials.

Everything I have posted was in the link that I provided the first time I replied to you- and which you clearly ignore.

Here is a copy of the exact document that was sent by Hawaii- note the seal by Alvin Onaka, the Hawaiian Registrar of Record- , certifying that these are authentic copies of the original,which of course corresponds exactly to what the State of Hawaii said on 4/27/11.

View attachment 50876

In 1961 "african" would not have been used for the race of the father. It would have been black or negro..

And you know that how?

Oh wait- another example of Birther speculation.

Your birther score continues to be perfect.

I was an adult in 1961. I know how race was defined in those days. African was not a race then, and its not a race now. The BC is most likely a fake, but who cares?

Clearly you care- since you brought it up.

You know how you would state race in 1961- but how a man from Africa would have declared his race in 1961 is nothing more than your Birther speculation.

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