Trump Signs H.R. 3151


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
And speaks some common sense regarding the crisis at the border:

Some highlights:

"The democrats actually like this system, because it's open borders"

"Absolutely insane system of immigration"

"Democrats want to treat illegal immigrants better than Americans"

"The democrats want open borders"

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When the GOP had all 3 branches they could not agree on immigration reforms. They also could not agree on fixing Obamacare. But they gave the wealthy a big tax cut and the Deficit topped $900b. Bang-up job guys.
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When the GOP had all 3 branches they could not agree on immigration reforms. They also could not agree in fixing Obamacare. But they gave the wealthy a big tax cut and the Deficit topped $900b. Bang-up job guys.

Well, the republicans learned their lesson. Never vote for never-Trumper.

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