Trump should not concede

Get real Dusty. Just what do you think Trump can do? Lock himself in his room? Hold his breath? He's just one person in a sea of corruption. The GOP could have stopped all this and they didn't.
Georgia is the shinning example of this election. In a state governed by a republican, and an election overseen by a republican, they did a hand recount that verified the results, and then they even recounted again to make sure.

Republican run, republican certified, and a democrat victory.

Checked three times.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

Agree 100%.

His greatest contribution to this country will be if he during the next two years can work with good Dems and with Pubs to devise an honest election system that is totally transparent.

To show his patriotic devotion to this country, he should promise that he will not stand for office again.

The confusion of the sudden rush to a vote-by-mail scheme was bound to result in "irregularities."

Donald hasn't done anything honest in his entire life.
You must be one of those idiots who seems to have forgotten about the $35M lawsuit for fraud brought against Trump University.
Or maybe you didn't know that New York state had to shut down his Trump Foundation for unethical fund raising and misuse of donor money.
I could go on but you're braindead, so...waste of time.
have you seen this vie here? gives me goosebumps everytime,thank keep it real for this. he needs to follow the advise of that generl and declare martial laws to have another election so we can makse sure the fraud that occured last time would not happen again.
Sure. We need U.S armed forces to stand guard at every polling place to keep the Democrats away so we can vote in peace without being coerced or bullied for our votes, guns, money, and valuables.
It doesn't matter whether Trump concedes or not. He's out as of Jan.20.

His unwillingness to concede will just confirm him as the sleaziest President in history...but then again he'll be remembered as such whether he concedes or not!

He'll be remembered as whiny, snivelling little bitch.

If he's stupid enough to drink his own batshit flavored Kool-aid, then he deserves to wallow in the bitterness and seething resentment that inevitably follows.
Trump thought he had his aces in the hole. He had his handpicked attorney general (part deux), and he packed the supreme court with a super majority of conservatives, and with a third personally chosen by him.

But as they say, you can't polish a turd, and Trump lost so big, that there was no way to reverse it.
It doesn't matter whether Trump concedes or not. He's out as of Jan.20.

His unwillingness to concede will just confirm him as the sleaziest President in history...but then again he'll be remembered as such whether he concedes or not!
he stupid fuck, according to your logic,if someone comes up to you and takes your coat that is near and dear to you that is special to you,you should just let him have it and not try and fight to get it back.also asshole,he is sticking up for the american people realising if this massive vote fraud happens,then the dems can do it again and again in the future and get away with anything. he will be remembered as the president who tried to vote evil vote fraud and stood up for the american people.

Trump will be remembered as an idiot and an asshole - along with those that supported him.

Your fascist takeover has failed - you'd better crawl back under you rock, sleazeball!
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

dude if he does not seek another term and biden gets in,america will never be america again and wil be a commie dictatership forver,what trump NEEDS to do is follow the advise of that general and declare martial law to have another election again but one thats fair. find people like us to monitor the votes and everything.
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I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.

dude if he does not seek another term and biden gets in,america will never be america again and wil be a commie dictatership forver,what trump NEEDS to do is follow the advise of that general and declare martial law to have another election again but one thats fair. find people like us to monitor the votes and everything.
View attachment 428321
three farts in a row from the trolls.

funny how you stupid fucks think YOU all three are the smart ones and the rest of the world are all idiots,better get off the crack your smoking.unlike you trolls,i post facts and back it up like these two videos below that the whole world loves him.

sorry the truth hurts that it is not the world that is stupid, it is you three trolls.:itsok::itsok::itsok:

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I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
What the hell are you blathering about? At this point,Trump comceeding or not conceding is legally inconsequential. However, his refusal to do so calls into questio0n the viabity of our long tradition of an ordery and peaceful transition.

So what exactly does he need to do. Your rant makes little sense. Americans did trust the voting process and system until he came along and sowed doubt in the minds of millions of hios moronic minons who get their new from Fox and Friends , Newsmax and Billy Graham

If Biden and Harris win? Shit man ! They did win.! You want a do over? That is ludechris! The presidential term ends on 1.20 as per the Constitution. Another election? What exactly would that look like and how would that be legally possible. Clearly you have not put a lot of thought into this.
It doesn't matter whether Trump concedes or not. He's out as of Jan.20.

His unwillingness to concede will just confirm him as the sleaziest President in history...but then again he'll be remembered as such whether he concedes or not!
he stupid fuck, according to your logic,if someone comes up to you and takes your coat that is near and dear to you that is special to you,you should just let him have it and not try and fight to get it back.also asshole,he is sticking up for the american people realising if this massive vote fraud happens,then the dems can do it again and again in the future and get away with anything. he will be remembered as the president who tried to vote evil vote fraud and stood up for the american people.

Trump will be remembered as an idiot and an asshole - along with those that supported him.

Your fascist takeover has failed - you'd better crawl back under you rock, sleazeball!

I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
So you admit the election was rigged, and you want some other Democrat to step up in the Oval Office, rig the stock markets even worse and dictate the Centrally Planned Economy of the United States?
Not at all, the republicans should run another candidate. Trump should allow someone to take his place as a measure of good faith that it is not all about him.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
What the hell are you blathering about? At this point,Trump comceeding or not conceding is legally inconsequential. However, his refusal to do so calls into questio0n the viabity of our long tradition of an ordery and peaceful transition.

So what exactly does he need to do. Your rant makes little sense. Americans did trust the voting process and system until he came along and sowed doubt in the minds of millions of hios moronic minons who get their new from Fox and Friends , Newsmax and Billy Graham

If Biden and Harris win? Shit man ! They did win.! You want a do over? That is ludechris! The presidential term ends on 1.20 as per the Constitution. Another election? What exactly would that look like and how would that be legally possible. Clearly you have not put a lot of thought into this.

as always,you show what stupid fuck blabbering idiot you are.the awake have known election fraud has taken place for decades now idiot. get a fucking clue,its been going on fro decades,watch and get educated.

many americans have known this for decades as well but NOW sense this one was the most obvious in mankind history,the whole world is awake idiot.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
What the hell are you blathering about? At this point,Trump comceeding or not conceeding is legally inconsequential. However, his refusal to do so calls into questio0n the viabity of our long tradition of an ordery and peaceful transition.

So what exactly does he need to do. Your rant makes little sense. Americans did trust the voting process and system until he came along and sowed doubt in the minds of millions of hios moronic minons who get their new from Fox and Friends , Newsmax and Billy Graham

If Biden and Harris win? Shit man ! They did win.! You want a do over? That is ludechris! The presidential term ends on 1.20 as per the Constitution. Another election? What exactly would that look like and how would that be legally possible. Clearly you have not put a lot of thought into this.
You disagee (1) LA RAM FAN | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Is that all you got? Is that the limits of you intelect? Can you respond to my post with some thought and analysis? Apparently not.
Our election system is designed to allow fraud...if we don't change that by going back to one day voting and going back to paper ballots only and making voter ID mandatory across the nation we may as well stop participating in it and wasting our time....
We can't even rely on our supreme court to fix the system so what else is left?....

Tell me you don't feel like you are living in communist China right now...

I suspect there will be lots of laws passed to prevent the bullshit that Trump has put the county through. Until now, we could depend on the president having at least some integrity, and respect for the country. Trump has shown we can't count on that any more.
I highly doubt it. That is the point. The voting machines will not be checked or changed, verification of identity will not be strengthened, and counting stations will still not be tightly monitered. The ruling class will make sure that no security measures are taken, so that voting is moot and they will have guaranteed power. It is obvious politicians have contempt for mere citizens, and this will be their golden ticket to make sure citizens have no input whatsoever.
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Our election system is designed to allow fraud...if we don't change that by going back to one day voting and going back to paper ballots only and making voter ID mandatory across the nation we may as well stop participating in it and wasting our time....
We can't even rely on our supreme court to fix the system so what else is left?....

Tell me you don't feel like you are living in communist China right now...

I suspect there will be lots of laws passed to prevent the bullshit that Trump has put the county through. Until now, we could depend on the president having at least some integrity, and respect for the country. Trump has shown we can't count on that any more.
I highly doubt it. That is the point. The voting machines will not be checked or changed, verification of identity will not be strengthened, and counting stations will still be tightly monitered. The ruling class will make sure that no security measures are taken, so that voting is moot and they will have guaranteed power. It is obvious politicians have contempt for mere citizens, and this will be their golden ticket to make sure citizens have no input whatsoever.
amen to that.:thankusmile:
Not at all, the republicans should run another candidate. Trump should allow someone to take his place as a measure of good faith that it is not all about him.
Trump is getting up there in years, I understand, but Joe Biden is not any younger or more fit to serve.

We would still need martial law and Army soldiers on duty to keep the DEMOCRATs away from the polls so we can vote.
I think Trump should stand up for the Republic. He should demand a voting system that can be demonstrably fair. I do not think he should seek another term. I think he should do something even more important. He needs to make it so all Americans can trust that voting is a real exercise. Once the system is in place, he and Pence should recuse themselves and Americans should have another election with a proven system. If Biden and Harris win with an actual election process, so be it, that is the will of the people. From my perspective, if Trump does not do this, the Republic is over. There will be no need to vote because voting machines and vote counters can fix an election any way the ruling class desires. I'm thinking this is the last chance ordinary citizens have to have any say in how they are governed. If Trump does not act, voting is pointless, and ruling class will have absolute power.
What the hell are you blathering about? At this point,Trump comceeding or not conceding is legally inconsequential. However, his refusal to do so calls into questio0n the viabity of our long tradition of an ordery and peaceful transition.

So what exactly does he need to do. Your rant makes little sense. Americans did trust the voting process and system until he came along and sowed doubt in the minds of millions of hios moronic minons who get their new from Fox and Friends , Newsmax and Billy Graham

If Biden and Harris win? Shit man ! They did win.! You want a do over? That is ludechris! The presidential term ends on 1.20 as per the Constitution. Another election? What exactly would that look like and how would that be legally possible. Clearly you have not put a lot of thought into this.

as always,you show what stupid fuck blabbering idiot you are.the awake have known election fraud has taken place for decades now idiot. get a fucking clue,its been going on fro decades,watch and get educated.

many americans have known this for decades as well but NOW sense this one was the most obvious in mankind history,the whole world is awake idiot.

You are eith brainwashed , stupid or both

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