Trump says no DACA deal

Deport the illegals and build that wall...
Just lay a mine field. It worked real well for the communists when they created the Iron Curtain.

Who was trying to cross into the Soviet Bloc?
It was for keeping people in but worked both ways for keeping spies out. Lol

We should lay a minefield to keep spies out?
Probably because they stepped on it and got blown to pieces.
Deport the illegals and build that wall...
Just lay a mine field. It worked real well for the communists when they created the Iron Curtain.

Who was trying to cross into the Soviet Bloc?
It was for keeping people in but worked both ways for keeping spies out. Lol

We should lay a minefield to keep spies out?
Probably because they stepped on it and got blown to pieces.

Deport the illegals and build that wall...
Just lay a mine field. It worked real well for the communists when they created the Iron Curtain.

Who was trying to cross into the Soviet Bloc?

Plenty of people were trying to cross out of Soviet Bloc.

Just like they are trying to cross out of Mexico.

Yeah, if Mexico would lay a minefield to keep their people from leaving, the moron may have had a point.
Why would you say moron? Your friendly fire is interesting. Are you drunk by any chance?
Just lay a mine field. It worked real well for the communists when they created the Iron Curtain.

Who was trying to cross into the Soviet Bloc?
It was for keeping people in but worked both ways for keeping spies out. Lol

We should lay a minefield to keep spies out?
Probably because they stepped on it and got blown to pieces.

Sorry, I miss read your question.
The minefield's primary reason was to keep people in but they had the propaganda that it was to keep spies out. So, apparently it served a dual purpose.
Who was trying to cross into the Soviet Bloc?
It was for keeping people in but worked both ways for keeping spies out. Lol

We should lay a minefield to keep spies out?
Probably because they stepped on it and got blown to pieces.

Sorry, I miss read your question.
The minefield's primary reason was to keep people in but they had the propaganda that it was to keep spies out. So, apparently it served a dual purpose.

The minefield's primary reason was to keep people in

Exactly. That's why equating our border wall with the Iron Curtain is so moronic.
Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off
You keep falling for his lies? LOL
First no DACA without a wall.
Then he said he will sign whatever both partisan agree on.
Then he will sign DACA.
Then no DACA.

Are you nutjobs that easy 5o be fooled constantly ?
Who is being fooled?
Deport the illegals and build that wall...
Just lay a mine field. It worked real well for the communists when they created the Iron Curtain.
The Commies laid mine fields to keep their own citizens IN.

Any mine field on our border would keep Illegal Aliens OUT.

A minor distinction overlooked by Internationalist advocates of open borders and enablers of Hordes of Illegal Beaners, who routinely use that line.

But there isn't going to be a mine field, so don't sweat it.
Deport the illegals and build that wall...
Just lay a mine field. It worked real well for the communists when they created the Iron Curtain.

Who was trying to cross into the Soviet Bloc?

Plenty of people were trying to cross out of Soviet Bloc.

Just like they are trying to cross out of Mexico.
Wake us up when the Government of Mexico lays down a mine field to keep their own citizens in, eh?
It was for keeping people in but worked both ways for keeping spies out. Lol

We should lay a minefield to keep spies out?
Probably because they stepped on it and got blown to pieces.

Sorry, I miss read your question.
The minefield's primary reason was to keep people in but they had the propaganda that it was to keep spies out. So, apparently it served a dual purpose.

The minefield's primary reason was to keep people in

Exactly. That's why equating our border wall with the Iron Curtain is so moronic.
What keeps people in also can keep people out. The statement seems logical to me but you have made up your mind about being moronic so you win. No reason to argue. It makes no difference to me either way.
Deport the illegals and build that wall...
Just lay a mine field. It worked real well for the communists when they created the Iron Curtain.
The Commies laid mine fields to keep their own citizens IN.

Any mine field on our border would keep Illegal Aliens OUT.

A minor distinction overlooked by Internationalist advocates of open borders and enablers of Hordes of Illegal Beaners, who routinely use that line.

But there isn't going to be a mine field, so don't sweat it.
I know. Just shitposting to express my disappointment in our government.
We should lay a minefield to keep spies out?
Probably because they stepped on it and got blown to pieces.

Sorry, I miss read your question.
The minefield's primary reason was to keep people in but they had the propaganda that it was to keep spies out. So, apparently it served a dual purpose.

The minefield's primary reason was to keep people in

Exactly. That's why equating our border wall with the Iron Curtain is so moronic.
What keeps people in also can keep people out. The statement seems logical to me but you have made up your mind about being moronic so you win. No reason to argue. It makes no difference to me either way.

And since we're not trying to keep our people in............
Trump is a corrupt piece of shit.

Trump is a corrupt piece of shit.

View attachment 185882
Fuck off, Yenta. Trump isn't controlled by the media, and that's what you hate. You would prefer an Israeli puppet like W, who did untold damage to this country and his people. That means you are a corrupt piece of shit.
W was a moron. Trump is a moron. Reagan was a moron. Only HW had a brain. That’s why Republicans didn’t like him.
Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who are they going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. It should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.
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Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.
Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country, on our dime, to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. Social Security/Medicare are the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.

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