Trump: something is wrong with him, listen to the speech

Hillary spent her entire freaking pathetic adult life covering up her husband's infidelities and abuse of women for some reflected political power. The media knew about Bill Clinton being accused of rape and he fact that he refused to make his physical condition public after he was elected and they covered it up or laughed about the statute of limitations. Hillary called in sick from her job as secretary /state and she goes into a coughing fit when she has to make a speech and the left thinks Trump is sick? The left must be going crazy.
He slurs, he meanders, he mumbles. Does he have syphilis breaking into his brain? This is very serious.

Watch Trump Give a Startlingly Bizarre Speech Sort of About Running for President

"The cameras are like a sausage". I think that's my fave. For now.

"My sister who's a federal judge" --- he forgot to add, who refers to her brother as "P.T. Barnum".... :lol:

I'm just praying he doesn't get elected :p.
Anyone but Hillary.
title of the thread should be , --- We lefties are getting scared that the TRUMP may win the Presidency !! :afro:
Nope, we all know that Trump is crumbling. We are trying to show your dwindling minority, pismoe, that Trump does not have what America needs.
We also have this.
He slurs, he meanders, he mumbles. Does he have syphilis breaking into his brain? This is very serious.

Watch Trump Give a Startlingly Bizarre Speech Sort of About Running for President

"The cameras are like a sausage". I think that's my fave. For now.

"My sister who's a federal judge" --- he forgot to add, who refers to her brother as "P.T. Barnum".... :lol:

I'm just praying he doesn't get elected :p.
Anyone but Hillary.
Vote Johnson and Weld.
Remember how Perry lost all traction when he reacted so goofily to the meds for his cold or whatever.
The weirdness of the speech couldn't possibly have anything to do with the editing, right?

maybe they could edit something relevant into the speech, ya know weird shit like ISSUES ... oh, thats right, he never mentions those ... my bad.

He does, but it's all about hating and fearing thy neighbour, or telling them they're a loser. I know that Boehner said that Ted Cruz was "Lucifer in the flesh" and he's probably right, but I definitely think Trump would make a good understudy :p.
The weirdness of the speech couldn't possibly have anything to do with the editing, right?

You might have a point if it was edited word-by-word. He does wander and go off on tangents. As I said in a different thread, he fits 9 out of 10 points for sociopathy. He's deluded into thinking every word he utters is some sort of pearl. But in reality he has the demeanor of a smug, arrogant 15-year-old boy.
his son was standing there looking like he might need to pull daddy off to the side at any moment.
He slurs, he meanders, he mumbles. Does he have syphilis breaking into his brain? This is very serious.

Watch Trump Give a Startlingly Bizarre Speech Sort of About Running for President

Actually I've seen people talking like that and believing any and all conspiracies they see.

My grandmother and my mom when they were about the same age and the signs of Alzheimers couldn't be ignored anymore.

They both retained congnizant though for about 5 more years then they had to be put in a facility for their own safety.
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his son was standing there looking like he might need to pull daddy off to the side at any moment.

Even better was the look he got for the line "I love the poorly educated". Watch the one on the right, he's like, "uh... where exactly are you going with this?"

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Seems to get more intense as he goes on.

I'm thinking edible mj.

I'm thinking that might be a good avenue for him.


Donald Trump's inspiring new book, An Open Heart lovingly teaches the art of using compassion and kindness in everyday life and business. The Donald will explain how a self-centered attitude can be destructive not only towards society, but to the individual as well. You'll learn how accepting responsibility and maintaining respect, compassion and kindness toward others brings peace and happiness. You'll also learn:

  • Why the prime purpose in life is to help others.
  • How the roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation.
  • Why love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
  • How materialism and consumerism lead to suffering.
  • Rosie O'Donnell is a human being whom I love and respect.

I know Trumpy is on his game when he uses the term.....


That's when I know he's locked in like a laser....

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