Trump should not concede

Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.
They got the case from Texas, and they read the responses from the 4 states before they ruled.

Even Alito joined by Thomas said: I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief,
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do.

You mean the same team that has lost case after case? The one contradicted by judge after judge?

The Supreme Court denied the Texas AG's turd petition on standing. Exactly as I and dozens and dozens of others predicted.

How did we know it, but you didn't?
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
The system that elected him is the same one that elected Biden.
You actually believe that?
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do.

You mean the same team that has lost case after case? The one contradicted by judge after judge?

The Supreme Court denied the Texas AG's turd petition on standing. Exactly as I and dozens and dozens of others predicted.

How did we know it, but you didn't?
Texas cannot be plaintiff in a case against PA.
Trump needs citizens in PA to be the plaintiffs.
That's next.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
The system that elected him is the same one that elected Biden.
You actually believe that?

If only he had watched those shitty youtube videos you keep pushing that turned out to be completely useless.
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do.

You mean the same team that has lost case after case? The one contradicted by judge after judge?

The Supreme Court denied the Texas AG's turd petition on standing. Exactly as I and dozens and dozens of others predicted.

How did we know it, but you didn't?

Where did the SCOTUS say that the laws weren't changed illegally? All they said was Texas can't tell another state how to do their voting laws. The problem is, SCOTUS can because they can rule their method unconstitutional. But this has to be brought up in a lawsuit, they can't do it on their own.
I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise.

Very VERY simple way to do that.
  • Stop spreading all the FUCKING BULLSHIT about fake "fraud".
  • Fucking GROW A PAIR and admit you lost, as did "captured" John McCain, as did Romney, as did Kerry and Gore and H.W. and every defeated candidate before him with the exception of John Adams. FFS even Hillary Clinton did it and she doesn't even have a pair to grow so Rump was out-paired by a woman.
  • Refrain from installing lackeys at the post office to try to sabotage the system by cutting down votes.
  • Refrain from your desperate phone calls to governors and state legislators begging them to disregard their own state laws and the will of their own people just so Numero Uno can have yet another fake magazine cover to beat off with
  • Quit egging on extremists to intimidate the electorate brownshirt-style with "Stand by" bullshit
  • Quit exhorting more extremists to storm their state capitals and plan out abducting and executing the governor
  • MAN THE FUCK UP when they do that and denounce it.
That's a start.

And it will never happen since Rump is way WAY too much of a goddam WIMP to man up to it, as anyone who's watched him plop out all those pathetic whiny 3am tweets knows well.
I'm glad you believe your side when they are saying nothing is wrong. Now watch as nothing is done to safeguard election integrity in the next four years. Even if you believe the elections were as shiny as the freaking snow, it will be telling that the ruling class is fine with crap voting machines, unsupervised vote counting, and woeful voter Identification. Biden won't lift a finger to improve our elections, a person's only chance to have any input on how they are governed. How bad is it that the people who take our money can't be bothered with border or election security?
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
The system that elected him is the same one that elected Biden.
You actually believe that?

If only he had watched those shitty youtube videos you keep pushing that turned out to be completely useless.
The guy's spot on and you never watched them because they don't comply with your emotional disturbance.
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do.

You mean the same team that has lost case after case? The one contradicted by judge after judge?

The Supreme Court denied the Texas AG's turd petition on standing. Exactly as I and dozens and dozens of others predicted.

How did we know it, but you didn't?
Texas cannot be plaintiff in a case against PA.
Trump needs citizens in PA to be the plaintiffs.
That's next.

Yeah, Mike Kelly already tried that. He was denied cert on Wednesday.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
The system that elected him is the same one that elected Biden.
You actually believe that?

If only he had watched those shitty youtube videos you keep pushing that turned out to be completely useless.
The guy's spot on and you never watched them because they don't comply with your emotional disturbance.

Clearly. That's why he predicted Trump's unbroken record of failure.

Because he's got this all figure out.

Oh, wait.....
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do.

You mean the same team that has lost case after case? The one contradicted by judge after judge?

The Supreme Court denied the Texas AG's turd petition on standing. Exactly as I and dozens and dozens of others predicted.

How did we know it, but you didn't?
Texas cannot be plaintiff in a case against PA.
Trump needs citizens in PA to be the plaintiffs.
That's next.

Yeah, Mike Kelly already tried that. He was denied cert on Wednesday.
That was the PA Supreme Count; I don't blame them as I would be afraid to pursue the issue.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
The system that elected him is the same one that elected Biden.
You actually believe that?

If only he had watched those shitty youtube videos you keep pushing that turned out to be completely useless.
The guy's spot on and you never watched them because they don't comply with your emotional disturbance.

Clearly. That's why he predicted Trump's unbroken record of failure.

Because he's got this all figure out.

Oh, wait.....
About 2 week ago he declared Biden would win; are you keeping up on a daily basis or an annual basis?
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do.

You mean the same team that has lost case after case? The one contradicted by judge after judge?

The Supreme Court denied the Texas AG's turd petition on standing. Exactly as I and dozens and dozens of others predicted.

How did we know it, but you didn't?

Where did the SCOTUS say that the laws weren't changed illegally?

Where has any court said they were changed illegally?

Show me any court, federal or state, that has come to this conclusion. These issues were already adjudicated. The State courts found no such violations. And the federal courts that ruled on them ALSO found no such violations.

So who are you citing?
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do.

You mean the same team that has lost case after case? The one contradicted by judge after judge?

The Supreme Court denied the Texas AG's turd petition on standing. Exactly as I and dozens and dozens of others predicted.

How did we know it, but you didn't?

Where did the SCOTUS say that the laws weren't changed illegally?

Where has any court said they were changed illegally?

Show me any court, federal or state, that has come to this conclusion. These issues were already adjudicated. The State courts found no such violations. And the federal courts that ruled on them ALSO found no such violations.

So who are you citing?
The source code is gone so that can't be proven.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
The system that elected him is the same one that elected Biden.
You actually believe that?

If only he had watched those shitty youtube videos you keep pushing that turned out to be completely useless.
The guy's spot on and you never watched them because they don't comply with your emotional disturbance.

Clearly. That's why he predicted Trump's unbroken record of failure.

Because he's got this all figure out.

Oh, wait.....
About 2 week ago he declared Biden would win; are you keeping up on a daily basis or an annual basis?

And I predicted that on November 7th. And correctly predicted the outcome of case after case. And correctly intepreted Trump's shit legal arguments. And told you *exactly* how the Texas turd petition was going to end up.

Down to the basis of dismissal.

You should have been listening to me.
Yea people think the SCOTUS ruled that Trumps case was bad on his merits. This is not true. They didn't even hear it. The facts have not been proven incorrect and all still stand as stated. He was just denied the chance to review his case.

Oh, we were quite clear that the piece of shit lawsuit from Texas was going to be thrown out on standing.

Here's my post on the matter the day after the turd petition as submitted by the Texas AG:

Its more theater for dipshits.

First, Texas doesn't have standing for the election laws in other states. This alone ends any viable legal challenge. But wait, there's more!

Second, the States in question have found no violations of their own election laws. The issues have been adjudicated. Killing the legal challenge again. But lets kick the dead horse, shall we?


That YOU didn't understand the standing issue until the SUpreme Court laid it out for you doesn't mean that anyone else was similarly limited. That shit was super obvious.

Um, Trumps legal team, which has a few decades more experience than you do, says the same thing I do.

You mean the same team that has lost case after case? The one contradicted by judge after judge?

The Supreme Court denied the Texas AG's turd petition on standing. Exactly as I and dozens and dozens of others predicted.

How did we know it, but you didn't?

Where did the SCOTUS say that the laws weren't changed illegally?

Where has any court said they were changed illegally?

Show me any court, federal or state, that has come to this conclusion. These issues were already adjudicated. The State courts found no such violations. And the federal courts that ruled on them ALSO found no such violations.

So who are you citing?
The source code is gone so that can't be proven.

I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
The system that elected him is the same one that elected Biden.
You actually believe that?

If only he had watched those shitty youtube videos you keep pushing that turned out to be completely useless.
The guy's spot on and you never watched them because they don't comply with your emotional disturbance.

Clearly. That's why he predicted Trump's unbroken record of failure.

Because he's got this all figure out.

Oh, wait.....
About 2 week ago he declared Biden would win; are you keeping up on a daily basis or an annual basis?

And I predicted that on November 7th. And correctly predicted the outcome of case after case. And correctly intepreted Trump's shit legal arguments. And told you *exactly* how the Texas turd petition was going to end up.

Down to the basis of dismissal.

You should have been listening to me.
I cannot have a discussion with you because it's obvious you only read the sites that make you happy and you don't keep up with events on a daily basis.
Become a responsible adult and get back to me in about a week or so.
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