Trump Signed Legal Documents He Knew Included False Voter Fraud Numbers, Judge Says

Biden won't be running. Meanwhile, 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than for Trump. 7 million more Americans voted for Biden than for Trump. Trump's highest approval rating was the lowest of any president since they started tracking approval ratings and after 4 years of Trump in office, America kicked him out of office in a landslide. You're crazy to think Trump will ever be living in the White House again.
You think Pete Buttplug is going to beat Trump? :laugh:
That is what you have been told and will never have the balls to question anything you are told, and you have been told by proven liars.


No, FruitLoops, that's what the results from the last 8 presidential elections produced. You wouldn't understand. It requires at least a smidge connection to reality, which you lack.
Hillary got more votes then Trump. Then after 4 years of Trump in office, Biden got even more votes than Trump.

Think about that ... Biden.
What the hell does any of that have to do with 2024? Cant you see that the voters have completely lost faith in democrats?
Oh yes it is because Trump did not tell him to find the votes, he asked him to look. Then he (Trump) quoted GA,'s numbers and the SOS said they were wrong. Why is that never mentioned? The SOS said his states own data was false.

The SOS said Trump's numbers were wrong, not that GAs numbers were wrong.

Quit spinning

No, FruitLoops, that's what the results from the last 8 presidential elections produced. You wouldn't understand. It requires at least a smidge connection to reality, which you lack.
Reality is what escapes you. Biden, his handlers, have almost destroyed this country. You are just a dime a dozen traitor.
What the hell does any of that have to do with 2024? Cant you see that the voters have completely lost faith in democrats?

What it has to do with it is before Trump showed America what a horrible leader he is, he lost to Hillary by 3 million votes. AFTER showing America what a horrible leader he is, he lost to Biden by 7 million votes. Biden ... a half senile idiot who wants to take your guns and your gas and defund the police.

And that was before Trump exposed his incompetence on Sedition Day... before it was known he tried to switch out legit Biden electors with fake Trump electors. Pete Butt could die before the election and still beat Trump. The only support Trump will have will come from the Q 5th Avenuers who don't care how horrible Trump is. And fortunately for America, that is not nearly enough support to win the presidency.
Reality is what escapes you. Biden, his handlers, have almost destroyed this country. You are just a dime a dozen traitor.


I'm not anywhere near destroyed, FruitLoops. Between my wife and myself, we've never done better. Sucks to be you with the sky falling on your head.
Please keep hammering on about this right through Nov. 8th.

Good gravy, the entire nation will be crimson red. We're talking Oregon. OREGON
Even Washington State’s Senate race is now a toss up with the Republican within 2 points. Yet the usual suspects can’t see what’s happening in front of their faces.
This should surprise no one. Trump is a traitor to the US and anyone who supports him is one as well.
Utter nonsense. Trump is an American patriot as are the folks that voted for him. Anyone that voted for Biden should be ashamed of themselves.
The poster is correct. Your attempt to defend the crook won't work.
Okfume can’t and wouldn’t even have the balls to try to define “traitor” or “treason.” Why not? Because he wouldn’t want to be involved in undermining his own dishonest contentions.

Okfume is basically dishonest. And a whining pussy.

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