Trump Signs Order Calling For Work Requirements In Welfare Programs

Plenty of graffiti to remove and trash in the streets to clean up.

Is that the kind of job you're hiring for? Are you a government contractor? Or do you think government should add more jobs to do this work? We'll need a tax increase to pay for it.
I bet welfare recipients drop to half as soon as they are told they need to pick up a broom to earn it.

You didn't answer me. Do you hire for the kinds of jobs you're suggesting need to be done? Who do you propose do those jobs? Who pays for it?
If I'm not mistaken the welfare subsidies the payment no?
They're already being paid.

So, you think that welfare programs pay the equivalent of a full time job?
Back when Bill Clinton signed Newt's "Contract with America" at that time, people on welfare could collect it for 5 years during that time they find work or skills that would make them employable. On year 5 welfare was cut off, and Bill Clinton supposedly had a roaring economy. When Obama came in, he made welfare for a lifetime, and 99 weeks unemployment, and soon his economy was the most in poverty since the war on poverty started.

Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama.
Liberal think that putting more people in poverty will get them more voters like the Obamaphone lady, but what it did was piss off the hard working voter who went and pulled the lever for Donald J. Trump who said he was going to bring jobs back to the US..

Plenty of graffiti to remove and trash in the streets to clean up.

Is that the kind of job you're hiring for? Are you a government contractor? Or do you think government should add more jobs to do this work? We'll need a tax increase to pay for it.
I bet welfare recipients drop to half as soon as they are told they need to pick up a broom to earn it.

You didn't answer me. Do you hire for the kinds of jobs you're suggesting need to be done? Who do you propose do those jobs? Who pays for it?
If I'm not mistaken the welfare subsidies the payment no?

You're not making any sense.
Plenty of graffiti to remove and trash in the streets to clean up.

Is that the kind of job you're hiring for? Are you a government contractor? Or do you think government should add more jobs to do this work? We'll need a tax increase to pay for it.
I bet welfare recipients drop to half as soon as they are told they need to pick up a broom to earn it.

be not cynical nor cruel-----there are lots of welfare recipients who
are unable to work and lots of jerks who "GUARD" them who
are jerks
Plenty of graffiti to remove and trash in the streets to clean up.

Is that the kind of job you're hiring for? Are you a government contractor? Or do you think government should add more jobs to do this work? We'll need a tax increase to pay for it.
I bet welfare recipients drop to half as soon as they are told they need to pick up a broom to earn it.
Especially my ninety year old mother in law, about time she got off her lazy ass...
she gets SS not welfare. different program. you should read up.

BTW, my mom was on the same SS program. heck my wife will be joining this year at age 70.

there are some SS entitlements that are very inadequate
Plenty of graffiti to remove and trash in the streets to clean up.


Trump signs order calling for work requirements in welfare programs

would you believe me if I stated that I know HANDS ON---lots of
GOOD REASONS why such programs are expensive FLOPS?
There is a place for them--------but not a very BIG place
No flop at all. The object is to make people earn what they receive. Anything produced, even minor is just a bonus.

I know---hands on ---THE OBJECTIVE----and I know, HANDS ON---that there are abuses and just silly wasteful endeavors. I agree that the welfare programs are a disaster ---BUT mandatory
scut work a not a useful answer
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
I grew up in poverty, so save your whining for your leftist comrades.
She is a Republican. LOL. I will tell her you called her a whining leftist next time I see her outside chopping wood to heat the house. We already told her to keep her leggs together if she can't afford more kids!
Should have told her earlier.
I did tell her when she was preg with the last one, turns out she already got pregnant again before giving birth to that one.
Lol. Getting pregnant 5 times when you can’t afford 5 children is incredibly selfish and totally irresponsible. Expecting everyone else to pay for your total lack of responsibility and it’s result is also incredibly selfish and arrogant.

That's kind of what we keep telling them, but they both came from large families 10 & 12 children each & think it's normal. I said you have to be a multi millionaire today to do that properly. They already had 2 boys, 1 girl & 1 girl ready to drop when I said that is a healthy perfectly balanced family already, so why keep going & chance a expensive deformed child or something when they already can't afford what they have. They said they were just having fun while she was pregnant thinking she could get pregnant while pregnant. SMFH
You didn't answer me. Do you hire for the kinds of jobs you're suggesting need to be done? Who do you propose do those jobs? Who pays for it?

Able bodied people receiving government assistance?

Great. So whose paying them? You? The taxpayers? I'm not necessarily opposed to the government hiring more employees to clean things up. But it will cost more than we'll save.

They're already getting paid dimwit.
There is plenty of hard work that needs to be done on farms, after welfare loafers spend a week on the farm trust me they will be motivated to find another job.
There is plenty of hard work that needs to be done on farms, after welfare loafers spend a week on the farm trust me they will be motivated to find another job.
Are we going to bus them out to farms? There are no bunk houses out there for them to stay in. I sure as hell ain't letting them touch my farm equipment that cost $500,000 each. Make them build portable bunk houses they can bring with them. Then they can plant & pick produce fix up barns, storage areas etc.
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Plenty of graffiti to remove and trash in the streets to clean up.

Is that the kind of job you're hiring for? Are you a government contractor? Or do you think government should add more jobs to do this work? We'll need a tax increase to pay for it.
I bet welfare recipients drop to half as soon as they are told they need to pick up a broom to earn it.

You didn't answer me. Do you hire for the kinds of jobs you're suggesting need to be done? Who do you propose do those jobs? Who pays for it?
If I'm not mistaken the welfare subsidies the payment no?

You're not making any sense.
The welfare is the payment. Rather than getting paid money you get food/medical/financial. If you get 400 per month in free shit you have to work 400 in value off.

Not sure how this is hard to grasp. Work/school/community service
There is plenty of hard work that needs to be done on farms, after welfare loafers spend a week on the farm trust me they will be motivated to find another job.
Are we going to bus them out to farms? There are no bunk houses out there for them to stay in. I sure as hell ain't letting them touch my farm equipment that cost $500,000 each.

There are plenty of old houses in cities that need repaired or torn down. Get all those able bodied on that. The women with kids can work at daycare or babysit others kids while they work.
There is plenty of hard work that needs to be done on farms, after welfare loafers spend a week on the farm trust me they will be motivated to find another job.
Are we going to bus them out to farms? There are no bunk houses out there for them to stay in. I sure as hell ain't letting them touch my farm equipment that cost $500,000 each.
What if they have played Farming Simulator 2017?
There is plenty of hard work that needs to be done on farms, after welfare loafers spend a week on the farm trust me they will be motivated to find another job.
Are we going to bus them out to farms? There are no bunk houses out there for them to stay in. I sure as hell ain't letting them touch my farm equipment that cost $500,000 each.
What if they have played Farming Simulator 2017?
Can you afford to take that chance? Maybe tax payers will insure the employers against damages they cause?
There is plenty of hard work that needs to be done on farms, after welfare loafers spend a week on the farm trust me they will be motivated to find another job.
Are we going to bus them out to farms? There are no bunk houses out there for them to stay in. I sure as hell ain't letting them touch my farm equipment that cost $500,000 each.
What if they have played Farming Simulator 2017?
Can you afford to take that chance? Maybe tax payers will insure the employers against damages they cause?
I was joking lol
There is plenty of hard work that needs to be done on farms, after welfare loafers spend a week on the farm trust me they will be motivated to find another job.
Are we going to bus them out to farms? There are no bunk houses out there for them to stay in. I sure as hell ain't letting them touch my farm equipment that cost $500,000 each. Make them build portable bunk houses they can bring with them. Then they can plant & pick produce fix up barns, storage areas etc.

Great idea, we can use school busses work on the farm begins at 5am plenty of time to get kids to school after.
The welfare is the payment. Rather than getting paid money you get food/medical/financial. If you get 400 per month in free shit you have to work 400 in value off.

Not sure how this is hard to grasp. Work/school/community service

The first problem is that you seem to assume that anyone who receives some type of welfare is receiving every type of welfare benefit. That's simply not true. Every welfare program has specific and unique qualification criteria. For example, medicaid is a type of welfare program but many people who receive that benefit receive no other benefit.

Second problem is that "financial" seems to be a word you are just using to fill in vague suggestions of benefits that don't actually exist. Are you trying to suggest that they are receiving a cash paycheck? Because cash assistance is pretty rare from what I understand.

Third problem is that you see this as a way for people to "work off" the value of their benefits. That has nothing to do with the work requirements, and nothing to do with what anyone else has said. Are you suggesting that people who receive welfare should be required to provide free work to the government in addition to whatever job they otherwise have?

Fourth problem is the idea that welfare is "free shit." I pay my taxes, those taxes are used for welfare programs. Hopefully I'll never need the extra help, but if I do then I've paid my taxes and have paid my contribution, and will pay my contribution again when I no longer need the help. Not to mention that people who work and also receive welfare also pay taxes. It's not "free shit" it's a taxpayer funded safety net.

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