Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.

And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Those are my criteria.
So what they are your criteria? They arent very important to anyone but you. If I were you I would shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one fills up faster.

I already gave them to you. Write to bro Obama and get back to me.
I dont think anyone cares except you retarded birthers. The POTUS has already provided a copy. If thats not sufficient tough shit. Sorry bud.

well then the question still remains. He could have said "look here is the original and I am providing a notarized and verified copy of the original" and then we go by what the original says. deal?
He could have said a lot of things. The point is that he decided there was no need to appease you retarded birthers. Its not like you can do anything about it.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.

And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.

Already answered repeatedly- you really are a Birther.

You prefer the sound of your own prejudices rather than facts.

Matter of fact- every one of your claims has been shown to be utterly false.

Let me know when you have something to contradict the State of Hawaii



He could have said a lot of things. The point is that he decided there was no need to appease you retarded birthers. Its not like you can do anything about it.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.

And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Those are my criteria.

Your criteria was deemed irrelevant by voters in the last two Presidential elections.

You are doomed to live with your Birther 'criteria' forever- nobody else is.
And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?

LOL- why do you think that Birther is a derogatory term? A Birther is any idiot who after 7 years still believes that Barack Obama is not President because of the circumstances of his birth?

We have far, far more concrete information as to where Barack Obama was born than we do for say George Bush- either of them actually.

Why as an American do you think that this specific President is obligated to provide not just evidence that no other President has provided(which he has done twice now) proving his place of birth- but that he is obligated to provide additional information.

President Obama has done more than what is necessary to prove his place of birth to any rational American- and he has proven his place of birth to every American that matters.

I don't know if he is or isn't born in the U.S., as he claims. He might very well be. Until I either see the original or he says what happened to it. Does that make me a birther?

Why yes that does.

Anyone who still doesn't know where President Obama was born in the year 2015 is either an idiotic, or willfully ignorant.

Or both.
And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?
All they care about is their side winning, they're of the same mindset as a suicide bomber. reports that while the issue was raised by diehard Clinton supporters in 2008, there is nothing to link Clinton, her campaign or her staff to the issue.

More: Donald Trump Just Won't Give Up His Birther Fantasy In Colbert Interview

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

It is certainly interesting, and perhaps historically and politically relevant, that “birther” advocacy may have originated with supporters of Hillary Clinton — especially since many view it as an exclusively right-wing movement. But whether those theories were advocated by Clinton and/or her campaign or simply by Clinton “supporters” is an important distinction. Candidates are expected to be held accountable for the actions of their campaigns. Neither Cruz nor Trump, whose campaign did not respond to our request for backup material,

Just put Trump on IGNORE. Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton didn't start the birther crap.

B9318164838Z.1_20150721122027_000_GKUBDL8C2.1-0.jpg reports that while the issue was raised by diehard Clinton supporters in 2008, there is nothing to link Clinton, her campaign or her staff to the issue.

More: Donald Trump Just Won't Give Up His Birther Fantasy In Colbert Interview

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

It is certainly interesting, and perhaps historically and politically relevant, that “birther” advocacy may have originated with supporters of Hillary Clinton — especially since many view it as an exclusively right-wing movement. But whether those theories were advocated by Clinton and/or her campaign or simply by Clinton “supporters” is an important distinction. Candidates are expected to be held accountable for the actions of their campaigns. Neither Cruz nor Trump, whose campaign did not respond to our request for backup material,

Just put Trump on IGNORE. Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton didn't start the birther crap.

And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?

LOL- why do you think that Birther is a derogatory term? A Birther is any idiot who after 7 years still believes that Barack Obama is not President because of the circumstances of his birth?

We have far, far more concrete information as to where Barack Obama was born than we do for say George Bush- either of them actually.

Why as an American do you think that this specific President is obligated to provide not just evidence that no other President has provided(which he has done twice now) proving his place of birth- but that he is obligated to provide additional information.

President Obama has done more than what is necessary to prove his place of birth to any rational American- and he has proven his place of birth to every American that matters.

I don't know if he is or isn't born in the U.S., as he claims. He might very well be. Until I either see the original or he says what happened to it. Does that make me a birther?

Why yes that does.

Anyone who still doesn't know where President Obama was born in the year 2015 is either an idiotic, or willfully ignorant.

Or both.

If you don't put TRUMP on ignore--he'll just keep it up. Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton didn't start the birther crap.

And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?
All they care about is their side winning, they're of the same mindset as a suicide bomber.

All Birthers care about is attacking this one particular President- they are of the same mindset as holocaust deniers.
Don't need to, he'll be riding off into the sunset where he can instigate more race riots and divisiveness. His disastrous legacy will follow him for decades.
Evidently you need to. You just asked for him to provide his original. Now youre just all sour grapes because you have no power to do anything and dont register on the POTUS list of concerns. You clowns are funny. Like I said make sure you pay those taxes to support Obama in retirement.

With approval ratings lower than George Bush at this time, he's headed to be even worse than Carter.
Yeah but you will still be paying for his retirement. Sucks dont it?

Yup sure does. I'm also bothered that I'm paying for your govt. subsidies as well. But there are many bums like you out there.
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.

I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.
Nope, he's trying to hide something. Go into that safe and cough up the original.

And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Those are my criteria.
So what they are your criteria? They arent very important to anyone but you. If I were you I would shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one fills up faster.

My criteria gets to the truth and bottom of where he was born, you're just an ignorant racist who will suck Obama's cork no matter what.
And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?
All they care about is their side winning, they're of the same mindset as a suicide bomber.

All Birthers care about is attacking this one particular President- they are of the same mindset as holocaust deniers.

Oh and you guys never attacked Bush with a plethora of bullshit about his military record, his knowing in advance about 9-11, his real intentions for going into Iraq, etc.
And that is true Birther speak.

A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Those are my criteria.
So what they are your criteria? They arent very important to anyone but you. If I were you I would shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one fills up faster.

My criteria gets to the truth and bottom of where he was born, you're just an ignorant racist who will suck Obama's cork no matter what.

Your 'criteria' is merely the ramblings of a Birther who flails around looking for reasons why Barack Obama could not possibly be President.

The State of Hawaii says he was born in Hawaii.
The State of Hawaii states that they have the original Birth Certificate on file.
The State of Hawaii states that they provided 2 certified copies of the original Birth Certificate to Barack Obama.
Barack Obama showed those copies to reporters and posted scan of those copies online so any idiot who still refused to believe his BC could see it.

So of course Birthers don't believe any of that.

You are like an 'uber' Birther- you are demanding that Barack Obama show you his original birth certificate- and then you claim that the State of Hawaii is wrong when they say that they have the original on file- and they don't pass originals around for Birthers to use crayons on.
And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?
All they care about is their side winning, they're of the same mindset as a suicide bomber.

All Birthers care about is attacking this one particular President- they are of the same mindset as holocaust deniers.

Oh and you guys never attacked Bush with a plethora of bullshit about his military record, his knowing in advance about 9-11, his real intentions for going into Iraq, etc.

Not 'me guys'.

I attacked Bush for his Presidential actions and sure- I blame him for the Iraqi debacle- but I don't blame him for 9/11(those are the truthers- who are basically the Bush Birthers)- but I was not still whining 7 years into his Presidency "But why won't he prove he never took cocaine'- let alone ever demand Bush ever produce any of the documents that Birthers demand Obama produce.
Evidently you need to. You just asked for him to provide his original. Now youre just all sour grapes because you have no power to do anything and dont register on the POTUS list of concerns. You clowns are funny. Like I said make sure you pay those taxes to support Obama in retirement.

With approval ratings lower than George Bush at this time, he's headed to be even worse than Carter.
Yeah but you will still be paying for his retirement. Sucks dont it?

Yup sure does. I'm also bothered that I'm paying for your govt. subsidies as well. But there are many bums like you out there.
Dont be jealous. Stop being a worker bee and get a business. You too can have tax breaks if you have the courage to break out on your own.

I have owned my own businesses and employed hundreds of people for the last 25 years, dumbass. I can tell you're a good for nothing bum with a chip on his shoulder and bad attitude that brings negativity to the work environment. No wonder you're living off the govt.

Sure you have.

Just like you 'know' what an original birth certificate is.
Was Trump right in what he said about Hillary, there is no way of knowing. Which means he should stop saying it and admit the truth, Mrs. Clinton's people did. That is without a doubt the truth. Now as head of her election campaign is she ultimately responsible? Well considering that this is a bad thing and we know that her and Obama have never in their life done a bad thing then the left is rabid in her defense. Did she know? Most likely. We have seen she is good at hiding her trail.

Fact check error? That is about the biggest bit of BS of the whole stupid debate. How the left stakes their argument on such a silly statement shows how desperate they are to protect Obama. What fact was she checking in the first place? That he was born in Kenya or born in Hawaii? If Kenya there is little evidence that he was. With Hawaii that is where the evidence lies so why would she say Kenya, unless that is what she was told and it is best at selling books.

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?
All they care about is their side winning, they're of the same mindset as a suicide bomber.

All Birthers care about is attacking this one particular President- they are of the same mindset as holocaust deniers.
that might be... a bit dramatic. :eusa_boohoo:
A- Was Obama issued an original birth certificate?
B- What is Obama claiming as to its status?

Let me know when you have answers to these two questions.
C-The POTUS has deigned to ignore your silly ass questions due to your utter irrelevancy. Sorry bud.
Those are my criteria.
So what they are your criteria? They arent very important to anyone but you. If I were you I would shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one fills up faster.

My criteria gets to the truth and bottom of where he was born, you're just an ignorant racist who will suck Obama's cork no matter what.

Your 'criteria' is merely the ramblings of a Birther who flails around looking for reasons why Barack Obama could not possibly be President.

The State of Hawaii says he was born in Hawaii.
The State of Hawaii states that they have the original Birth Certificate on file.
The State of Hawaii states that they provided 2 certified copies of the original Birth Certificate to Barack Obama.
Barack Obama showed those copies to reporters and posted scan of those copies online so any idiot who still refused to believe his BC could see it.

So of course Birthers don't believe any of that.

You are like an 'uber' Birther- you are demanding that Barack Obama show you his original birth certificate- and then you claim that the State of Hawaii is wrong when they say that they have the original on file- and they don't pass originals around for Birthers to use crayons on.

Like I said, until he shows the actual original birth certificate and not a BS Certified Copy, the question will remain. Do you know why he hasn't said a thing about the status of the original? Does he have it? Is it lost? If he has it then why did he request a copy? If he's lost it, then why hasn't he said so?

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