Trump says no DACA deal

Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who are they going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. It should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Boot the illegals.
Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country on our dime to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


You’re trying real hard...I’ll give you that.
You’re just lost and confused...wetbacks don’t contribute to shit....they are a net loss all the way around.....welfare, healthcare, education, criminality, name it, they drain it. Pull you head from your ass for a’ll see it.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country, on our dime, to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. Social Security/Medicare are the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


Yeah, when you need to fund your broken pension system, the solution is to import millions of low skilled illegal aliens.
Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country on our dime to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


You’re trying real hard...I’ll give you that.
You’re just lost and confused...wetbacks don’t contribute to shit....they are a net loss all the way around.....welfare, healthcare, education, criminality, name it, they drain it. Pull you head from your ass for a’ll see it.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone. Bill Gates and many CEO's were against deporting dreamers because they're working for them.
Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future
Bill Gates expresses disappointment on Trump administration’s decision to discontinue DACA - The American Bazaar
CEOs blast Trump's 'dreamers' decision: 'Particularly cruel'

Illegals are not eligible for welfare, nor can they vote. But they have contributed 100 billion dollars into social security over the last 10 years that they're not eligible to collect.
Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security Over Last Decade | VICE News

Alabama kicked out all illegals and it wasn't a month later they were begging them to come back. Apparently--a lot of this work they can't get Americans to do.

"Hidden behind the Banco del Sol and the Tienda El Nino is the economic pillar of this rural town: A massive factory that processes 130,000 chickens a day. Inside, headless plucked birds move along conveyor belts while 300 workers, in repeated deft strokes, slice each passing carcass into chunks of kitchen-ready meat.For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens."

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes. The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?”
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

Dairy farmers in Maine are having issues.

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster

So what does this do to your grocery bill?
"President-elect Donald Trump has promised a major crackdown on illegal immigration, triggering immense alarm among the country's 11 million undocumented people. But Trump’s deportation promises, if fulfilled, would ripple far beyond the lives of illegal immigrants. Deportations would affect vast swaths of the economy — with a particularly dramatic impact on agriculture.As a result, Americans could see the cost of some fruits and vegetables soar. Undocumented workers account for 67 percent of people harvesting fruit, according to the Agriculture Department. They make up 61 percent of all employees on vegetable farms, and as many as half of all workers picking crops."
You could soon pay more money for worse food. Thanks, Donald Trump.

To every action there will be a reaction. Right now we have fruit & vegi's rotting on the vine, because of all the hateful rhetoric coming out of Trump and you members of the Trump cult. Mexican migrant workers aren't going to cross the border to help farmers bring in their crops.


Last edited:
Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country on our dime to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


You’re trying real hard...I’ll give you that.
You’re just lost and confused...wetbacks don’t contribute to shit....they are a net loss all the way around.....welfare, healthcare, education, criminality, name it, they drain it. Pull you head from your ass for a’ll see it.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone. Bill Gates and many CEO's were against deporting dreamers because they're working for them.
Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future
Bill Gates expresses disappointment on Trump administration’s decision to discontinue DACA - The American Bazaar
CEOs blast Trump's 'dreamers' decision: 'Particularly cruel'

Illegals are not eligible for welfare, nor can they vote. But they have contributed 100 billion dollars into social security over the last 10 years that they're not eligible to collect.
Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security Over Last Decade | VICE News

Alabama kicked out all illegals and it wasn't a month later they were begging them to come back. Apparently--a lot of this work they can't get Americans to do.

"Hidden behind the Banco del Sol and the Tienda El Nino is the economic pillar of this rural town: A massive factory that processes 130,000 chickens a day. Inside, headless plucked birds move along conveyor belts while 300 workers, in repeated deft strokes, slice each passing carcass into chunks of kitchen-ready meat.For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens."

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes. The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?”
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

Dairy farmers in Maine are having issues.

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster

So what does this do to your grocery bill?
"President-elect Donald Trump has promised a major crackdown on illegal immigration, triggering immense alarm among the country's 11 million undocumented people. But Trump’s deportation promises, if fulfilled, would ripple far beyond the lives of illegal immigrants. Deportations would affect vast swaths of the economy — with a particularly dramatic impact on agriculture.As a result, Americans could see the cost of some fruits and vegetables soar. Undocumented workers account for 67 percent of people harvesting fruit, according to the Agriculture Department. They make up 61 percent of all employees on vegetable farms, and as many as half of all workers picking crops."
You could soon pay more money for worse food. Thanks, Donald Trump.

To every action there will be a reaction. Right now we have fruit & vegi's rotting on the vine, because of all the hateful rhetoric coming out of Trump and you members of the Trump cult. Mexican migrant workers aren't going to cross the border to help farmers bring in their crops.


There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone.

If we deport 11 million illegals, that reduces our need for teachers by a lot more than 9000.
It would be an excellent trade off.
This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country on our dime to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


You’re trying real hard...I’ll give you that.
You’re just lost and confused...wetbacks don’t contribute to shit....they are a net loss all the way around.....welfare, healthcare, education, criminality, name it, they drain it. Pull you head from your ass for a’ll see it.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone. Bill Gates and many CEO's were against deporting dreamers because they're working for them.
Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future
Bill Gates expresses disappointment on Trump administration’s decision to discontinue DACA - The American Bazaar
CEOs blast Trump's 'dreamers' decision: 'Particularly cruel'

Illegals are not eligible for welfare, nor can they vote. But they have contributed 100 billion dollars into social security over the last 10 years that they're not eligible to collect.
Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security Over Last Decade | VICE News

Alabama kicked out all illegals and it wasn't a month later they were begging them to come back. Apparently--a lot of this work they can't get Americans to do.

"Hidden behind the Banco del Sol and the Tienda El Nino is the economic pillar of this rural town: A massive factory that processes 130,000 chickens a day. Inside, headless plucked birds move along conveyor belts while 300 workers, in repeated deft strokes, slice each passing carcass into chunks of kitchen-ready meat.For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens."

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes. The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?”
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

Dairy farmers in Maine are having issues.

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster

So what does this do to your grocery bill?
"President-elect Donald Trump has promised a major crackdown on illegal immigration, triggering immense alarm among the country's 11 million undocumented people. But Trump’s deportation promises, if fulfilled, would ripple far beyond the lives of illegal immigrants. Deportations would affect vast swaths of the economy — with a particularly dramatic impact on agriculture.As a result, Americans could see the cost of some fruits and vegetables soar. Undocumented workers account for 67 percent of people harvesting fruit, according to the Agriculture Department. They make up 61 percent of all employees on vegetable farms, and as many as half of all workers picking crops."
You could soon pay more money for worse food. Thanks, Donald Trump.

To every action there will be a reaction. Right now we have fruit & vegi's rotting on the vine, because of all the hateful rhetoric coming out of Trump and you members of the Trump cult. Mexican migrant workers aren't going to cross the border to help farmers bring in their crops.


There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone.

If we deport 11 million illegals, that reduces our need for teachers by a lot more than 9000.
It would be an excellent trade off.

The twisted fools can’t admit that Wetbacks are essentially self servicing. We have basically allowed them to create an entire economy within our economy. REAL American taxpayers pump cash into their “economy” as it can’t be sustained otherwise. They are a MAJOR liability, they contribute nothing.
Very good news. Though liberals prefer to do differently, because they're upside down & contrary, Americans don't reward people for breaking the law.

Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country on our dime to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


You’re trying real hard...I’ll give you that.
You’re just lost and confused...wetbacks don’t contribute to shit....they are a net loss all the way around.....welfare, healthcare, education, criminality, name it, they drain it. Pull you head from your ass for a’ll see it.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone. Bill Gates and many CEO's were against deporting dreamers because they're working for them.
Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future
Bill Gates expresses disappointment on Trump administration’s decision to discontinue DACA - The American Bazaar
CEOs blast Trump's 'dreamers' decision: 'Particularly cruel'

Illegals are not eligible for welfare, nor can they vote. But they have contributed 100 billion dollars into social security over the last 10 years that they're not eligible to collect.
Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security Over Last Decade | VICE News

Alabama kicked out all illegals and it wasn't a month later they were begging them to come back. Apparently--a lot of this work they can't get Americans to do.

"Hidden behind the Banco del Sol and the Tienda El Nino is the economic pillar of this rural town: A massive factory that processes 130,000 chickens a day. Inside, headless plucked birds move along conveyor belts while 300 workers, in repeated deft strokes, slice each passing carcass into chunks of kitchen-ready meat.For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens."

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes. The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?”
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

Dairy farmers in Maine are having issues.

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster

So what does this do to your grocery bill?
"President-elect Donald Trump has promised a major crackdown on illegal immigration, triggering immense alarm among the country's 11 million undocumented people. But Trump’s deportation promises, if fulfilled, would ripple far beyond the lives of illegal immigrants. Deportations would affect vast swaths of the economy — with a particularly dramatic impact on agriculture.As a result, Americans could see the cost of some fruits and vegetables soar. Undocumented workers account for 67 percent of people harvesting fruit, according to the Agriculture Department. They make up 61 percent of all employees on vegetable farms, and as many as half of all workers picking crops."
You could soon pay more money for worse food. Thanks, Donald Trump.

To every action there will be a reaction. Right now we have fruit & vegi's rotting on the vine, because of all the hateful rhetoric coming out of Trump and you members of the Trump cult. Mexican migrant workers aren't going to cross the border to help farmers bring in their crops.


"The Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010."
How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?
Those are awesome figures...polished it up real nicely.....huh?

Let's dissect the 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures....right?
So let's look at what they steal from American taxpayers shall we?
"In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers... Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion."
This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country on our dime to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


You’re trying real hard...I’ll give you that.
You’re just lost and confused...wetbacks don’t contribute to shit....they are a net loss all the way around.....welfare, healthcare, education, criminality, name it, they drain it. Pull you head from your ass for a’ll see it.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone. Bill Gates and many CEO's were against deporting dreamers because they're working for them.
Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future
Bill Gates expresses disappointment on Trump administration’s decision to discontinue DACA - The American Bazaar
CEOs blast Trump's 'dreamers' decision: 'Particularly cruel'

Illegals are not eligible for welfare, nor can they vote. But they have contributed 100 billion dollars into social security over the last 10 years that they're not eligible to collect.
Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security Over Last Decade | VICE News

Alabama kicked out all illegals and it wasn't a month later they were begging them to come back. Apparently--a lot of this work they can't get Americans to do.

"Hidden behind the Banco del Sol and the Tienda El Nino is the economic pillar of this rural town: A massive factory that processes 130,000 chickens a day. Inside, headless plucked birds move along conveyor belts while 300 workers, in repeated deft strokes, slice each passing carcass into chunks of kitchen-ready meat.For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens."

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes. The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?”
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

Dairy farmers in Maine are having issues.

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster

So what does this do to your grocery bill?
"President-elect Donald Trump has promised a major crackdown on illegal immigration, triggering immense alarm among the country's 11 million undocumented people. But Trump’s deportation promises, if fulfilled, would ripple far beyond the lives of illegal immigrants. Deportations would affect vast swaths of the economy — with a particularly dramatic impact on agriculture.As a result, Americans could see the cost of some fruits and vegetables soar. Undocumented workers account for 67 percent of people harvesting fruit, according to the Agriculture Department. They make up 61 percent of all employees on vegetable farms, and as many as half of all workers picking crops."
You could soon pay more money for worse food. Thanks, Donald Trump.

To every action there will be a reaction. Right now we have fruit & vegi's rotting on the vine, because of all the hateful rhetoric coming out of Trump and you members of the Trump cult. Mexican migrant workers aren't going to cross the border to help farmers bring in their crops.


"The Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010."
How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Those are awesome figures...polished it up real nicely.....huh?

Let's dissect the 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures....right?
So let's look at what they steal from American taxpayers shall we?
"In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers... Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion."

All your numbers (that you made up) without a single trusted verifiable link to go along with it. We're just supposed to believe your :bsflag:

Illegals are NOT eligible for WELFARE benefits or food stamps.

Undocumented immigrants are not eligible to receive any “welfare” benefits and even legal immigrants are severely restricted in the benefits they can receive. As the Congressional Research Service points out in a 2007 report, undocumented immigrants, who comprise nearly one-third of all immigrants in the country, are not eligible to receive public “welfare” benefits — ever. Legal permanent residents (LPRs) must pay into the Social Security and Medicare systems for approximately 10 years before they are eligible to receive benefits when they retire. In most cases, LPRs can not receive SSI, which is available only to U.S. citizens, and are not eligible for means-tested public benefits until 5 years after receiving their green cards.
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction? - Immigration Chronicles

Not only have they contributed 100 billion into Social Security over the last decade, while they're here, they're buying American cars, T.V's., electronics, going to restaurants, and basically stimulating the overall economy as much as you do.
Clinton: Undocumented workers pay $12B to Social Security
Last edited:
This is just another tool Trump is using to kill the Republican party. The overwhelming majority in this country want to protect Dreamers.
Poll: 79 Percent of Voters Want Dreamers to Stay

Trump was warned by Paul Ryan and several other congressional leaders to not do away with Obama's dreamer protection. He didn't listen because he wanted to play political football with it.
Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA

He promised a bill to protect Dreamers and couldn't come up with one. Now, he's trying to blame Democrats who are the "minority" party--:auiqs.jpg: I don't know how many dumbass's are out there that believe Democrats are at fault, but you would have to be fairly STUPID to believe that one.


Now you take a look at someone like Ted Cruz who is up for reelection this year, facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Some of these legal voting Hispanics have relatives that fall under the Dreamer category. Nieces/Nephews/brothers/sisters, etc. Who they're going to vote for--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact, how does any Republican survive in the southwest of this country after what Trump just pulled? Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, California. Should be a very interesting midterm election cycle.

Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country on our dime to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


You’re trying real hard...I’ll give you that.
You’re just lost and confused...wetbacks don’t contribute to shit....they are a net loss all the way around.....welfare, healthcare, education, criminality, name it, they drain it. Pull you head from your ass for a’ll see it.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone. Bill Gates and many CEO's were against deporting dreamers because they're working for them.
Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future
Bill Gates expresses disappointment on Trump administration’s decision to discontinue DACA - The American Bazaar
CEOs blast Trump's 'dreamers' decision: 'Particularly cruel'

Illegals are not eligible for welfare, nor can they vote. But they have contributed 100 billion dollars into social security over the last 10 years that they're not eligible to collect.
Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security Over Last Decade | VICE News

Alabama kicked out all illegals and it wasn't a month later they were begging them to come back. Apparently--a lot of this work they can't get Americans to do.

"Hidden behind the Banco del Sol and the Tienda El Nino is the economic pillar of this rural town: A massive factory that processes 130,000 chickens a day. Inside, headless plucked birds move along conveyor belts while 300 workers, in repeated deft strokes, slice each passing carcass into chunks of kitchen-ready meat.For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens."

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes. The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?”
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

Dairy farmers in Maine are having issues.

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster

So what does this do to your grocery bill?
"President-elect Donald Trump has promised a major crackdown on illegal immigration, triggering immense alarm among the country's 11 million undocumented people. But Trump’s deportation promises, if fulfilled, would ripple far beyond the lives of illegal immigrants. Deportations would affect vast swaths of the economy — with a particularly dramatic impact on agriculture.As a result, Americans could see the cost of some fruits and vegetables soar. Undocumented workers account for 67 percent of people harvesting fruit, according to the Agriculture Department. They make up 61 percent of all employees on vegetable farms, and as many as half of all workers picking crops."
You could soon pay more money for worse food. Thanks, Donald Trump.

To every action there will be a reaction. Right now we have fruit & vegi's rotting on the vine, because of all the hateful rhetoric coming out of Trump and you members of the Trump cult. Mexican migrant workers aren't going to cross the border to help farmers bring in their crops.


There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone.

If we deport 11 million illegals, that reduces our need for teachers by a lot more than 9000.
It would be an excellent trade off.

You're not addressing the social security issue in post # 40 on this thread. Do you plan on working until you're dead--:auiqs.jpg: Do you plan on getting out there and picking your own tomato's and vegi's also, as explained in post # 44 of this thread?

Last edited:
Oreo says: “The Mexican invasion has worked out very well for Democrats...Mexico now decides our elections in the southwest.”

And the dumb muthaphuckers wonder why REAL Americans are fed the fuck up. The wetbacks have infiltrated our states, cities and communities, our democracy and now they’re choosing our elected officials. FUCKING AWESOME!
Thanks for pointing that out Oreo.

You can squawk, scream and jump up and down all you want to--but I just gave you stats with links. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not think like you do. I am one of those. It's stupid to send kids that grew up in this country, were educated in this country on our dime to a foreign country so they can pay taxes there, and stimulate the economy there, not here.

Another thing you dumbass's never think about is Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size per family has dropped to 2 or less. There are currently 10K babyboomers entering these two funds on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 8 to 10 years--adding another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We do not have the youth population in this country to support these funds. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. So your options are:

1. Bankrupt Social Security/Medicare
2. Cut benefits to the bone
3. Means testing. Take from the rich--give to the poor until that runs out.
4. Raise the age of eligibility to 80.
5. Or keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country, right here to support these funds.


You’re trying real hard...I’ll give you that.
You’re just lost and confused...wetbacks don’t contribute to shit....they are a net loss all the way around.....welfare, healthcare, education, criminality, name it, they drain it. Pull you head from your ass for a’ll see it.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone. Bill Gates and many CEO's were against deporting dreamers because they're working for them.
Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future
Bill Gates expresses disappointment on Trump administration’s decision to discontinue DACA - The American Bazaar
CEOs blast Trump's 'dreamers' decision: 'Particularly cruel'

Illegals are not eligible for welfare, nor can they vote. But they have contributed 100 billion dollars into social security over the last 10 years that they're not eligible to collect.
Unauthorized Immigrants Paid $100 Billion Into Social Security Over Last Decade | VICE News

Alabama kicked out all illegals and it wasn't a month later they were begging them to come back. Apparently--a lot of this work they can't get Americans to do.

"Hidden behind the Banco del Sol and the Tienda El Nino is the economic pillar of this rural town: A massive factory that processes 130,000 chickens a day. Inside, headless plucked birds move along conveyor belts while 300 workers, in repeated deft strokes, slice each passing carcass into chunks of kitchen-ready meat.For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens."

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes. The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?”
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

Dairy farmers in Maine are having issues.

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster

So what does this do to your grocery bill?
"President-elect Donald Trump has promised a major crackdown on illegal immigration, triggering immense alarm among the country's 11 million undocumented people. But Trump’s deportation promises, if fulfilled, would ripple far beyond the lives of illegal immigrants. Deportations would affect vast swaths of the economy — with a particularly dramatic impact on agriculture.As a result, Americans could see the cost of some fruits and vegetables soar. Undocumented workers account for 67 percent of people harvesting fruit, according to the Agriculture Department. They make up 61 percent of all employees on vegetable farms, and as many as half of all workers picking crops."
You could soon pay more money for worse food. Thanks, Donald Trump.

To every action there will be a reaction. Right now we have fruit & vegi's rotting on the vine, because of all the hateful rhetoric coming out of Trump and you members of the Trump cult. Mexican migrant workers aren't going to cross the border to help farmers bring in their crops.


There are dreamers all across this country that are in College and Universities. Right now if you were deport all Dreamers we would lose 9000 school teachers alone.

If we deport 11 million illegals, that reduces our need for teachers by a lot more than 9000.
It would be an excellent trade off.

You're not addressing the social security issue in post # 40 on this thread. Do you plan on working until you're dead--:auiqs.jpg: Do you plan on getting out there and picking your own tomato's and vegi's also, as explained in post # 44 of this thread?


You're not addressing the social security issue in post # 40 on this thread.

Social Security has a crappy return, and demographics are making it worse.
It's tougher for people to save on their own when the government takes 15.3%
of their "fund" Social Security. Tougher to save, tougher to
buy homes, tougher to afford children.

Abuse of the SSDI system is also an unaffordable drain.

All that being said, why would importing a bunch of low skilled / low paid third worlders
be the solution? Besides draining local education, welfare and criminal justice funding,
many work for cash and don't even contribute

Do you plan on working until you're dead--

No. If Chicago wasn't wasting so many of my tax dollars on illegal aliens,
I could probably retire sooner.

Do you plan on getting out there and picking your own tomato's and vegi's also

Nope. If we can't manage to mechanize harvesting of those crops, after we boot the illegal aliens,
we can always set up a temporary work visa program to bring in workers, let them save some money and
send them back after 6 months.

No need to let them stay and strain our budgets.
Nope. If we can't manage to mechanize harvesting of those crops, after we boot the illegal aliens,
we can always set up a temporary work visa program to bring in workers, let them save some money and
send them back after 6 months.

No need to let them stay and strain our budgets.
No need to set up a "temporary" visa program (nothing is truly temporary when it comes to immigration). Mechanization can and will pick up the slack as it has in Japan. And where it can't, raise wages until Americans will do those jobs (while throwing able-bodied welfare recipients off the dole). Out of the price you pay in the supermarket for a head of lettuce, about a nickel goes to the field worker.
Nope. If we can't manage to mechanize harvesting of those crops, after we boot the illegal aliens,
we can always set up a temporary work visa program to bring in workers, let them save some money and
send them back after 6 months.

No need to let them stay and strain our budgets.
No need to set up a "temporary" visa program (nothing is truly temporary when it comes to immigration). Mechanization can and will pick up the slack as it has in Japan. And where it can't, raise wages until Americans will do those jobs (while throwing able-bodied welfare recipients off the dole). Out of the price you pay in the supermarket for a head of lettuce, about a nickel goes to the field worker.
Put perpetual welfare recipients to work on the fields. It is that simple.

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