Trump Sets Off Firestorm With Conservatives For Attack On DeSantis

Neither you nor Trump know what fascist means.

xiden’s the current president. and leader of your demafasict party…his coworkers in the obama admin. said he’s been wrong on every foreign policy. decision his entire career…he’s that stupid…every one
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Paul Ryan is a knee jerk anti trumpster

So I really dont care who he endorses

If trump wins ryan will sulk and try to defeat his own party’s nominee

But if DeSantis wins anti trumpsters will expect their support and for my part DeSantis will get it

I love DeSantis, but I also loved Rubio, sooo if it's a vote between TRUMP and DeSantis I'd have to go with TRUMP.
Honestly I hope if TRUMP announces, DeSantis after having won his election will tell the anti-maga rino's like Ryan to F-off by endorsing TRUMP.
I'd also be good if TRUMP decided to not run and announced his support to DeSantis.
Joe many decades ago..nuclear families are survival of the human race. Joe needs to be cut into pieces like meats. Alive and begging to stop the pain.
First, a caveat: I could only get through two pages of the thread. Too many other chores to get to.
However, I did note this alleged quote from DTrump at the recent rally"

DTRump at rally: " I gotta know right now, do you love me, do you need me, will you make me so happy for the rest of my life...
If that is true, that he really said that to the crowd...well.......well, it opens up a snarkapalooza.
So let's try just a handful (there may be more, and better, in the pages I didn't read. But I gotta run. )

1. "DeSantis has my full support. Assuming he runs he will get my vote over Trump"
I would venture out on a limb and project that---poster Maidiac does NOT 'love' nor 'need' DTrump?

2. "He would have my vote."
On the other hand, poster Blaster does love and need him. Or so it seems.

3. "Sometimes Trump goes too far"
4. "DeSantis over Trump.....Plans over bombast."
5. "Trump's not smart."
6. "If the stupid fuck could "ACT" presidential he would still be president."

And, in the interest of time....I lumped the next snark-shots together ....3 thru 6.
After all, they seem to be of like kind, for example: : 'goes too far'---'bombast' ---'not smart' ---'stupid f*ck'.

We are gonna miss DTrump when his circus leaves this town for good.
Where else can we have a fired president exclaim: " do you love me, do you need me, will you make me so happy..."

America is so darn interesting to live in right now.
I'm a retired grandmother. I remember Bishop England, Charleston High and tea dances when Ashley Hall was a boarding school. Do you remember the Turkey Day Races or the Question Mark?
I have been in SC for only 6 years. My wife was transferred here by the Navy and has the responsibility to practice long and short finals on 18's and 22's with blacked out instruments to allow her CO and XO to observe potential human error when there is a catastrophic computer error. Its not easy to watch, but I watch her everyday.
Former President Donald Trump mocked Ron DeSantis at his Saturday night rally—calling the Florida governor “Ron DeSanctimonious.”

And hours later, Trump found himself in hot water with fellow conservatives who weren’t pleased that he’d taken aim at the increasingly popular DeSantis.

During his rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, while touting his poll numbers (from a month ago), Trump found an opening to take a swing at DeSantis, who’s quickly turned into an unofficial 2024 Republican presidential rival.

“There it is, Trump at 71. Ron DeSanctimonious at 10 percent,” Trump said. “Mike Pence at 7–oh, Mike Pence doing better than I thought.” (It’s the first time Trump’s tried out the nickname, but longtime ally Roger Stone—a fierce DeSantis critic—posted the dig about a week ago.)

" I gotta know right now, do you love me, do you need me, will you make me so happy for the rest of my life...

"Let me sleep on it, and I'll give you answer in the morning"
Who doesn't love a good catfight? :popcorn:
First, a caveat: I could only get through two pages of the thread. Too many other chores to get to.
However, I did note this alleged quote from DTrump at the recent rally"

If that is true, that he really said that to the crowd...well.......well, it opens up a snarkapalooza.
So let's try just a handful (there may be more, and better, in the pages I didn't read. But I gotta run. )

I would venture out on a limb and project that---poster Maidiac does NOT 'love' nor 'need' DTrump?

On the other hand, poster Blaster does love and need him. Or so it seems.

And, in the interest of time....I lumped the next snark-shots together ....3 thru 6.
After all, they seem to be of like kind, for example: : 'goes too far'---'bombast' ---'not smart' ---'stupid f*ck'.

We are gonna miss DTrump when his circus leaves this town for good.
Where else can we have a fired president exclaim: " do you love me, do you need me, will you make me so happy..."

America is so darn interesting to live in right now.
If that is true, that he really said that to the crowd..

“IF” he said it?

Didnt you hear and see him say it on a video?

If not then why are you wasting our time with bullshit?
First, a caveat: I could only get through two pages of the thread. Too many other chores to get to.
However, I did note this alleged quote from DTrump at the recent rally"

If that is true, that he really said that to the crowd...well.......well, it opens up a snarkapalooza.
So let's try just a handful (there may be more, and better, in the pages I didn't read. But I gotta run. )

I would venture out on a limb and project that---poster Maidiac does NOT 'love' nor 'need' DTrump?

On the other hand, poster Blaster does love and need him. Or so it seems.

And, in the interest of time....I lumped the next snark-shots together ....3 thru 6.
After all, they seem to be of like kind, for example: : 'goes too far'---'bombast' ---'not smart' ---'stupid f*ck'.

We are gonna miss DTrump when his circus leaves this town for good.
Where else can we have a fired president exclaim: " do you love me, do you need me, will you make me so happy..."

America is so darn interesting to live in right now.
Your inclusion of surada deflates your entire post.
I am so done with Trump! He is a self-serving POS. Telling people to not donate to DeSantis. Attacking DeSantis on the eve mid-terms. F this guy.

Yes I will vote for him if he wins, but I am donating to DeSantis or who ever is close to beating Trump in the primaries.
I am so done with Trump! He is a self-serving POS. Telling people to not donate to DeSantis. Attacking DeSantis on the eve mid-terms. F this guy.

Yes I will vote for him if he wins, but I am donating to DeSantis or who ever is close to beating Trump in the primaries.
If “close” is your determining factor, you’re not going to have anyone else but to give to.
I am so done with Trump! He is a self-serving POS. Telling people to not donate to DeSantis. Attacking DeSantis on the eve mid-terms. F this guy.

Yes I will vote for him if he wins, but I am donating to DeSantis or who ever is close to beating Trump in the primaries.
I guess you missed it tonight. Trump at his rally told everyone to vote for DeSantis. The whole crowd went wild.

I am so done with Trump! He is a self-serving POS. Telling people to not donate to DeSantis. Attacking DeSantis on the eve mid-terms. F this guy.

Yes I will vote for him if he wins, but I am donating to DeSantis or who ever is close to beating Trump in the primaries. lose either way
Former President Donald Trump mocked Ron DeSantis at his Saturday night rally—calling the Florida governor “Ron DeSanctimonious.”

And hours later, Trump found himself in hot water with fellow conservatives who weren’t pleased that he’d taken aim at the increasingly popular DeSantis.

During his rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, while touting his poll numbers (from a month ago), Trump found an opening to take a swing at DeSantis, who’s quickly turned into an unofficial 2024 Republican presidential rival.

“There it is, Trump at 71. Ron DeSanctimonious at 10 percent,” Trump said. “Mike Pence at 7–oh, Mike Pence doing better than I thought.” (It’s the first time Trump’s tried out the nickname, but longtime ally Roger Stone—a fierce DeSantis critic—posted the dig about a week ago.)

" I gotta know right now, do you love me, do you need me, will you make me so happy for the rest of my life...

"Let me sleep on it, and I'll give you answer in the morning"

Sorry to rain on the dipshit parade, but this happened TODAY, after the incident in question:

Yet another Left wing narrative goes up in smoke.

Ever get tired of losing? ;)
One minute Trump goes after DiSantis the next he says to vote for him.

Typical Trump garbage

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