Trump should not concede

We would still need martial law and Army soldiers on duty to keep the DEMOCRATs away from the polls so we can vote.

Try to be a little less blatant about your commie lust for a Stalinist election rigged for one-party rule.

Yes, I get that you want your commie ratfuk Trump cult pals to know how devoted your are to the cause of Stalinism, but normal people don't like commies. It's not time yet to be open about being a member of Trump's red brigades.
Trump should not concede

There is nothing that can force Trump to concede.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.

He can live the rest of his life believing he won the election; so what-?
If Trump does not willingly evacuate, vacate the White House he will be physically removed while we the people watch it all unfold in real time, .,.,.,.,.,., in the here and now

The sad truth is Trump actually believed his Supreme Court appointments would abbey his wishes out of loyalty not knowing the difference loyalty and patriotism

"Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. Wikipedia "

Some one could murder another out of loyalty that is unlawful.
A patriate act is lawful. Does anyone here believe Trump knows the difference.
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Not at all, the republicans should run another candidate. Trump should allow someone to take his place as a measure of good faith that it is not all about him.
Trump is getting up there in years, I understand, but Joe Biden is not any younger or more fit to serve.

We would still need martial law and Army soldiers on duty to keep the DEMOCRATs away from the polls so we can vote.
You're just another Trumpanzee who hates Democracy, freedm and the Constitution. THINK about what the fuck you are advcating ! Marshal Law?? Where the hell did Democrats prevent anyone from voting.? To sugget such a thing is irresponsibe, unpatriotic and just plain stupid.
I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise.

Very VERY simple way to do that.
  • Stop spreading all the FUCKING BULLSHIT about fake "fraud".
  • Fucking GROW A PAIR and admit you lost, as did "captured" John McCain, as did Romney, as did Kerry and Gore and H.W. and every defeated candidate before him with the exception of John Adams. FFS even Hillary Clinton did it and she doesn't even have a pair to grow so Rump was out-paired by a woman.
  • Refrain from installing lackeys at the post office to try to sabotage the system by cutting down votes.
  • Refrain from your desperate phone calls to governors and state legislators begging them to disregard their own state laws and the will of their own people just so Numero Uno can have yet another fake magazine cover to beat off with
  • Quit egging on extremists to intimidate the electorate brownshirt-style with "Stand by" bullshit
  • Quit exhorting more extremists to storm their state capitals and plan out abducting and executing the governor
  • MAN THE FUCK UP when they do that and denounce it.
That's a start.

And it will never happen since Rump is way WAY too much of a goddam WIMP to man up to it, as anyone who's watched him plop out all those pathetic whiny 3am tweets knows well.
Donald hasn't done anything honest in his entire life.
You must be one of those idiots who seems to have forgotten about the $35M lawsuit for fraud brought against Trump University.
Or maybe you didn't know that New York state had to shut down his Trump Foundation for unethical fund raising and misuse of donor money.
I could go on but you're braindead, so...waste of time.
Trumps fight is a hopeless cause. But that's not the point. Look at all the money Trump has raised in the guise of funding his fight.

Trump has raised over $250 million, of which over $150 million of it can go directly into his pockets.

The longer Trump keeps this up, the more money he will get the suckers to send him.

And when he walks out of washington, I can bet he'll start a Trump TV network, where his supporters pay $5 a month.

50 million core supporters times $60 a year is a $3 billion dollar payday a year.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
I think he should not concede either. There is massive evidence of Fraud. They just have to get to the right judge and give the man his day in court.

I have never seen a president denied his basic rights as an American citizen like this one has.

The Attorney General says otherwise:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

There's a reason why Trump's legal team never ONCE made the legal argument in court that fraud had occured. Not once.

You've been played.

So how much fraud is ok?
I suspect there will be lots of laws passed to prevent the bullshit that Trump has put the county through. Until now, we could depend on the president having at least some integrity, and respect for the country. Trump has shown we can't count on that any more.
The Democrats' anti-Constitutional agenda of fascist gun control, forced confession in court through collective plea bargaining, the bail bonds cártel, pawn-shop background credit checks for legal gun purchases, mandatory vaccinations, mass murder, and routine mayhem committed on infants, and so on and so forth, must be stopped at all costs by good men willing and able to defend their country from foreign and domestic enemies.

If those things were happening anywhere but in the fevered brains of crazy trump supporters, I would agree with you.
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
I think he should not concede either. There is massive evidence of Fraud. They just have to get to the right judge and give the man his day in court.

I have never seen a president denied his basic rights as an American citizen like this one has.

The Attorney General says otherwise:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

There's a reason why Trump's legal team never ONCE made the legal argument in court that fraud had occured. Not once.

You've been played.

So how much fraud is ok?

An amount that doesn't change its outcome.

For example....the republican in PA who is being investigated for voting fraud won't effect the outcome of the PA election. 1 fraudulent vote for Trump wouldn't change Biden's 80,000 vote lead in the state to any significant degree.

Funny says they dodged it, and dismissed it based on standing, avoiding the merits.

But remember Alito and Thomas said in their descent to their not taking the case, they would not have granted them the relief they sought.

To quote Alito:
I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief,
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

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It's truly insane to see the democrat party, that colluded with Russia, lied about Trump, impeached him based on hatred alone accuses the other side of cheating.
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.
So how much fraud is ok?

As long as the number of fraudulent votes is LESS than the margin of victory, the election results do not suffer.

That said, each and every fraud found should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law so it won't happen again, and discourage others in the future.
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do. The states DID violate the constitution and DID change the voting laws illegally in the middle of the game. That is factual. Sad but factual.

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