Trump should not concede

I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people.
Private citizen Trump can use all his tweet power to shame legislators into fixing the election system. Everybody would agree with that.
And then in 2024 Trump and Pence can run again in an "honest" election. He can try to be the next Grover Cleveland.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
I think he should not concede either. There is massive evidence of Fraud. They just have to get to the right judge and give the man his day in court.

I have never seen a president denied his basic rights as an American citizen like this one has.

The Attorney General says otherwise:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

There's a reason why Trump's legal team never ONCE made the legal argument in court that fraud had occured. Not once.

You've been played.
cant see what you dont look for,,,

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Its fun when all I have to do is shift the bolding to demonstrate you don't know what you're talking about.
from what I hear from most of the ones making claims is they havent been contacted by the DOJ or FBI,,

just saying you cant see what youre not looking for,,
From what you hear.....from who? Specifically.

Again, we have the Attorney General, his US Attorneys and FBI agents investigating the issue on one hand.

And you, some random soul on the internet, and 'what you've heard' on the other.

What rational person would ignore the AG on his OWN investigations and instead

This is why you don't use OAN as your primary source of information, prog.
we know Barr has a tendency to lie about important issues,, and who really trusts the government when chinas paying for everything,,,
Biden Derangement Syndrome.

It can strike so quickly.
its not BDS when we can talk about actual policy,,

unlike the TDS we have seen the last 4 yrs...
It’s BDS when you make up phony allegations of fraud because you’re brain can’t accept Trump lost the election.
thats not what its all about,,

just remember that going forward,,
while TDS caused 4 yrs of complaining about tweets, if biden gets in we will talk about policy and the fact our president is in the pocket of china,,,

You have some serious BDS too.
so what youre saying is I'm right and all you have left is personal insults,,
I’m saying you’re wrong and you’ll never realize it because of your BDS.
wrong about what???
In this thread so far almost everything.
so biden isnt going to be POTUS???
Of course he is. That’s why your BDS is going from manageable to an incurable disease.
but I said he was,,, WTF,,,
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair.

Get real Dusty. Just what do you think Trump can do? Lock himself in his room? Hold his breath? He's just one person in a sea of corruption. The GOP could have stopped all this and they didn't. The two party system is an illusion. The one thing Trump has proven is that America is being lied to, they BEEN lied to for years, your vote means nothing, YOU mean nothing. You live in a benign oligarchy that views you as nothing but a tax revenue generator for a few useful years to feed THEM. Laws don't matter. Just shut up, work, pay your taxes, and play the game. America has been dead for a long time. America was sold out a long time ago by fatcats wanting to get rich for themselves and your country is now owned by China.
Biden Derangement Syndrome.

It can strike so quickly.
its not BDS when we can talk about actual policy,,

unlike the TDS we have seen the last 4 yrs...
It’s BDS when you make up phony allegations of fraud because you’re brain can’t accept Trump lost the election.
thats not what its all about,,

just remember that going forward,,
while TDS caused 4 yrs of complaining about tweets, if biden gets in we will talk about policy and the fact our president is in the pocket of china,,,

You have some serious BDS too.
so what youre saying is I'm right and all you have left is personal insults,,
I’m saying you’re wrong and you’ll never realize it because of your BDS.
wrong about what???
In this thread so far almost everything.
so biden isnt going to be POTUS???
Of course he is. That’s why your BDS is going from manageable to an incurable disease.
but I said he was,,, WTF,,,
That’s nice. You want a lollipop or a sticker for being so brave?
what trump NEEDS to do is follow the advise of that general and declare martial law to have another election again but one thats fair. find people like us to monitor the votes and everything.
Trump sent out hundreds of lawyers and thousands of poll monitors.
Biden Derangement Syndrome.

It can strike so quickly.
its not BDS when we can talk about actual policy,,

unlike the TDS we have seen the last 4 yrs...
It’s BDS when you make up phony allegations of fraud because you’re brain can’t accept Trump lost the election.
thats not what its all about,,

just remember that going forward,,
while TDS caused 4 yrs of complaining about tweets, if biden gets in we will talk about policy and the fact our president is in the pocket of china,,,

You have some serious BDS too.
so what youre saying is I'm right and all you have left is personal insults,,
I’m saying you’re wrong and you’ll never realize it because of your BDS.
wrong about what???
In this thread so far almost everything.
so biden isnt going to be POTUS???
Of course he is. That’s why your BDS is going from manageable to an incurable disease.
but I said he was,,, WTF,,,
That’s nice. You want a lollipop or a sticker for being so brave?
youre mental,,,
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
I think he should not concede either. There is massive evidence of Fraud. They just have to get to the right judge and give the man his day in court.

I have never seen a president denied his basic rights as an American citizen like this one has.

The Attorney General says otherwise:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

There's a reason why Trump's legal team never ONCE made the legal argument in court that fraud had occured. Not once.

You've been played.
cant see what you dont look for,,,

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Its fun when all I have to do is shift the bolding to demonstrate you don't know what you're talking about.
from what I hear from most of the ones making claims is they havent been contacted by the DOJ or FBI,,

just saying you cant see what youre not looking for,,
From what you hear.....from who? Specifically.

Again, we have the Attorney General, his US Attorneys and FBI agents investigating the issue on one hand.

And you, some random soul on the internet, and 'what you've heard' on the other.

What rational person would ignore the AG on his OWN investigations and instead

This is why you don't use OAN as your primary source of information, prog.
we know Barr has a tendency to lie about important issues,, and who really trusts the government when chinas paying for everything,,,

We do, huh? Is this 'what you heard' on OAN?

Or is it just your latest excuse for ignoring the Attorney General on his own investigations? The AG is a WAY better source than you are on the content of his investigations:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Why would I ignore him and believe you? No offense, but you're nobody. And he's the Attorney General.
I took interest in only a handful of lawsuits on Trump's behalf as the basis of most were purely conjecture. Looking into it I agreed with their case involving Pennsylvania's late mail-in ballots but it stuck me that the combination of all the others boiled down to a poor little rich kid not getting his way. At this point his concession would be as meaningful as Pelosi taping back together Trump's State of the Union address that she ripped up. Two peas in a pod are those two.

It doesn't matter whether Trump concedes or not. He's out as of Jan.20.

His unwillingness to concede will just confirm him as the sleaziest President in history...but then again he'll be remembered as such whether he concedes or not!
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
I think he should not concede either. There is massive evidence of Fraud. They just have to get to the right judge and give the man his day in court.

I have never seen a president denied his basic rights as an American citizen like this one has.

The Attorney General says otherwise:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

There's a reason why Trump's legal team never ONCE made the legal argument in court that fraud had occured. Not once.

You've been played.
cant see what you dont look for,,,

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Its fun when all I have to do is shift the bolding to demonstrate you don't know what you're talking about.
from what I hear from most of the ones making claims is they havent been contacted by the DOJ or FBI,,

just saying you cant see what youre not looking for,,
From what you hear.....from who? Specifically.

Again, we have the Attorney General, his US Attorneys and FBI agents investigating the issue on one hand.

And you, some random soul on the internet, and 'what you've heard' on the other.

What rational person would ignore the AG on his OWN investigations and instead

This is why you don't use OAN as your primary source of information, prog.
we know Barr has a tendency to lie about important issues,, and who really trusts the government when chinas paying for everything,,,

We do, huh? Is this 'what you heard' on OAN?

Or is it just your latest excuse for ignoring the Attorney General on his own investigations? The AG is a WAY better source than you are on the content of his investigations:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Why would I ignore him and believe you? No offense, but you're nobody. And he's the Attorney General.
thats what you guys have been saying since Barr came on the job,,, were you lying???
what trump NEEDS to do is follow the advise of that general and declare martial law to have another election again but one thats fair. find people like us to monitor the votes and everything.
Trump sent out hundreds of lawyers and thousands of poll monitors.
hey shill.stop with your lies he sent out thousands of poll workers,they dont work on me,stop being a troll as well and ignore how that both republican and independent ones were turned away from being able to be monitors after being proved to monitor mister deflector.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

It doesn't matter whether Trump concedes or not. He's out as of Jan.20.

His unwillingness to concede will just confirm him as the sleaziest President in history...but then again he'll be remembered as such whether he concedes or not!

He'll be remembered as whiny, snivelling little bitch.

If he's stupid enough to drink his own batshit flavored Kool-aid, then he deserves to wallow in the bitterness and seething resentment that inevitably follows.
Biden Derangement Syndrome.

It can strike so quickly.
its not BDS when we can talk about actual policy,,

unlike the TDS we have seen the last 4 yrs...
It’s BDS when you make up phony allegations of fraud because you’re brain can’t accept Trump lost the election.
thats not what its all about,,

just remember that going forward,,
while TDS caused 4 yrs of complaining about tweets, if biden gets in we will talk about policy and the fact our president is in the pocket of china,,,

You have some serious BDS too.
so what youre saying is I'm right and all you have left is personal insults,,
I’m saying you’re wrong and you’ll never realize it because of your BDS.
It doesn't matter whether Trump concedes or not. He's out as of Jan.20.

His unwillingness to concede will just confirm him as the sleaziest President in history...but then again he'll be remembered as such whether he concedes or not!
he stupid fuck, according to your logic,if someone comes up to you and takes your coat that is near and dear to you that is special to you,you should just let him have it and not try and fight to get it back.also asshole,he is sticking up for the american people realising if this massive vote fraud happens,then the dems can do it again and again in the future and get away with anything. he will be remembered as the president who tried to vote evil vote fraud and stood up for the american people.

It doesn't matter whether Trump concedes or not. He's out as of Jan.20.

His unwillingness to concede will just confirm him as the sleaziest President in history...but then again he'll be remembered as such whether he concedes or not!

He'll be remembered as whiny, snivelling little bitch.

If he's stupid enough to drink his own batshit flavored Kool-aid, then he deserves to wallow in the bitterness and seething resentment that inevitably follows.

It's everything I've hoped for since 2016.
Total humiliation and embarrassment on the international stage.
He's going to slither back down to MAGAstan in Florida and spew bile and venom until he justly strokes out.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

Agree 100%.

His greatest contribution to this country will be if he during the next two years can work with good Dems and with Pubs to devise an honest election system that is totally transparent.

To show his patriotic devotion to this country, he should promise that he will not stand for office again.

The confusion of the sudden rush to a vote-by-mail scheme was bound to result in "irregularities."

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