Trump says torture works


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
B.B.C. just showed an interview with Trump where he states the above and will discuss with various advisers re-instituting "waterboarding", etc.
Remember, Trump is a notorious serial and pathological liar, a conspiracy nut job and a man with serious mental afflictions. Nothing he says can be assumed to be truthful or honest, well informed or accurate.
Perhaps someone has a view into his 'heart' and will be able to interpret what this might mean. Otherwise, we can only assume that the U.S. is descending once more into the 'pre-emptive war' type of outrageous behavior.
B.B.C. just showed an interview with Trump where he states the above and will discuss with various advisers re-instituting "waterboarding", etc.
Just ask John(the canary) McCain.

Vietnam Veterans Speak Out About John 'Songbird' McCain [Revealing Video]
John ‘songbird’ McCain, the so called ‘war hero’ not only buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam, he lied about what happened to him. The group ‘Vietnam Veterans Against McCain’ speaks openly about McCain’s so called heroism as a POW in the Vietnam conflict.
The U.S. is a nation with 'Christian' morals and precepts?
The U.S. is a nation with 'Christian' morals and precepts?

Romans 13:1
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you wish to have no fear of the authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive its approval; 4 for it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for the authority does not bear the sword in vain! It is the servant of God to execute wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be subject, not only because of wrath but also because of conscience.
How many here are in favor of torture?

It depends on what your definition is. Some people think that any physical or even psychological discomfort constitutes "torture". Certainly permanent maiming is torture on the extreme level.
Controlled non-permanent physical coercion like waterboarding has been, and certainly would continue being a useful tactic for interrogators.
I think he should absolutely listen to experts on Waterboarding.......3 Vietnam prisoners of war who experienced waterboarding in their survivial training, and then were actually tortured when they were captured by the Vietnameses socialists in the war...they experienced actual torture......and water boarding...perhaps we should listen to the 3 of them....two of them were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for their experiences.....and the other was the famous P.O.W. who used eye blinking to signal the United States that the P.O.W.s were being tortured...

They know torture, they know waterboarding...this is what these experts say...and yes......they know John McCain and were in the Hanoi hilton with him...

McCain’s fellow POWs support waterboarding

When I was researching my book, “Courting Disaster,” I interviewed many of them, including Col. Bud Day, who received our nation’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor, for his heroic escape from a North Vietnamese prison camp.

When Day was returned to the prison, his right arm was broken in three places and he had been shot in the hand and thigh during his capture. But he continued to resist interrogation and provide false information — suffering such excruciating torture that he became totally physically debilitated and unable to perform even the simplest task for himself. In short, Day is an expert on the subject of torture. Here is what he says about CIA waterboarding:

I am a supporter of waterboarding. It is not torture. Torture is really hurting someone. Waterboarding is just scaring someone, with no long-term injurious effects. It is a scare tactic that works.”

I asked Day in an e-mail what he would say to the CIA officer who waterboarded Khalid Sheik Mohammed, if he had the chance to speak with him. Day replied immediately: “YOU DID THE RIGHT THING.”

And the other Congressional of Medal Awardee...also agrees......waterboarding is not torture.....

Like Day, Col. Leo Thorsness was awarded the Medal of Honor for extraordinary heroism during the Vietnam War. He experienced excruciating torture during his captivity — his back broken, his body wrenched apart. He says what the CIA did to al-Qaeda terrorists in its custody was not torture:

To me, waterboarding is intensive interrogation. It is not torture. Torture involves extreme, brutal pain — breaking bones, passing out from pain, beatings so severe that blood spatters the walls . . . when you pop shoulders out of joints.. . . In my mind, there’s a difference, and in most POWs’ minds there’s a difference.. . . I would not hesitate a second to use ‘enhanced interrogation,’ including waterboarding, if it would save the lives of innocent people.”

And the most famous supporter of water boarding......

Another torture victim who supports waterboarding is Adm. Jeremiah Denton — the POW who famously winked the word “T-O-R-T-U-R-E” in Morse code during a North Vietnamese propaganda interview.

It was the first message to the outside world that American prisoners were being tortured. Denton later received the Navy Cross for this courageous and costly act of defiance, for which he paid dearly when his captors figured out what he had done. I asked Denton if he thought waterboarding was torture. He told me:

“No, I think it’s persuasive.. . . The big, monstrous difference here is that the gentlemen we are waterboarding are people who swore to kill Americans. They will wreak any kind of torture just for the hell of it on anybody. When they are captured by the U.S., and we know or have reason to believe that they know of a subsequent event after 9/11, if you don’t interrogate them, more misery will take place.. . . Waterboarding is not an evil. Some of the things they did to us were torture. I passed out a dozen times from torture. We’re not exerting that kind of excruciation.”
I think some of the time torture works, some times it doesn't.

I part ways with Trump here, as far as reinstituting the use of torture.
Again, America stands as a shining champion of the human spirit.
B.B.C. just showed an interview with Trump where he states the above and will discuss with various advisers re-instituting "waterboarding", etc.
Trump is asking for a review on interrogation techniques.

I know you libs want to defend terrorists at all costs, but make sure you stick to the facts instead of dreaming up alternative facts.
There are no terms suitable for those endorsing such a policy by this nation. Shame!

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