Trump Signs Order Calling For Work Requirements In Welfare Programs

You didn't answer me. Do you hire for the kinds of jobs you're suggesting need to be done? Who do you propose do those jobs? Who pays for it?

Able bodied people receiving government assistance?

Great. So whose paying them? You? The taxpayers? I'm not necessarily opposed to the government hiring more employees to clean things up. But it will cost more than we'll save.

They're already being paid.
That lady on my street with 5 kids under 5 will have to duct tape those little crying brats into strollers, rope them together into a train & drag them to work. She is going to need a bus for all those car seats, strollers, diaper bags, bottles, etc. I wonder if she will ever get any work done if she makes it there?
I'm sure her street has plenty of graffiti and trash to clean up.
Oh, you mean that safe place for babies with cars zooming by? She can't even herd those little brats to the park & back.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
That lady on my street with 5 kids under 5 will have to duct tape those little crying brats into strollers, rope them together into a train & drag them to work. She is going to need a bus for all those car seats, strollers, diaper bags, bottles, etc. I wonder if she will ever get any work done if she makes it there?
I'm sure her street has plenty of graffiti and trash to clean up.
Oh, you mean that safe place for babies with cars zooming by? She can't even herd those little brats to the park & back.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
Jon Stewart and Michael Moore have a combined worth of almost $300M. I'm sure they will be helping those in need.

Yep. KY is why i even thought about that. Thats similar to what they just did.
I think its awesome. I never understood why the able bodied get paid to sit on their asses

Work requirements have been around for more than 20 years now. I think it's a good idea to allow for some kind of community service work to count towards that requirement when people aren't yet able to find adequate paying work. Most of the time this subject tends to revolve around the idea of saving taxpayer dollars. But realistically, pushing the unemployed/under employed to go out and do volunteer community service to meet the work requirements doesn't reduce the cost of welfare programs. Donald is masturbating politically, but that's about it.
That lady on my street with 5 kids under 5 will have to duct tape those little crying brats into strollers, rope them together into a train & drag them to work. She is going to need a bus for all those car seats, strollers, diaper bags, bottles, etc. I wonder if she will ever get any work done if she makes it there?
I'm sure her street has plenty of graffiti and trash to clean up.
Oh, you mean that safe place for babies with cars zooming by? She can't even herd those little brats to the park & back.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
Sounds like a typical liberal voter...

That lady on my street with 5 kids under 5 will have to duct tape those little crying brats into strollers & drag them to work. She is going to need a bus for all those car seats, strollers, diaper bags, bottles, etc. I wonder if she will ever get any work done if she makes it there?
she doesn't understand baby sitters? wow, and you all call trump stupid.

Hey, BTW, where are the fathers? Noticed I pluralized father.
No sitter would ever watch that many so young & how would she pay them? The father is out working every day from before sun up till way after sundown.
and she still gets welfare? when do they get their food or their diapers or formula visit the doctor. oh the horror.
Plenty of graffiti to remove and trash in the streets to clean up.

Is that the kind of job you're hiring for? Are you a government contractor? Or do you think government should add more jobs to do this work? We'll need a tax increase to pay for it.
I bet welfare recipients drop to half as soon as they are told they need to pick up a broom to earn it.
Especially my ninety year old mother in law, about time she got off her lazy ass...
she gets SS not welfare. different program. you should read up.

BTW, my mom was on the same SS program. heck my wife will be joining this year at age 70.
I'm already on my entitlement program..
Plenty of graffiti to remove and trash in the streets to clean up.

Is that the kind of job you're hiring for? Are you a government contractor? Or do you think government should add more jobs to do this work? We'll need a tax increase to pay for it.
I bet welfare recipients drop to half as soon as they are told they need to pick up a broom to earn it.

You didn't answer me. Do you hire for the kinds of jobs you're suggesting need to be done? Who do you propose do those jobs? Who pays for it?
They might consider jobs like that "community work" not sure if they pay for that?
we call it welfare jobs.
That lady on my street with 5 kids under 5 will have to duct tape those little crying brats into strollers, rope them together into a train & drag them to work. She is going to need a bus for all those car seats, strollers, diaper bags, bottles, etc. I wonder if she will ever get any work done if she makes it there?
Does she have a mother or father, who can watch her fat liberal kids who go get indoctrinated at public schools and get FREE food there, from the rest of US tax payers? Maybe if she spent more time working, she wouldn't be used as a crack whore, producing bastard children who will grow up to be, just like her....
She doesn't drink or use drugs, Her dad is down with cancer & her mom works full time paying her dads medical.
Obama gets half a million for a 30 minute speech these days. I'm sure he will donate it to the needy.

She's white & hates Obama.
That lady on my street with 5 kids under 5 will have to duct tape those little crying brats into strollers, rope them together into a train & drag them to work. She is going to need a bus for all those car seats, strollers, diaper bags, bottles, etc. I wonder if she will ever get any work done if she makes it there?
I'm sure her street has plenty of graffiti and trash to clean up.
Oh, you mean that safe place for babies with cars zooming by? She can't even herd those little brats to the park & back.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
I grew up in poverty, so save your whining for your leftist comrades.
That lady on my street with 5 kids under 5 will have to duct tape those little crying brats into strollers, rope them together into a train & drag them to work. She is going to need a bus for all those car seats, strollers, diaper bags, bottles, etc. I wonder if she will ever get any work done if she makes it there?
I'm sure her street has plenty of graffiti and trash to clean up.
Oh, you mean that safe place for babies with cars zooming by? She can't even herd those little brats to the park & back.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
I grew up in poverty, so save your whining for your leftist comrades.
She is a Republican. LOL. I will tell her you called her a whining leftist next time I see her outside chopping wood to heat the house. We already told her to keep her leggs together if she can't afford more kids!
I'm sure her street has plenty of graffiti and trash to clean up.
Oh, you mean that safe place for babies with cars zooming by? She can't even herd those little brats to the park & back.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
I grew up in poverty, so save your whining for your leftist comrades.
She is a Republican. LOL. I will tell her you called her a whining leftist next time I see her outside chopping wood to heat the house. We already told her to keep her leggs together if she can't afford more kids!
Should have told her earlier.
I'm sure her street has plenty of graffiti and trash to clean up.
Oh, you mean that safe place for babies with cars zooming by? She can't even herd those little brats to the park & back.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
I grew up in poverty, so save your whining for your leftist comrades.
She is a Republican. LOL. I will tell her you called her a whining leftist next time I see her outside chopping wood to heat the house. We already told her to keep her leggs together if she can't afford more kids!
I'm sure DiCaprio is already offering to help her.

Oh, you mean that safe place for babies with cars zooming by? She can't even herd those little brats to the park & back.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
I grew up in poverty, so save your whining for your leftist comrades.
She is a Republican. LOL. I will tell her you called her a whining leftist next time I see her outside chopping wood to heat the house. We already told her to keep her leggs together if she can't afford more kids!
Should have told her earlier.
I did tell her when she was preg with the last one, turns out she already got pregnant again before giving birth to that one.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
I grew up in poverty, so save your whining for your leftist comrades.
She is a Republican. LOL. I will tell her you called her a whining leftist next time I see her outside chopping wood to heat the house. We already told her to keep her leggs together if she can't afford more kids!
Should have told her earlier.
I did tell her when she was preg with the last one, turns out she already got pregnant again before giving birth to that one.
See, if she worked she wouldn't have the time nor energy for sex.
how does she get food her clothes? oh the horror.
Her man uses EBT card to bring them food after work. She can't drive because she can't afford glasses.
I grew up in poverty, so save your whining for your leftist comrades.
She is a Republican. LOL. I will tell her you called her a whining leftist next time I see her outside chopping wood to heat the house. We already told her to keep her leggs together if she can't afford more kids!
Should have told her earlier.
I did tell her when she was preg with the last one, turns out she already got pregnant again before giving birth to that one.
Lol. Getting pregnant 5 times when you can’t afford 5 children is incredibly selfish and totally irresponsible. Expecting everyone else to pay for your total lack of responsibility and it’s result is also incredibly selfish and arrogant.
They're already being paid.

So, you think that welfare programs pay the equivalent of a full time job?
Back when Bill Clinton signed Newt's "Contract with America" at that time, people on welfare could collect it for 5 years during that time they find work or skills that would make them employable. On year 5 welfare was cut off, and Bill Clinton supposedly had a roaring economy. When Obama came in, he made welfare for a lifetime, and 99 weeks unemployment, and soon his economy was the most in poverty since the war on poverty started.

Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama.
Liberal think that putting more people in poverty will get them more voters like the Obamaphone lady, but what it did was piss off the hard working voter who went and pulled the lever for Donald J. Trump who said he was going to bring jobs back to the US..

This will only anger the laziest entitled among us. And of course Communists/Democrats who need more Citizens poor and helpless. Their Party can only thrive on misery.

But good on Trump. There are many ways folks can contribute to communities. They can give back.

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